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package sun.net.www;
import java.net.URL;
import java.io.*;
import java.util.StringJoiner;
import java.util.StringTokenizer;

public class MimeEntry implements Cloneable {
    private String typeName;    // of the form: "type/subtype"
    private String tempFileNameTemplate;

    private int action;
    private String command;
    private String description;
    private String imageFileName;
    private String fileExtensions[];

    boolean starred;

    // Actions
    public static final int             UNKNOWN                 = 0;
    public static final int             LOAD_INTO_BROWSER       = 1;
    public static final int             SAVE_TO_FILE            = 2;
    public static final int             LAUNCH_APPLICATION      = 3;

    static final String[] actionKeywords = {

Construct an empty entry of the given type and subtype.
/** * Construct an empty entry of the given type and subtype. */
public MimeEntry(String type) { // Default action is UNKNOWN so clients can decide what the default // should be, typically save to file or ask user. this(type, UNKNOWN, null, null, null); } // // The next two constructors are used only by the deprecated // PlatformMimeTable classes or, in last case, is called by the public // constructor. They are kept here anticipating putting support for // mailcap formatted config files back in (so BOTH the properties format // and the mailcap formats are supported). // MimeEntry(String type, String imageFileName, String extensionString) { typeName = type.toLowerCase(); action = UNKNOWN; command = null; this.imageFileName = imageFileName; setExtensions(extensionString); starred = isStarred(typeName); } // For use with MimeTable::parseMailCap MimeEntry(String typeName, int action, String command, String tempFileNameTemplate) { this.typeName = typeName.toLowerCase(); this.action = action; this.command = command; this.imageFileName = null; this.fileExtensions = null; this.tempFileNameTemplate = tempFileNameTemplate; } // This is the one called by the public constructor. MimeEntry(String typeName, int action, String command, String imageFileName, String fileExtensions[]) { this.typeName = typeName.toLowerCase(); this.action = action; this.command = command; this.imageFileName = imageFileName; this.fileExtensions = fileExtensions; starred = isStarred(typeName); } public synchronized String getType() { return typeName; } public synchronized void setType(String type) { typeName = type.toLowerCase(); } public synchronized int getAction() { return action; } public synchronized void setAction(int action, String command) { this.action = action; this.command = command; } public synchronized void setAction(int action) { this.action = action; } public synchronized String getLaunchString() { return command; } public synchronized void setCommand(String command) { this.command = command; } public synchronized String getDescription() { return (description != null ? description : typeName); } public synchronized void setDescription(String description) { this.description = description; } // ??? what to return for the image -- the file name or should this return // something more advanced like an image source or something? // returning the name has the least policy associated with it. // pro tempore, we'll use the name public String getImageFileName() { return imageFileName; } public synchronized void setImageFileName(String filename) { File file = new File(filename); if (file.getParent() == null) { imageFileName = System.getProperty( "java.net.ftp.imagepath."+filename); } else { imageFileName = filename; } if (filename.lastIndexOf('.') < 0) { imageFileName = imageFileName + ".gif"; } } public String getTempFileTemplate() { return tempFileNameTemplate; } public synchronized String[] getExtensions() { return fileExtensions; } public synchronized String getExtensionsAsList() { String extensionsAsString = ""; if (fileExtensions != null) { for (int i = 0; i < fileExtensions.length; i++) { extensionsAsString += fileExtensions[i]; if (i < (fileExtensions.length - 1)) { extensionsAsString += ","; } } } return extensionsAsString; } public synchronized void setExtensions(String extensionString) { StringTokenizer extTokens = new StringTokenizer(extensionString, ","); int numExts = extTokens.countTokens(); String extensionStrings[] = new String[numExts]; for (int i = 0; i < numExts; i++) { String ext = (String)extTokens.nextElement(); extensionStrings[i] = ext.trim(); } fileExtensions = extensionStrings; } private boolean isStarred(String typeName) { return (typeName != null) && (typeName.length() > 0) && (typeName.endsWith("/*")); }
Invoke the MIME type specific behavior for this MIME type. Returned value can be one of several types:
  1. A thread -- the caller can choose when to launch this thread.
  2. A string -- the string is loaded into the browser directly.
  3. An input stream -- the caller can read from this byte stream and will typically store the results in a file.
  4. A document (?) --
/** * Invoke the MIME type specific behavior for this MIME type. * Returned value can be one of several types: * <ol> * <li>A thread -- the caller can choose when to launch this thread. * <li>A string -- the string is loaded into the browser directly. * <li>An input stream -- the caller can read from this byte stream and * will typically store the results in a file. * <li>A document (?) -- * </ol> */
public Object launch(java.net.URLConnection urlc, InputStream is, MimeTable mt) throws ApplicationLaunchException { switch (action) { case SAVE_TO_FILE: // REMIND: is this really the right thing to do? try { return is; } catch(Exception e) { // I18N return "Load to file failed:\n" + e; } case LOAD_INTO_BROWSER: // REMIND: invoke the content handler? // may be the right thing to do, may not be -- short term // where docs are not loaded asynch, loading and returning // the content is the right thing to do. try { return urlc.getContent(); } catch (Exception e) { return null; } case LAUNCH_APPLICATION: { String threadName = command; int fst = threadName.indexOf(' '); if (fst > 0) { threadName = threadName.substring(0, fst); } return new MimeLauncher(this, urlc, is, mt.getTempFileTemplate(), threadName); } case UNKNOWN: // REMIND: What do do here? return null; } return null; } public boolean matches(String type) { if (starred) { // REMIND: is this the right thing or not? return type.startsWith(typeName); } else { return type.equals(typeName); } } public Object clone() { // return a shallow copy of this. MimeEntry theClone = new MimeEntry(typeName); theClone.action = action; theClone.command = command; theClone.description = description; theClone.imageFileName = imageFileName; theClone.tempFileNameTemplate = tempFileNameTemplate; theClone.fileExtensions = fileExtensions; return theClone; } public synchronized String toProperty() { StringJoiner sj = new StringJoiner("; "); int action = getAction(); if (action != MimeEntry.UNKNOWN) { sj.add("action=" + actionKeywords[action]); } String command = getLaunchString(); if (command != null && command.length() > 0) { sj.add("application=" + command); } String image = getImageFileName(); if (image != null) { sj.add("icon=" + image); } String extensions = getExtensionsAsList(); if (extensions.length() > 0) { sj.add("file_extensions=" + extensions); } String description = getDescription(); if (description != null && !description.equals(getType())) { sj.add("description=" + description); } return sj.toString(); } public String toString() { return "MimeEntry[contentType=" + typeName + ", image=" + imageFileName + ", action=" + action + ", command=" + command + ", extensions=" + getExtensionsAsList() + "]"; } }