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package sun.security.jgss.spnego;

import org.ietf.jgss.*;
import sun.security.jgss.*;
import sun.security.jgss.spi.*;
import sun.security.jgss.krb5.Krb5MechFactory;
import sun.security.jgss.krb5.Krb5InitCredential;
import sun.security.jgss.krb5.Krb5AcceptCredential;
import sun.security.jgss.krb5.Krb5NameElement;
import java.security.Provider;
import java.util.Vector;

SpNego Mechanism plug in for JGSS This is the properties object required by the JGSS framework. All mechanism specific information is defined here.
Author:Seema Malkani
/** * SpNego Mechanism plug in for JGSS * This is the properties object required by the JGSS framework. * All mechanism specific information is defined here. * * @author Seema Malkani * @since 1.6 */
public final class SpNegoMechFactory implements MechanismFactory { static final Provider PROVIDER = new sun.security.jgss.SunProvider(); static final Oid GSS_SPNEGO_MECH_OID = GSSUtil.createOid(""); private static Oid[] nameTypes = new Oid[] { GSSName.NT_USER_NAME, GSSName.NT_HOSTBASED_SERVICE, GSSName.NT_EXPORT_NAME}; // The default underlying mech of SPNEGO, must not be SPNEGO itself. private static final Oid DEFAULT_SPNEGO_MECH_OID = ProviderList.DEFAULT_MECH_OID.equals(GSS_SPNEGO_MECH_OID)? GSSUtil.GSS_KRB5_MECH_OID: ProviderList.DEFAULT_MECH_OID; // Use an instance of a GSSManager whose provider list // does not include native provider final GSSManagerImpl manager; final Oid[] availableMechs; private static SpNegoCredElement getCredFromSubject(GSSNameSpi name, boolean initiate) throws GSSException { Vector<SpNegoCredElement> creds = GSSUtil.searchSubject(name, GSS_SPNEGO_MECH_OID, initiate, SpNegoCredElement.class); SpNegoCredElement result = ((creds == null || creds.isEmpty()) ? null : creds.firstElement()); // Force permission check before returning the cred to caller if (result != null) { GSSCredentialSpi cred = result.getInternalCred(); if (GSSUtil.isKerberosMech(cred.getMechanism())) { if (initiate) { Krb5InitCredential krbCred = (Krb5InitCredential) cred; Krb5MechFactory.checkInitCredPermission ((Krb5NameElement) krbCred.getName()); } else { Krb5AcceptCredential krbCred = (Krb5AcceptCredential) cred; Krb5MechFactory.checkAcceptCredPermission ((Krb5NameElement) krbCred.getName(), name); } } } return result; } public SpNegoMechFactory(GSSCaller caller) { manager = new GSSManagerImpl(caller, false); Oid[] mechs = manager.getMechs(); availableMechs = new Oid[mechs.length-1]; for (int i = 0, j = 0; i < mechs.length; i++) { // Skip SpNego mechanism if (!mechs[i].equals(GSS_SPNEGO_MECH_OID)) { availableMechs[j++] = mechs[i]; } } // Move the preferred mech to first place for (int i=0; i<availableMechs.length; i++) { if (availableMechs[i].equals(DEFAULT_SPNEGO_MECH_OID)) { if (i != 0) { availableMechs[i] = availableMechs[0]; availableMechs[0] = DEFAULT_SPNEGO_MECH_OID; } break; } } } public GSSNameSpi getNameElement(String nameStr, Oid nameType) throws GSSException { return manager.getNameElement( nameStr, nameType, DEFAULT_SPNEGO_MECH_OID); } public GSSNameSpi getNameElement(byte[] name, Oid nameType) throws GSSException { return manager.getNameElement(name, nameType, DEFAULT_SPNEGO_MECH_OID); } public GSSCredentialSpi getCredentialElement(GSSNameSpi name, int initLifetime, int acceptLifetime, int usage) throws GSSException { SpNegoCredElement credElement = getCredFromSubject (name, (usage != GSSCredential.ACCEPT_ONLY)); if (credElement == null) { // get CredElement for the default Mechanism credElement = new SpNegoCredElement (manager.getCredentialElement(name, initLifetime, acceptLifetime, null, usage)); } return credElement; } public GSSContextSpi getMechanismContext(GSSNameSpi peer, GSSCredentialSpi myInitiatorCred, int lifetime) throws GSSException { // get SpNego mechanism context if (myInitiatorCred == null) { myInitiatorCred = getCredFromSubject(null, true); } else if (!(myInitiatorCred instanceof SpNegoCredElement)) { // convert to SpNegoCredElement SpNegoCredElement cred = new SpNegoCredElement(myInitiatorCred); return new SpNegoContext(this, peer, cred, lifetime); } return new SpNegoContext(this, peer, myInitiatorCred, lifetime); } public GSSContextSpi getMechanismContext(GSSCredentialSpi myAcceptorCred) throws GSSException { // get SpNego mechanism context if (myAcceptorCred == null) { myAcceptorCred = getCredFromSubject(null, false); } else if (!(myAcceptorCred instanceof SpNegoCredElement)) { // convert to SpNegoCredElement SpNegoCredElement cred = new SpNegoCredElement(myAcceptorCred); return new SpNegoContext(this, cred); } return new SpNegoContext(this, myAcceptorCred); } public GSSContextSpi getMechanismContext(byte[] exportedContext) throws GSSException { // get SpNego mechanism context return new SpNegoContext(this, exportedContext); } public final Oid getMechanismOid() { return GSS_SPNEGO_MECH_OID; } public Provider getProvider() { return PROVIDER; } public Oid[] getNameTypes() { // nameTypes is cloned in GSSManager.getNamesForMech return nameTypes; } }