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package com.sun.org.apache.xerces.internal.jaxp;

import com.sun.org.apache.xerces.internal.impl.Constants;
import com.sun.org.apache.xerces.internal.impl.validation.ValidationManager;
import com.sun.org.apache.xerces.internal.impl.xs.XMLSchemaValidator;
import com.sun.org.apache.xerces.internal.jaxp.validation.XSGrammarPoolContainer;
import com.sun.org.apache.xerces.internal.util.SAXMessageFormatter;
import com.sun.org.apache.xerces.internal.util.Status;
import com.sun.org.apache.xerces.internal.utils.XMLSecurityManager;
import com.sun.org.apache.xerces.internal.utils.XMLSecurityPropertyManager;
import com.sun.org.apache.xerces.internal.xni.XMLDocumentHandler;
import com.sun.org.apache.xerces.internal.xni.parser.XMLComponent;
import com.sun.org.apache.xerces.internal.xni.parser.XMLComponentManager;
import com.sun.org.apache.xerces.internal.xni.parser.XMLConfigurationException;
import com.sun.org.apache.xerces.internal.xni.parser.XMLDocumentSource;
import com.sun.org.apache.xerces.internal.xni.parser.XMLParserConfiguration;
import com.sun.org.apache.xerces.internal.xs.AttributePSVI;
import com.sun.org.apache.xerces.internal.xs.ElementPSVI;
import com.sun.org.apache.xerces.internal.xs.PSVIProvider;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.Locale;
import java.util.Map;
import javax.xml.XMLConstants;
import javax.xml.validation.Schema;
import org.xml.sax.EntityResolver;
import org.xml.sax.ErrorHandler;
import org.xml.sax.HandlerBase;
import org.xml.sax.InputSource;
import org.xml.sax.Parser;
import org.xml.sax.SAXException;
import org.xml.sax.SAXNotRecognizedException;
import org.xml.sax.SAXNotSupportedException;
import org.xml.sax.XMLReader;
import org.xml.sax.helpers.DefaultHandler;

This is the implementation specific class for the javax.xml.parsers.SAXParser.
Author:Rajiv Mordani, Edwin Goei
/** * This is the implementation specific class for the * <code>javax.xml.parsers.SAXParser</code>. * * @author Rajiv Mordani * @author Edwin Goei * */
public class SAXParserImpl extends javax.xml.parsers.SAXParser implements JAXPConstants, PSVIProvider {
Feature identifier: namespaces.
/** Feature identifier: namespaces. */
private static final String NAMESPACES_FEATURE = Constants.SAX_FEATURE_PREFIX + Constants.NAMESPACES_FEATURE;
Feature identifier: namespace prefixes.
/** Feature identifier: namespace prefixes. */
Feature identifier: validation.
/** Feature identifier: validation. */
private static final String VALIDATION_FEATURE = Constants.SAX_FEATURE_PREFIX + Constants.VALIDATION_FEATURE;
Feature identifier: XML Schema validation
/** Feature identifier: XML Schema validation */
Feature identifier: XInclude processing
/** Feature identifier: XInclude processing */
private static final String XINCLUDE_FEATURE = Constants.XERCES_FEATURE_PREFIX + Constants.XINCLUDE_FEATURE;
Property identifier: security manager.
/** Property identifier: security manager. */
Property identifier: Security property manager.
/** Property identifier: Security property manager. */
private static final String XML_SECURITY_PROPERTY_MANAGER = Constants.XML_SECURITY_PROPERTY_MANAGER; private final JAXPSAXParser xmlReader; private String schemaLanguage = null; // null means DTD private final Schema grammar; private final XMLComponent fSchemaValidator; private final XMLComponentManager fSchemaValidatorComponentManager; private final ValidationManager fSchemaValidationManager; private final UnparsedEntityHandler fUnparsedEntityHandler;
Initial ErrorHandler
/** Initial ErrorHandler */
private final ErrorHandler fInitErrorHandler;
Initial EntityResolver
/** Initial EntityResolver */
private final EntityResolver fInitEntityResolver; private final XMLSecurityManager fSecurityManager; private final XMLSecurityPropertyManager fSecurityPropertyMgr;
Create a SAX parser with the associated features
  • features – Map of SAX features, may be null
/** * Create a SAX parser with the associated features * @param features Map of SAX features, may be null */
SAXParserImpl(SAXParserFactoryImpl spf, Map<String, Boolean> features) throws SAXException { this(spf, features, false); }
Create a SAX parser with the associated features
  • features – Map of SAX features, may be null
/** * Create a SAX parser with the associated features * @param features Map of SAX features, may be null */
SAXParserImpl(SAXParserFactoryImpl spf, Map<String, Boolean> features, boolean secureProcessing) throws SAXException { fSecurityManager = new XMLSecurityManager(secureProcessing); fSecurityPropertyMgr = new XMLSecurityPropertyManager(); // Instantiate a SAXParser directly and not through SAX so that we use the right ClassLoader xmlReader = new JAXPSAXParser(this, fSecurityPropertyMgr, fSecurityManager); // JAXP "namespaceAware" == SAX Namespaces feature // Note: there is a compatibility problem here with default values: // JAXP default is false while SAX 2 default is true! xmlReader.setFeature0(NAMESPACES_FEATURE, spf.isNamespaceAware()); // SAX "namespaces" and "namespace-prefixes" features should not // both be false. We make them opposite for backward compatibility // since JAXP 1.0 apps may want to receive xmlns* attributes. xmlReader.setFeature0(NAMESPACE_PREFIXES_FEATURE, !spf.isNamespaceAware()); // Avoid setting the XInclude processing feature if the value is false. // This will keep the configuration from throwing an exception if it // does not support XInclude. if (spf.isXIncludeAware()) { xmlReader.setFeature0(XINCLUDE_FEATURE, true); } xmlReader.setProperty0(XML_SECURITY_PROPERTY_MANAGER, fSecurityPropertyMgr); xmlReader.setProperty0(SECURITY_MANAGER, fSecurityManager); if (secureProcessing) { /** * By default, secure processing is set, no external access is allowed. * However, we need to check if it is actively set on the factory since we * allow the use of the System Property or jaxp.properties to override * the default value */ if (features != null) { Boolean temp = features.get(XMLConstants.FEATURE_SECURE_PROCESSING); if (temp != null && temp) { fSecurityPropertyMgr.setValue(XMLSecurityPropertyManager.Property.ACCESS_EXTERNAL_DTD, XMLSecurityPropertyManager.State.FSP, Constants.EXTERNAL_ACCESS_DEFAULT_FSP); fSecurityPropertyMgr.setValue(XMLSecurityPropertyManager.Property.ACCESS_EXTERNAL_SCHEMA, XMLSecurityPropertyManager.State.FSP, Constants.EXTERNAL_ACCESS_DEFAULT_FSP); } } } // Set application's features, followed by validation features. setFeatures(features); // If validating, provide a default ErrorHandler that prints // validation errors with a warning telling the user to set an // ErrorHandler. if (spf.isValidating()) { fInitErrorHandler = new DefaultValidationErrorHandler(xmlReader.getLocale()); xmlReader.setErrorHandler(fInitErrorHandler); } else { fInitErrorHandler = xmlReader.getErrorHandler(); } xmlReader.setFeature0(VALIDATION_FEATURE, spf.isValidating()); // Get the Schema object from the factory this.grammar = spf.getSchema(); if (grammar != null) { XMLParserConfiguration config = xmlReader.getXMLParserConfiguration(); XMLComponent validatorComponent = null; /** For Xerces grammars, use built-in schema validator. **/ if (grammar instanceof XSGrammarPoolContainer) { validatorComponent = new XMLSchemaValidator(); fSchemaValidationManager = new ValidationManager(); fUnparsedEntityHandler = new UnparsedEntityHandler(fSchemaValidationManager); config.setDTDHandler(fUnparsedEntityHandler); fUnparsedEntityHandler.setDTDHandler(xmlReader); xmlReader.setDTDSource(fUnparsedEntityHandler); fSchemaValidatorComponentManager = new SchemaValidatorConfiguration(config, (XSGrammarPoolContainer) grammar, fSchemaValidationManager); } /** For third party grammars, use the JAXP validator component. **/ else { validatorComponent = new JAXPValidatorComponent(grammar.newValidatorHandler()); fSchemaValidationManager = null; fUnparsedEntityHandler = null; fSchemaValidatorComponentManager = config; } config.addRecognizedFeatures(validatorComponent.getRecognizedFeatures()); config.addRecognizedProperties(validatorComponent.getRecognizedProperties()); config.setDocumentHandler((XMLDocumentHandler) validatorComponent); ((XMLDocumentSource)validatorComponent).setDocumentHandler(xmlReader); xmlReader.setDocumentSource((XMLDocumentSource) validatorComponent); fSchemaValidator = validatorComponent; } else { fSchemaValidationManager = null; fUnparsedEntityHandler = null; fSchemaValidatorComponentManager = null; fSchemaValidator = null; } // Initial EntityResolver fInitEntityResolver = xmlReader.getEntityResolver(); }
Set any features of our XMLReader based on any features set on the SAXParserFactory. XXX Does not handle possible conflicts between SAX feature names and JAXP specific feature names, eg. SAXParserFactory.isValidating()
/** * Set any features of our XMLReader based on any features set on the * SAXParserFactory. * * XXX Does not handle possible conflicts between SAX feature names and * JAXP specific feature names, eg. SAXParserFactory.isValidating() */
private void setFeatures(Map<String, Boolean> features) throws SAXNotSupportedException, SAXNotRecognizedException { if (features != null) { for (Map.Entry<String, Boolean> entry : features.entrySet()) { xmlReader.setFeature0(entry.getKey(), entry.getValue()); } } } public Parser getParser() throws SAXException { // Xerces2 AbstractSAXParser implements SAX1 Parser // assert(xmlReader instanceof Parser); return (Parser) xmlReader; }
Returns the XMLReader that is encapsulated by the implementation of this class.
/** * Returns the XMLReader that is encapsulated by the implementation of * this class. */
public XMLReader getXMLReader() { return xmlReader; } public boolean isNamespaceAware() { try { return xmlReader.getFeature(NAMESPACES_FEATURE); } catch (SAXException x) { throw new IllegalStateException(x.getMessage()); } } public boolean isValidating() { try { return xmlReader.getFeature(VALIDATION_FEATURE); } catch (SAXException x) { throw new IllegalStateException(x.getMessage()); } }
Gets the XInclude processing mode for this parser
Returns:the state of XInclude processing mode
/** * Gets the XInclude processing mode for this parser * @return the state of XInclude processing mode */
public boolean isXIncludeAware() { try { return xmlReader.getFeature(XINCLUDE_FEATURE); } catch (SAXException exc) { return false; } }
Sets the particular property in the underlying implementation of org.xml.sax.XMLReader.
/** * Sets the particular property in the underlying implementation of * org.xml.sax.XMLReader. */
public void setProperty(String name, Object value) throws SAXNotRecognizedException, SAXNotSupportedException { xmlReader.setProperty(name, value); }
returns the particular property requested for in the underlying implementation of org.xml.sax.XMLReader.
/** * returns the particular property requested for in the underlying * implementation of org.xml.sax.XMLReader. */
public Object getProperty(String name) throws SAXNotRecognizedException, SAXNotSupportedException { return xmlReader.getProperty(name); } public void parse(InputSource is, DefaultHandler dh) throws SAXException, IOException { if (is == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException(); } if (dh != null) { xmlReader.setContentHandler(dh); xmlReader.setEntityResolver(dh); xmlReader.setErrorHandler(dh); xmlReader.setDTDHandler(dh); xmlReader.setDocumentHandler(null); } xmlReader.parse(is); } public void parse(InputSource is, HandlerBase hb) throws SAXException, IOException { if (is == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException(); } if (hb != null) { xmlReader.setDocumentHandler(hb); xmlReader.setEntityResolver(hb); xmlReader.setErrorHandler(hb); xmlReader.setDTDHandler(hb); xmlReader.setContentHandler(null); } xmlReader.parse(is); } public Schema getSchema() { return grammar; } public void reset() { try { /** Restore initial values of features and properties. **/ xmlReader.restoreInitState(); } catch (SAXException exc) { // This should never happen. We only store recognized // features and properties in the hash maps. For now // just ignore it. } /** Restore various handlers. **/ xmlReader.setContentHandler(null); xmlReader.setDTDHandler(null); if (xmlReader.getErrorHandler() != fInitErrorHandler) { xmlReader.setErrorHandler(fInitErrorHandler); } if (xmlReader.getEntityResolver() != fInitEntityResolver) { xmlReader.setEntityResolver(fInitEntityResolver); } } /* * PSVIProvider methods */ public ElementPSVI getElementPSVI() { return ((PSVIProvider)xmlReader).getElementPSVI(); } public AttributePSVI getAttributePSVI(int index) { return ((PSVIProvider)xmlReader).getAttributePSVI(index); } public AttributePSVI getAttributePSVIByName(String uri, String localname) { return ((PSVIProvider)xmlReader).getAttributePSVIByName(uri, localname); }
Extension of SAXParser. This class tracks changes to features and properties to allow the parser to be reset to its initial state.
/** * Extension of SAXParser. This class tracks changes to * features and properties to allow the parser to be reset to * its initial state. */
public static class JAXPSAXParser extends com.sun.org.apache.xerces.internal.parsers.SAXParser { private final HashMap fInitFeatures = new HashMap(); private final HashMap fInitProperties = new HashMap(); private final SAXParserImpl fSAXParser; private XMLSecurityManager fSecurityManager; private XMLSecurityPropertyManager fSecurityPropertyMgr; public JAXPSAXParser() { this(null, null, null); } JAXPSAXParser(SAXParserImpl saxParser, XMLSecurityPropertyManager securityPropertyMgr, XMLSecurityManager securityManager) { super(); fSAXParser = saxParser; fSecurityManager = securityManager; fSecurityPropertyMgr = securityPropertyMgr; /** * This class may be used directly. So initialize the security manager if * it is null. */ if (fSecurityManager == null) { fSecurityManager = new XMLSecurityManager(true); try { super.setProperty(SECURITY_MANAGER, fSecurityManager); } catch (SAXException e) { throw new UnsupportedOperationException( SAXMessageFormatter.formatMessage(fConfiguration.getLocale(), "property-not-recognized", new Object [] {SECURITY_MANAGER}), e); } } if (fSecurityPropertyMgr == null) { fSecurityPropertyMgr = new XMLSecurityPropertyManager(); try { super.setProperty(XML_SECURITY_PROPERTY_MANAGER, fSecurityPropertyMgr); } catch (SAXException e) { throw new UnsupportedOperationException( SAXMessageFormatter.formatMessage(fConfiguration.getLocale(), "property-not-recognized", new Object [] {SECURITY_MANAGER}), e); } } }
Override SAXParser's setFeature method to track the initial state of features. This keeps us from affecting the performance of the SAXParser when it is created with XMLReaderFactory.
/** * Override SAXParser's setFeature method to track the initial state * of features. This keeps us from affecting the performance of the * SAXParser when it is created with XMLReaderFactory. */
public synchronized void setFeature(String name, boolean value) throws SAXNotRecognizedException, SAXNotSupportedException { if (name == null) { // TODO: Add localized error message. throw new NullPointerException(); } if (name.equals(XMLConstants.FEATURE_SECURE_PROCESSING)) { try { fSecurityManager.setSecureProcessing(value); setProperty(SECURITY_MANAGER, fSecurityManager); } catch (SAXNotRecognizedException exc) { // If the property is not supported // re-throw the exception if the value is true. if (value) { throw exc; } } catch (SAXNotSupportedException exc) { // If the property is not supported // re-throw the exception if the value is true. if (value) { throw exc; } } return; } if (!fInitFeatures.containsKey(name)) { boolean current = super.getFeature(name); fInitFeatures.put(name, current ? Boolean.TRUE : Boolean.FALSE); } /** Forward feature to the schema validator if there is one. **/ if (fSAXParser != null && fSAXParser.fSchemaValidator != null) { setSchemaValidatorFeature(name, value); } super.setFeature(name, value); } public synchronized boolean getFeature(String name) throws SAXNotRecognizedException, SAXNotSupportedException { if (name == null) { // TODO: Add localized error message. throw new NullPointerException(); } if (name.equals(XMLConstants.FEATURE_SECURE_PROCESSING)) { return fSecurityManager.isSecureProcessing(); } return super.getFeature(name); }
Override SAXParser's setProperty method to track the initial state of properties. This keeps us from affecting the performance of the SAXParser when it is created with XMLReaderFactory.
/** * Override SAXParser's setProperty method to track the initial state * of properties. This keeps us from affecting the performance of the * SAXParser when it is created with XMLReaderFactory. */
public synchronized void setProperty(String name, Object value) throws SAXNotRecognizedException, SAXNotSupportedException { if (name == null) { // TODO: Add localized error message. throw new NullPointerException(); } if (fSAXParser != null) { // JAXP 1.2 support if (JAXP_SCHEMA_LANGUAGE.equals(name)) { // The spec says if a schema is given via SAXParserFactory // the JAXP 1.2 properties shouldn't be allowed. if (fSAXParser.grammar != null) { throw new SAXNotSupportedException( SAXMessageFormatter.formatMessage(fConfiguration.getLocale(), "schema-already-specified", new Object[] {name})); } if ( W3C_XML_SCHEMA.equals(value) ) { //None of the properties will take effect till the setValidating(true) has been called if( fSAXParser.isValidating() ) { fSAXParser.schemaLanguage = W3C_XML_SCHEMA; setFeature(XMLSCHEMA_VALIDATION_FEATURE, true); // this will allow the parser not to emit DTD-related // errors, as the spec demands if (!fInitProperties.containsKey(JAXP_SCHEMA_LANGUAGE)) { fInitProperties.put(JAXP_SCHEMA_LANGUAGE, super.getProperty(JAXP_SCHEMA_LANGUAGE)); } super.setProperty(JAXP_SCHEMA_LANGUAGE, W3C_XML_SCHEMA); } } else if (value == null) { fSAXParser.schemaLanguage = null; setFeature(XMLSCHEMA_VALIDATION_FEATURE, false); } else { // REVISIT: It would be nice if we could format this message // using a user specified locale as we do in the underlying // XMLReader -- mrglavas throw new SAXNotSupportedException( SAXMessageFormatter.formatMessage(fConfiguration.getLocale(), "schema-not-supported", null)); } return; } else if (JAXP_SCHEMA_SOURCE.equals(name)) { // The spec says if a schema is given via SAXParserFactory // the JAXP 1.2 properties shouldn't be allowed. if (fSAXParser.grammar != null) { throw new SAXNotSupportedException( SAXMessageFormatter.formatMessage(fConfiguration.getLocale(), "schema-already-specified", new Object[] {name})); } String val = (String)getProperty(JAXP_SCHEMA_LANGUAGE); if ( val != null && W3C_XML_SCHEMA.equals(val) ) { if (!fInitProperties.containsKey(JAXP_SCHEMA_SOURCE)) { fInitProperties.put(JAXP_SCHEMA_SOURCE, super.getProperty(JAXP_SCHEMA_SOURCE)); } super.setProperty(name, value); } else { throw new SAXNotSupportedException( SAXMessageFormatter.formatMessage(fConfiguration.getLocale(), "jaxp-order-not-supported", new Object[] {JAXP_SCHEMA_LANGUAGE, JAXP_SCHEMA_SOURCE})); } return; } } /** Forward property to the schema validator if there is one. **/ if (fSAXParser != null && fSAXParser.fSchemaValidator != null) { setSchemaValidatorProperty(name, value); } //check if the property is managed by security manager if (fSecurityManager == null || !fSecurityManager.setLimit(name, XMLSecurityManager.State.APIPROPERTY, value)) { //check if the property is managed by security property manager if (fSecurityPropertyMgr == null || !fSecurityPropertyMgr.setValue(name, XMLSecurityPropertyManager.State.APIPROPERTY, value)) { //fall back to the existing property manager if (!fInitProperties.containsKey(name)) { fInitProperties.put(name, super.getProperty(name)); } super.setProperty(name, value); } } } public synchronized Object getProperty(String name) throws SAXNotRecognizedException, SAXNotSupportedException { if (name == null) { // TODO: Add localized error message. throw new NullPointerException(); } if (fSAXParser != null && JAXP_SCHEMA_LANGUAGE.equals(name)) { // JAXP 1.2 support return fSAXParser.schemaLanguage; } /** Check to see if the property is managed by the security manager **/ String propertyValue = (fSecurityManager != null) ? fSecurityManager.getLimitAsString(name) : null; if (propertyValue != null) { return propertyValue; } else { propertyValue = (fSecurityPropertyMgr != null) ? fSecurityPropertyMgr.getValue(name) : null; if (propertyValue != null) { return propertyValue; } } return super.getProperty(name); } synchronized void restoreInitState() throws SAXNotRecognizedException, SAXNotSupportedException { Iterator iter; if (!fInitFeatures.isEmpty()) { iter = fInitFeatures.entrySet().iterator(); while (iter.hasNext()) { Map.Entry entry = (Map.Entry) iter.next(); String name = (String) entry.getKey(); boolean value = ((Boolean) entry.getValue()).booleanValue(); super.setFeature(name, value); } fInitFeatures.clear(); } if (!fInitProperties.isEmpty()) { iter = fInitProperties.entrySet().iterator(); while (iter.hasNext()) { Map.Entry entry = (Map.Entry) iter.next(); String name = (String) entry.getKey(); Object value = entry.getValue(); super.setProperty(name, value); } fInitProperties.clear(); } } public void parse(InputSource inputSource) throws SAXException, IOException { if (fSAXParser != null && fSAXParser.fSchemaValidator != null) { if (fSAXParser.fSchemaValidationManager != null) { fSAXParser.fSchemaValidationManager.reset(); fSAXParser.fUnparsedEntityHandler.reset(); } resetSchemaValidator(); } super.parse(inputSource); } public void parse(String systemId) throws SAXException, IOException { if (fSAXParser != null && fSAXParser.fSchemaValidator != null) { if (fSAXParser.fSchemaValidationManager != null) { fSAXParser.fSchemaValidationManager.reset(); fSAXParser.fUnparsedEntityHandler.reset(); } resetSchemaValidator(); } super.parse(systemId); } XMLParserConfiguration getXMLParserConfiguration() { return fConfiguration; } void setFeature0(String name, boolean value) throws SAXNotRecognizedException, SAXNotSupportedException { super.setFeature(name, value); } boolean getFeature0(String name) throws SAXNotRecognizedException, SAXNotSupportedException { return super.getFeature(name); } void setProperty0(String name, Object value) throws SAXNotRecognizedException, SAXNotSupportedException { super.setProperty(name, value); } Object getProperty0(String name) throws SAXNotRecognizedException, SAXNotSupportedException { return super.getProperty(name); } Locale getLocale() { return fConfiguration.getLocale(); } private void setSchemaValidatorFeature(String name, boolean value) throws SAXNotRecognizedException, SAXNotSupportedException { try { fSAXParser.fSchemaValidator.setFeature(name, value); } // This should never be thrown from the schema validator. catch (XMLConfigurationException e) { String identifier = e.getIdentifier(); if (e.getType() == Status.NOT_RECOGNIZED) { throw new SAXNotRecognizedException( SAXMessageFormatter.formatMessage(fConfiguration.getLocale(), "feature-not-recognized", new Object [] {identifier})); } else { throw new SAXNotSupportedException( SAXMessageFormatter.formatMessage(fConfiguration.getLocale(), "feature-not-supported", new Object [] {identifier})); } } } private void setSchemaValidatorProperty(String name, Object value) throws SAXNotRecognizedException, SAXNotSupportedException { try { fSAXParser.fSchemaValidator.setProperty(name, value); } // This should never be thrown from the schema validator. catch (XMLConfigurationException e) { String identifier = e.getIdentifier(); if (e.getType() == Status.NOT_RECOGNIZED) { throw new SAXNotRecognizedException( SAXMessageFormatter.formatMessage(fConfiguration.getLocale(), "property-not-recognized", new Object [] {identifier})); } else { throw new SAXNotSupportedException( SAXMessageFormatter.formatMessage(fConfiguration.getLocale(), "property-not-supported", new Object [] {identifier})); } } } private void resetSchemaValidator() throws SAXException { try { fSAXParser.fSchemaValidator.reset(fSAXParser.fSchemaValidatorComponentManager); } // This should never be thrown from the schema validator. catch (XMLConfigurationException e) { throw new SAXException(e); } } } }