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package com.sun.org.apache.xml.internal.serialize;

import java.io.Writer;
import java.io.StringWriter;
import java.io.IOException;

Extends Printer and adds support for indentation and line wrapping.
Author:Assaf Arkin
Deprecated:As of JDK 9, Xerces 2.9.0, Xerces DOM L3 Serializer implementation is replaced by that of Xalan. Main class DOMSerializerImpl is replaced by LSSerializerImpl.
/** * Extends {@link Printer} and adds support for indentation and line * wrapping. * * @author <a href="mailto:arkin@intalio.com">Assaf Arkin</a> * * @deprecated As of JDK 9, Xerces 2.9.0, Xerces DOM L3 Serializer implementation * is replaced by that of Xalan. Main class * {@link com.sun.org.apache.xml.internal.serialize.DOMSerializerImpl} is replaced * by {@link com.sun.org.apache.xml.internal.serializer.dom3.LSSerializerImpl}. */
public class IndentPrinter extends Printer {
Holds the currently accumulating text line. This buffer will constantly be reused by deleting its contents instead of reallocating it.
/** * Holds the currently accumulating text line. This buffer will constantly * be reused by deleting its contents instead of reallocating it. */
private StringBuffer _line;
Holds the currently accumulating text that follows _line. When the end of the part is identified by a call to printSpace or breakLine, this part is added to the accumulated line.
/** * Holds the currently accumulating text that follows {@link #_line}. * When the end of the part is identified by a call to {@link #printSpace} * or {@link #breakLine}, this part is added to the accumulated line. */
private StringBuffer _text;
Counts how many white spaces come between the accumulated line and the current accumulated text. Multiple spaces at the end of the a line will not be printed.
/** * Counts how many white spaces come between the accumulated line and the * current accumulated text. Multiple spaces at the end of the a line * will not be printed. */
private int _spaces;
Holds the indentation for the current line that is now accumulating in memory and will be sent for printing shortly.
/** * Holds the indentation for the current line that is now accumulating in * memory and will be sent for printing shortly. */
private int _thisIndent;
Holds the indentation for the next line to be printed. After this line is printed, _nextIndent is assigned to _thisIndent.
/** * Holds the indentation for the next line to be printed. After this line is * printed, {@link #_nextIndent} is assigned to {@link #_thisIndent}. */
private int _nextIndent; public IndentPrinter( Writer writer, OutputFormat format) { super( writer, format ); // Initialize everything for a first/second run. _line = new StringBuffer( 80 ); _text = new StringBuffer( 20 ); _spaces = 0; _thisIndent = _nextIndent = 0; }
Called by any of the DTD handlers to enter DTD mode. Once entered, all output will be accumulated in a string that can be printed as part of the document's DTD. This method may be called any number of time but will only have affect the first time it's called. To exist DTD state and get the accumulated DTD, call leaveDTD.
/** * Called by any of the DTD handlers to enter DTD mode. * Once entered, all output will be accumulated in a string * that can be printed as part of the document's DTD. * This method may be called any number of time but will only * have affect the first time it's called. To exist DTD state * and get the accumulated DTD, call {@link #leaveDTD}. */
public void enterDTD() { // Can only enter DTD state once. Once we're out of DTD // state, can no longer re-enter it. if ( _dtdWriter == null ) { _line.append( _text ); _text = new StringBuffer( 20 ); flushLine( false ); _dtdWriter = new StringWriter(); _docWriter = _writer; _writer = _dtdWriter; } }
Called by the root element to leave DTD mode and if any DTD parts were printer, will return a string with their textual content.
/** * Called by the root element to leave DTD mode and if any * DTD parts were printer, will return a string with their * textual content. */
public String leaveDTD() { // Only works if we're going out of DTD mode. if ( _writer == _dtdWriter ) { _line.append( _text ); _text = new StringBuffer( 20 ); flushLine( false ); _writer = _docWriter; return _dtdWriter.toString(); } else return null; }
Called to print additional text. Each time this method is called it accumulates more text. When a space is printed (printSpace) all the accumulated text becomes one part and is added to the accumulate line. When a line is long enough, it can be broken at its text boundary.
  • text – The text to print
/** * Called to print additional text. Each time this method is called * it accumulates more text. When a space is printed ({@link * #printSpace}) all the accumulated text becomes one part and is * added to the accumulate line. When a line is long enough, it can * be broken at its text boundary. * * @param text The text to print */
public void printText( String text ) { _text.append( text ); } public void printText( StringBuffer text ) { _text.append( text.toString() ); } public void printText( char ch ) { _text.append( ch ); } public void printText( char[] chars, int start, int length ) { _text.append( chars, start, length ); }
Called to print a single space between text parts that may be broken into separate lines. Must not be called to print a space when preserving spaces. The text accumulated so far with printText will be added to the accumulated line, and a space separator will be counted. If the line accumulated so far is long enough, it will be printed.
/** * Called to print a single space between text parts that may be * broken into separate lines. Must not be called to print a space * when preserving spaces. The text accumulated so far with {@link * #printText} will be added to the accumulated line, and a space * separator will be counted. If the line accumulated so far is * long enough, it will be printed. */
public void printSpace() { // The line consists of the text accumulated in _line, // followed by one or more spaces as counted by _spaces, // followed by more space accumulated in _text: // - Text is printed and accumulated into _text. // - A space is printed, so _text is added to _line and // a space is counted. // - More text is printed and accumulated into _text. // - A space is printed, the previous spaces are added // to _line, the _text is added to _line, and a new // space is counted. // If text was accumulated with printText(), then the space // means we have to move that text into the line and // start accumulating new text with printText(). if ( _text.length() > 0 ) { // If the text breaks a line bounary, wrap to the next line. // The printed line size consists of the indentation we're going // to use next, the accumulated line so far, some spaces and the // accumulated text so far. if ( _format.getLineWidth() > 0 && _thisIndent + _line.length() + _spaces + _text.length() > _format.getLineWidth() ) { flushLine( false ); try { // Print line and new line, then zero the line contents. _writer.write( _format.getLineSeparator() ); } catch ( IOException except ) { // We don't throw an exception, but hold it // until the end of the document. if ( _exception == null ) _exception = except; } } // Add as many spaces as we accumulaed before. // At the end of this loop, _spaces is zero. while ( _spaces > 0 ) { _line.append( ' ' ); --_spaces; } _line.append( _text ); _text = new StringBuffer( 20 ); } // Starting a new word: accumulate the text between the line // and this new word; not a new word: just add another space. ++_spaces; }
Called to print a line consisting of the text accumulated so far. This is equivalent to calling printSpace but forcing the line to print and starting a new line (printSpace will only start a new line if the current line is long enough).
/** * Called to print a line consisting of the text accumulated so * far. This is equivalent to calling {@link #printSpace} but * forcing the line to print and starting a new line ({@link * #printSpace} will only start a new line if the current line * is long enough). */
public void breakLine() { breakLine( false ); } public void breakLine( boolean preserveSpace ) { // Equivalent to calling printSpace and forcing a flushLine. if ( _text.length() > 0 ) { while ( _spaces > 0 ) { _line.append( ' ' ); --_spaces; } _line.append( _text ); _text = new StringBuffer( 20 ); } flushLine( preserveSpace ); try { // Print line and new line, then zero the line contents. _writer.write( _format.getLineSeparator() ); } catch ( IOException except ) { // We don't throw an exception, but hold it // until the end of the document. if ( _exception == null ) _exception = except; } }
Flushes the line accumulated so far to the writer and get ready to accumulate the next line. This method is called by printText and printSpace when the accumulated line plus accumulated text are two long to fit on a given line. At the end of this method _line is empty and _spaces is zero.
/** * Flushes the line accumulated so far to the writer and get ready * to accumulate the next line. This method is called by {@link * #printText} and {@link #printSpace} when the accumulated line plus * accumulated text are two long to fit on a given line. At the end of * this method _line is empty and _spaces is zero. */
public void flushLine( boolean preserveSpace ) { int indent; if ( _line.length() > 0 ) { try { if ( _format.getIndenting() && ! preserveSpace ) { // Make sure the indentation does not blow us away. indent = _thisIndent; if ( ( 2 * indent ) > _format.getLineWidth() && _format.getLineWidth() > 0 ) indent = _format.getLineWidth() / 2; // Print the indentation as spaces and set the current // indentation to the next expected indentation. while ( indent > 0 ) { _writer.write( ' ' ); --indent; } } _thisIndent = _nextIndent; // There is no need to print the spaces at the end of the line, // they are simply stripped and replaced with a single line // separator. _spaces = 0; _writer.write( _line.toString() ); _line = new StringBuffer( 40 ); } catch ( IOException except ) { // We don't throw an exception, but hold it // until the end of the document. if ( _exception == null ) _exception = except; } } }
Flush the output stream. Must be called when done printing the document, otherwise some text might be buffered.
/** * Flush the output stream. Must be called when done printing * the document, otherwise some text might be buffered. */
public void flush() { if ( _line.length() > 0 || _text.length() > 0 ) breakLine(); try { _writer.flush(); } catch ( IOException except ) { // We don't throw an exception, but hold it // until the end of the document. if ( _exception == null ) _exception = except; } }
Increment the indentation for the next line.
/** * Increment the indentation for the next line. */
public void indent() { _nextIndent += _format.getIndent(); }
Decrement the indentation for the next line.
/** * Decrement the indentation for the next line. */
public void unindent() { _nextIndent -= _format.getIndent(); if ( _nextIndent < 0 ) _nextIndent = 0; // If there is no current line and we're de-identing then // this indentation level is actually the next level. if ( ( _line.length() + _spaces + _text.length() ) == 0 ) _thisIndent = _nextIndent; } public int getNextIndent() { return _nextIndent; } public void setNextIndent( int indent ) { _nextIndent = indent; } public void setThisIndent( int indent ) { _thisIndent = indent; } }