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package sun.net.www.protocol.http;

import java.io.IOException;
import java.io.ObjectInputStream;
import java.net.PasswordAuthentication;
import java.net.URL;
import java.util.HashMap;

import sun.net.www.HeaderParser;

AuthenticationInfo: Encapsulate the information needed to authenticate a user to a server.
Author:Jon Payne, Herb Jellinek, Bill Foote
/** * AuthenticationInfo: Encapsulate the information needed to * authenticate a user to a server. * * @author Jon Payne * @author Herb Jellinek * @author Bill Foote */
// REMIND: It would be nice if this class understood about partial matching. // If you're authorized for foo.com, chances are high you're also // authorized for baz.foo.com. // NB: When this gets implemented, be careful about the uncaching // policy in HttpURLConnection. A failure on baz.foo.com shouldn't // uncache foo.com! public abstract class AuthenticationInfo extends AuthCacheValue implements Cloneable { static final long serialVersionUID = -2588378268010453259L; // Constants saying what kind of authroization this is. This determines // the namespace in the hash table lookup. public static final char SERVER_AUTHENTICATION = 's'; public static final char PROXY_AUTHENTICATION = 'p';
If true, then simultaneous authentication requests to the same realm/proxy are serialized, in order to avoid a user having to type the same username/passwords repeatedly, via the Authenticator. Default is false, which means that this behavior is switched off.
/** * If true, then simultaneous authentication requests to the same realm/proxy * are serialized, in order to avoid a user having to type the same username/passwords * repeatedly, via the Authenticator. Default is false, which means that this * behavior is switched off. */
static final boolean serializeAuth; static { serializeAuth = java.security.AccessController.doPrivileged( new sun.security.action.GetBooleanAction( "http.auth.serializeRequests")).booleanValue(); } /* AuthCacheValue: */ transient protected PasswordAuthentication pw; public PasswordAuthentication credentials() { return pw; } public AuthCacheValue.Type getAuthType() { return type == SERVER_AUTHENTICATION ? AuthCacheValue.Type.Server: AuthCacheValue.Type.Proxy; } AuthScheme getAuthScheme() { return authScheme; } public String getHost() { return host; } public int getPort() { return port; } public String getRealm() { return realm; } public String getPath() { return path; } public String getProtocolScheme() { return protocol; }
Whether we should cache this instance in the AuthCache. This method returns true by default. Subclasses may override this method to add additional restrictions.
Returns:true by default.
/** * Whether we should cache this instance in the AuthCache. * This method returns {@code true} by default. * Subclasses may override this method to add * additional restrictions. * @return {@code true} by default. */
protected boolean useAuthCache() { return true; }
requests is used to ensure that interaction with the Authenticator for a particular realm is single threaded. ie. if multiple threads need to get credentials from the user at the same time, then all but the first will block until the first completes its authentication.
/** * requests is used to ensure that interaction with the * Authenticator for a particular realm is single threaded. * ie. if multiple threads need to get credentials from the user * at the same time, then all but the first will block until * the first completes its authentication. */
static private HashMap<String,Thread> requests = new HashMap<>(); /* check if a request for this destination is in progress * return false immediately if not. Otherwise block until * request is finished and return true */ static private boolean requestIsInProgress (String key) { if (!serializeAuth) { /* behavior is disabled. Revert to concurrent requests */ return false; } synchronized (requests) { Thread t, c; c = Thread.currentThread(); if ((t = requests.get(key)) == null) { requests.put (key, c); return false; } if (t == c) { return false; } while (requests.containsKey(key)) { try { requests.wait (); } catch (InterruptedException e) {} } } /* entry may be in cache now. */ return true; } /* signal completion of an authentication (whether it succeeded or not) * so that other threads can continue. */ static private void requestCompleted (String key) { synchronized (requests) { Thread thread = requests.get(key); if (thread != null && thread == Thread.currentThread()) { boolean waspresent = requests.remove(key) != null; assert waspresent; } requests.notifyAll(); } } //public String toString () { //return ("{"+type+":"+authScheme+":"+protocol+":"+host+":"+port+":"+realm+":"+path+"}"); //} // REMIND: This cache just grows forever. We should put in a bounded // cache, or maybe something using WeakRef's.
The type (server/proxy) of authentication this is. Used for key lookup
/** The type (server/proxy) of authentication this is. Used for key lookup */
char type;
The authentication scheme (basic/digest). Also used for key lookup
/** The authentication scheme (basic/digest). Also used for key lookup */
AuthScheme authScheme;
The protocol/scheme (i.e. http or https ). Need to keep the caches logically separate for the two protocols. This field is only used when constructed with a URL (the normal case for server authentication) For proxy authentication the protocol is not relevant.
/** The protocol/scheme (i.e. http or https ). Need to keep the caches * logically separate for the two protocols. This field is only used * when constructed with a URL (the normal case for server authentication) * For proxy authentication the protocol is not relevant. */
String protocol;
The host we're authenticating against.
/** The host we're authenticating against. */
String host;
The port on the host we're authenticating against.
/** The port on the host we're authenticating against. */
int port;
The realm we're authenticating against.
/** The realm we're authenticating against. */
String realm;
The shortest path from the URL we authenticated against.
/** The shortest path from the URL we authenticated against. */
String path;
Use this constructor only for proxy entries
/** Use this constructor only for proxy entries */
public AuthenticationInfo(char type, AuthScheme authScheme, String host, int port, String realm) { this.type = type; this.authScheme = authScheme; this.protocol = ""; this.host = host.toLowerCase(); this.port = port; this.realm = realm; this.path = null; } public Object clone() { try { return super.clone (); } catch (CloneNotSupportedException e) { // Cannot happen because Cloneable implemented by AuthenticationInfo return null; } } /* * Constructor used to limit the authorization to the path within * the URL. Use this constructor for origin server entries. */ public AuthenticationInfo(char type, AuthScheme authScheme, URL url, String realm) { this.type = type; this.authScheme = authScheme; this.protocol = url.getProtocol().toLowerCase(); this.host = url.getHost().toLowerCase(); this.port = url.getPort(); if (this.port == -1) { this.port = url.getDefaultPort(); } this.realm = realm; String urlPath = url.getPath(); if (urlPath.length() == 0) this.path = urlPath; else { this.path = reducePath (urlPath); } } /* * reduce the path to the root of where we think the * authorization begins. This could get shorter as * the url is traversed up following a successful challenge. */ static String reducePath (String urlPath) { int sepIndex = urlPath.lastIndexOf('/'); int targetSuffixIndex = urlPath.lastIndexOf('.'); if (sepIndex != -1) if (sepIndex < targetSuffixIndex) return urlPath.substring(0, sepIndex+1); else return urlPath; else return urlPath; }
Returns info for the URL, for an HTTP server auth. Used when we don't yet know the realm (i.e. when we're preemptively setting the auth).
/** * Returns info for the URL, for an HTTP server auth. Used when we * don't yet know the realm * (i.e. when we're preemptively setting the auth). */
static AuthenticationInfo getServerAuth(URL url) { int port = url.getPort(); if (port == -1) { port = url.getDefaultPort(); } String key = SERVER_AUTHENTICATION + ":" + url.getProtocol().toLowerCase() + ":" + url.getHost().toLowerCase() + ":" + port; return getAuth(key, url); }
Returns info for the URL, for an HTTP server auth. Used when we do know the realm (i.e. when we're responding to a challenge). In this case we do not use the path because the protection space is identified by the host:port:realm only
/** * Returns info for the URL, for an HTTP server auth. Used when we * do know the realm (i.e. when we're responding to a challenge). * In this case we do not use the path because the protection space * is identified by the host:port:realm only */
static String getServerAuthKey(URL url, String realm, AuthScheme scheme) { int port = url.getPort(); if (port == -1) { port = url.getDefaultPort(); } String key = SERVER_AUTHENTICATION + ":" + scheme + ":" + url.getProtocol().toLowerCase() + ":" + url.getHost().toLowerCase() + ":" + port + ":" + realm; return key; } static AuthenticationInfo getServerAuth(String key) { AuthenticationInfo cached = getAuth(key, null); if ((cached == null) && requestIsInProgress (key)) { /* check the cache again, it might contain an entry */ cached = getAuth(key, null); } return cached; }
Return the AuthenticationInfo object from the cache if it's path is a substring of the supplied URLs path.
/** * Return the AuthenticationInfo object from the cache if it's path is * a substring of the supplied URLs path. */
static AuthenticationInfo getAuth(String key, URL url) { if (url == null) { return (AuthenticationInfo)cache.get (key, null); } else { return (AuthenticationInfo)cache.get (key, url.getPath()); } }
Returns a firewall authentication, for the given host/port. Used for preemptive header-setting. Note, the protocol field is always blank for proxies.
/** * Returns a firewall authentication, for the given host/port. Used * for preemptive header-setting. Note, the protocol field is always * blank for proxies. */
static AuthenticationInfo getProxyAuth(String host, int port) { String key = PROXY_AUTHENTICATION + "::" + host.toLowerCase() + ":" + port; AuthenticationInfo result = (AuthenticationInfo) cache.get(key, null); return result; }
Returns a firewall authentication, for the given host/port and realm. Used in response to a challenge. Note, the protocol field is always blank for proxies.
/** * Returns a firewall authentication, for the given host/port and realm. * Used in response to a challenge. Note, the protocol field is always * blank for proxies. */
static String getProxyAuthKey(String host, int port, String realm, AuthScheme scheme) { String key = PROXY_AUTHENTICATION + ":" + scheme + "::" + host.toLowerCase() + ":" + port + ":" + realm; return key; } static AuthenticationInfo getProxyAuth(String key) { AuthenticationInfo cached = (AuthenticationInfo) cache.get(key, null); if ((cached == null) && requestIsInProgress (key)) { /* check the cache again, it might contain an entry */ cached = (AuthenticationInfo) cache.get(key, null); } return cached; }
Add this authentication to the cache
/** * Add this authentication to the cache */
void addToCache() { String key = cacheKey(true); if (useAuthCache()) { cache.put(key, this); if (supportsPreemptiveAuthorization()) { cache.put(cacheKey(false), this); } } endAuthRequest(key); } static void endAuthRequest (String key) { if (!serializeAuth) { return; } synchronized (requests) { requestCompleted(key); } }
Remove this authentication from the cache
/** * Remove this authentication from the cache */
void removeFromCache() { cache.remove(cacheKey(true), this); if (supportsPreemptiveAuthorization()) { cache.remove(cacheKey(false), this); } }
Returns:true if this authentication supports preemptive authorization
/** * @return true if this authentication supports preemptive authorization */
public abstract boolean supportsPreemptiveAuthorization();
Returns:the name of the HTTP header this authentication wants set. This is used for preemptive authorization.
/** * @return the name of the HTTP header this authentication wants set. * This is used for preemptive authorization. */
public String getHeaderName() { if (type == SERVER_AUTHENTICATION) { return "Authorization"; } else { return "Proxy-authorization"; } }
Calculates and returns the authentication header value based on the stored authentication parameters. If the calculation does not depend on the URL or the request method then these parameters are ignored.
  • url – The URL
  • method – The request method
Returns:the value of the HTTP header this authentication wants set. Used for preemptive authorization.
/** * Calculates and returns the authentication header value based * on the stored authentication parameters. If the calculation does not depend * on the URL or the request method then these parameters are ignored. * @param url The URL * @param method The request method * @return the value of the HTTP header this authentication wants set. * Used for preemptive authorization. */
public abstract String getHeaderValue(URL url, String method);
Set header(s) on the given connection. Subclasses must override This will only be called for definitive (i.e. non-preemptive) authorization.
  • conn – The connection to apply the header(s) to
  • p – A source of header values for this connection, if needed.
  • raw – The raw header field (if needed)
Returns:true if all goes well, false if no headers were set.
/** * Set header(s) on the given connection. Subclasses must override * This will only be called for * definitive (i.e. non-preemptive) authorization. * @param conn The connection to apply the header(s) to * @param p A source of header values for this connection, if needed. * @param raw The raw header field (if needed) * @return true if all goes well, false if no headers were set. */
public abstract boolean setHeaders(HttpURLConnection conn, HeaderParser p, String raw);
Check if the header indicates that the current auth. parameters are stale. If so, then replace the relevant field with the new value and return true. Otherwise return false. returning true means the request can be retried with the same userid/password returning false means we have to go back to the user to ask for a new username password.
/** * Check if the header indicates that the current auth. parameters are stale. * If so, then replace the relevant field with the new value * and return true. Otherwise return false. * returning true means the request can be retried with the same userid/password * returning false means we have to go back to the user to ask for a new * username password. */
public abstract boolean isAuthorizationStale (String header);
Give a key for hash table lookups.
  • includeRealm – if you want the realm considered. Preemptively setting an authorization is done before the realm is known.
/** * Give a key for hash table lookups. * @param includeRealm if you want the realm considered. Preemptively * setting an authorization is done before the realm is known. */
String cacheKey(boolean includeRealm) { // This must be kept in sync with the getXXXAuth() methods in this // class. if (includeRealm) { return type + ":" + authScheme + ":" + protocol + ":" + host + ":" + port + ":" + realm; } else { return type + ":" + protocol + ":" + host + ":" + port; } } String s1, s2; /* used for serialization of pw */ private void readObject(ObjectInputStream s) throws IOException, ClassNotFoundException { s.defaultReadObject (); pw = new PasswordAuthentication (s1, s2.toCharArray()); s1 = null; s2= null; } private synchronized void writeObject(java.io.ObjectOutputStream s) throws IOException { s1 = pw.getUserName(); s2 = new String (pw.getPassword()); s.defaultWriteObject (); } }