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package com.sun.org.apache.xml.internal.resolver.helpers;

Static methods for dealing with public identifiers.

This class defines a set of static methods that can be called to handle public identifiers.

Author:Norman Walsh Norman.Walsh@Sun.COM
/** * Static methods for dealing with public identifiers. * * <p>This class defines a set of static methods that can be called * to handle public identifiers.</p> * * @author Norman Walsh * <a href="mailto:Norman.Walsh@Sun.COM">Norman.Walsh@Sun.COM</a> * */
public abstract class PublicId { protected PublicId() {}
Normalize a public identifier.

Public identifiers must be normalized according to the following rules before comparisons between them can be made:

  • Whitespace characters are normalized to spaces (e.g., line feeds, tabs, etc. become spaces).
  • Leading and trailing whitespace is removed.
  • Multiple internal whitespaces are normalized to a single space.

This method is declared static so that other classes can use it directly.

  • publicId – The unnormalized public identifier.
Returns:The normalized identifier.
/** * Normalize a public identifier. * * <p>Public identifiers must be normalized according to the following * rules before comparisons between them can be made:</p> * * <ul> * <li>Whitespace characters are normalized to spaces (e.g., line feeds, * tabs, etc. become spaces).</li> * <li>Leading and trailing whitespace is removed.</li> * <li>Multiple internal whitespaces are normalized to a single * space.</li> * </ul> * * <p>This method is declared static so that other classes * can use it directly.</p> * * @param publicId The unnormalized public identifier. * * @return The normalized identifier. */
public static String normalize(String publicId) { String normal = publicId.replace('\t', ' '); normal = normal.replace('\r', ' '); normal = normal.replace('\n', ' '); normal = normal.trim(); int pos; while ((pos = normal.indexOf(" ")) >= 0) { normal = normal.substring(0, pos) + normal.substring(pos+1); } return normal; }
Encode a public identifier as a "publicid" URN.

This method is declared static so that other classes can use it directly.

  • publicId – The unnormalized public identifier.
Returns:The normalized identifier.
/** * Encode a public identifier as a "publicid" URN. * * <p>This method is declared static so that other classes * can use it directly.</p> * * @param publicId The unnormalized public identifier. * * @return The normalized identifier. */
public static String encodeURN(String publicId) { String urn = PublicId.normalize(publicId); urn = PublicId.stringReplace(urn, "%", "%25"); urn = PublicId.stringReplace(urn, ";", "%3B"); urn = PublicId.stringReplace(urn, "'", "%27"); urn = PublicId.stringReplace(urn, "?", "%3F"); urn = PublicId.stringReplace(urn, "#", "%23"); urn = PublicId.stringReplace(urn, "+", "%2B"); urn = PublicId.stringReplace(urn, " ", "+"); urn = PublicId.stringReplace(urn, "::", ";"); urn = PublicId.stringReplace(urn, ":", "%3A"); urn = PublicId.stringReplace(urn, "//", ":"); urn = PublicId.stringReplace(urn, "/", "%2F"); StringBuilder buffer = new StringBuilder(13 + urn.length()); buffer.append("urn:publicid:"); buffer.append(urn); return buffer.toString(); }
Decode a "publicid" URN into a public identifier.

This method is declared static so that other classes can use it directly.

  • urn – The urn:publicid: URN
Returns:The normalized identifier.
/** * Decode a "publicid" URN into a public identifier. * * <p>This method is declared static so that other classes * can use it directly.</p> * * @param urn The urn:publicid: URN * * @return The normalized identifier. */
public static String decodeURN(String urn) { String publicId; if (urn.startsWith("urn:publicid:")) { publicId = urn.substring(13); } else { return urn; } final boolean hasEscape = (publicId.indexOf('%') >= 0); if (hasEscape) { publicId = PublicId.stringReplace(publicId, "%2F", "/"); } publicId = PublicId.stringReplace(publicId, ":", "//"); if (hasEscape) { publicId = PublicId.stringReplace(publicId, "%3A", ":"); } publicId = PublicId.stringReplace(publicId, ";", "::"); publicId = PublicId.stringReplace(publicId, "+", " "); if (hasEscape) { publicId = PublicId.stringReplace(publicId, "%2B", "+"); publicId = PublicId.stringReplace(publicId, "%23", "#"); publicId = PublicId.stringReplace(publicId, "%3F", "?"); publicId = PublicId.stringReplace(publicId, "%27", "'"); publicId = PublicId.stringReplace(publicId, "%3B", ";"); publicId = PublicId.stringReplace(publicId, "%25", "%"); } return publicId; }
Replace one string with another.
/** * Replace one string with another. */
private static String stringReplace(String str, String oldStr, String newStr) { int pos = str.indexOf(oldStr); if (pos >= 0) { final StringBuilder buffer = new StringBuilder(); final int oldStrLength = oldStr.length(); int start = 0; do { for (int i = start; i < pos; ++i) { buffer.append(str.charAt(i)); } buffer.append(newStr); start = pos + oldStrLength; pos = str.indexOf(oldStr, start); } while (pos >= 0); final int strLength = str.length(); for (int i = start; i < strLength; ++i) { buffer.append(str.charAt(i)); } return buffer.toString(); } return str; } }