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package com.sun.org.apache.xerces.internal.util;

import java.util.Enumeration;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.NoSuchElementException;
import java.util.Vector;

import com.sun.org.apache.xerces.internal.xni.NamespaceContext;

Namespace support for XML document handlers. This class doesn't perform any error checking and assumes that all strings passed as arguments to methods are unique symbols. The SymbolTable class can be used for this purpose.
Author:Andy Clark, IBM
/** * Namespace support for XML document handlers. This class doesn't * perform any error checking and assumes that all strings passed * as arguments to methods are unique symbols. The SymbolTable class * can be used for this purpose. * * @author Andy Clark, IBM * */
public class NamespaceSupport implements NamespaceContext { // // Data //
Namespace binding information. This array is composed of a series of tuples containing the namespace binding information: <prefix, uri>. The default size can be set to anything as long as it is a power of 2 greater than 1.
See Also:
/** * Namespace binding information. This array is composed of a * series of tuples containing the namespace binding information: * &lt;prefix, uri&gt;. The default size can be set to anything * as long as it is a power of 2 greater than 1. * * @see #fNamespaceSize * @see #fContext */
protected String[] fNamespace = new String[16 * 2];
The top of the namespace information array.
/** The top of the namespace information array. */
protected int fNamespaceSize; // NOTE: The constructor depends on the initial context size // being at least 1. -Ac
Context indexes. This array contains indexes into the namespace information array. The index at the current context is the start index of declared namespace bindings and runs to the size of the namespace information array.
See Also:
  • fNamespaceSize
/** * Context indexes. This array contains indexes into the namespace * information array. The index at the current context is the start * index of declared namespace bindings and runs to the size of the * namespace information array. * * @see #fNamespaceSize */
protected int[] fContext = new int[8];
The current context.
/** The current context. */
protected int fCurrentContext; protected String[] fPrefixes = new String[16]; // // Constructors //
Default constructor.
/** Default constructor. */
public NamespaceSupport() { } // <init>()
Constructs a namespace context object and initializes it with the prefixes declared in the specified context.
/** * Constructs a namespace context object and initializes it with * the prefixes declared in the specified context. */
public NamespaceSupport(NamespaceContext context) { pushContext(); // copy declaration in the context Enumeration prefixes = context.getAllPrefixes(); while (prefixes.hasMoreElements()){ String prefix = (String)prefixes.nextElement(); String uri = context.getURI(prefix); declarePrefix(prefix, uri); } } // <init>(NamespaceContext) // // Public methods //
See Also:
  • reset.reset()
/** * @see com.sun.org.apache.xerces.internal.xni.NamespaceContext#reset() */
public void reset() { // reset namespace and context info fNamespaceSize = 0; fCurrentContext = 0; // bind "xml" prefix to the XML uri fNamespace[fNamespaceSize++] = XMLSymbols.PREFIX_XML; fNamespace[fNamespaceSize++] = NamespaceContext.XML_URI; // bind "xmlns" prefix to the XMLNS uri fNamespace[fNamespaceSize++] = XMLSymbols.PREFIX_XMLNS; fNamespace[fNamespaceSize++] = NamespaceContext.XMLNS_URI; fContext[fCurrentContext] = fNamespaceSize; //++fCurrentContext; } // reset(SymbolTable)
See Also:
  • pushContext.pushContext()
/** * @see com.sun.org.apache.xerces.internal.xni.NamespaceContext#pushContext() */
public void pushContext() { // extend the array, if necessary if (fCurrentContext + 1 == fContext.length) { int[] contextarray = new int[fContext.length * 2]; System.arraycopy(fContext, 0, contextarray, 0, fContext.length); fContext = contextarray; } // push context fContext[++fCurrentContext] = fNamespaceSize; //System.out.println("calling push context, current context = " + fCurrentContext); } // pushContext()
See Also:
  • popContext.popContext()
/** * @see com.sun.org.apache.xerces.internal.xni.NamespaceContext#popContext() */
public void popContext() { fNamespaceSize = fContext[fCurrentContext--]; //System.out.println("Calling popContext, fCurrentContext = " + fCurrentContext); } // popContext()
See Also:
  • declarePrefix.declarePrefix(String, String)
/** * @see com.sun.org.apache.xerces.internal.xni.NamespaceContext#declarePrefix(String, String) */
public boolean declarePrefix(String prefix, String uri) { // ignore "xml" and "xmlns" prefixes if (prefix == XMLSymbols.PREFIX_XML || prefix == XMLSymbols.PREFIX_XMLNS) { return false; } // see if prefix already exists in current context for (int i = fNamespaceSize; i > fContext[fCurrentContext]; i -= 2) { if (fNamespace[i - 2] == prefix) { // REVISIT: [Q] Should the new binding override the // previously declared binding or should it // it be ignored? -Ac // NOTE: The SAX2 "NamespaceSupport" helper allows // re-bindings with the new binding overwriting // the previous binding. -Ac fNamespace[i - 1] = uri; return true; } } // resize array, if needed if (fNamespaceSize == fNamespace.length) { String[] namespacearray = new String[fNamespaceSize * 2]; System.arraycopy(fNamespace, 0, namespacearray, 0, fNamespaceSize); fNamespace = namespacearray; } // bind prefix to uri in current context fNamespace[fNamespaceSize++] = prefix; fNamespace[fNamespaceSize++] = uri; return true; } // declarePrefix(String,String):boolean
See Also:
  • getURI.getURI(String)
/** * @see com.sun.org.apache.xerces.internal.xni.NamespaceContext#getURI(String) */
public String getURI(String prefix) { // find prefix in current context for (int i = fNamespaceSize; i > 0; i -= 2) { if (fNamespace[i - 2] == prefix) { return fNamespace[i - 1]; } } // prefix not found return null; } // getURI(String):String
See Also:
  • getPrefix.getPrefix(String)
/** * @see com.sun.org.apache.xerces.internal.xni.NamespaceContext#getPrefix(String) */
public String getPrefix(String uri) { // find uri in current context for (int i = fNamespaceSize; i > 0; i -= 2) { if (fNamespace[i - 1] == uri) { if (getURI(fNamespace[i - 2]) == uri) return fNamespace[i - 2]; } } // uri not found return null; } // getPrefix(String):String
See Also:
  • getDeclaredPrefixCount.getDeclaredPrefixCount()
/** * @see com.sun.org.apache.xerces.internal.xni.NamespaceContext#getDeclaredPrefixCount() */
public int getDeclaredPrefixCount() { return (fNamespaceSize - fContext[fCurrentContext]) / 2; } // getDeclaredPrefixCount():int
See Also:
  • getDeclaredPrefixAt.getDeclaredPrefixAt(int)
/** * @see com.sun.org.apache.xerces.internal.xni.NamespaceContext#getDeclaredPrefixAt(int) */
public String getDeclaredPrefixAt(int index) { return fNamespace[fContext[fCurrentContext] + index * 2]; } // getDeclaredPrefixAt(int):String public Iterator getPrefixes(){ int count = 0; if (fPrefixes.length < (fNamespace.length/2)) { // resize prefix array String[] prefixes = new String[fNamespaceSize]; fPrefixes = prefixes; } String prefix = null; boolean unique = true; for (int i = 2; i < (fNamespaceSize-2); i += 2) { prefix = fNamespace[i + 2]; for (int k=0;k<count;k++){ if (fPrefixes[k]==prefix){ unique = false; break; } } if (unique){ fPrefixes[count++] = prefix; } unique = true; } return new IteratorPrefixes(fPrefixes, count); }//getPrefixes
See Also:
  • getAllPrefixes.getAllPrefixes()
/** * @see com.sun.org.apache.xerces.internal.xni.NamespaceContext#getAllPrefixes() */
public Enumeration getAllPrefixes() { int count = 0; if (fPrefixes.length < (fNamespace.length/2)) { // resize prefix array String[] prefixes = new String[fNamespaceSize]; fPrefixes = prefixes; } String prefix = null; boolean unique = true; for (int i = 2; i < (fNamespaceSize-2); i += 2) { prefix = fNamespace[i + 2]; for (int k=0;k<count;k++){ if (fPrefixes[k]==prefix){ unique = false; break; } } if (unique){ fPrefixes[count++] = prefix; } unique = true; } return new Prefixes(fPrefixes, count); } public Vector getPrefixes(String uri){ int count = 0; String prefix = null; boolean unique = true; Vector prefixList = new Vector(); for (int i = fNamespaceSize; i >0 ; i -= 2) { if(fNamespace[i-1] == uri){ if(!prefixList.contains(fNamespace[i-2])) prefixList.add(fNamespace[i-2]); } } return prefixList; } /* * non-NamespaceContext methods */
Checks whether a binding or unbinding for the given prefix exists in the context.
  • prefix – The prefix to look up.
Returns:true if the given prefix exists in the context
/** * Checks whether a binding or unbinding for * the given prefix exists in the context. * * @param prefix The prefix to look up. * * @return true if the given prefix exists in the context */
public boolean containsPrefix(String prefix) { // find prefix in context for (int i = fNamespaceSize; i > 0; i -= 2) { if (fNamespace[i - 2] == prefix) { return true; } } // prefix not found return false; }
Checks whether a binding or unbinding for the given prefix exists in the current context.
  • prefix – The prefix to look up.
Returns:true if the given prefix exists in the current context
/** * Checks whether a binding or unbinding for * the given prefix exists in the current context. * * @param prefix The prefix to look up. * * @return true if the given prefix exists in the current context */
public boolean containsPrefixInCurrentContext(String prefix) { // find prefix in current context for (int i = fContext[fCurrentContext]; i < fNamespaceSize; i += 2) { if (fNamespace[i] == prefix) { return true; } } // prefix not found return false; } protected final class IteratorPrefixes implements Iterator { private String[] prefixes; private int counter = 0; private int size = 0;
Constructor for Prefixes.
/** * Constructor for Prefixes. */
public IteratorPrefixes(String [] prefixes, int size) { this.prefixes = prefixes; this.size = size; }
See Also:
  • hasMoreElements.hasMoreElements()
/** * @see java.util.Enumeration#hasMoreElements() */
public boolean hasNext() { return (counter < size); }
See Also:
  • nextElement.nextElement()
/** * @see java.util.Enumeration#nextElement() */
public Object next() { if (counter< size){ return fPrefixes[counter++]; } throw new NoSuchElementException("Illegal access to Namespace prefixes enumeration."); } public String toString(){ StringBuffer buf = new StringBuffer(); for (int i=0;i<size;i++){ buf.append(prefixes[i]); buf.append(" "); } return buf.toString(); } public void remove(){ throw new UnsupportedOperationException(); } } protected final class Prefixes implements Enumeration { private String[] prefixes; private int counter = 0; private int size = 0;
Constructor for Prefixes.
/** * Constructor for Prefixes. */
public Prefixes(String [] prefixes, int size) { this.prefixes = prefixes; this.size = size; }
See Also:
  • hasMoreElements.hasMoreElements()
/** * @see java.util.Enumeration#hasMoreElements() */
public boolean hasMoreElements() { return (counter< size); }
See Also:
  • nextElement.nextElement()
/** * @see java.util.Enumeration#nextElement() */
public Object nextElement() { if (counter< size){ return fPrefixes[counter++]; } throw new NoSuchElementException("Illegal access to Namespace prefixes enumeration."); } public String toString(){ StringBuffer buf = new StringBuffer(); for (int i=0;i<size;i++){ buf.append(prefixes[i]); buf.append(" "); } return buf.toString(); } } } // class NamespaceSupport