 * Copyright (c) 2006, 2017, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
 * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
 * contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file distributed with
 * this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
 * The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
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package com.sun.org.apache.xalan.internal.xsltc.runtime;

import com.sun.org.apache.xalan.internal.XalanConstants;
import com.sun.org.apache.xalan.internal.xsltc.DOM;
import com.sun.org.apache.xalan.internal.xsltc.DOMCache;
import com.sun.org.apache.xalan.internal.xsltc.DOMEnhancedForDTM;
import com.sun.org.apache.xalan.internal.xsltc.Translet;
import com.sun.org.apache.xalan.internal.xsltc.TransletException;
import com.sun.org.apache.xalan.internal.xsltc.dom.DOMAdapter;
import com.sun.org.apache.xalan.internal.xsltc.dom.KeyIndex;
import com.sun.org.apache.xalan.internal.xsltc.runtime.output.TransletOutputHandlerFactory;
import com.sun.org.apache.xml.internal.dtm.DTM;
import com.sun.org.apache.xml.internal.dtm.DTMAxisIterator;
import com.sun.org.apache.xml.internal.serializer.SerializationHandler;
import java.io.BufferedOutputStream;
import java.io.File;
import java.io.FileOutputStream;
import java.text.DecimalFormat;
import java.text.DecimalFormatSymbols;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Map;
import javax.xml.parsers.DocumentBuilderFactory;
import javax.xml.parsers.ParserConfigurationException;
import javax.xml.transform.Templates;
import jdk.xml.internal.JdkXmlUtils;
import org.w3c.dom.DOMImplementation;
import org.w3c.dom.Document;

Author:Jacek Ambroziak, Santiago Pericas-Geertsen, Morten Jorgensen, G. Todd Miller, John Howard, JohnH@schemasoft.com
/** * @author Jacek Ambroziak * @author Santiago Pericas-Geertsen * @author Morten Jorgensen * @author G. Todd Miller * @author John Howard, JohnH@schemasoft.com */
public abstract class AbstractTranslet implements Translet { // These attributes are extracted from the xsl:output element. They also // appear as fields (with the same type, only public) in Output.java public String _version = "1.0"; public String _method = null; public String _encoding = "UTF-8"; public boolean _omitHeader = false; public String _standalone = null; //see OutputPropertiesFactory.ORACLE_IS_STANDALONE public boolean _isStandalone = false; public String _doctypePublic = null; public String _doctypeSystem = null; public boolean _indent = false; public String _mediaType = null; public ArrayList<String> _cdata = null; public int _indentamount = -1; public static final int FIRST_TRANSLET_VERSION = 100; public static final int VER_SPLIT_NAMES_ARRAY = 101; public static final int CURRENT_TRANSLET_VERSION = VER_SPLIT_NAMES_ARRAY; // Initialize Translet version field to base value. A class that extends // AbstractTranslet may override this value to a more recent translet // version; if it doesn't override the value (because it was compiled // before the notion of a translet version was introduced, it will get // this default value). protected int transletVersion = FIRST_TRANSLET_VERSION; // DOM/translet handshaking - the arrays are set by the compiled translet protected String[] namesArray; protected String[] urisArray; protected int[] typesArray; protected String[] namespaceArray; // The Templates object that is used to create this Translet instance protected Templates _templates = null; // Boolean flag to indicate whether this translet has id functions. protected boolean _hasIdCall = false; // TODO - these should only be instanciated when needed protected StringValueHandler stringValueHandler = new StringValueHandler(); // Use one empty string instead of constantly instanciating String(""); private final static String EMPTYSTRING = ""; // This is the name of the index used for ID attributes private final static String ID_INDEX_NAME = "##id"; private boolean _overrideDefaultParser; // The OutputStream for redirect function private FileOutputStream output = null;
protocols allowed for external references set by the stylesheet processing instruction, Document() function, Import and Include element.
/** * protocols allowed for external references set by the stylesheet processing instruction, Document() function, Import and Include element. */
private String _accessExternalStylesheet = XalanConstants.EXTERNAL_ACCESS_DEFAULT;
/************************************************************************ * Debugging ************************************************************************/
public void printInternalState() { System.out.println("-------------------------------------"); System.out.println("AbstractTranslet this = " + this); System.out.println("pbase = " + pbase); System.out.println("vframe = " + pframe); System.out.println("paramsStack.size() = " + paramsStack.size()); System.out.println("namesArray.size = " + namesArray.length); System.out.println("namespaceArray.size = " + namespaceArray.length); System.out.println(""); System.out.println("Total memory = " + Runtime.getRuntime().totalMemory()); }
Wrap the initial input DOM in a dom adapter. This adapter is wrapped in a DOM multiplexer if the document() function is used (handled by compiled code in the translet - see compiler/Stylesheet.compileTransform()).
/** * Wrap the initial input DOM in a dom adapter. This adapter is wrapped in * a DOM multiplexer if the document() function is used (handled by compiled * code in the translet - see compiler/Stylesheet.compileTransform()). */
public final DOMAdapter makeDOMAdapter(DOM dom) throws TransletException { setRootForKeys(dom.getDocument()); return new DOMAdapter(dom, namesArray, urisArray, typesArray, namespaceArray); }
Parameter handling
/************************************************************************ * Parameter handling ************************************************************************/
// Parameter's stack: <tt>pbase</tt> and <tt>pframe</tt> are used // to denote the current parameter frame. protected int pbase = 0, pframe = 0; protected ArrayList paramsStack = new ArrayList();
Push a new parameter frame.
/** * Push a new parameter frame. */
public final void pushParamFrame() { paramsStack.add(pframe, new Integer(pbase)); pbase = ++pframe; }
Pop the topmost parameter frame.
/** * Pop the topmost parameter frame. */
public final void popParamFrame() { if (pbase > 0) { final int oldpbase = ((Integer)paramsStack.get(--pbase)).intValue(); for (int i = pframe - 1; i >= pbase; i--) { paramsStack.remove(i); } pframe = pbase; pbase = oldpbase; } }
Add a new global parameter if not already in the current frame. To setParameters of the form {http://foo.bar}xyz This needs to get mapped to an instance variable in the class The mapping created so that the global variables in the generated class become http$colon$$flash$$flash$foo$dot$bar$colon$xyz
/** * Add a new global parameter if not already in the current frame. * To setParameters of the form {http://foo.bar}xyz * This needs to get mapped to an instance variable in the class * The mapping created so that * the global variables in the generated class become * http$colon$$flash$$flash$foo$dot$bar$colon$xyz */
public final Object addParameter(String name, Object value) { name = BasisLibrary.mapQNameToJavaName (name); return addParameter(name, value, false); }
Add a new global or local parameter if not already in the current frame. The 'isDefault' parameter is set to true if the value passed is the default value from the element's select attribute or element body.
/** * Add a new global or local parameter if not already in the current frame. * The 'isDefault' parameter is set to true if the value passed is the * default value from the <xsl:parameter> element's select attribute or * element body. */
public final Object addParameter(String name, Object value, boolean isDefault) { // Local parameters need to be re-evaluated for each iteration for (int i = pframe - 1; i >= pbase; i--) { final Parameter param = (Parameter) paramsStack.get(i); if (param._name.equals(name)) { // Only overwrite if current value is the default value and // the new value is _NOT_ the default value. if (param._isDefault || !isDefault) { param._value = value; param._isDefault = isDefault; return value; } return param._value; } } // Add new parameter to parameter stack paramsStack.add(pframe++, new Parameter(name, value, isDefault)); return value; }
Clears the parameter stack.
/** * Clears the parameter stack. */
public void clearParameters() { pbase = pframe = 0; paramsStack.clear(); }
Get the value of a parameter from the current frame or null if undefined.
/** * Get the value of a parameter from the current frame or * <tt>null</tt> if undefined. */
public final Object getParameter(String name) { name = BasisLibrary.mapQNameToJavaName (name); for (int i = pframe - 1; i >= pbase; i--) { final Parameter param = (Parameter)paramsStack.get(i); if (param._name.equals(name)) return param._value; } return null; }
Message handling - implementation of
/************************************************************************ * Message handling - implementation of <xsl:message> ************************************************************************/
// Holds the translet's message handler - used for <xsl:message>. // The deault message handler dumps a string stdout, but anything can be // used, such as a dialog box for applets, etc. private MessageHandler _msgHandler = null;
Set the translet's message handler - must implement MessageHandler
/** * Set the translet's message handler - must implement MessageHandler */
public final void setMessageHandler(MessageHandler handler) { _msgHandler = handler; }
Pass a message to the message handler - used by Message class.
/** * Pass a message to the message handler - used by Message class. */
public final void displayMessage(String msg) { if (_msgHandler == null) { System.err.println(msg); } else { _msgHandler.displayMessage(msg); } }
Decimal number format symbol handling
/************************************************************************ * Decimal number format symbol handling ************************************************************************/
// Contains decimal number formatting symbols used by FormatNumberCall public Map<String, DecimalFormat> _formatSymbols = null;
Adds a DecimalFormat object to the _formatSymbols map. The entry is created with the input DecimalFormatSymbols.
/** * Adds a DecimalFormat object to the _formatSymbols map. * The entry is created with the input DecimalFormatSymbols. */
public void addDecimalFormat(String name, DecimalFormatSymbols symbols) { // Instanciate map for formatting symbols if needed if (_formatSymbols == null) _formatSymbols = new HashMap<>(); // The name cannot be null - use empty string instead if (name == null) name = EMPTYSTRING; // Construct a DecimalFormat object containing the symbols we got final DecimalFormat df = new DecimalFormat(); if (symbols != null) { df.setDecimalFormatSymbols(symbols); } _formatSymbols.put(name, df); }
Retrieves a named DecimalFormat object from the _formatSymbols map.
/** * Retrieves a named DecimalFormat object from the _formatSymbols map. */
public final DecimalFormat getDecimalFormat(String name) { if (_formatSymbols != null) { // The name cannot be null - use empty string instead if (name == null) name = EMPTYSTRING; DecimalFormat df = _formatSymbols.get(name); if (df == null) df = _formatSymbols.get(EMPTYSTRING); return df; } return(null); }
Give the translet an opportunity to perform a prepass on the document to extract any information that it can store in an optimized form. Currently, it only extracts information about attributes of type ID.
/** * Give the translet an opportunity to perform a prepass on the document * to extract any information that it can store in an optimized form. * * Currently, it only extracts information about attributes of type ID. */
public final void prepassDocument(DOM document) { setIndexSize(document.getSize()); buildIDIndex(document); }
Leverages the Key Class to implement the XSLT id() function. buildIdIndex creates the index (##id) that Key Class uses. The index contains the element node index (int) and Id value (String).
/** * Leverages the Key Class to implement the XSLT id() function. * buildIdIndex creates the index (##id) that Key Class uses. * The index contains the element node index (int) and Id value (String). */
private final void buildIDIndex(DOM document) { setRootForKeys(document.getDocument()); if (document instanceof DOMEnhancedForDTM) { DOMEnhancedForDTM enhancedDOM = (DOMEnhancedForDTM)document; // If the input source is DOMSource, the KeyIndex table is not // built at this time. It will be built later by the lookupId() // and containsId() methods of the KeyIndex class. if (enhancedDOM.hasDOMSource()) { buildKeyIndex(ID_INDEX_NAME, document); return; } else { final Map<String, Integer> elementsByID = enhancedDOM.getElementsWithIDs(); if (elementsByID == null) { return; } // Given a Map of DTM nodes indexed by ID attribute values, // loop through the table copying information to a KeyIndex // for the mapping from ID attribute value to DTM node boolean hasIDValues = false; for (Map.Entry<String, Integer> entry : elementsByID.entrySet()) { final int element = document.getNodeHandle(entry.getValue()); buildKeyIndex(ID_INDEX_NAME, element, entry.getKey()); hasIDValues = true; } if (hasIDValues) { setKeyIndexDom(ID_INDEX_NAME, document); } } } }
After constructing the translet object, this method must be called to perform any version-specific post-initialization that's required.
/** * After constructing the translet object, this method must be called to * perform any version-specific post-initialization that's required. */
public final void postInitialization() { // If the version of the translet had just one namesArray, split // it into multiple fields. if (transletVersion < VER_SPLIT_NAMES_ARRAY) { int arraySize = namesArray.length; String[] newURIsArray = new String[arraySize]; String[] newNamesArray = new String[arraySize]; int[] newTypesArray = new int[arraySize]; for (int i = 0; i < arraySize; i++) { String name = namesArray[i]; int colonIndex = name.lastIndexOf(':'); int lNameStartIdx = colonIndex+1; if (colonIndex > -1) { newURIsArray[i] = name.substring(0, colonIndex); } // Distinguish attribute and element names. Attribute has // @ before local part of name. if (name.charAt(lNameStartIdx) == '@') { lNameStartIdx++; newTypesArray[i] = DTM.ATTRIBUTE_NODE; } else if (name.charAt(lNameStartIdx) == '?') { lNameStartIdx++; newTypesArray[i] = DTM.NAMESPACE_NODE; } else { newTypesArray[i] = DTM.ELEMENT_NODE; } newNamesArray[i] = (lNameStartIdx == 0) ? name : name.substring(lNameStartIdx); } namesArray = newNamesArray; urisArray = newURIsArray; typesArray = newTypesArray; } // Was translet compiled using a more recent version of the XSLTC // compiler than is known by the AbstractTranslet class? If, so // and we've made it this far (which is doubtful), we should give up. if (transletVersion > CURRENT_TRANSLET_VERSION) { BasisLibrary.runTimeError(BasisLibrary.UNKNOWN_TRANSLET_VERSION_ERR, this.getClass().getName()); } }
Index(es) for / key() / id()
/************************************************************************ * Index(es) for <xsl:key> / key() / id() ************************************************************************/
// Container for all indexes for xsl:key elements private Map<String, KeyIndex> _keyIndexes = null; private KeyIndex _emptyKeyIndex = null; private int _indexSize = 0; private int _currentRootForKeys = 0;
This method is used to pass the largest DOM size to the translet. Needed to make sure that the translet can index the whole DOM.
/** * This method is used to pass the largest DOM size to the translet. * Needed to make sure that the translet can index the whole DOM. */
public void setIndexSize(int size) { if (size > _indexSize) _indexSize = size; }
Creates a KeyIndex object of the desired size - don't want to resize!!!
/** * Creates a KeyIndex object of the desired size - don't want to resize!!! */
public KeyIndex createKeyIndex() { return(new KeyIndex(_indexSize)); }
Adds a value to a key/id index @param name is the name of the index (the key or ##id) @param node is the node handle of the node to insert @param value is the value that will look up the node in the given index
/** * Adds a value to a key/id index * @param name is the name of the index (the key or ##id) * @param node is the node handle of the node to insert * @param value is the value that will look up the node in the given index */
public void buildKeyIndex(String name, int node, String value) { KeyIndex index = buildKeyIndexHelper(name); index.add(value, node, _currentRootForKeys); }
Create an empty KeyIndex in the DOM case @param name is the name of the index (the key or ##id) @param dom is the DOM
/** * Create an empty KeyIndex in the DOM case * @param name is the name of the index (the key or ##id) * @param dom is the DOM */
public void buildKeyIndex(String name, DOM dom) { KeyIndex index = buildKeyIndexHelper(name); index.setDom(dom, dom.getDocument()); }
Return KeyIndex for the buildKeyIndex methods. Note the difference from the public getKeyIndex method, this method creates a new Map if keyIndexes does not exist.
  • name – the name of the index (the key or ##id)
Returns:a KeyIndex.
/** * Return KeyIndex for the buildKeyIndex methods. Note the difference from the * public getKeyIndex method, this method creates a new Map if keyIndexes does * not exist. * * @param name the name of the index (the key or ##id) * @return a KeyIndex. */
private KeyIndex buildKeyIndexHelper(String name) { if (_keyIndexes == null) _keyIndexes = new HashMap<>(); KeyIndex index = _keyIndexes.get(name); if (index == null) { _keyIndexes.put(name, index = new KeyIndex(_indexSize)); } return index; }
Returns the index for a given key (or id). The index implements our internal iterator interface
  • name – the name of the index (the key or ##id)
Returns:a KeyIndex.
/** * Returns the index for a given key (or id). * The index implements our internal iterator interface * @param name the name of the index (the key or ##id) * @return a KeyIndex. */
public KeyIndex getKeyIndex(String name) { // Return an empty key index iterator if none are defined if (_keyIndexes == null) { return (_emptyKeyIndex != null) ? _emptyKeyIndex : (_emptyKeyIndex = new KeyIndex(1)); } // Look up the requested key index final KeyIndex index = _keyIndexes.get(name); // Return an empty key index iterator if the requested index not found if (index == null) { return (_emptyKeyIndex != null) ? _emptyKeyIndex : (_emptyKeyIndex = new KeyIndex(1)); } return(index); } private void setRootForKeys(int root) { _currentRootForKeys = root; }
This method builds key indexes - it is overridden in the compiled translet in cases where the element is used
/** * This method builds key indexes - it is overridden in the compiled * translet in cases where the <xsl:key> element is used */
public void buildKeys(DOM document, DTMAxisIterator iterator, SerializationHandler handler, int root) throws TransletException { }
This method builds key indexes - it is overridden in the compiled translet in cases where the element is used
/** * This method builds key indexes - it is overridden in the compiled * translet in cases where the <xsl:key> element is used */
public void setKeyIndexDom(String name, DOM document) { getKeyIndex(name).setDom(document, document.getDocument()); }
DOM cache handling
/************************************************************************ * DOM cache handling ************************************************************************/
// Hold the DOM cache (if any) used with this translet private DOMCache _domCache = null;
Sets the DOM cache used for additional documents loaded using the document() function.
/** * Sets the DOM cache used for additional documents loaded using the * document() function. */
public void setDOMCache(DOMCache cache) { _domCache = cache; }
Returns the DOM cache used for this translet. Used by the LoadDocument class (if present) when the document() function is used.
/** * Returns the DOM cache used for this translet. Used by the LoadDocument * class (if present) when the document() function is used. */
public DOMCache getDOMCache() { return(_domCache); }
Multiple output document extension. See compiler/TransletOutput for actual implementation.
/************************************************************************ * Multiple output document extension. * See compiler/TransletOutput for actual implementation. ************************************************************************/
public SerializationHandler openOutputHandler(String filename, boolean append) throws TransletException { try { final TransletOutputHandlerFactory factory = TransletOutputHandlerFactory.newInstance(_overrideDefaultParser); String dirStr = new File(filename).getParent(); if ((null != dirStr) && (dirStr.length() > 0)) { File dir = new File(dirStr); dir.mkdirs(); } output = new FileOutputStream(filename, append); factory.setEncoding(_encoding); factory.setOutputMethod(_method); factory.setOutputStream(new BufferedOutputStream(output)); factory.setOutputType(TransletOutputHandlerFactory.STREAM); final SerializationHandler handler = factory.getSerializationHandler(); transferOutputSettings(handler); handler.startDocument(); return handler; } catch (Exception e) { throw new TransletException(e); } } public SerializationHandler openOutputHandler(String filename) throws TransletException { return openOutputHandler(filename, false); } public void closeOutputHandler(SerializationHandler handler) { try { handler.endDocument(); handler.close(); if (output != null) { output.close(); } } catch (Exception e) { // what can you do? } } /************************************************************************ * Native API transformation methods - _NOT_ JAXP/TrAX ************************************************************************/
Main transform() method - this is overridden by the compiled translet
/** * Main transform() method - this is overridden by the compiled translet */
public abstract void transform(DOM document, DTMAxisIterator iterator, SerializationHandler handler) throws TransletException;
Calls transform() with a given output handler
/** * Calls transform() with a given output handler */
public final void transform(DOM document, SerializationHandler handler) throws TransletException { try { transform(document, document.getIterator(), handler); } finally { _keyIndexes = null; } }
Used by some compiled code as a shortcut for passing strings to the output handler
/** * Used by some compiled code as a shortcut for passing strings to the * output handler */
public final void characters(final String string, SerializationHandler handler) throws TransletException { if (string != null) { //final int length = string.length(); try { handler.characters(string); } catch (Exception e) { throw new TransletException(e); } } }
Add's a name of an element whose text contents should be output as CDATA
/** * Add's a name of an element whose text contents should be output as CDATA */
public void addCdataElement(String name) { if (_cdata == null) { _cdata = new ArrayList<>(); } int lastColon = name.lastIndexOf(':'); if (lastColon > 0) { String uri = name.substring(0, lastColon); String localName = name.substring(lastColon+1); _cdata.add(uri); _cdata.add(localName); } else { _cdata.add(null); _cdata.add(name); } }
Transfer the output settings to the output post-processor
/** * Transfer the output settings to the output post-processor */
protected void transferOutputSettings(SerializationHandler handler) { if (_method != null) { if (_method.equals("xml")) { if (_standalone != null) { handler.setStandalone(_standalone); } if (_omitHeader) { handler.setOmitXMLDeclaration(true); } handler.setCdataSectionElements(_cdata); if (_version != null) { handler.setVersion(_version); } handler.setIndent(_indent); if (_indentamount >= 0) handler.setIndentAmount(_indentamount); if (_doctypeSystem != null) { handler.setDoctype(_doctypeSystem, _doctypePublic); } handler.setIsStandalone(_isStandalone); } else if (_method.equals("html")) { handler.setIndent(_indent); handler.setDoctype(_doctypeSystem, _doctypePublic); if (_mediaType != null) { handler.setMediaType(_mediaType); } } } else { handler.setCdataSectionElements(_cdata); if (_version != null) { handler.setVersion(_version); } if (_standalone != null) { handler.setStandalone(_standalone); } if (_omitHeader) { handler.setOmitXMLDeclaration(true); } handler.setIndent(_indent); handler.setDoctype(_doctypeSystem, _doctypePublic); handler.setIsStandalone(_isStandalone); } } private Map<String, Class<?>> _auxClasses = null; public void addAuxiliaryClass(Class auxClass) { if (_auxClasses == null) _auxClasses = new HashMap<>(); _auxClasses.put(auxClass.getName(), auxClass); } public void setAuxiliaryClasses(Map<String, Class<?>> auxClasses) { _auxClasses = auxClasses; } public Class getAuxiliaryClass(String className) { if (_auxClasses == null) return null; return((Class)_auxClasses.get(className)); } // GTM added (see pg 110) public String[] getNamesArray() { return namesArray; } public String[] getUrisArray() { return urisArray; } public int[] getTypesArray() { return typesArray; } public String[] getNamespaceArray() { return namespaceArray; } public boolean hasIdCall() { return _hasIdCall; } public Templates getTemplates() { return _templates; } public void setTemplates(Templates templates) { _templates = templates; }
Return the state of the services mechanism feature.
/** * Return the state of the services mechanism feature. */
public boolean overrideDefaultParser() { return _overrideDefaultParser; }
Set the state of the services mechanism feature.
/** * Set the state of the services mechanism feature. */
public void setOverrideDefaultParser(boolean flag) { _overrideDefaultParser = flag; }
Return allowed protocols for accessing external stylesheet.
/** * Return allowed protocols for accessing external stylesheet. */
public String getAllowedProtocols() { return _accessExternalStylesheet; }
Set allowed protocols for accessing external stylesheet.
/** * Set allowed protocols for accessing external stylesheet. */
public void setAllowedProtocols(String protocols) { _accessExternalStylesheet = protocols; }
DOMImplementation caching for basis library
/************************************************************************ * DOMImplementation caching for basis library ************************************************************************/
protected DOMImplementation _domImplementation = null; public Document newDocument(String uri, String qname) throws ParserConfigurationException { if (_domImplementation == null) { DocumentBuilderFactory dbf = JdkXmlUtils.getDOMFactory(_overrideDefaultParser); _domImplementation = dbf.newDocumentBuilder().getDOMImplementation(); } return _domImplementation.createDocument(uri, qname, null); } }