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package com.sun.org.apache.xerces.internal.impl.xs;

import com.sun.org.apache.xerces.internal.util.XMLResourceIdentifierImpl;
import com.sun.org.apache.xerces.internal.xni.QName;
import com.sun.org.apache.xerces.internal.xni.XMLAttributes;
import com.sun.org.apache.xerces.internal.xni.grammars.XMLGrammarDescription;
import com.sun.org.apache.xerces.internal.xni.grammars.XMLSchemaDescription;

All information specific to XML Schema grammars.
Author:Neil Graham, IBM, Neeraj Bajaj, SUN Microsystems.
/** * All information specific to XML Schema grammars. * * @xerces.internal * * @author Neil Graham, IBM * @author Neeraj Bajaj, SUN Microsystems. * */
public class XSDDescription extends XMLResourceIdentifierImpl implements XMLSchemaDescription { // used to indicate what triggered the call
Indicate that this description was just initialized.
/** * Indicate that this description was just initialized. */
public final static short CONTEXT_INITIALIZE = -1;
Indicate that the current schema document is d by another schema document.
/** * Indicate that the current schema document is <include>d by another * schema document. */
public final static short CONTEXT_INCLUDE = 0;
Indicate that the current schema document is d by another schema document.
/** * Indicate that the current schema document is <redefine>d by another * schema document. */
public final static short CONTEXT_REDEFINE = 1;
Indicate that the current schema document is ed by another schema document.
/** * Indicate that the current schema document is <import>ed by another * schema document. */
public final static short CONTEXT_IMPORT = 2;
Indicate that the current schema document is being preparsed.
/** * Indicate that the current schema document is being preparsed. */
public final static short CONTEXT_PREPARSE = 3;
Indicate that the parse of the current schema document is triggered by xsi:schemaLocation/noNamespaceSchemaLocation attribute(s) in the instance document. This value is only used if we don't defer the loading of schema documents.
/** * Indicate that the parse of the current schema document is triggered * by xsi:schemaLocation/noNamespaceSchemaLocation attribute(s) in the * instance document. This value is only used if we don't defer the loading * of schema documents. */
public final static short CONTEXT_INSTANCE = 4;
Indicate that the parse of the current schema document is triggered by the occurrence of an element whose namespace is the target namespace of this schema document. This value is only used if we do defer the loading of schema documents until a component from that namespace is referenced from the instance.
/** * Indicate that the parse of the current schema document is triggered by * the occurrence of an element whose namespace is the target namespace * of this schema document. This value is only used if we do defer the * loading of schema documents until a component from that namespace is * referenced from the instance. */
public final static short CONTEXT_ELEMENT = 5;
Indicate that the parse of the current schema document is triggered by the occurrence of an attribute whose namespace is the target namespace of this schema document. This value is only used if we do defer the loading of schema documents until a component from that namespace is referenced from the instance.
/** * Indicate that the parse of the current schema document is triggered by * the occurrence of an attribute whose namespace is the target namespace * of this schema document. This value is only used if we do defer the * loading of schema documents until a component from that namespace is * referenced from the instance. */
public final static short CONTEXT_ATTRIBUTE = 6;
Indicate that the parse of the current schema document is triggered by the occurrence of an "xsi:type" attribute, whose value (a QName) has the target namespace of this schema document as its namespace. This value is only used if we do defer the loading of schema documents until a component from that namespace is referenced from the instance.
/** * Indicate that the parse of the current schema document is triggered by * the occurrence of an "xsi:type" attribute, whose value (a QName) has * the target namespace of this schema document as its namespace. * This value is only used if we do defer the loading of schema documents * until a component from that namespace is referenced from the instance. */
public final static short CONTEXT_XSITYPE = 7; // REVISIT: write description of these fields protected short fContextType; protected String [] fLocationHints ; protected QName fTriggeringComponent; protected QName fEnclosedElementName; protected XMLAttributes fAttributes;
the type of the grammar (e.g., DTD or XSD);
See Also:
  • Grammar
/** * the type of the grammar (e.g., DTD or XSD); * * @see com.sun.org.apache.xerces.internal.xni.grammars.Grammar */
public String getGrammarType() { return XMLGrammarDescription.XML_SCHEMA; }
Get the context. The returned value is one of the pre-defined CONTEXT_xxx constants.
Returns: the value indicating the context
/** * Get the context. The returned value is one of the pre-defined * CONTEXT_xxx constants. * * @return the value indicating the context */
public short getContextType() { return fContextType ; }
If the context is "include" or "redefine", then return the target namespace of the enclosing schema document; otherwise, the expected target namespace of this document.
Returns: the expected/enclosing target namespace
/** * If the context is "include" or "redefine", then return the target * namespace of the enclosing schema document; otherwise, the expected * target namespace of this document. * * @return the expected/enclosing target namespace */
public String getTargetNamespace() { return fNamespace; }
For import and references from the instance document, it's possible to have multiple hints for one namespace. So this method returns an array, which contains all location hints.
Returns: an array of all location hints associated to the expected target namespace
/** * For import and references from the instance document, it's possible to * have multiple hints for one namespace. So this method returns an array, * which contains all location hints. * * @return an array of all location hints associated to the expected * target namespace */
public String[] getLocationHints() { return fLocationHints ; }
If a call is triggered by an element/attribute/xsi:type in the instance, this call returns the name of such triggering component: the name of the element/attribute, or the value of the xsi:type.
Returns: the name of the triggering component
/** * If a call is triggered by an element/attribute/xsi:type in the instance, * this call returns the name of such triggering component: the name of * the element/attribute, or the value of the xsi:type. * * @return the name of the triggering component */
public QName getTriggeringComponent() { return fTriggeringComponent ; }
If a call is triggered by an attribute or xsi:type, then this mehtod returns the enclosing element of such element.
Returns: the name of the enclosing element
/** * If a call is triggered by an attribute or xsi:type, then this mehtod * returns the enclosing element of such element. * * @return the name of the enclosing element */
public QName getEnclosingElementName() { return fEnclosedElementName ; }
If a call is triggered by an element/attribute/xsi:type in the instance, this call returns all attribute of such element (or enclosing element).
Returns: all attributes of the tiggering/enclosing element
/** * If a call is triggered by an element/attribute/xsi:type in the instance, * this call returns all attribute of such element (or enclosing element). * * @return all attributes of the tiggering/enclosing element */
public XMLAttributes getAttributes() { return fAttributes; } public boolean fromInstance() { return fContextType == CONTEXT_ATTRIBUTE || fContextType == CONTEXT_ELEMENT || fContextType == CONTEXT_INSTANCE || fContextType == CONTEXT_XSITYPE; }
Returns:true if the schema is external
/** * @return true if the schema is external */
public boolean isExternal() { return fContextType == CONTEXT_INCLUDE || fContextType == CONTEXT_REDEFINE || fContextType == CONTEXT_IMPORT || fContextType == CONTEXT_ELEMENT || fContextType == CONTEXT_ATTRIBUTE || fContextType == CONTEXT_XSITYPE; }
Compares this grammar with the given grammar. Currently, we compare the target namespaces.
  • descObj – The description of the grammar to be compared with
Returns: True if they are equal, else false
/** * Compares this grammar with the given grammar. Currently, we compare * the target namespaces. * * @param descObj The description of the grammar to be compared with * @return True if they are equal, else false */
public boolean equals(Object descObj) { if(!(descObj instanceof XMLSchemaDescription)) return false; XMLSchemaDescription desc = (XMLSchemaDescription)descObj; if (fNamespace != null) return fNamespace.equals(desc.getTargetNamespace()); else // fNamespace == null return desc.getTargetNamespace() == null; }
Returns the hash code of this grammar
Returns:The hash code
/** * Returns the hash code of this grammar * * @return The hash code */
public int hashCode() { return (fNamespace == null) ? 0 : fNamespace.hashCode(); } public void setContextType(short contextType){ fContextType = contextType ; } public void setTargetNamespace(String targetNamespace){ fNamespace = targetNamespace ; } public void setLocationHints(String [] locationHints){ int length = locationHints.length ; fLocationHints = new String[length]; System.arraycopy(locationHints, 0, fLocationHints, 0, length); //fLocationHints = locationHints ; } public void setTriggeringComponent(QName triggeringComponent){ fTriggeringComponent = triggeringComponent ; } public void setEnclosingElementName(QName enclosedElementName){ fEnclosedElementName = enclosedElementName ; } public void setAttributes(XMLAttributes attributes){ fAttributes = attributes ; }
resets all the fields
/** * resets all the fields */
public void reset(){ super.clear(); fContextType = CONTEXT_INITIALIZE; fLocationHints = null ; fTriggeringComponent = null ; fEnclosedElementName = null ; fAttributes = null ; } public XSDDescription makeClone() { XSDDescription desc = new XSDDescription(); desc.fAttributes = this.fAttributes; desc.fBaseSystemId = this.fBaseSystemId; desc.fContextType = this.fContextType; desc.fEnclosedElementName = this.fEnclosedElementName; desc.fExpandedSystemId = this.fExpandedSystemId; desc.fLiteralSystemId = this.fLiteralSystemId; desc.fLocationHints = this.fLocationHints; desc.fPublicId = this.fPublicId; desc.fNamespace = this.fNamespace; desc.fTriggeringComponent = this.fTriggeringComponent; return desc; } } // XSDDescription