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package sun.nio.cs.ext;
import java.io.ByteArrayOutputStream;
import java.nio.ByteBuffer;
import java.nio.CharBuffer;
import java.nio.charset.*;

An algorithmic conversion from COMPOUND_TEXT to Unicode.
/** * An algorithmic conversion from COMPOUND_TEXT to Unicode. */
public class COMPOUND_TEXT_Decoder extends CharsetDecoder { private static final int NORMAL_BYTES = 0; private static final int NONSTANDARD_BYTES = 1; private static final int VERSION_SEQUENCE_V = 2; private static final int VERSION_SEQUENCE_TERM = 3; private static final int ESCAPE_SEQUENCE = 4; private static final int CHARSET_NGIIF = 5; private static final int CHARSET_NLIIF = 6; private static final int CHARSET_NLIF = 7; private static final int CHARSET_NRIIF = 8; private static final int CHARSET_NRIF = 9; private static final int CHARSET_NONSTANDARD_FOML = 10; private static final int CHARSET_NONSTANDARD_OML = 11; private static final int CHARSET_NONSTANDARD_ML = 12; private static final int CHARSET_NONSTANDARD_L = 13; private static final int CHARSET_NONSTANDARD = 14; private static final int CHARSET_LIIF = 15; private static final int CHARSET_LIF = 16; private static final int CHARSET_RIIF = 17; private static final int CHARSET_RIF = 18; private static final int CONTROL_SEQUENCE_PIF = 19; private static final int CONTROL_SEQUENCE_IF = 20; private static final int EXTENSION_ML = 21; private static final int EXTENSION_L = 22; private static final int EXTENSION = 23; private static final int ESCAPE_SEQUENCE_OTHER = 24; private static final String ERR_LATIN1 = "ISO8859_1 unsupported"; private static final String ERR_ILLSTATE = "Illegal state"; private static final String ERR_ESCBYTE = "Illegal byte in 0x1B escape sequence"; private static final String ERR_ENCODINGBYTE = "Illegal byte in non-standard character set name"; private static final String ERR_CTRLBYTE = "Illegal byte in 0x9B control sequence"; private static final String ERR_CTRLPI = "P following I in 0x9B control sequence"; private static final String ERR_VERSTART = "Versioning escape sequence can only appear at start of byte stream"; private static final String ERR_VERMANDATORY = "Cannot parse mandatory extensions"; private static final String ERR_ENCODING = "Unknown encoding: "; private static final String ERR_FLUSH = "Escape sequence, control sequence, or ML extension not terminated"; private int state = NORMAL_BYTES ; private int ext_count, ext_offset; private boolean versionSequenceAllowed = true; private byte[] byteBuf = new byte[1]; private ByteBuffer inBB = ByteBuffer.allocate(16); private ByteArrayOutputStream queue = new ByteArrayOutputStream(), encodingQueue = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); private CharsetDecoder glDecoder, grDecoder, nonStandardDecoder, lastDecoder; private boolean glHigh = false, grHigh = true; public COMPOUND_TEXT_Decoder(Charset cs) { super(cs, 1.0f, 1.0f); try { // Initial state in ISO 2022 designates Latin-1 charset. glDecoder = Charset.forName("ASCII").newDecoder(); grDecoder = Charset.forName("ISO8859_1").newDecoder(); } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) { error(ERR_LATIN1); } initDecoder(glDecoder); initDecoder(grDecoder); } protected CoderResult decodeLoop(ByteBuffer src, CharBuffer des) { CoderResult cr = CoderResult.UNDERFLOW; byte[] input = src.array(); int inOff = src.arrayOffset() + src.position(); int inEnd = src.arrayOffset() + src.limit(); try { while (inOff < inEnd && cr.isUnderflow()) { // Byte parsing is done with shorts instead of bytes because // Java bytes are signed, while COMPOUND_TEXT bytes are not. If // we used the Java byte type, the > and < tests during parsing // would not work correctly. cr = handleByte((short)(input[inOff] & 0xFF), des); inOff++; } return cr; } finally { src.position(inOff - src.arrayOffset()); } } private CoderResult handleByte(short newByte, CharBuffer cb) { CoderResult cr = CoderResult.UNDERFLOW; switch (state) { case NORMAL_BYTES: cr= normalBytes(newByte, cb); break; case NONSTANDARD_BYTES: cr = nonStandardBytes(newByte, cb); break; case VERSION_SEQUENCE_V: case VERSION_SEQUENCE_TERM: cr = versionSequence(newByte); break; case ESCAPE_SEQUENCE: cr = escapeSequence(newByte); break; case CHARSET_NGIIF: cr = charset94N(newByte); break; case CHARSET_NLIIF: case CHARSET_NLIF: cr = charset94NL(newByte, cb); break; case CHARSET_NRIIF: case CHARSET_NRIF: cr = charset94NR(newByte, cb); break; case CHARSET_NONSTANDARD_FOML: case CHARSET_NONSTANDARD_OML: case CHARSET_NONSTANDARD_ML: case CHARSET_NONSTANDARD_L: case CHARSET_NONSTANDARD: cr = charsetNonStandard(newByte, cb); break; case CHARSET_LIIF: case CHARSET_LIF: cr = charset9496L(newByte, cb); break; case CHARSET_RIIF: case CHARSET_RIF: cr = charset9496R(newByte, cb); break; case CONTROL_SEQUENCE_PIF: case CONTROL_SEQUENCE_IF: cr = controlSequence(newByte); break; case EXTENSION_ML: case EXTENSION_L: case EXTENSION: cr = extension(newByte); break; case ESCAPE_SEQUENCE_OTHER: cr = escapeSequenceOther(newByte); break; default: error(ERR_ILLSTATE); } return cr; } private CoderResult normalBytes(short newByte, CharBuffer cb) { CoderResult cr = CoderResult.UNDERFLOW; if ((newByte >= 0x00 && newByte <= 0x1F) || // C0 (newByte >= 0x80 && newByte <= 0x9F)) { // C1 char newChar; switch (newByte) { case 0x1B: state = ESCAPE_SEQUENCE; queue.write(newByte); return cr; case 0x9B: state = CONTROL_SEQUENCE_PIF; versionSequenceAllowed = false; queue.write(newByte); return cr; case 0x09: versionSequenceAllowed = false; newChar = '\t'; break; case 0x0A: versionSequenceAllowed = false; newChar = '\n'; break; default: versionSequenceAllowed = false; return cr; } if (!cb.hasRemaining()) return CoderResult.OVERFLOW; else cb.put(newChar); } else { CharsetDecoder decoder; boolean high; versionSequenceAllowed = false; if (newByte >= 0x20 && newByte <= 0x7F) { decoder = glDecoder; high = glHigh; } else /* if (newByte >= 0xA0 && newByte <= 0xFF) */ { decoder = grDecoder; high = grHigh; } if (lastDecoder != null && decoder != lastDecoder) { cr = flushDecoder(lastDecoder, cb); } lastDecoder = decoder; if (decoder != null) { byte b = (byte)newByte; if (high) { b |= 0x80; } else { b &= 0x7F; } inBB.put(b); inBB.flip(); cr = decoder.decode(inBB, cb, false); if (!inBB.hasRemaining() || cr.isMalformed()) { inBB.clear(); } else { int pos = inBB.limit(); inBB.clear(); inBB.position(pos); } } else if (cb.remaining() < replacement().length()) { cb.put(replacement()); } else { return CoderResult.OVERFLOW; } } return cr; } private CoderResult nonStandardBytes(short newByte, CharBuffer cb) { CoderResult cr = CoderResult.UNDERFLOW; if (nonStandardDecoder != null) { //byteBuf[0] = (byte)newByte; inBB.put((byte)newByte); inBB.flip(); cr = nonStandardDecoder.decode(inBB, cb, false); if (!inBB.hasRemaining()) { inBB.clear(); } else { int pos = inBB.limit(); inBB.clear(); inBB.position(pos); } } else if (cb.remaining() < replacement().length()) { cb.put(replacement()); } else { return CoderResult.OVERFLOW; } ext_offset++; if (ext_offset >= ext_count) { ext_offset = ext_count = 0; state = NORMAL_BYTES; cr = flushDecoder(nonStandardDecoder, cb); nonStandardDecoder = null; } return cr; } private CoderResult escapeSequence(short newByte) { switch (newByte) { case 0x23: state = VERSION_SEQUENCE_V; break; case 0x24: state = CHARSET_NGIIF; versionSequenceAllowed = false; break; case 0x25: state = CHARSET_NONSTANDARD_FOML; versionSequenceAllowed = false; break; case 0x28: state = CHARSET_LIIF; versionSequenceAllowed = false; break; case 0x29: case 0x2D: state = CHARSET_RIIF; versionSequenceAllowed = false; break; default: // escapeSequenceOther will write to queue if appropriate return escapeSequenceOther(newByte); } queue.write(newByte); return CoderResult.UNDERFLOW; }
Test for unknown, but valid, escape sequences.
/** * Test for unknown, but valid, escape sequences. */
private CoderResult escapeSequenceOther(short newByte) { if (newByte >= 0x20 && newByte <= 0x2F) { // {I} state = ESCAPE_SEQUENCE_OTHER; versionSequenceAllowed = false; queue.write(newByte); } else if (newByte >= 0x30 && newByte <= 0x7E) { // F -- end of sequence state = NORMAL_BYTES; versionSequenceAllowed = false; queue.reset(); } else { return malformedInput(ERR_ESCBYTE); } return CoderResult.UNDERFLOW; }
Parses directionality, as well as unknown, but valid, control sequences.
/** * Parses directionality, as well as unknown, but valid, control sequences. */
private CoderResult controlSequence(short newByte) { if (newByte >= 0x30 && newByte <= 0x3F) { // {P} if (state == CONTROL_SEQUENCE_IF) { // P no longer allowed return malformedInput(ERR_CTRLPI); } queue.write(newByte); } else if (newByte >= 0x20 && newByte <= 0x2F) { // {I} state = CONTROL_SEQUENCE_IF; queue.write(newByte); } else if (newByte >= 0x40 && newByte <= 0x7E) { // F -- end of sequence state = NORMAL_BYTES; queue.reset(); } else { return malformedInput(ERR_CTRLBYTE); } return CoderResult.UNDERFLOW; } private CoderResult versionSequence(short newByte) { if (state == VERSION_SEQUENCE_V) { if (newByte >= 0x20 && newByte <= 0x2F) { state = VERSION_SEQUENCE_TERM; queue.write(newByte); } else { return escapeSequenceOther(newByte); } } else /* if (state == VERSION_SEQUENCE_TERM) */ { switch (newByte) { case 0x30: if (!versionSequenceAllowed) { return malformedInput(ERR_VERSTART); } // OK to ignore extensions versionSequenceAllowed = false; state = NORMAL_BYTES; queue.reset(); break; case 0x31: return malformedInput((versionSequenceAllowed) ? ERR_VERMANDATORY : ERR_VERSTART); default: return escapeSequenceOther(newByte); } } return CoderResult.UNDERFLOW; } private CoderResult charset94N(short newByte) { switch (newByte) { case 0x28: state = CHARSET_NLIIF; break; case 0x29: state = CHARSET_NRIIF; break; default: // escapeSequenceOther will write byte if appropriate return escapeSequenceOther(newByte); } queue.write(newByte); return CoderResult.UNDERFLOW; } private CoderResult charset94NL(short newByte, CharBuffer cb) { if (newByte >= 0x21 && newByte <= (state == CHARSET_NLIIF ? 0x23 : 0x2F)) { // {I} state = CHARSET_NLIF; queue.write(newByte); } else if (newByte >= 0x40 && newByte <= 0x7E) { // F return switchDecoder(newByte, cb); } else { return escapeSequenceOther(newByte); } return CoderResult.UNDERFLOW; } private CoderResult charset94NR(short newByte, CharBuffer cb) { if (newByte >= 0x21 && newByte <= (state == CHARSET_NRIIF ? 0x23 : 0x2F)) { // {I} state = CHARSET_NRIF; queue.write(newByte); } else if (newByte >= 0x40 && newByte <= 0x7E) { // F return switchDecoder(newByte, cb); } else { return escapeSequenceOther(newByte); } return CoderResult.UNDERFLOW; } private CoderResult charset9496L(short newByte, CharBuffer cb) { if (newByte >= 0x21 && newByte <= (state == CHARSET_LIIF ? 0x23 : 0x2F)) { // {I} state = CHARSET_LIF; queue.write(newByte); return CoderResult.UNDERFLOW; } else if (newByte >= 0x40 && newByte <= 0x7E) { // F return switchDecoder(newByte, cb); } else { return escapeSequenceOther(newByte); } } private CoderResult charset9496R(short newByte, CharBuffer cb) { if (newByte >= 0x21 && newByte <= (state == CHARSET_RIIF ? 0x23 : 0x2F)) { // {I} state = CHARSET_RIF; queue.write(newByte); return CoderResult.UNDERFLOW; } else if (newByte >= 0x40 && newByte <= 0x7E) { // F return switchDecoder(newByte, cb); } else { return escapeSequenceOther(newByte); } } private CoderResult charsetNonStandard(short newByte, CharBuffer cb) { switch (state) { case CHARSET_NONSTANDARD_FOML: if (newByte == 0x2F) { state = CHARSET_NONSTANDARD_OML; queue.write(newByte); } else { return escapeSequenceOther(newByte); } break; case CHARSET_NONSTANDARD_OML: if (newByte >= 0x30 && newByte <= 0x34) { state = CHARSET_NONSTANDARD_ML; queue.write(newByte); } else if (newByte >= 0x35 && newByte <= 0x3F) { state = EXTENSION_ML; queue.write(newByte); } else { return escapeSequenceOther(newByte); } break; case CHARSET_NONSTANDARD_ML: ext_count = (newByte & 0x7F) * 0x80; state = CHARSET_NONSTANDARD_L; break; case CHARSET_NONSTANDARD_L: ext_count = ext_count + (newByte & 0x7F); state = (ext_count > 0) ? CHARSET_NONSTANDARD : NORMAL_BYTES; break; case CHARSET_NONSTANDARD: if (newByte == 0x3F || newByte == 0x2A) { queue.reset(); // In this case, only current byte is bad. return malformedInput(ERR_ENCODINGBYTE); } ext_offset++; if (ext_offset >= ext_count) { ext_offset = ext_count = 0; state = NORMAL_BYTES; queue.reset(); encodingQueue.reset(); } else if (newByte == 0x02) { // encoding name terminator return switchDecoder((short)0, cb); } else { encodingQueue.write(newByte); } break; default: error(ERR_ILLSTATE); } return CoderResult.UNDERFLOW; } private CoderResult extension(short newByte) { switch (state) { case EXTENSION_ML: ext_count = (newByte & 0x7F) * 0x80; state = EXTENSION_L; break; case EXTENSION_L: ext_count = ext_count + (newByte & 0x7F); state = (ext_count > 0) ? EXTENSION : NORMAL_BYTES; break; case EXTENSION: // Consume 'count' bytes. Don't bother putting them on the queue. // There may be too many and we can't do anything with them anyway. ext_offset++; if (ext_offset >= ext_count) { ext_offset = ext_count = 0; state = NORMAL_BYTES; queue.reset(); } break; default: error(ERR_ILLSTATE); } return CoderResult.UNDERFLOW; }
Preconditions: 1. 'queue' contains ControlSequence.escSequence 2. 'encodingQueue' contains ControlSequence.encoding
/** * Preconditions: * 1. 'queue' contains ControlSequence.escSequence * 2. 'encodingQueue' contains ControlSequence.encoding */
private CoderResult switchDecoder(short lastByte, CharBuffer cb) { CoderResult cr = CoderResult.UNDERFLOW; CharsetDecoder decoder = null; boolean high = false; byte[] escSequence; byte[] encoding = null; if (lastByte != 0) { queue.write(lastByte); } escSequence = queue.toByteArray(); queue.reset(); if (state == CHARSET_NONSTANDARD) { encoding = encodingQueue.toByteArray(); encodingQueue.reset(); decoder = CompoundTextSupport. getNonStandardDecoder(escSequence, encoding); } else { decoder = CompoundTextSupport.getStandardDecoder(escSequence); high = CompoundTextSupport.getHighBit(escSequence); } if (decoder != null) { initDecoder(decoder); } else if (unmappableCharacterAction() == CodingErrorAction.REPORT) { int badInputLength = 1; if (encoding != null) { badInputLength = encoding.length; } else if (escSequence.length > 0) { badInputLength = escSequence.length; } return CoderResult.unmappableForLength(badInputLength); } if (state == CHARSET_NLIIF || state == CHARSET_NLIF || state == CHARSET_LIIF || state == CHARSET_LIF) { if (lastDecoder == glDecoder) { cr = flushDecoder(glDecoder, cb); } glDecoder = lastDecoder = decoder; glHigh = high; state = NORMAL_BYTES; } else if (state == CHARSET_NRIIF || state == CHARSET_NRIF || state == CHARSET_RIIF || state == CHARSET_RIF) { if (lastDecoder == grDecoder) { cr = flushDecoder(grDecoder, cb); } grDecoder = lastDecoder = decoder; grHigh = high; state = NORMAL_BYTES; } else if (state == CHARSET_NONSTANDARD) { if (lastDecoder != null) { cr = flushDecoder(lastDecoder, cb); lastDecoder = null; } nonStandardDecoder = decoder; state = NONSTANDARD_BYTES; } else { error(ERR_ILLSTATE); } return cr; } private ByteBuffer fbb= ByteBuffer.allocate(0); private CoderResult flushDecoder(CharsetDecoder dec, CharBuffer cb) { dec.decode(fbb, cb, true); CoderResult cr = dec.flush(cb); dec.reset(); //reuse return cr; } private CoderResult malformedInput(String msg) { int badInputLength = queue.size() + 1 /* current byte */ ; queue.reset(); //TBD: nowhere to put the msg in CoderResult return CoderResult.malformedForLength(badInputLength); } private void error(String msg) { // For now, throw InternalError. Convert to 'assert' keyword later. throw new InternalError(msg); } protected CoderResult implFlush(CharBuffer out) { CoderResult cr = CoderResult.UNDERFLOW; if (lastDecoder != null) cr = flushDecoder(lastDecoder, out); if (state != NORMAL_BYTES) //TBD message ERR_FLUSH; cr = CoderResult.malformedForLength(0); reset(); return cr; }
Resets the decoder. Call this method to reset the decoder to its initial state
/** * Resets the decoder. * Call this method to reset the decoder to its initial state */
protected void implReset() { state = NORMAL_BYTES; ext_count = ext_offset = 0; versionSequenceAllowed = true; queue.reset(); encodingQueue.reset(); nonStandardDecoder = lastDecoder = null; glHigh = false; grHigh = true; try { // Initial state in ISO 2022 designates Latin-1 charset. glDecoder = Charset.forName("ASCII").newDecoder(); grDecoder = Charset.forName("ISO8859_1").newDecoder(); } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) { error(ERR_LATIN1); } initDecoder(glDecoder); initDecoder(grDecoder); } protected void implOnMalformedInput(CodingErrorAction newAction) { if (glDecoder != null) glDecoder.onMalformedInput(newAction); if (grDecoder != null) grDecoder.onMalformedInput(newAction); if (nonStandardDecoder != null) nonStandardDecoder.onMalformedInput(newAction); } protected void implOnUnmappableCharacter(CodingErrorAction newAction) { if (glDecoder != null) glDecoder.onUnmappableCharacter(newAction); if (grDecoder != null) grDecoder.onUnmappableCharacter(newAction); if (nonStandardDecoder != null) nonStandardDecoder.onUnmappableCharacter(newAction); } protected void implReplaceWith(String newReplacement) { if (glDecoder != null) glDecoder.replaceWith(newReplacement); if (grDecoder != null) grDecoder.replaceWith(newReplacement); if (nonStandardDecoder != null) nonStandardDecoder.replaceWith(newReplacement); } private void initDecoder(CharsetDecoder dec) { dec.onUnmappableCharacter(CodingErrorAction.REPLACE) .replaceWith(replacement()); } }