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package com.sun.org.apache.xerces.internal.jaxp.validation;

import java.lang.ref.Reference;
import java.lang.ref.ReferenceQueue;
import java.lang.ref.SoftReference;

import com.sun.org.apache.xerces.internal.xni.grammars.Grammar;
import com.sun.org.apache.xerces.internal.xni.grammars.XMLGrammarDescription;
import com.sun.org.apache.xerces.internal.xni.grammars.XMLSchemaDescription;
import com.sun.org.apache.xerces.internal.xni.grammars.XMLGrammarPool;

This grammar pool is a memory sensitive cache. The grammars stored in the pool are softly reachable and may be cleared by the garbage collector in response to memory demand. Equality of XMLSchemaDescriptions is determined using both the target namespace for the schema and schema location.

Author:Michael Glavassevich, IBM
/** * <p>This grammar pool is a memory sensitive cache. The grammars * stored in the pool are softly reachable and may be cleared by * the garbage collector in response to memory demand. Equality * of <code>XMLSchemaDescription</code>s is determined using both * the target namespace for the schema and schema location.</p> * * @author Michael Glavassevich, IBM */
final class SoftReferenceGrammarPool implements XMLGrammarPool { // // Constants //
Default size.
/** Default size. */
protected static final int TABLE_SIZE = 11;
Zero length grammar array.
/** Zero length grammar array. */
protected static final Grammar [] ZERO_LENGTH_GRAMMAR_ARRAY = new Grammar [0]; // // Data //
/** Grammars. */
protected Entry [] fGrammars = null;
Flag indicating whether this pool is locked
/** Flag indicating whether this pool is locked */
protected boolean fPoolIsLocked;
The number of grammars in the pool
/** The number of grammars in the pool */
protected int fGrammarCount = 0;
Reference queue for cleared grammar references
/** Reference queue for cleared grammar references */
protected final ReferenceQueue fReferenceQueue = new ReferenceQueue(); // // Constructors //
Constructs a grammar pool with a default number of buckets.
/** Constructs a grammar pool with a default number of buckets. */
public SoftReferenceGrammarPool() { fGrammars = new Entry[TABLE_SIZE]; fPoolIsLocked = false; } // <init>()
Constructs a grammar pool with a specified number of buckets.
/** Constructs a grammar pool with a specified number of buckets. */
public SoftReferenceGrammarPool(int initialCapacity) { fGrammars = new Entry[initialCapacity]; fPoolIsLocked = false; } // // XMLGrammarPool methods // /* <p> Retrieve the initial known set of grammars. This method is * called by a validator before the validation starts. The application * can provide an initial set of grammars available to the current * validation attempt. </p> * * @param grammarType The type of the grammar, from the * <code>com.sun.org.apache.xerces.internal.xni.grammars.XMLGrammarDescription</code> * interface. * @return The set of grammars the validator may put in its "bucket" */ public Grammar [] retrieveInitialGrammarSet (String grammarType) { synchronized (fGrammars) { clean(); // Return no grammars. This allows the garbage collector to sift // out grammars which are not in use when memory demand is high. // It also allows the pool to return the "right" schema grammar // based on schema locations. return ZERO_LENGTH_GRAMMAR_ARRAY; } } // retrieveInitialGrammarSet (String): Grammar[] /* <p> Return the final set of grammars that the validator ended up * with. This method is called after the validation finishes. The * application may then choose to cache some of the returned grammars.</p> * <p>In this implementation, we make our choice based on whether this object * is "locked"--that is, whether the application has instructed * us not to accept any new grammars.</p> * * @param grammarType The type of the grammars being returned; * @param grammars An array containing the set of grammars being * returned; order is not significant. */ public void cacheGrammars(String grammarType, Grammar[] grammars) { if (!fPoolIsLocked) { for (int i = 0; i < grammars.length; ++i) { putGrammar(grammars[i]); } } } // cacheGrammars(String, Grammar[]); /* <p> This method requests that the application retrieve a grammar * corresponding to the given GrammarIdentifier from its cache. * If it cannot do so it must return null; the parser will then * call the EntityResolver. </p> * <strong>An application must not call its EntityResolver itself * from this method; this may result in infinite recursions.</strong> * * This implementation chooses to use the root element name to identify a DTD grammar * and the target namespace to identify a Schema grammar. * * @param desc The description of the Grammar being requested. * @return The Grammar corresponding to this description or null if * no such Grammar is known. */ public Grammar retrieveGrammar(XMLGrammarDescription desc) { return getGrammar(desc); } // retrieveGrammar(XMLGrammarDescription): Grammar // // Public methods //
Puts the specified grammar into the grammar pool and associates it to its root element name or its target namespace.
  • grammar – The Grammar.
/** * Puts the specified grammar into the grammar pool and associates it to * its root element name or its target namespace. * * @param grammar The Grammar. */
public void putGrammar(Grammar grammar) { if (!fPoolIsLocked) { synchronized (fGrammars) { clean(); XMLGrammarDescription desc = grammar.getGrammarDescription(); int hash = hashCode(desc); int index = (hash & 0x7FFFFFFF) % fGrammars.length; for (Entry entry = fGrammars[index]; entry != null; entry = entry.next) { if (entry.hash == hash && equals(entry.desc, desc)) { if (entry.grammar.get() != grammar) { entry.grammar = new SoftGrammarReference(entry, grammar, fReferenceQueue); } return; } } // create a new entry Entry entry = new Entry(hash, index, desc, grammar, fGrammars[index], fReferenceQueue); fGrammars[index] = entry; fGrammarCount++; } } } // putGrammar(Grammar)
Returns the grammar associated to the specified grammar description. Currently, the root element name is used as the key for DTD grammars and the target namespace is used as the key for Schema grammars.
  • desc – The Grammar Description.
/** * Returns the grammar associated to the specified grammar description. * Currently, the root element name is used as the key for DTD grammars * and the target namespace is used as the key for Schema grammars. * * @param desc The Grammar Description. */
public Grammar getGrammar(XMLGrammarDescription desc) { synchronized (fGrammars) { clean(); int hash = hashCode(desc); int index = (hash & 0x7FFFFFFF) % fGrammars.length; for (Entry entry = fGrammars[index]; entry != null; entry = entry.next) { Grammar tempGrammar = (Grammar) entry.grammar.get(); /** If the soft reference has been cleared, remove this entry from the pool. */ if (tempGrammar == null) { removeEntry(entry); } else if ((entry.hash == hash) && equals(entry.desc, desc)) { return tempGrammar; } } return null; } } // getGrammar(XMLGrammarDescription):Grammar
Removes the grammar associated to the specified grammar description from the grammar pool and returns the removed grammar. Currently, the root element name is used as the key for DTD grammars and the target namespace is used as the key for Schema grammars.
  • desc – The Grammar Description.
Returns: The removed grammar.
/** * Removes the grammar associated to the specified grammar description from the * grammar pool and returns the removed grammar. Currently, the root element name * is used as the key for DTD grammars and the target namespace is used * as the key for Schema grammars. * * @param desc The Grammar Description. * @return The removed grammar. */
public Grammar removeGrammar(XMLGrammarDescription desc) { synchronized (fGrammars) { clean(); int hash = hashCode(desc); int index = (hash & 0x7FFFFFFF) % fGrammars.length; for (Entry entry = fGrammars[index]; entry != null; entry = entry.next) { if ((entry.hash == hash) && equals(entry.desc, desc)) { return removeEntry(entry); } } return null; } } // removeGrammar(XMLGrammarDescription):Grammar
Returns true if the grammar pool contains a grammar associated to the specified grammar description. Currently, the root element name is used as the key for DTD grammars and the target namespace is used as the key for Schema grammars.
  • desc – The Grammar Description.
/** * Returns true if the grammar pool contains a grammar associated * to the specified grammar description. Currently, the root element name * is used as the key for DTD grammars and the target namespace is used * as the key for Schema grammars. * * @param desc The Grammar Description. */
public boolean containsGrammar(XMLGrammarDescription desc) { synchronized (fGrammars) { clean(); int hash = hashCode(desc); int index = (hash & 0x7FFFFFFF) % fGrammars.length; for (Entry entry = fGrammars[index]; entry != null ; entry = entry.next) { Grammar tempGrammar = (Grammar) entry.grammar.get(); /** If the soft reference has been cleared, remove this entry from the pool. */ if (tempGrammar == null) { removeEntry(entry); } else if ((entry.hash == hash) && equals(entry.desc, desc)) { return true; } } return false; } } // containsGrammar(XMLGrammarDescription):boolean /* <p> Sets this grammar pool to a "locked" state--i.e., * no new grammars will be added until it is "unlocked". */ public void lockPool() { fPoolIsLocked = true; } // lockPool() /* <p> Sets this grammar pool to an "unlocked" state--i.e., * new grammars will be added when putGrammar or cacheGrammars * are called. */ public void unlockPool() { fPoolIsLocked = false; } // unlockPool() /* * <p>This method clears the pool-i.e., removes references * to all the grammars in it.</p> */ public void clear() { for (int i=0; i<fGrammars.length; i++) { if(fGrammars[i] != null) { fGrammars[i].clear(); fGrammars[i] = null; } } fGrammarCount = 0; } // clear()
This method checks whether two grammars are the same. Currently, we compare the root element names for DTD grammars and the target namespaces for Schema grammars. The application can override this behaviour and add its own logic.
  • desc1 – The grammar description
  • desc2 – The grammar description of the grammar to be compared to
Returns: True if the grammars are equal, otherwise false
/** * This method checks whether two grammars are the same. Currently, we compare * the root element names for DTD grammars and the target namespaces for Schema grammars. * The application can override this behaviour and add its own logic. * * @param desc1 The grammar description * @param desc2 The grammar description of the grammar to be compared to * @return True if the grammars are equal, otherwise false */
public boolean equals(XMLGrammarDescription desc1, XMLGrammarDescription desc2) { if (desc1 instanceof XMLSchemaDescription) { if (!(desc2 instanceof XMLSchemaDescription)) { return false; } final XMLSchemaDescription sd1 = (XMLSchemaDescription) desc1; final XMLSchemaDescription sd2 = (XMLSchemaDescription) desc2; final String targetNamespace = sd1.getTargetNamespace(); if (targetNamespace != null) { if (!targetNamespace.equals(sd2.getTargetNamespace())) { return false; } } else if (sd2.getTargetNamespace() != null) { return false; } // The JAXP 1.3 spec says that the implementation can assume that // if two schema location hints are the same they always resolve // to the same document. In the default grammar pool implementation // we only look at the target namespaces. Here we also compare // location hints. final String expandedSystemId = sd1.getExpandedSystemId(); if (expandedSystemId != null) { if (!expandedSystemId.equals(sd2.getExpandedSystemId())) { return false; } } else if (sd2.getExpandedSystemId() != null) { return false; } return true; } return desc1.equals(desc2); }
Returns the hash code value for the given grammar description.
  • desc – The grammar description
Returns: The hash code value
/** * Returns the hash code value for the given grammar description. * * @param desc The grammar description * @return The hash code value */
public int hashCode(XMLGrammarDescription desc) { if (desc instanceof XMLSchemaDescription) { final XMLSchemaDescription sd = (XMLSchemaDescription) desc; final String targetNamespace = sd.getTargetNamespace(); final String expandedSystemId = sd.getExpandedSystemId(); int hash = (targetNamespace != null) ? targetNamespace.hashCode() : 0; hash ^= (expandedSystemId != null) ? expandedSystemId.hashCode() : 0; return hash; } return desc.hashCode(); }
Removes the given entry from the pool
  • entry – the entry to remove
Returns:The grammar attached to this entry
/** * Removes the given entry from the pool * * @param entry the entry to remove * @return The grammar attached to this entry */
private Grammar removeEntry(Entry entry) { if (entry.prev != null) { entry.prev.next = entry.next; } else { fGrammars[entry.bucket] = entry.next; } if (entry.next != null) { entry.next.prev = entry.prev; } --fGrammarCount; entry.grammar.entry = null; return (Grammar) entry.grammar.get(); }
Removes stale entries from the pool.
/** * Removes stale entries from the pool. */
private void clean() { Reference ref = fReferenceQueue.poll(); while (ref != null) { Entry entry = ((SoftGrammarReference) ref).entry; if (entry != null) { removeEntry(entry); } ref = fReferenceQueue.poll(); } }
This class is a grammar pool entry. Each entry acts as a node in a doubly linked list.
/** * This class is a grammar pool entry. Each entry acts as a node * in a doubly linked list. */
static final class Entry { public int hash; public int bucket; public Entry prev; public Entry next; public XMLGrammarDescription desc; public SoftGrammarReference grammar; protected Entry(int hash, int bucket, XMLGrammarDescription desc, Grammar grammar, Entry next, ReferenceQueue queue) { this.hash = hash; this.bucket = bucket; this.prev = null; this.next = next; if (next != null) { next.prev = this; } this.desc = desc; this.grammar = new SoftGrammarReference(this, grammar, queue); } // clear this entry; useful to promote garbage collection // since reduces reference count of objects to be destroyed protected void clear () { desc = null; grammar = null; if(next != null) { next.clear(); next = null; } } // clear() } // class Entry
This class stores a soft reference to a grammar object. It keeps a reference to its associated entry, so that it can be easily removed from the pool.
/** * This class stores a soft reference to a grammar object. It keeps a reference * to its associated entry, so that it can be easily removed from the pool. */
static final class SoftGrammarReference extends SoftReference { public Entry entry; protected SoftGrammarReference(Entry entry, Grammar grammar, ReferenceQueue queue) { super(grammar, queue); this.entry = entry; } } // class SoftGrammarReference } // class SoftReferenceGrammarPool