 * reserved comment block
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/** * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one * or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file * distributed with this work for additional information * regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance * with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, * software distributed under the License is distributed on an * "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY * KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the * specific language governing permissions and limitations * under the License. */
package com.sun.org.apache.xml.internal.security.c14n.implementations; import java.io.ByteArrayOutputStream; import java.io.IOException; import java.io.OutputStream; import java.io.UnsupportedEncodingException; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import java.util.ListIterator; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; import javax.xml.parsers.ParserConfigurationException; import com.sun.org.apache.xml.internal.security.c14n.CanonicalizationException; import com.sun.org.apache.xml.internal.security.c14n.CanonicalizerSpi; import com.sun.org.apache.xml.internal.security.c14n.helper.AttrCompare; import com.sun.org.apache.xml.internal.security.signature.NodeFilter; import com.sun.org.apache.xml.internal.security.signature.XMLSignatureInput; import com.sun.org.apache.xml.internal.security.utils.Constants; import com.sun.org.apache.xml.internal.security.utils.UnsyncByteArrayOutputStream; import com.sun.org.apache.xml.internal.security.utils.XMLUtils; import org.w3c.dom.Attr; import org.w3c.dom.Comment; import org.w3c.dom.Element; import org.w3c.dom.Document; import org.w3c.dom.NamedNodeMap; import org.w3c.dom.Node; import org.w3c.dom.ProcessingInstruction; import org.xml.sax.SAXException;
Abstract base class for canonicalization algorithms.
Author:Christian Geuer-Pollmann
/** * Abstract base class for canonicalization algorithms. * * @author Christian Geuer-Pollmann <geuerp@apache.org> */
public abstract class CanonicalizerBase extends CanonicalizerSpi { public static final String XML = "xml"; public static final String XMLNS = "xmlns"; protected static final AttrCompare COMPARE = new AttrCompare(); // Make sure you clone the following mutable arrays before passing to // potentially untrusted objects such as OutputStreams. private static final byte[] END_PI = {'?','>'}; private static final byte[] BEGIN_PI = {'<','?'}; private static final byte[] END_COMM = {'-','-','>'}; private static final byte[] BEGIN_COMM = {'<','!','-','-'}; private static final byte[] XA = {'&','#','x','A',';'}; private static final byte[] X9 = {'&','#','x','9',';'}; private static final byte[] QUOT = {'&','q','u','o','t',';'}; private static final byte[] XD = {'&','#','x','D',';'}; private static final byte[] GT = {'&','g','t',';'}; private static final byte[] LT = {'&','l','t',';'}; private static final byte[] END_TAG = {'<','/'}; private static final byte[] AMP = {'&','a','m','p',';'}; private static final byte[] EQUALS_STR = {'=','\"'}; protected static final int NODE_BEFORE_DOCUMENT_ELEMENT = -1; protected static final int NODE_NOT_BEFORE_OR_AFTER_DOCUMENT_ELEMENT = 0; protected static final int NODE_AFTER_DOCUMENT_ELEMENT = 1; private List<NodeFilter> nodeFilter; private boolean includeComments; private Set<Node> xpathNodeSet;
The node to be skipped/excluded from the DOM tree in subtree canonicalizations.
/** * The node to be skipped/excluded from the DOM tree * in subtree canonicalizations. */
private Node excludeNode; private OutputStream writer = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
The null xmlns definition.
/** * The null xmlns definition. */
private Attr nullNode;
Constructor CanonicalizerBase
  • includeComments –
/** * Constructor CanonicalizerBase * * @param includeComments */
public CanonicalizerBase(boolean includeComments) { this.includeComments = includeComments; }
Method engineCanonicalizeSubTree
  • rootNode –
/** * Method engineCanonicalizeSubTree * @inheritDoc * @param rootNode * @throws CanonicalizationException */
public byte[] engineCanonicalizeSubTree(Node rootNode) throws CanonicalizationException { return engineCanonicalizeSubTree(rootNode, (Node)null); }
Method engineCanonicalizeXPathNodeSet
  • xpathNodeSet –
/** * Method engineCanonicalizeXPathNodeSet * @inheritDoc * @param xpathNodeSet * @throws CanonicalizationException */
public byte[] engineCanonicalizeXPathNodeSet(Set<Node> xpathNodeSet) throws CanonicalizationException { this.xpathNodeSet = xpathNodeSet; return engineCanonicalizeXPathNodeSetInternal(XMLUtils.getOwnerDocument(this.xpathNodeSet)); }
Canonicalizes a Subtree node.
  • input – the root of the subtree to canicalize
Returns:The canonicalize stream.
/** * Canonicalizes a Subtree node. * @param input the root of the subtree to canicalize * @return The canonicalize stream. * @throws CanonicalizationException */
public byte[] engineCanonicalize(XMLSignatureInput input) throws CanonicalizationException { try { if (input.isExcludeComments()) { includeComments = false; } if (input.isOctetStream()) { return engineCanonicalize(input.getBytes()); } if (input.isElement()) { return engineCanonicalizeSubTree(input.getSubNode(), input.getExcludeNode()); } else if (input.isNodeSet()) { nodeFilter = input.getNodeFilters(); circumventBugIfNeeded(input); if (input.getSubNode() != null) { return engineCanonicalizeXPathNodeSetInternal(input.getSubNode()); } else { return engineCanonicalizeXPathNodeSet(input.getNodeSet()); } } return null; } catch (CanonicalizationException ex) { throw new CanonicalizationException("empty", ex); } catch (ParserConfigurationException ex) { throw new CanonicalizationException("empty", ex); } catch (IOException ex) { throw new CanonicalizationException("empty", ex); } catch (SAXException ex) { throw new CanonicalizationException("empty", ex); } }
  • writer – The writer to set.
/** * @param writer The writer to set. */
public void setWriter(OutputStream writer) { this.writer = writer; }
Canonicalizes a Subtree node.
  • rootNode – the root of the subtree to canonicalize
  • excludeNode – a node to be excluded from the canonicalize operation
Returns:The canonicalize stream.
/** * Canonicalizes a Subtree node. * * @param rootNode * the root of the subtree to canonicalize * @param excludeNode * a node to be excluded from the canonicalize operation * @return The canonicalize stream. * @throws CanonicalizationException */
protected byte[] engineCanonicalizeSubTree(Node rootNode, Node excludeNode) throws CanonicalizationException { this.excludeNode = excludeNode; try { NameSpaceSymbTable ns = new NameSpaceSymbTable(); int nodeLevel = NODE_BEFORE_DOCUMENT_ELEMENT; if (rootNode != null && Node.ELEMENT_NODE == rootNode.getNodeType()) { //Fills the nssymbtable with the definitions of the parent of the root subnode getParentNameSpaces((Element)rootNode, ns); nodeLevel = NODE_NOT_BEFORE_OR_AFTER_DOCUMENT_ELEMENT; } this.canonicalizeSubTree(rootNode, ns, rootNode, nodeLevel); this.writer.flush(); if (this.writer instanceof ByteArrayOutputStream) { byte[] result = ((ByteArrayOutputStream)this.writer).toByteArray(); if (reset) { ((ByteArrayOutputStream)this.writer).reset(); } else { this.writer.close(); } return result; } else if (this.writer instanceof UnsyncByteArrayOutputStream) { byte[] result = ((UnsyncByteArrayOutputStream)this.writer).toByteArray(); if (reset) { ((UnsyncByteArrayOutputStream)this.writer).reset(); } else { this.writer.close(); } return result; } else { this.writer.close(); } return null; } catch (UnsupportedEncodingException ex) { throw new CanonicalizationException("empty", ex); } catch (IOException ex) { throw new CanonicalizationException("empty", ex); } }
Method canonicalizeSubTree, this function is a recursive one.
  • currentNode –
  • ns –
  • endnode –
/** * Method canonicalizeSubTree, this function is a recursive one. * * @param currentNode * @param ns * @param endnode * @throws CanonicalizationException * @throws IOException */
protected final void canonicalizeSubTree( Node currentNode, NameSpaceSymbTable ns, Node endnode, int documentLevel ) throws CanonicalizationException, IOException { if (isVisibleInt(currentNode) == -1) { return; } Node sibling = null; Node parentNode = null; final OutputStream writer = this.writer; final Node excludeNode = this.excludeNode; final boolean includeComments = this.includeComments; Map<String, byte[]> cache = new HashMap<String, byte[]>(); do { switch (currentNode.getNodeType()) { case Node.ENTITY_NODE : case Node.NOTATION_NODE : case Node.ATTRIBUTE_NODE : // illegal node type during traversal throw new CanonicalizationException("empty"); case Node.DOCUMENT_FRAGMENT_NODE : case Node.DOCUMENT_NODE : ns.outputNodePush(); sibling = currentNode.getFirstChild(); break; case Node.COMMENT_NODE : if (includeComments) { outputCommentToWriter((Comment) currentNode, writer, documentLevel); } break; case Node.PROCESSING_INSTRUCTION_NODE : outputPItoWriter((ProcessingInstruction) currentNode, writer, documentLevel); break; case Node.TEXT_NODE : case Node.CDATA_SECTION_NODE : outputTextToWriter(currentNode.getNodeValue(), writer); break; case Node.ELEMENT_NODE : documentLevel = NODE_NOT_BEFORE_OR_AFTER_DOCUMENT_ELEMENT; if (currentNode == excludeNode) { break; } Element currentElement = (Element)currentNode; //Add a level to the nssymbtable. So latter can be pop-back. ns.outputNodePush(); writer.write('<'); String name = currentElement.getTagName(); UtfHelpper.writeByte(name, writer, cache); Iterator<Attr> attrs = this.handleAttributesSubtree(currentElement, ns); if (attrs != null) { //we output all Attrs which are available while (attrs.hasNext()) { Attr attr = attrs.next(); outputAttrToWriter(attr.getNodeName(), attr.getNodeValue(), writer, cache); } } writer.write('>'); sibling = currentNode.getFirstChild(); if (sibling == null) { writer.write(END_TAG.clone()); UtfHelpper.writeStringToUtf8(name, writer); writer.write('>'); //We finished with this level, pop to the previous definitions. ns.outputNodePop(); if (parentNode != null) { sibling = currentNode.getNextSibling(); } } else { parentNode = currentElement; } break; case Node.DOCUMENT_TYPE_NODE : default : break; } while (sibling == null && parentNode != null) { writer.write(END_TAG.clone()); UtfHelpper.writeByte(((Element)parentNode).getTagName(), writer, cache); writer.write('>'); //We finished with this level, pop to the previous definitions. ns.outputNodePop(); if (parentNode == endnode) { return; } sibling = parentNode.getNextSibling(); parentNode = parentNode.getParentNode(); if (parentNode == null || Node.ELEMENT_NODE != parentNode.getNodeType()) { documentLevel = NODE_AFTER_DOCUMENT_ELEMENT; parentNode = null; } } if (sibling == null) { return; } currentNode = sibling; sibling = currentNode.getNextSibling(); } while(true); } private byte[] engineCanonicalizeXPathNodeSetInternal(Node doc) throws CanonicalizationException { try { this.canonicalizeXPathNodeSet(doc, doc); this.writer.flush(); if (this.writer instanceof ByteArrayOutputStream) { byte[] sol = ((ByteArrayOutputStream)this.writer).toByteArray(); if (reset) { ((ByteArrayOutputStream)this.writer).reset(); } else { this.writer.close(); } return sol; } else if (this.writer instanceof UnsyncByteArrayOutputStream) { byte[] result = ((UnsyncByteArrayOutputStream)this.writer).toByteArray(); if (reset) { ((UnsyncByteArrayOutputStream)this.writer).reset(); } else { this.writer.close(); } return result; } else { this.writer.close(); } return null; } catch (UnsupportedEncodingException ex) { throw new CanonicalizationException("empty", ex); } catch (IOException ex) { throw new CanonicalizationException("empty", ex); } }
Canonicalizes all the nodes included in the currentNode and contained in the xpathNodeSet field.
  • currentNode –
  • endnode –
/** * Canonicalizes all the nodes included in the currentNode and contained in the * xpathNodeSet field. * * @param currentNode * @param endnode * @throws CanonicalizationException * @throws IOException */
protected final void canonicalizeXPathNodeSet(Node currentNode, Node endnode) throws CanonicalizationException, IOException { if (isVisibleInt(currentNode) == -1) { return; } boolean currentNodeIsVisible = false; NameSpaceSymbTable ns = new NameSpaceSymbTable(); if (currentNode != null && Node.ELEMENT_NODE == currentNode.getNodeType()) { getParentNameSpaces((Element)currentNode, ns); } if (currentNode == null) { return; } Node sibling = null; Node parentNode = null; OutputStream writer = this.writer; int documentLevel = NODE_BEFORE_DOCUMENT_ELEMENT; Map<String, byte[]> cache = new HashMap<String, byte[]>(); do { switch (currentNode.getNodeType()) { case Node.ENTITY_NODE : case Node.NOTATION_NODE : case Node.ATTRIBUTE_NODE : // illegal node type during traversal throw new CanonicalizationException("empty"); case Node.DOCUMENT_FRAGMENT_NODE : case Node.DOCUMENT_NODE : ns.outputNodePush(); sibling = currentNode.getFirstChild(); break; case Node.COMMENT_NODE : if (this.includeComments && (isVisibleDO(currentNode, ns.getLevel()) == 1)) { outputCommentToWriter((Comment) currentNode, writer, documentLevel); } break; case Node.PROCESSING_INSTRUCTION_NODE : if (isVisible(currentNode)) { outputPItoWriter((ProcessingInstruction) currentNode, writer, documentLevel); } break; case Node.TEXT_NODE : case Node.CDATA_SECTION_NODE : if (isVisible(currentNode)) { outputTextToWriter(currentNode.getNodeValue(), writer); for (Node nextSibling = currentNode.getNextSibling(); (nextSibling != null) && ((nextSibling.getNodeType() == Node.TEXT_NODE) || (nextSibling.getNodeType() == Node.CDATA_SECTION_NODE)); nextSibling = nextSibling.getNextSibling()) { outputTextToWriter(nextSibling.getNodeValue(), writer); currentNode = nextSibling; sibling = currentNode.getNextSibling(); } } break; case Node.ELEMENT_NODE : documentLevel = NODE_NOT_BEFORE_OR_AFTER_DOCUMENT_ELEMENT; Element currentElement = (Element) currentNode; //Add a level to the nssymbtable. So latter can be pop-back. String name = null; int i = isVisibleDO(currentNode, ns.getLevel()); if (i == -1) { sibling = currentNode.getNextSibling(); break; } currentNodeIsVisible = (i == 1); if (currentNodeIsVisible) { ns.outputNodePush(); writer.write('<'); name = currentElement.getTagName(); UtfHelpper.writeByte(name, writer, cache); } else { ns.push(); } Iterator<Attr> attrs = handleAttributes(currentElement,ns); if (attrs != null) { //we output all Attrs which are available while (attrs.hasNext()) { Attr attr = attrs.next(); outputAttrToWriter(attr.getNodeName(), attr.getNodeValue(), writer, cache); } } if (currentNodeIsVisible) { writer.write('>'); } sibling = currentNode.getFirstChild(); if (sibling == null) { if (currentNodeIsVisible) { writer.write(END_TAG.clone()); UtfHelpper.writeByte(name, writer, cache); writer.write('>'); //We finished with this level, pop to the previous definitions. ns.outputNodePop(); } else { ns.pop(); } if (parentNode != null) { sibling = currentNode.getNextSibling(); } } else { parentNode = currentElement; } break; case Node.DOCUMENT_TYPE_NODE : default : break; } while (sibling == null && parentNode != null) { if (isVisible(parentNode)) { writer.write(END_TAG.clone()); UtfHelpper.writeByte(((Element)parentNode).getTagName(), writer, cache); writer.write('>'); //We finished with this level, pop to the previous definitions. ns.outputNodePop(); } else { ns.pop(); } if (parentNode == endnode) { return; } sibling = parentNode.getNextSibling(); parentNode = parentNode.getParentNode(); if (parentNode == null || Node.ELEMENT_NODE != parentNode.getNodeType()) { parentNode = null; documentLevel = NODE_AFTER_DOCUMENT_ELEMENT; } } if (sibling == null) { return; } currentNode = sibling; sibling = currentNode.getNextSibling(); } while(true); } protected int isVisibleDO(Node currentNode, int level) { if (nodeFilter != null) { Iterator<NodeFilter> it = nodeFilter.iterator(); while (it.hasNext()) { int i = (it.next()).isNodeIncludeDO(currentNode, level); if (i != 1) { return i; } } } if ((this.xpathNodeSet != null) && !this.xpathNodeSet.contains(currentNode)) { return 0; } return 1; } protected int isVisibleInt(Node currentNode) { if (nodeFilter != null) { Iterator<NodeFilter> it = nodeFilter.iterator(); while (it.hasNext()) { int i = (it.next()).isNodeInclude(currentNode); if (i != 1) { return i; } } } if ((this.xpathNodeSet != null) && !this.xpathNodeSet.contains(currentNode)) { return 0; } return 1; } protected boolean isVisible(Node currentNode) { if (nodeFilter != null) { Iterator<NodeFilter> it = nodeFilter.iterator(); while (it.hasNext()) { if (it.next().isNodeInclude(currentNode) != 1) { return false; } } } if ((this.xpathNodeSet != null) && !this.xpathNodeSet.contains(currentNode)) { return false; } return true; } protected void handleParent(Element e, NameSpaceSymbTable ns) { if (!e.hasAttributes() && e.getNamespaceURI() == null) { return; } NamedNodeMap attrs = e.getAttributes(); int attrsLength = attrs.getLength(); for (int i = 0; i < attrsLength; i++) { Attr attribute = (Attr) attrs.item(i); String NName = attribute.getLocalName(); String NValue = attribute.getNodeValue(); if (Constants.NamespaceSpecNS.equals(attribute.getNamespaceURI()) && (!XML.equals(NName) || !Constants.XML_LANG_SPACE_SpecNS.equals(NValue))) { ns.addMapping(NName, NValue, attribute); } } if (e.getNamespaceURI() != null) { String NName = e.getPrefix(); String NValue = e.getNamespaceURI(); String Name; if (NName == null || NName.equals("")) { NName = XMLNS; Name = XMLNS; } else { Name = XMLNS + ":" + NName; } Attr n = e.getOwnerDocument().createAttributeNS("http://www.w3.org/2000/xmlns/", Name); n.setValue(NValue); ns.addMapping(NName, NValue, n); } }
Adds to ns the definitions from the parent elements of el
  • el –
  • ns –
/** * Adds to ns the definitions from the parent elements of el * @param el * @param ns */
protected final void getParentNameSpaces(Element el, NameSpaceSymbTable ns) { Node n1 = el.getParentNode(); if (n1 == null || Node.ELEMENT_NODE != n1.getNodeType()) { return; } //Obtain all the parents of the element List<Element> parents = new ArrayList<Element>(); Node parent = n1; while (parent != null && Node.ELEMENT_NODE == parent.getNodeType()) { parents.add((Element)parent); parent = parent.getParentNode(); } //Visit them in reverse order. ListIterator<Element> it = parents.listIterator(parents.size()); while (it.hasPrevious()) { Element ele = it.previous(); handleParent(ele, ns); } parents.clear(); Attr nsprefix; if (((nsprefix = ns.getMappingWithoutRendered(XMLNS)) != null) && "".equals(nsprefix.getValue())) { ns.addMappingAndRender( XMLNS, "", getNullNode(nsprefix.getOwnerDocument())); } }
Obtain the attributes to output for this node in XPathNodeSet c14n.
  • element –
  • ns –
Returns:the attributes nodes to output.
/** * Obtain the attributes to output for this node in XPathNodeSet c14n. * * @param element * @param ns * @return the attributes nodes to output. * @throws CanonicalizationException */
abstract Iterator<Attr> handleAttributes(Element element, NameSpaceSymbTable ns) throws CanonicalizationException;
Obtain the attributes to output for this node in a Subtree c14n.
  • element –
  • ns –
Returns:the attributes nodes to output.
/** * Obtain the attributes to output for this node in a Subtree c14n. * * @param element * @param ns * @return the attributes nodes to output. * @throws CanonicalizationException */
abstract Iterator<Attr> handleAttributesSubtree(Element element, NameSpaceSymbTable ns) throws CanonicalizationException; abstract void circumventBugIfNeeded(XMLSignatureInput input) throws CanonicalizationException, ParserConfigurationException, IOException, SAXException;
Outputs an Attribute to the internal Writer. The string value of the node is modified by replacing
  • all ampersands (&) with &amp;
  • all open angle brackets (<) with &lt;
  • all quotation mark characters with &quot;
  • and the whitespace characters #x9, #xA, and #xD, with character references. The character references are written in uppercase hexadecimal with no leading zeroes (for example, #xD is represented by the character reference &#xD;)
  • name –
  • value –
  • writer –
/** * Outputs an Attribute to the internal Writer. * * The string value of the node is modified by replacing * <UL> * <LI>all ampersands (&) with <CODE>&amp;amp;</CODE></LI> * <LI>all open angle brackets (<) with <CODE>&amp;lt;</CODE></LI> * <LI>all quotation mark characters with <CODE>&amp;quot;</CODE></LI> * <LI>and the whitespace characters <CODE>#x9</CODE>, #xA, and #xD, with character * references. The character references are written in uppercase * hexadecimal with no leading zeroes (for example, <CODE>#xD</CODE> is represented * by the character reference <CODE>&amp;#xD;</CODE>)</LI> * </UL> * * @param name * @param value * @param writer * @throws IOException */
protected static final void outputAttrToWriter( final String name, final String value, final OutputStream writer, final Map<String, byte[]> cache ) throws IOException { writer.write(' '); UtfHelpper.writeByte(name, writer, cache); writer.write(EQUALS_STR.clone()); byte[] toWrite; final int length = value.length(); int i = 0; while (i < length) { char c = value.charAt(i++); switch (c) { case '&' : toWrite = AMP.clone(); break; case '<' : toWrite = LT.clone(); break; case '"' : toWrite = QUOT.clone(); break; case 0x09 : // '\t' toWrite = X9.clone(); break; case 0x0A : // '\n' toWrite = XA.clone(); break; case 0x0D : // '\r' toWrite = XD.clone(); break; default : if (c < 0x80) { writer.write(c); } else { UtfHelpper.writeCharToUtf8(c, writer); } continue; } writer.write(toWrite); } writer.write('\"'); }
Outputs a PI to the internal Writer.
  • currentPI –
  • writer – where to write the things
/** * Outputs a PI to the internal Writer. * * @param currentPI * @param writer where to write the things * @throws IOException */
protected void outputPItoWriter( ProcessingInstruction currentPI, OutputStream writer, int position ) throws IOException { if (position == NODE_AFTER_DOCUMENT_ELEMENT) { writer.write('\n'); } writer.write(BEGIN_PI.clone()); final String target = currentPI.getTarget(); int length = target.length(); for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) { char c = target.charAt(i); if (c == 0x0D) { writer.write(XD.clone()); } else { if (c < 0x80) { writer.write(c); } else { UtfHelpper.writeCharToUtf8(c, writer); } } } final String data = currentPI.getData(); length = data.length(); if (length > 0) { writer.write(' '); for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) { char c = data.charAt(i); if (c == 0x0D) { writer.write(XD.clone()); } else { UtfHelpper.writeCharToUtf8(c, writer); } } } writer.write(END_PI.clone()); if (position == NODE_BEFORE_DOCUMENT_ELEMENT) { writer.write('\n'); } }
Method outputCommentToWriter
  • currentComment –
  • writer – writer where to write the things
/** * Method outputCommentToWriter * * @param currentComment * @param writer writer where to write the things * @throws IOException */
protected void outputCommentToWriter( Comment currentComment, OutputStream writer, int position ) throws IOException { if (position == NODE_AFTER_DOCUMENT_ELEMENT) { writer.write('\n'); } writer.write(BEGIN_COMM.clone()); final String data = currentComment.getData(); final int length = data.length(); for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) { char c = data.charAt(i); if (c == 0x0D) { writer.write(XD.clone()); } else { if (c < 0x80) { writer.write(c); } else { UtfHelpper.writeCharToUtf8(c, writer); } } } writer.write(END_COMM.clone()); if (position == NODE_BEFORE_DOCUMENT_ELEMENT) { writer.write('\n'); } }
Outputs a Text of CDATA section to the internal Writer.
  • text –
  • writer – writer where to write the things
/** * Outputs a Text of CDATA section to the internal Writer. * * @param text * @param writer writer where to write the things * @throws IOException */
protected static final void outputTextToWriter( final String text, final OutputStream writer ) throws IOException { final int length = text.length(); byte[] toWrite; for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) { char c = text.charAt(i); switch (c) { case '&' : toWrite = AMP.clone(); break; case '<' : toWrite = LT.clone(); break; case '>' : toWrite = GT.clone(); break; case 0xD : toWrite = XD.clone(); break; default : if (c < 0x80) { writer.write(c); } else { UtfHelpper.writeCharToUtf8(c, writer); } continue; } writer.write(toWrite); } } // The null xmlns definition. protected Attr getNullNode(Document ownerDocument) { if (nullNode == null) { try { nullNode = ownerDocument.createAttributeNS( Constants.NamespaceSpecNS, XMLNS); nullNode.setValue(""); } catch (Exception e) { throw new RuntimeException("Unable to create nullNode: " + e); } } return nullNode; } }