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package sun.management.snmp;

import com.sun.jmx.snmp.daemon.SnmpAdaptorServer;
import com.sun.jmx.snmp.InetAddressAcl;
import com.sun.jmx.snmp.IPAcl.SnmpAcl;
import sun.management.snmp.jvmmib.JVM_MANAGEMENT_MIB;
import sun.management.snmp.jvminstr.JVM_MANAGEMENT_MIB_IMPL;
import sun.management.snmp.jvminstr.NotificationTarget;
import sun.management.snmp.jvminstr.NotificationTargetImpl;
import sun.management.snmp.util.MibLogger;
import sun.management.snmp.util.JvmContextFactory;

import sun.management.Agent;
import sun.management.AgentConfigurationError;
import static sun.management.AgentConfigurationError.*;
import sun.management.FileSystem;

import java.util.List;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Enumeration;
import java.util.Properties;

import java.io.IOException;
import java.io.File;
import java.io.FileInputStream;

import java.net.InetAddress;
import java.net.UnknownHostException;

This class initializes and starts the SNMP Adaptor for JSR 163 SNMP Monitoring.
/** * This class initializes and starts the SNMP Adaptor for JSR 163 SNMP * Monitoring. **/
public final class AdaptorBootstrap { private static final MibLogger log = new MibLogger(AdaptorBootstrap.class);
Default values for SNMP configuration properties.
/** * Default values for SNMP configuration properties. **/
public static interface DefaultValues { public static final String PORT="161"; public static final String CONFIG_FILE_NAME="management.properties"; public static final String TRAP_PORT="162"; public static final String USE_ACL="true"; public static final String ACL_FILE_NAME="snmp.acl"; public static final String BIND_ADDRESS="localhost"; }
Names of SNMP configuration properties.
/** * Names of SNMP configuration properties. **/
public static interface PropertyNames { public static final String PORT="com.sun.management.snmp.port"; public static final String CONFIG_FILE_NAME= "com.sun.management.config.file"; public static final String TRAP_PORT= "com.sun.management.snmp.trap"; public static final String USE_ACL= "com.sun.management.snmp.acl"; public static final String ACL_FILE_NAME= "com.sun.management.snmp.acl.file"; public static final String BIND_ADDRESS= "com.sun.management.snmp.interface"; }
We keep a reference - so that we can possibly call terminate(). As of now, terminate() is only called by unit tests (makes it possible to run several testcases sequentially in the same JVM).
/** * We keep a reference - so that we can possibly call * terminate(). As of now, terminate() is only called by unit tests * (makes it possible to run several testcases sequentially in the * same JVM). **/
private SnmpAdaptorServer adaptor; private JVM_MANAGEMENT_MIB_IMPL jvmmib; private AdaptorBootstrap(SnmpAdaptorServer snmpas, JVM_MANAGEMENT_MIB_IMPL mib) { jvmmib = mib; adaptor = snmpas; }
Compute the full path name for a default file.
  • basename – basename (with extension) of the default file.
/** * Compute the full path name for a default file. * @param basename basename (with extension) of the default file. * @return ${JRE}/lib/management/${basename} **/
private static String getDefaultFileName(String basename) { final String fileSeparator = File.separator; return System.getProperty("java.home") + fileSeparator + "lib" + fileSeparator + "management" + fileSeparator + basename; }
Retrieve the Trap Target List from the ACL file.
/** * Retrieve the Trap Target List from the ACL file. **/
@SuppressWarnings("unchecked") private static List<NotificationTarget> getTargetList(InetAddressAcl acl, int defaultTrapPort) { final ArrayList<NotificationTarget> result = new ArrayList<>(); if (acl != null) { if (log.isDebugOn()) log.debug("getTargetList",Agent.getText("jmxremote.AdaptorBootstrap.getTargetList.processing")); final Enumeration<InetAddress> td = acl.getTrapDestinations(); for (; td.hasMoreElements() ;) { final InetAddress targetAddr = td.nextElement(); final Enumeration<String> tc = acl.getTrapCommunities(targetAddr); for (;tc.hasMoreElements() ;) { final String community = tc.nextElement(); final NotificationTarget target = new NotificationTargetImpl(targetAddr, defaultTrapPort, community); if (log.isDebugOn()) log.debug("getTargetList", Agent.getText("jmxremote.AdaptorBootstrap.getTargetList.adding", target.toString())); result.add(target); } } } return result; }
Initializes and starts the SNMP Adaptor Server. If the com.sun.management.snmp.port property is not defined, simply return. Otherwise, attempts to load the config file, and then calls initialize(String, Properties).
/** * Initializes and starts the SNMP Adaptor Server. * If the com.sun.management.snmp.port property is not defined, * simply return. Otherwise, attempts to load the config file, and * then calls {@link #initialize(java.lang.String, java.util.Properties)}. * **/
public static synchronized AdaptorBootstrap initialize() { // Load a new properties final Properties props = Agent.loadManagementProperties(); if (props == null) return null; final String portStr = props.getProperty(PropertyNames.PORT); return initialize(portStr,props); }
Initializes and starts the SNMP Adaptor Server.
/** * Initializes and starts the SNMP Adaptor Server. **/
public static synchronized AdaptorBootstrap initialize(String portStr, Properties props) { // Get port number if (portStr.length()==0) portStr=DefaultValues.PORT; final int port; try { port = Integer.parseInt(portStr); } catch (NumberFormatException x) { throw new AgentConfigurationError(INVALID_SNMP_PORT, x, portStr); } if (port < 0) { throw new AgentConfigurationError(INVALID_SNMP_PORT, portStr); } // Get trap port number final String trapPortStr = props.getProperty(PropertyNames.TRAP_PORT, DefaultValues.TRAP_PORT); final int trapPort; try { trapPort = Integer.parseInt(trapPortStr); } catch (NumberFormatException x) { throw new AgentConfigurationError(INVALID_SNMP_TRAP_PORT, x, trapPortStr); } if (trapPort < 0) { throw new AgentConfigurationError(INVALID_SNMP_TRAP_PORT, trapPortStr); } // Get bind address final String addrStr = props.getProperty(PropertyNames.BIND_ADDRESS, DefaultValues.BIND_ADDRESS); // Get ACL File final String defaultAclFileName = getDefaultFileName(DefaultValues.ACL_FILE_NAME); final String aclFileName = props.getProperty(PropertyNames.ACL_FILE_NAME, defaultAclFileName); final String useAclStr = props.getProperty(PropertyNames.USE_ACL,DefaultValues.USE_ACL); final boolean useAcl = Boolean.valueOf(useAclStr).booleanValue(); if (useAcl) checkAclFile(aclFileName); AdaptorBootstrap adaptor = null; try { adaptor = getAdaptorBootstrap(port, trapPort, addrStr, useAcl, aclFileName); } catch (Exception e) { throw new AgentConfigurationError(AGENT_EXCEPTION, e, e.getMessage()); } return adaptor; } private static AdaptorBootstrap getAdaptorBootstrap (int port, int trapPort, String bindAddress, boolean useAcl, String aclFileName) { final InetAddress address; try { address = InetAddress.getByName(bindAddress); } catch (UnknownHostException e) { throw new AgentConfigurationError(UNKNOWN_SNMP_INTERFACE, e, bindAddress); } if (log.isDebugOn()) { log.debug("initialize", Agent.getText("jmxremote.AdaptorBootstrap.getTargetList.starting" + "\n\t" + PropertyNames.PORT + "=" + port + "\n\t" + PropertyNames.TRAP_PORT + "=" + trapPort + "\n\t" + PropertyNames.BIND_ADDRESS + "=" + address + (useAcl?("\n\t" + PropertyNames.ACL_FILE_NAME + "=" + aclFileName):"\n\tNo ACL")+ "")); } final InetAddressAcl acl; try { acl = useAcl ? new SnmpAcl(System.getProperty("user.name"),aclFileName) : null; } catch (UnknownHostException e) { throw new AgentConfigurationError(UNKNOWN_SNMP_INTERFACE, e, e.getMessage()); } // Create adaptor final SnmpAdaptorServer adaptor = new SnmpAdaptorServer(acl, port, address); adaptor.setUserDataFactory(new JvmContextFactory()); adaptor.setTrapPort(trapPort); // Create MIB // final JVM_MANAGEMENT_MIB_IMPL mib = new JVM_MANAGEMENT_MIB_IMPL(); try { mib.init(); } catch (IllegalAccessException x) { throw new AgentConfigurationError(SNMP_MIB_INIT_FAILED, x, x.getMessage()); } // Configure the trap destinations. // mib.addTargets(getTargetList(acl,trapPort)); // Start Adaptor // try { // Will wait until the adaptor starts or fails to start. // If the adaptor fails to start, a CommunicationException or // an InterruptedException is thrown. // adaptor.start(Long.MAX_VALUE); } catch (Exception x) { Throwable t=x; if (x instanceof com.sun.jmx.snmp.daemon.CommunicationException) { final Throwable next = t.getCause(); if (next != null) t = next; } throw new AgentConfigurationError(SNMP_ADAPTOR_START_FAILED, t, address + ":" + port, "(" + t.getMessage() + ")"); } // double check that adaptor is actually started (should always // be active, so that exception should never be thrown from here) // if (!adaptor.isActive()) { throw new AgentConfigurationError(SNMP_ADAPTOR_START_FAILED, address + ":" + port); } try { // Add MIB to adaptor // adaptor.addMib(mib); // Add Adaptor to the MIB // mib.setSnmpAdaptor(adaptor); } catch (RuntimeException x) { new AdaptorBootstrap(adaptor,mib).terminate(); throw x; } log.debug("initialize", Agent.getText("jmxremote.AdaptorBootstrap.getTargetList.initialize1")); log.config("initialize", Agent.getText("jmxremote.AdaptorBootstrap.getTargetList.initialize2", address.toString(), java.lang.Integer.toString(adaptor.getPort()))); return new AdaptorBootstrap(adaptor,mib); } private static void checkAclFile(String aclFileName) { if (aclFileName == null || aclFileName.length()==0) { throw new AgentConfigurationError(SNMP_ACL_FILE_NOT_SET); } final File file = new File(aclFileName); if (!file.exists()) { throw new AgentConfigurationError(SNMP_ACL_FILE_NOT_FOUND, aclFileName); } if (!file.canRead()) { throw new AgentConfigurationError(SNMP_ACL_FILE_NOT_READABLE, aclFileName); } FileSystem fs = FileSystem.open(); try { if (fs.supportsFileSecurity(file)) { if (!fs.isAccessUserOnly(file)) { throw new AgentConfigurationError(SNMP_ACL_FILE_ACCESS_NOT_RESTRICTED, aclFileName); } } } catch (IOException e) { throw new AgentConfigurationError(SNMP_ACL_FILE_READ_FAILED, aclFileName); } }
Get the port on which the adaptor is bound. Returns 0 if the adaptor is already terminated.
/** * Get the port on which the adaptor is bound. * Returns 0 if the adaptor is already terminated. * **/
public synchronized int getPort() { if (adaptor != null) return adaptor.getPort(); return 0; }
Stops the adaptor server.
/** * Stops the adaptor server. **/
public synchronized void terminate() { if (adaptor == null) return; // Terminate the MIB (deregister NotificationListener from // MemoryMBean) // try { jvmmib.terminate(); } catch (Exception x) { // Must not prevent to stop... // log.debug("jmxremote.AdaptorBootstrap.getTargetList.terminate", x.toString()); } finally { jvmmib=null; } // Stop the adaptor // try { adaptor.stop(); } finally { adaptor = null; } } }