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package sun.security.jca;

import java.util.*;

import java.security.AccessController;
import java.security.PrivilegedAction;
import java.security.Provider;
import java.security.Provider.Service;
import java.security.Security;

List of Providers. Used to represent the provider preferences. The system starts out with a ProviderList that only has the names of the Providers. When using ServiceLoader to load the providers, Providers are created semi-eagerly as we iterate through them looking for a match. For compatibility reasons, Providers that could not be loaded are ignored and internally presented as the instance EMPTY_PROVIDER. However, those objects cannot be presented to applications. Call the convert() method to force all Providers to be loaded and to obtain a ProviderList with invalid entries removed. All this is handled by the Security class. Note that all indices used by this class are 0-based per general Java convention. These must be converted to the 1-based indices used by the Security class externally when needed. Instances of this class are immutable. This eliminates the need for cloning and synchronization in consumers. The add() and remove() style methods are static in order to avoid confusion about the immutability.
Author: Andreas Sterbenz
Since: 1.5
/** * List of Providers. Used to represent the provider preferences. * * The system starts out with a ProviderList that only has the names * of the Providers. * When using ServiceLoader to load the providers, Providers are created * semi-eagerly as we iterate through them looking for a match. * * For compatibility reasons, Providers that could not be loaded are ignored * and internally presented as the instance EMPTY_PROVIDER. However, those * objects cannot be presented to applications. Call the convert() method * to force all Providers to be loaded and to obtain a ProviderList with * invalid entries removed. All this is handled by the Security class. * * Note that all indices used by this class are 0-based per general Java * convention. These must be converted to the 1-based indices used by the * Security class externally when needed. * * Instances of this class are immutable. This eliminates the need for * cloning and synchronization in consumers. The add() and remove() style * methods are static in order to avoid confusion about the immutability. * * @author Andreas Sterbenz * @since 1.5 */
public final class ProviderList { static final sun.security.util.Debug debug = sun.security.util.Debug.getInstance("jca", "ProviderList"); private static final ProviderConfig[] PC0 = new ProviderConfig[0]; private static final Provider[] P0 = new Provider[0]; // constant for an ProviderList with no elements static final ProviderList EMPTY = new ProviderList(PC0, true); // list of all jdk.security.provider.preferred entries static private PreferredList preferredPropList = null; // dummy provider object to use during initialization // used to avoid explicit null checks in various places private static final Provider EMPTY_PROVIDER = new Provider("##Empty##", "1.0", "initialization in progress") { private static final long serialVersionUID = 1151354171352296389L; // override getService() to return null slightly faster public Service getService(String type, String algorithm) { return null; } }; // construct a ProviderList from the security properties // (static provider configuration in the java.security file) static ProviderList fromSecurityProperties() { // doPrivileged() because of Security.getProperty() return AccessController.doPrivileged( new PrivilegedAction<ProviderList>() { public ProviderList run() { return new ProviderList(); } }); } public static ProviderList add(ProviderList providerList, Provider p) { return insertAt(providerList, p, -1); } public static ProviderList insertAt(ProviderList providerList, Provider p, int position) { if (providerList.getProvider(p.getName()) != null) { return providerList; } List<ProviderConfig> list = new ArrayList<> (Arrays.asList(providerList.configs)); int n = list.size(); if ((position < 0) || (position > n)) { position = n; } list.add(position, new ProviderConfig(p)); return new ProviderList(list.toArray(PC0), true); } public static ProviderList remove(ProviderList providerList, String name) { // make sure provider exists if (providerList.getProvider(name) == null) { return providerList; } // copy all except matching to new list ProviderConfig[] configs = new ProviderConfig[providerList.size() - 1]; int j = 0; for (ProviderConfig config : providerList.configs) { if (config.getProvider().getName().equals(name) == false) { configs[j++] = config; } } return new ProviderList(configs, true); } // Create a new ProviderList from the specified Providers. // This method is for use by SunJSSE. public static ProviderList newList(Provider ... providers) { ProviderConfig[] configs = new ProviderConfig[providers.length]; for (int i = 0; i < providers.length; i++) { configs[i] = new ProviderConfig(providers[i]); } return new ProviderList(configs, true); } // configuration of the providers private final ProviderConfig[] configs; // flag indicating whether all configs have been loaded successfully private volatile boolean allLoaded; // List returned by providers() private final List<Provider> userList = new AbstractList<Provider>() { public int size() { return configs.length; } public Provider get(int index) { return getProvider(index); } };
Create a new ProviderList from an array of configs
/** * Create a new ProviderList from an array of configs */
private ProviderList(ProviderConfig[] configs, boolean allLoaded) { this.configs = configs; this.allLoaded = allLoaded; }
Return a new ProviderList parsed from the java.security Properties.
/** * Return a new ProviderList parsed from the java.security Properties. */
private ProviderList() { List<ProviderConfig> configList = new ArrayList<>(); String entry; int i = 1; while ((entry = Security.getProperty("security.provider." + i)) != null) { entry = entry.trim(); if (entry.length() == 0) { System.err.println("invalid entry for " + "security.provider." + i); break; } int k = entry.indexOf(' '); ProviderConfig config; if (k == -1) { config = new ProviderConfig(entry); } else { String provName = entry.substring(0, k); String argument = entry.substring(k + 1).trim(); config = new ProviderConfig(provName, argument); } // Get rid of duplicate providers. if (configList.contains(config) == false) { configList.add(config); } i++; } configs = configList.toArray(PC0); // Load config entries for use when getInstance is called entry = Security.getProperty("jdk.security.provider.preferred"); if (entry != null && (entry = entry.trim()).length() > 0) { String[] entries = entry.split(","); if (ProviderList.preferredPropList == null) { ProviderList.preferredPropList = new PreferredList(); } for (String e : entries) { i = e.indexOf(':'); if (i < 0) { if (debug != null) { debug.println("invalid preferred entry skipped. " + "Missing colon delimiter \"" + e + "\""); } continue; } ProviderList.preferredPropList.add(new PreferredEntry( e.substring(0, i).trim(), e.substring(i + 1).trim())); } } if (debug != null) { debug.println("provider configuration: " + configList); debug.println("config configuration: " + ProviderList.preferredPropList); } }
Construct a special ProviderList for JAR verification. It consists of the providers specified via jarClassNames, which must be on the bootclasspath and cannot be in signed JAR files. This is to avoid possible recursion and deadlock during verification.
/** * Construct a special ProviderList for JAR verification. It consists * of the providers specified via jarClassNames, which must be on the * bootclasspath and cannot be in signed JAR files. This is to avoid * possible recursion and deadlock during verification. */
ProviderList getJarList(String[] jarProvNames) { List<ProviderConfig> newConfigs = new ArrayList<>(); for (String provName : jarProvNames) { ProviderConfig newConfig = new ProviderConfig(provName); for (ProviderConfig config : configs) { // if the equivalent object is present in this provider list, // use the old object rather than the new object. // this ensures that when the provider is loaded in the // new thread local list, it will also become available // in this provider list if (config.equals(newConfig)) { newConfig = config; break; } } newConfigs.add(newConfig); } ProviderConfig[] configArray = newConfigs.toArray(PC0); return new ProviderList(configArray, false); } public int size() { return configs.length; }
Return the Provider at the specified index. Returns EMPTY_PROVIDER if the provider could not be loaded at this time.
/** * Return the Provider at the specified index. Returns EMPTY_PROVIDER * if the provider could not be loaded at this time. */
Provider getProvider(int index) { Provider p = configs[index].getProvider(); return (p != null) ? p : EMPTY_PROVIDER; }
Return an unmodifiable List of all Providers in this List. The individual Providers are loaded on demand. Elements that could not be initialized are replaced with EMPTY_PROVIDER.
/** * Return an unmodifiable List of all Providers in this List. The * individual Providers are loaded on demand. Elements that could not * be initialized are replaced with EMPTY_PROVIDER. */
public List<Provider> providers() { return userList; } private ProviderConfig getProviderConfig(String name) { int index = getIndex(name); return (index != -1) ? configs[index] : null; } // return the Provider with the specified name or null public Provider getProvider(String name) { ProviderConfig config = getProviderConfig(name); return (config == null) ? null : config.getProvider(); }
Return the index at which the provider with the specified name is installed or -1 if it is not present in this ProviderList.
/** * Return the index at which the provider with the specified name is * installed or -1 if it is not present in this ProviderList. */
public int getIndex(String name) { for (int i = 0; i < configs.length; i++) { Provider p = getProvider(i); if (p.getName().equals(name)) { return i; } } return -1; } // attempt to load all Providers not already loaded private int loadAll() { if (allLoaded) { return configs.length; } if (debug != null) { debug.println("Loading all providers"); new Exception("Call trace").printStackTrace(); } int n = 0; for (int i = 0; i < configs.length; i++) { Provider p = configs[i].getProvider(); if (p != null) { n++; } } if (n == configs.length) { allLoaded = true; } return n; }
Try to load all Providers and return the ProviderList. If one or more Providers could not be loaded, a new ProviderList with those entries removed is returned. Otherwise, the method returns this.
/** * Try to load all Providers and return the ProviderList. If one or * more Providers could not be loaded, a new ProviderList with those * entries removed is returned. Otherwise, the method returns this. */
ProviderList removeInvalid() { int n = loadAll(); if (n == configs.length) { return this; } ProviderConfig[] newConfigs = new ProviderConfig[n]; for (int i = 0, j = 0; i < configs.length; i++) { ProviderConfig config = configs[i]; if (config.isLoaded()) { newConfigs[j++] = config; } } return new ProviderList(newConfigs, true); } // return the providers as an array public Provider[] toArray() { return providers().toArray(P0); } // return a String representation of this ProviderList public String toString() { return Arrays.asList(configs).toString(); }
Return a Service describing an implementation of the specified algorithm from the Provider with the highest precedence that supports that algorithm. Return null if no Provider supports this algorithm.
/** * Return a Service describing an implementation of the specified * algorithm from the Provider with the highest precedence that * supports that algorithm. Return null if no Provider supports this * algorithm. */
public Service getService(String type, String name) { ArrayList<PreferredEntry> pList = null; int i; // Preferred provider list if (preferredPropList != null && (pList = preferredPropList.getAll(type, name)) != null) { for (i = 0; i < pList.size(); i++) { Provider p = getProvider(pList.get(i).provider); Service s = p.getService(type, name); if (s != null) { return s; } } } for (i = 0; i < configs.length; i++) { Provider p = getProvider(i); Service s = p.getService(type, name); if (s != null) { return s; } } return null; }
Return a List containing all the Services describing implementations of the specified algorithms in precedence order. If no implementation exists, this method returns an empty List. The elements of this list are determined lazily on demand. The List returned is NOT thread safe.
/** * Return a List containing all the Services describing implementations * of the specified algorithms in precedence order. If no implementation * exists, this method returns an empty List. * * The elements of this list are determined lazily on demand. * * The List returned is NOT thread safe. */
public List<Service> getServices(String type, String algorithm) { return new ServiceList(type, algorithm); }
This method exists for compatibility with JCE only. It will be removed once JCE has been changed to use the replacement method.
Deprecated:use getServices(List<ServiceId>) instead
/** * This method exists for compatibility with JCE only. It will be removed * once JCE has been changed to use the replacement method. * @deprecated use {@code getServices(List<ServiceId>)} instead */
@Deprecated public List<Service> getServices(String type, List<String> algorithms) { List<ServiceId> ids = new ArrayList<>(); for (String alg : algorithms) { ids.add(new ServiceId(type, alg)); } return getServices(ids); } public List<Service> getServices(List<ServiceId> ids) { return new ServiceList(ids); }
Inner class for a List of Services. Custom List implementation in order to delay Provider initialization and lookup. Not thread safe.
/** * Inner class for a List of Services. Custom List implementation in * order to delay Provider initialization and lookup. * Not thread safe. */
private final class ServiceList extends AbstractList<Service> { // type and algorithm for simple lookup // avoid allocating/traversing the ServiceId list for these lookups private final String type; private final String algorithm; // list of ids for parallel lookup // if ids is non-null, type and algorithm are null private final List<ServiceId> ids; // first service we have found // it is stored in a separate variable so that we can avoid // allocating the services list if we do not need the second service. // this is the case if we don't failover (failovers are typically rare) private Service firstService; // list of the services we have found so far private List<Service> services; // index into config[] of the next provider we need to query private int providerIndex = 0; // Matching preferred provider list for this ServiceList ArrayList<PreferredEntry> preferredList = null; private int preferredIndex = 0; ServiceList(String type, String algorithm) { this.type = type; this.algorithm = algorithm; this.ids = null; } ServiceList(List<ServiceId> ids) { this.type = null; this.algorithm = null; this.ids = ids; } private void addService(Service s) { if (firstService == null) { firstService = s; } else { if (services == null) { services = new ArrayList<Service>(4); services.add(firstService); } services.add(s); } } private Service tryGet(int index) { Provider p; // If preferred providers are configured, check for matches with // the requested service. if (preferredPropList != null && preferredList == null) { preferredList = preferredPropList.getAll(this); } while (true) { if ((index == 0) && (firstService != null)) { return firstService; } else if ((services != null) && (services.size() > index)) { return services.get(index); } if (providerIndex >= configs.length) { return null; } // If there were matches with a preferred provider, iterate // through the list first before going through the // ordered list (java.security.provider.#) if (preferredList != null && preferredIndex < preferredList.size()) { PreferredEntry entry = preferredList.get(preferredIndex++); // Look for the provider name in the PreferredEntry p = getProvider(entry.provider); if (p == null) { if (debug != null) { debug.println("No provider found with name: " + entry.provider); } continue; } } else { // check all algorithms in this provider before moving on p = getProvider(providerIndex++); } if (type != null) { // simple lookup Service s = p.getService(type, algorithm); if (s != null) { addService(s); } } else { // parallel lookup for (ServiceId id : ids) { Service s = p.getService(id.type, id.algorithm); if (s != null) { addService(s); } } } } } public Service get(int index) { Service s = tryGet(index); if (s == null) { throw new IndexOutOfBoundsException(); } return s; } public int size() { int n; if (services != null) { n = services.size(); } else { n = (firstService != null) ? 1 : 0; } while (tryGet(n) != null) { n++; } return n; } // override isEmpty() and iterator() to not call size() // this avoids loading + checking all Providers public boolean isEmpty() { return (tryGet(0) == null); } public Iterator<Service> iterator() { return new Iterator<Service>() { int index; public boolean hasNext() { return tryGet(index) != null; } public Service next() { Service s = tryGet(index); if (s == null) { throw new NoSuchElementException(); } index++; return s; } public void remove() { throw new UnsupportedOperationException(); } }; } } // Provider list defined by jdk.security.provider.preferred entry static final class PreferredList { ArrayList<PreferredEntry> list = new ArrayList<PreferredEntry>(); /* * Return a list of all preferred entries that match the passed * ServiceList. */ ArrayList<PreferredEntry> getAll(ServiceList s) { if (s.ids == null) { return getAll(s.type, s.algorithm); } ArrayList<PreferredEntry> l = new ArrayList<PreferredEntry>(); for (ServiceId id : s.ids) { implGetAll(l, id.type, id.algorithm); } return l; } /* * Return a list of all preferred entries that match the passed * type and algorithm. */ ArrayList<PreferredEntry> getAll(String type, String algorithm) { ArrayList<PreferredEntry> l = new ArrayList<PreferredEntry>(); implGetAll(l, type, algorithm); return l; } /* * Compare each preferred entry against the passed type and * algorithm, putting any matches in the passed ArrayList. */ private void implGetAll(ArrayList<PreferredEntry> l, String type, String algorithm) { PreferredEntry e; for (int i = 0; i < size(); i++) { e = list.get(i); if (e.match(type, algorithm)) { l.add(e); } } } public PreferredEntry get(int i) { return list.get(i); } public int size() { return list.size(); } public boolean add(PreferredEntry e) { return list.add(e); } public String toString() { String s = ""; for (PreferredEntry e: list) { s += e.toString(); } return s; } } /* Defined Groups for jdk.security.provider.preferred */ private static final String SHA2Group[] = { "SHA-224", "SHA-256", "SHA-384", "SHA-512", "SHA-512/224", "SHA-512/256" }; private static final String HmacSHA2Group[] = { "HmacSHA224", "HmacSHA256", "HmacSHA384", "HmacSHA512"}; private static final String SHA2RSAGroup[] = { "SHA224withRSA", "SHA256withRSA", "SHA384withRSA", "SHA512withRSA"}; private static final String SHA2DSAGroup[] = { "SHA224withDSA", "SHA256withDSA", "SHA384withDSA", "SHA512withDSA"}; private static final String SHA2ECDSAGroup[] = { "SHA224withECDSA", "SHA256withECDSA", "SHA384withECDSA", "SHA512withECDSA"}; private static final String SHA3Group[] = { "SHA3-224", "SHA3-256", "SHA3-384", "SHA3-512" }; private static final String HmacSHA3Group[] = { "HmacSHA3-224", "HmacSHA3-256", "HmacSHA3-384", "HmacSHA3-512"}; // Individual preferred property entry from jdk.security.provider.preferred private static class PreferredEntry { private String type = null; private String algorithm; private String provider; private String alternateNames[] = null; private boolean group = false; PreferredEntry(String t, String p) { int i = t.indexOf('.'); if (i > 0) { type = t.substring(0, i); algorithm = t.substring(i + 1); } else { algorithm = t; } provider = p; // Group definitions if (type != null && type.compareToIgnoreCase("Group") == 0) { // Currently intrinsic algorithm groups if (algorithm.compareToIgnoreCase("SHA2") == 0) { alternateNames = SHA2Group; } else if (algorithm.compareToIgnoreCase("HmacSHA2") == 0) { alternateNames = HmacSHA2Group; } else if (algorithm.compareToIgnoreCase("SHA2RSA") == 0) { alternateNames = SHA2RSAGroup; } else if (algorithm.compareToIgnoreCase("SHA2DSA") == 0) { alternateNames = SHA2DSAGroup; } else if (algorithm.compareToIgnoreCase("SHA2ECDSA") == 0) { alternateNames = SHA2ECDSAGroup; } else if (algorithm.compareToIgnoreCase("SHA3") == 0) { alternateNames = SHA3Group; } else if (algorithm.compareToIgnoreCase("HmacSHA3") == 0) { alternateNames = HmacSHA3Group; } if (alternateNames != null) { group = true; } // If the algorithm name given is SHA1 } else if (algorithm.compareToIgnoreCase("SHA1") == 0) { alternateNames = new String[] { "SHA-1" }; } else if (algorithm.compareToIgnoreCase("SHA-1") == 0) { alternateNames = new String[] { "SHA1" }; } } boolean match(String t, String a) { if (debug != null) { debug.println("Config check: " + toString() + " == " + print(t, a, null)); } // Compare service type if configured if (type != null && !group && type.compareToIgnoreCase(t) != 0) { return false; } // Compare the algorithm string. if (!group && a.compareToIgnoreCase(algorithm) == 0) { if (debug != null) { debug.println("Config entry matched: " + toString()); } return true; } if (alternateNames != null) { for (String alt : alternateNames) { if (debug != null) { debug.println("AltName check: " + print(type, alt, provider)); } if (a.compareToIgnoreCase(alt) == 0) { if (debug != null) { debug.println("AltName entry matched: " + provider); } return true; } } } // No match return false; } // Print debugging output of PreferredEntry private String print(String t, String a, String p) { return "[" + ((t != null) ? t : "" ) + ", " + a + ((p != null) ? " : " + p : "" ) + "] "; } public String toString() { return print(type, algorithm, provider); } } }