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package java.lang.invoke;

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import static java.lang.invoke.LambdaForm.*;
import static java.lang.invoke.LambdaForm.BasicType.*;

Working storage for an LF that is being transformed. Similarly to a StringBuffer, the editing can take place in multiple steps.
/** Working storage for an LF that is being transformed. * Similarly to a StringBuffer, the editing can take place in multiple steps. */
final class LambdaFormBuffer { private int arity, length; private Name[] names; private Name[] originalNames; // snapshot of pre-transaction names private byte flags; private int firstChange; private Name resultName; private String debugName; private ArrayList<Name> dups; private static final int F_TRANS = 0x10, F_OWNED = 0x03; LambdaFormBuffer(LambdaForm lf) { this.arity = lf.arity; setNames(lf.names); int result = lf.result; if (result == LAST_RESULT) result = length - 1; if (result >= 0 && lf.names[result].type != V_TYPE) resultName = lf.names[result]; debugName = lf.debugName; assert(lf.nameRefsAreLegal()); } private LambdaForm lambdaForm() { assert(!inTrans()); // need endEdit call to tidy things up return new LambdaForm(debugName, arity, nameArray(), resultIndex()); } Name name(int i) { assert(i < length); return names[i]; } Name[] nameArray() { return Arrays.copyOf(names, length); } int resultIndex() { if (resultName == null) return VOID_RESULT; int index = indexOf(resultName, names); assert(index >= 0); return index; } void setNames(Name[] names2) { names = originalNames = names2; // keep a record of where everything was to start with length = names2.length; flags = 0; } private boolean verifyArity() { for (int i = 0; i < arity && i < firstChange; i++) { assert(names[i].isParam()) : "#" + i + "=" + names[i]; } for (int i = arity; i < length; i++) { assert(!names[i].isParam()) : "#" + i + "=" + names[i]; } for (int i = length; i < names.length; i++) { assert(names[i] == null) : "#" + i + "=" + names[i]; } // check resultName also if (resultName != null) { int resultIndex = indexOf(resultName, names); assert(resultIndex >= 0) : "not found: " + resultName.exprString() + Arrays.asList(names); assert(names[resultIndex] == resultName); } return true; } private boolean verifyFirstChange() { assert(inTrans()); for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) { if (names[i] != originalNames[i]) { assert(firstChange == i) : Arrays.asList(firstChange, i, originalNames[i].exprString(), Arrays.asList(names)); return true; } } assert(firstChange == length) : Arrays.asList(firstChange, Arrays.asList(names)); return true; } private static int indexOf(NamedFunction fn, NamedFunction[] fns) { for (int i = 0; i < fns.length; i++) { if (fns[i] == fn) return i; } return -1; } private static int indexOf(Name n, Name[] ns) { for (int i = 0; i < ns.length; i++) { if (ns[i] == n) return i; } return -1; } boolean inTrans() { return (flags & F_TRANS) != 0; } int ownedCount() { return flags & F_OWNED; } void growNames(int insertPos, int growLength) { int oldLength = length; int newLength = oldLength + growLength; int oc = ownedCount(); if (oc == 0 || newLength > names.length) { names = Arrays.copyOf(names, (names.length + growLength) * 5 / 4); if (oc == 0) { flags++; oc++; assert(ownedCount() == oc); } } if (originalNames != null && originalNames.length < names.length) { originalNames = Arrays.copyOf(originalNames, names.length); if (oc == 1) { flags++; oc++; assert(ownedCount() == oc); } } if (growLength == 0) return; int insertEnd = insertPos + growLength; int tailLength = oldLength - insertPos; System.arraycopy(names, insertPos, names, insertEnd, tailLength); Arrays.fill(names, insertPos, insertEnd, null); if (originalNames != null) { System.arraycopy(originalNames, insertPos, originalNames, insertEnd, tailLength); Arrays.fill(originalNames, insertPos, insertEnd, null); } length = newLength; if (firstChange >= insertPos) { firstChange += growLength; } } int lastIndexOf(Name n) { int result = -1; for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) { if (names[i] == n) result = i; } return result; }
We have just overwritten the name at pos1 with the name at pos2. This means that there are two copies of the name, which we will have to fix later.
/** We have just overwritten the name at pos1 with the name at pos2. * This means that there are two copies of the name, which we will have to fix later. */
private void noteDuplicate(int pos1, int pos2) { Name n = names[pos1]; assert(n == names[pos2]); assert(originalNames[pos1] != null); // something was replaced at pos1 assert(originalNames[pos2] == null || originalNames[pos2] == n); if (dups == null) { dups = new ArrayList<>(); } dups.add(n); }
Replace duplicate names by nulls, and remove all nulls.
/** Replace duplicate names by nulls, and remove all nulls. */
private void clearDuplicatesAndNulls() { if (dups != null) { // Remove duplicates. assert(ownedCount() >= 1); for (Name dup : dups) { for (int i = firstChange; i < length; i++) { if (names[i] == dup && originalNames[i] != dup) { names[i] = null; assert(Arrays.asList(names).contains(dup)); break; // kill only one dup } } } dups.clear(); } // Now that we are done with originalNames, remove "killed" names. int oldLength = length; for (int i = firstChange; i < length; i++) { if (names[i] == null) { System.arraycopy(names, i + 1, names, i, (--length - i)); --i; // restart loop at this position } } if (length < oldLength) { Arrays.fill(names, length, oldLength, null); } assert(!Arrays.asList(names).subList(0, length).contains(null)); }
Create a private, writable copy of names. Preserve the original copy, for reference.
/** Create a private, writable copy of names. * Preserve the original copy, for reference. */
void startEdit() { assert(verifyArity()); int oc = ownedCount(); assert(!inTrans()); // no nested transactions flags |= F_TRANS; Name[] oldNames = names; Name[] ownBuffer = (oc == 2 ? originalNames : null); assert(ownBuffer != oldNames); if (ownBuffer != null && ownBuffer.length >= length) { names = copyNamesInto(ownBuffer); } else { // make a new buffer to hold the names final int SLOP = 2; names = Arrays.copyOf(oldNames, Math.max(length + SLOP, oldNames.length)); if (oc < 2) ++flags; assert(ownedCount() == oc + 1); } originalNames = oldNames; assert(originalNames != names); firstChange = length; assert(inTrans()); } void changeName(int i, Name name) { assert(inTrans()); assert(i < length); Name oldName = names[i]; assert(oldName == originalNames[i]); // no multiple changes assert(verifyFirstChange()); if (ownedCount() == 0) growNames(0, 0); names[i] = name; if (firstChange > i) { firstChange = i; } if (resultName != null && resultName == oldName) { resultName = name; } }
Change the result name. Null means a void result.
/** Change the result name. Null means a void result. */
void setResult(Name name) { assert(name == null || lastIndexOf(name) >= 0); resultName = name; }
Finish a transaction.
/** Finish a transaction. */
LambdaForm endEdit() { assert(verifyFirstChange()); // Assuming names have been changed pairwise from originalNames[i] to names[i], // update arguments to ensure referential integrity. for (int i = Math.max(firstChange, arity); i < length; i++) { Name name = names[i]; if (name == null) continue; // space for removed duplicate Name newName = name.replaceNames(originalNames, names, firstChange, i); if (newName != name) { names[i] = newName; if (resultName == name) { resultName = newName; } } } assert(inTrans()); flags &= ~F_TRANS; clearDuplicatesAndNulls(); originalNames = null; // If any parameters have been changed, then reorder them as needed. // This is a "sheep-and-goats" stable sort, pushing all non-parameters // to the right of all parameters. if (firstChange < arity) { Name[] exprs = new Name[arity - firstChange]; int argp = firstChange, exprp = 0; for (int i = firstChange; i < arity; i++) { Name name = names[i]; if (name.isParam()) { names[argp++] = name; } else { exprs[exprp++] = name; } } assert(exprp == (arity - argp)); // copy the exprs just after the last remaining param System.arraycopy(exprs, 0, names, argp, exprp); // adjust arity arity -= exprp; } assert(verifyArity()); return lambdaForm(); } private Name[] copyNamesInto(Name[] buffer) { System.arraycopy(names, 0, buffer, 0, length); Arrays.fill(buffer, length, buffer.length, null); return buffer; }
Replace any Name whose function is in oldFns with a copy whose function is in the corresponding position in newFns. Only do this if the arguments are exactly equal to the given.
/** Replace any Name whose function is in oldFns with a copy * whose function is in the corresponding position in newFns. * Only do this if the arguments are exactly equal to the given. */
LambdaFormBuffer replaceFunctions(NamedFunction[] oldFns, NamedFunction[] newFns, Object... forArguments) { assert(inTrans()); if (oldFns.length == 0) return this; for (int i = arity; i < length; i++) { Name n = names[i]; int nfi = indexOf(n.function, oldFns); if (nfi >= 0 && Arrays.equals(n.arguments, forArguments)) { changeName(i, new Name(newFns[nfi], n.arguments)); } } return this; } private void replaceName(int pos, Name binding) { assert(inTrans()); assert(verifyArity()); assert(pos < arity); Name param = names[pos]; assert(param.isParam()); assert(param.type == binding.type); changeName(pos, binding); }
Replace a parameter by a fresh parameter.
/** Replace a parameter by a fresh parameter. */
LambdaFormBuffer renameParameter(int pos, Name newParam) { assert(newParam.isParam()); replaceName(pos, newParam); return this; }
Replace a parameter by a fresh expression.
/** Replace a parameter by a fresh expression. */
LambdaFormBuffer replaceParameterByNewExpression(int pos, Name binding) { assert(!binding.isParam()); assert(lastIndexOf(binding) < 0); // else use replaceParameterByCopy replaceName(pos, binding); return this; }
Replace a parameter by another parameter or expression already in the form.
/** Replace a parameter by another parameter or expression already in the form. */
LambdaFormBuffer replaceParameterByCopy(int pos, int valuePos) { assert(pos != valuePos); replaceName(pos, names[valuePos]); noteDuplicate(pos, valuePos); // temporarily, will occur twice in the names array return this; } private void insertName(int pos, Name expr, boolean isParameter) { assert(inTrans()); assert(verifyArity()); assert(isParameter ? pos <= arity : pos >= arity); growNames(pos, 1); if (isParameter) arity += 1; changeName(pos, expr); }
Insert a fresh expression.
/** Insert a fresh expression. */
LambdaFormBuffer insertExpression(int pos, Name expr) { assert(!expr.isParam()); insertName(pos, expr, false); return this; }
Insert a fresh parameter.
/** Insert a fresh parameter. */
LambdaFormBuffer insertParameter(int pos, Name param) { assert(param.isParam()); insertName(pos, param, true); return this; } }