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package com.sun.corba.se.impl.encoding;

import org.omg.CORBA.CompletionStatus;

import com.sun.corba.se.spi.orb.ORB;

import com.sun.corba.se.spi.ior.iiop.GIOPVersion;

import com.sun.corba.se.impl.encoding.CodeSetConversion;
import com.sun.corba.se.impl.encoding.OSFCodeSetRegistry;
import com.sun.corba.se.impl.encoding.CDROutputStream;
import com.sun.corba.se.impl.encoding.BufferManagerWrite;
import com.sun.corba.se.impl.encoding.BufferManagerFactory;
import com.sun.corba.se.impl.protocol.giopmsgheaders.Message;
import com.sun.corba.se.impl.orbutil.ORBConstants;

import sun.corba.EncapsInputStreamFactory;

Encapsulations are supposed to explicitly define their code sets and GIOP version. The original resolution to issue 2784 said that the defaults were UTF-8 and UTF-16, but that was not agreed upon. These streams currently use CDR 1.2 with ISO8859-1 for char/string and UTF16 for wchar/wstring. If no byte order marker is available, the endianness of the encapsulation is used. When more encapsulations arise that have their own special code sets defined, we can make all constructors take such parameters.
/** * Encapsulations are supposed to explicitly define their * code sets and GIOP version. The original resolution to issue 2784 * said that the defaults were UTF-8 and UTF-16, but that was not * agreed upon. * * These streams currently use CDR 1.2 with ISO8859-1 for char/string and * UTF16 for wchar/wstring. If no byte order marker is available, * the endianness of the encapsulation is used. * * When more encapsulations arise that have their own special code * sets defined, we can make all constructors take such parameters. */
public class EncapsOutputStream extends CDROutputStream { // REVISIT - Right now, EncapsOutputStream's do not use // pooled byte buffers. This is controlled by the following // static constant. This should be re-factored such that // the EncapsOutputStream doesn't know it's using pooled // byte buffers. final static boolean usePooledByteBuffers = false; // REVISIT - Right now, valuetypes in encapsulations will // only use stream format version 1, which may create problems // for service contexts or codecs (?). // corba/ORB // corba/ORBSingleton // iiop/ORB // iiop/GIOPImpl // corba/AnyImpl public EncapsOutputStream(ORB orb) { // GIOP version 1.2 with no fragmentation, big endian, // UTF8 for char data and UTF-16 for wide char data; this(orb, GIOPVersion.V1_2); } // CDREncapsCodec // // REVISIT. A UTF-16 encoding with GIOP 1.1 will not work // with byte order markers. public EncapsOutputStream(ORB orb, GIOPVersion version) { this(orb, version, false); } // Used by IIOPProfileTemplate // public EncapsOutputStream(ORB orb, boolean isLittleEndian) { this(orb, GIOPVersion.V1_2, isLittleEndian); } public EncapsOutputStream(ORB orb, GIOPVersion version, boolean isLittleEndian) { super(orb, version, Message.CDR_ENC_VERSION, isLittleEndian, BufferManagerFactory.newBufferManagerWrite( BufferManagerFactory.GROW, Message.CDR_ENC_VERSION, orb), ORBConstants.STREAM_FORMAT_VERSION_1, usePooledByteBuffers); } public org.omg.CORBA.portable.InputStream create_input_stream() { freeInternalCaches(); return EncapsInputStreamFactory.newEncapsInputStream(orb(), getByteBuffer(), getSize(), isLittleEndian(), getGIOPVersion()); } protected CodeSetConversion.CTBConverter createCharCTBConverter() { return CodeSetConversion.impl().getCTBConverter(OSFCodeSetRegistry.ISO_8859_1); } protected CodeSetConversion.CTBConverter createWCharCTBConverter() { if (getGIOPVersion().equals(GIOPVersion.V1_0)) throw wrapper.wcharDataInGiop10(CompletionStatus.COMPLETED_MAYBE); // In the case of GIOP 1.1, we take the byte order of the stream and don't // use byte order markers since we're limited to a 2 byte fixed width encoding. if (getGIOPVersion().equals(GIOPVersion.V1_1)) return CodeSetConversion.impl().getCTBConverter(OSFCodeSetRegistry.UTF_16, isLittleEndian(), false); // Assume anything else meets GIOP 1.2 requirements // // Use byte order markers? If not, use big endian in GIOP 1.2. // (formal 00-11-03 15.3.16) boolean useBOM = ((ORB)orb()).getORBData().useByteOrderMarkersInEncapsulations(); return CodeSetConversion.impl().getCTBConverter(OSFCodeSetRegistry.UTF_16, false, useBOM); } }