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package com.sun.java.util.jar.pack;

import java.io.IOException;
import java.util.Arrays;
import static com.sun.java.util.jar.pack.Constants.*;

A parsed bytecode instruction. Provides accessors to various relevant bits.
Author:John Rose
/** * A parsed bytecode instruction. * Provides accessors to various relevant bits. * @author John Rose */
class Instruction { protected byte[] bytes; // bytecodes protected int pc; // location of this instruction protected int bc; // opcode of this instruction protected int w; // 0 if normal, 1 if a _wide prefix at pc protected int length; // bytes in this instruction protected boolean special; protected Instruction(byte[] bytes, int pc, int bc, int w, int length) { reset(bytes, pc, bc, w, length); } private void reset(byte[] bytes, int pc, int bc, int w, int length) { this.bytes = bytes; this.pc = pc; this.bc = bc; this.w = w; this.length = length; } public int getBC() { return bc; } public boolean isWide() { return w != 0; } public byte[] getBytes() { return bytes; } public int getPC() { return pc; } public int getLength() { return length; } public int getNextPC() { return pc + length; } public Instruction next() { int npc = pc + length; if (npc == bytes.length) return null; else return Instruction.at(bytes, npc, this); } public boolean isNonstandard() { return isNonstandard(bc); } public void setNonstandardLength(int length) { assert(isNonstandard()); this.length = length; }
A fake instruction at this pc whose next() will be at nextpc.
/** A fake instruction at this pc whose next() will be at nextpc. */
public Instruction forceNextPC(int nextpc) { int llength = nextpc - pc; return new Instruction(bytes, pc, -1, -1, llength); } public static Instruction at(byte[] bytes, int pc) { return Instruction.at(bytes, pc, null); } public static Instruction at(byte[] bytes, int pc, Instruction reuse) { int bc = getByte(bytes, pc); int prefix = -1; int w = 0; int length = BC_LENGTH[w][bc]; if (length == 0) { // Hard cases: switch (bc) { case _wide: bc = getByte(bytes, pc+1); w = 1; length = BC_LENGTH[w][bc]; if (length == 0) { // unknown instruction; treat as one byte length = 1; } break; case _tableswitch: return new TableSwitch(bytes, pc); case _lookupswitch: return new LookupSwitch(bytes, pc); default: // unknown instruction; treat as one byte length = 1; break; } } assert(length > 0); assert(pc+length <= bytes.length); // Speed hack: Instruction.next reuses self if possible. if (reuse != null && !reuse.special) { reuse.reset(bytes, pc, bc, w, length); return reuse; } return new Instruction(bytes, pc, bc, w, length); } // Return the constant pool reference type, or 0 if none. public byte getCPTag() { return BC_TAG[w][bc]; } // Return the constant pool index, or -1 if none. public int getCPIndex() { int indexLoc = BC_INDEX[w][bc]; if (indexLoc == 0) return -1; assert(w == 0); if (length == 2) return getByte(bytes, pc+indexLoc); // _ldc opcode only else return getShort(bytes, pc+indexLoc); } public void setCPIndex(int cpi) { int indexLoc = BC_INDEX[w][bc]; assert(indexLoc != 0); if (length == 2) setByte(bytes, pc+indexLoc, cpi); // _ldc opcode only else setShort(bytes, pc+indexLoc, cpi); assert(getCPIndex() == cpi); } public ConstantPool.Entry getCPRef(ConstantPool.Entry[] cpMap) { int index = getCPIndex(); return (index < 0) ? null : cpMap[index]; } // Return the slot of the affected local, or -1 if none. public int getLocalSlot() { int slotLoc = BC_SLOT[w][bc]; if (slotLoc == 0) return -1; if (w == 0) return getByte(bytes, pc+slotLoc); else return getShort(bytes, pc+slotLoc); } // Return the target of the branch, or -1 if none. public int getBranchLabel() { int branchLoc = BC_BRANCH[w][bc]; if (branchLoc == 0) return -1; assert(w == 0); assert(length == 3 || length == 5); int offset; if (length == 3) offset = (short)getShort(bytes, pc+branchLoc); else offset = getInt(bytes, pc+branchLoc); assert(offset+pc >= 0); assert(offset+pc <= bytes.length); return offset+pc; } public void setBranchLabel(int targetPC) { int branchLoc = BC_BRANCH[w][bc]; assert(branchLoc != 0); if (length == 3) setShort(bytes, pc+branchLoc, targetPC-pc); else setInt(bytes, pc+branchLoc, targetPC-pc); assert(targetPC == getBranchLabel()); } // Return the trailing constant in the instruction (as a signed value). // Return 0 if there is none. public int getConstant() { int conLoc = BC_CON[w][bc]; if (conLoc == 0) return 0; switch (length - conLoc) { case 1: return (byte) getByte(bytes, pc+conLoc); case 2: return (short) getShort(bytes, pc+conLoc); } assert(false); return 0; } public void setConstant(int con) { int conLoc = BC_CON[w][bc]; assert(conLoc != 0); switch (length - conLoc) { case 1: setByte(bytes, pc+conLoc, con); break; case 2: setShort(bytes, pc+conLoc, con); break; } assert(con == getConstant()); } public abstract static class Switch extends Instruction { // Each case is a (value, label) pair, indexed 0 <= n < caseCount public abstract int getCaseCount(); public abstract int getCaseValue(int n); public abstract int getCaseLabel(int n); public abstract void setCaseCount(int caseCount); public abstract void setCaseValue(int n, int value); public abstract void setCaseLabel(int n, int targetPC); protected abstract int getLength(int caseCount); public int getDefaultLabel() { return intAt(0)+pc; } public void setDefaultLabel(int targetPC) { setIntAt(0, targetPC-pc); } protected int apc; // aligned pc (table base) protected int intAt(int n) { return getInt(bytes, apc + n*4); } protected void setIntAt(int n, int x) { setInt(bytes, apc + n*4, x); } protected Switch(byte[] bytes, int pc, int bc) { super(bytes, pc, bc, /*w*/0, /*length*/0); this.apc = alignPC(pc+1); this.special = true; length = getLength(getCaseCount()); } public int getAlignedPC() { return apc; } public String toString() { String s = super.toString(); s += " Default:"+labstr(getDefaultLabel()); int caseCount = getCaseCount(); for (int i = 0; i < caseCount; i++) { s += "\n\tCase "+getCaseValue(i)+":"+labstr(getCaseLabel(i)); } return s; } public static int alignPC(int apc) { while (apc % 4 != 0) ++apc; return apc; } } public static class TableSwitch extends Switch { // apc: (df, lo, hi, (hi-lo+1)*(label)) public int getLowCase() { return intAt(1); } public int getHighCase() { return intAt(2); } public int getCaseCount() { return intAt(2)-intAt(1)+1; } public int getCaseValue(int n) { return getLowCase()+n; } public int getCaseLabel(int n) { return intAt(3+n)+pc; } public void setLowCase(int val) { setIntAt(1, val); } public void setHighCase(int val) { setIntAt(2, val); } public void setCaseLabel(int n, int tpc) { setIntAt(3+n, tpc-pc); } public void setCaseCount(int caseCount) { setHighCase(getLowCase() + caseCount - 1); length = getLength(caseCount); } public void setCaseValue(int n, int val) { if (n != 0) throw new UnsupportedOperationException(); int caseCount = getCaseCount(); setLowCase(val); setCaseCount(caseCount); // keep invariant } TableSwitch(byte[] bytes, int pc) { super(bytes, pc, _tableswitch); } protected int getLength(int caseCount) { return (apc-pc) + (3 + caseCount) * 4; } } public static class LookupSwitch extends Switch { // apc: (df, nc, nc*(case, label)) public int getCaseCount() { return intAt(1); } public int getCaseValue(int n) { return intAt(2+n*2+0); } public int getCaseLabel(int n) { return intAt(2+n*2+1)+pc; } public void setCaseCount(int caseCount) { setIntAt(1, caseCount); length = getLength(caseCount); } public void setCaseValue(int n, int val) { setIntAt(2+n*2+0, val); } public void setCaseLabel(int n, int tpc) { setIntAt(2+n*2+1, tpc-pc); } LookupSwitch(byte[] bytes, int pc) { super(bytes, pc, _lookupswitch); } protected int getLength(int caseCount) { return (apc-pc) + (2 + caseCount*2) * 4; } }
Two instructions are equal if they have the same bytes.
/** Two instructions are equal if they have the same bytes. */
public boolean equals(Object o) { return (o != null) && (o.getClass() == Instruction.class) && equals((Instruction) o); } public int hashCode() { int hash = 3; hash = 11 * hash + Arrays.hashCode(this.bytes); hash = 11 * hash + this.pc; hash = 11 * hash + this.bc; hash = 11 * hash + this.w; hash = 11 * hash + this.length; return hash; } public boolean equals(Instruction that) { if (this.pc != that.pc) return false; if (this.bc != that.bc) return false; if (this.w != that.w) return false; if (this.length != that.length) return false; for (int i = 1; i < length; i++) { if (this.bytes[this.pc+i] != that.bytes[that.pc+i]) return false; } return true; } static String labstr(int pc) { if (pc >= 0 && pc < 100000) return ((100000+pc)+"").substring(1); return pc+""; } public String toString() { return toString(null); } public String toString(ConstantPool.Entry[] cpMap) { String s = labstr(pc) + ": "; if (bc >= _bytecode_limit) { s += Integer.toHexString(bc); return s; } if (w == 1) s += "wide "; String bcname = (bc < BC_NAME.length)? BC_NAME[bc]: null; if (bcname == null) { return s+"opcode#"+bc; } s += bcname; int tag = getCPTag(); if (tag != 0) s += " "+ConstantPool.tagName(tag)+":"; int idx = getCPIndex(); if (idx >= 0) s += (cpMap == null) ? ""+idx : "="+cpMap[idx].stringValue(); int slt = getLocalSlot(); if (slt >= 0) s += " Local:"+slt; int lab = getBranchLabel(); if (lab >= 0) s += " To:"+labstr(lab); int con = getConstant(); if (con != 0) s += " Con:"+con; return s; } //public static byte constantPoolTagFor(int bc) { return BC_TAG[0][bc]; } /// Fetching values from byte arrays: public int getIntAt(int off) { return getInt(bytes, pc+off); } public int getShortAt(int off) { return getShort(bytes, pc+off); } public int getByteAt(int off) { return getByte(bytes, pc+off); } public static int getInt(byte[] bytes, int pc) { return (getShort(bytes, pc+0) << 16) + (getShort(bytes, pc+2) << 0); } public static int getShort(byte[] bytes, int pc) { return (getByte(bytes, pc+0) << 8) + (getByte(bytes, pc+1) << 0); } public static int getByte(byte[] bytes, int pc) { return bytes[pc] & 0xFF; } public static void setInt(byte[] bytes, int pc, int x) { setShort(bytes, pc+0, x >> 16); setShort(bytes, pc+2, x >> 0); } public static void setShort(byte[] bytes, int pc, int x) { setByte(bytes, pc+0, x >> 8); setByte(bytes, pc+1, x >> 0); } public static void setByte(byte[] bytes, int pc, int x) { bytes[pc] = (byte)x; } // some bytecode classifiers public static boolean isNonstandard(int bc) { return BC_LENGTH[0][bc] < 0; } public static int opLength(int bc) { int l = BC_LENGTH[0][bc]; assert(l > 0); return l; } public static int opWideLength(int bc) { int l = BC_LENGTH[1][bc]; assert(l > 0); return l; } public static boolean isLocalSlotOp(int bc) { return (bc < BC_SLOT[0].length && BC_SLOT[0][bc] > 0); } public static boolean isBranchOp(int bc) { return (bc < BC_BRANCH[0].length && BC_BRANCH[0][bc] > 0); } public static boolean isCPRefOp(int bc) { if (bc < BC_INDEX[0].length && BC_INDEX[0][bc] > 0) return true; if (bc >= _xldc_op && bc < _xldc_limit) return true; if (bc == _invokespecial_int || bc == _invokestatic_int) return true; return false; } public static byte getCPRefOpTag(int bc) { if (bc < BC_INDEX[0].length && BC_INDEX[0][bc] > 0) return BC_TAG[0][bc]; if (bc >= _xldc_op && bc < _xldc_limit) return CONSTANT_LoadableValue; if (bc == _invokestatic_int || bc == _invokespecial_int) return CONSTANT_InterfaceMethodref; return CONSTANT_None; } public static boolean isFieldOp(int bc) { return (bc >= _getstatic && bc <= _putfield); } public static boolean isInvokeInitOp(int bc) { return (bc >= _invokeinit_op && bc < _invokeinit_limit); } public static boolean isSelfLinkerOp(int bc) { return (bc >= _self_linker_op && bc < _self_linker_limit); } /// Format definitions. static private final byte[][] BC_LENGTH = new byte[2][0x100]; static private final byte[][] BC_INDEX = new byte[2][0x100]; static private final byte[][] BC_TAG = new byte[2][0x100]; static private final byte[][] BC_BRANCH = new byte[2][0x100]; static private final byte[][] BC_SLOT = new byte[2][0x100]; static private final byte[][] BC_CON = new byte[2][0x100]; static private final String[] BC_NAME = new String[0x100]; // debug only static private final String[][] BC_FORMAT = new String[2][_bytecode_limit]; // debug only static { for (int i = 0; i < _bytecode_limit; i++) { BC_LENGTH[0][i] = -1; BC_LENGTH[1][i] = -1; } def("b", _nop, _dconst_1); def("bx", _bipush); def("bxx", _sipush); def("bk", _ldc); // do not pack def("bkk", _ldc_w, _ldc2_w); // do not pack def("blwbll", _iload, _aload); def("b", _iload_0, _saload); def("blwbll", _istore, _astore); def("b", _istore_0, _lxor); def("blxwbllxx", _iinc); def("b", _i2l, _dcmpg); def("boo", _ifeq, _jsr); // pack oo def("blwbll", _ret); def("", _tableswitch, _lookupswitch); // pack all ints, omit padding def("b", _ireturn, _return); def("bkf", _getstatic, _putfield); // pack kf (base=Field) def("bkm", _invokevirtual, _invokestatic); // pack kn (base=Method) def("bkixx", _invokeinterface); // pack ki (base=IMethod), omit xx def("bkyxx", _invokedynamic); // pack ky (base=Any), omit xx def("bkc", _new); // pack kc def("bx", _newarray); def("bkc", _anewarray); // pack kc def("b", _arraylength, _athrow); def("bkc", _checkcast, _instanceof); // pack kc def("b", _monitorenter, _monitorexit); def("", _wide); def("bkcx", _multianewarray); // pack kc def("boo", _ifnull, _ifnonnull); // pack oo def("boooo", _goto_w, _jsr_w); // pack oooo for (int i = 0; i < _bytecode_limit; i++) { //System.out.println(i+": l="+BC_LENGTH[0][i]+" i="+BC_INDEX[0][i]); //assert(BC_LENGTH[0][i] != -1); if (BC_LENGTH[0][i] == -1) { continue; // unknown opcode } // Have a complete mapping, to support spurious _wide prefixes. if (BC_LENGTH[1][i] == -1) BC_LENGTH[1][i] = (byte)(1+BC_LENGTH[0][i]); } String names = "nop aconst_null iconst_m1 iconst_0 iconst_1 iconst_2 iconst_3 iconst_4 "+ "iconst_5 lconst_0 lconst_1 fconst_0 fconst_1 fconst_2 dconst_0 dconst_1 "+ "bipush sipush ldc ldc_w ldc2_w iload lload fload dload aload iload_0 "+ "iload_1 iload_2 iload_3 lload_0 lload_1 lload_2 lload_3 fload_0 fload_1 "+ "fload_2 fload_3 dload_0 dload_1 dload_2 dload_3 aload_0 aload_1 aload_2 "+ "aload_3 iaload laload faload daload aaload baload caload saload istore "+ "lstore fstore dstore astore istore_0 istore_1 istore_2 istore_3 lstore_0 "+ "lstore_1 lstore_2 lstore_3 fstore_0 fstore_1 fstore_2 fstore_3 dstore_0 "+ "dstore_1 dstore_2 dstore_3 astore_0 astore_1 astore_2 astore_3 iastore "+ "lastore fastore dastore aastore bastore castore sastore pop pop2 dup "+ "dup_x1 dup_x2 dup2 dup2_x1 dup2_x2 swap iadd ladd fadd dadd isub lsub "+ "fsub dsub imul lmul fmul dmul idiv ldiv fdiv ddiv irem lrem frem drem "+ "ineg lneg fneg dneg ishl lshl ishr lshr iushr lushr iand land ior lor "+ "ixor lxor iinc i2l i2f i2d l2i l2f l2d f2i f2l f2d d2i d2l d2f i2b i2c "+ "i2s lcmp fcmpl fcmpg dcmpl dcmpg ifeq ifne iflt ifge ifgt ifle if_icmpeq "+ "if_icmpne if_icmplt if_icmpge if_icmpgt if_icmple if_acmpeq if_acmpne "+ "goto jsr ret tableswitch lookupswitch ireturn lreturn freturn dreturn "+ "areturn return getstatic putstatic getfield putfield invokevirtual "+ "invokespecial invokestatic invokeinterface invokedynamic new newarray "+ "anewarray arraylength athrow checkcast instanceof monitorenter "+ "monitorexit wide multianewarray ifnull ifnonnull goto_w jsr_w "; for (int bc = 0; names.length() > 0; bc++) { int sp = names.indexOf(' '); BC_NAME[bc] = names.substring(0, sp); names = names.substring(sp+1); } } public static String byteName(int bc) { String iname; if (bc < BC_NAME.length && BC_NAME[bc] != null) { iname = BC_NAME[bc]; } else if (isSelfLinkerOp(bc)) { int idx = (bc - _self_linker_op); boolean isSuper = (idx >= _self_linker_super_flag); if (isSuper) idx -= _self_linker_super_flag; boolean isAload = (idx >= _self_linker_aload_flag); if (isAload) idx -= _self_linker_aload_flag; int origBC = _first_linker_op + idx; assert(origBC >= _first_linker_op && origBC <= _last_linker_op); iname = BC_NAME[origBC]; iname += (isSuper ? "_super" : "_this"); if (isAload) iname = "aload_0&" + iname; iname = "*"+iname; } else if (isInvokeInitOp(bc)) { int idx = (bc - _invokeinit_op); switch (idx) { case _invokeinit_self_option: iname = "*invokespecial_init_this"; break; case _invokeinit_super_option: iname = "*invokespecial_init_super"; break; default: assert(idx == _invokeinit_new_option); iname = "*invokespecial_init_new"; break; } } else { switch (bc) { case _ildc: iname = "*ildc"; break; case _fldc: iname = "*fldc"; break; case _ildc_w: iname = "*ildc_w"; break; case _fldc_w: iname = "*fldc_w"; break; case _dldc2_w: iname = "*dldc2_w"; break; case _cldc: iname = "*cldc"; break; case _cldc_w: iname = "*cldc_w"; break; case _qldc: iname = "*qldc"; break; case _qldc_w: iname = "*qldc_w"; break; case _byte_escape: iname = "*byte_escape"; break; case _ref_escape: iname = "*ref_escape"; break; case _end_marker: iname = "*end"; break; default: iname = "*bc#"+bc; break; } } return iname; } private static int BW = 4; // width of classification field private static void def(String fmt, int bc) { def(fmt, bc, bc); } private static void def(String fmt, int from_bc, int to_bc) { String[] fmts = { fmt, null }; if (fmt.indexOf('w') > 0) { fmts[1] = fmt.substring(fmt.indexOf('w')); fmts[0] = fmt.substring(0, fmt.indexOf('w')); } for (int w = 0; w <= 1; w++) { fmt = fmts[w]; if (fmt == null) continue; int length = fmt.length(); int index = Math.max(0, fmt.indexOf('k')); int tag = CONSTANT_None; int branch = Math.max(0, fmt.indexOf('o')); int slot = Math.max(0, fmt.indexOf('l')); int con = Math.max(0, fmt.indexOf('x')); if (index > 0 && index+1 < length) { switch (fmt.charAt(index+1)) { case 'c': tag = CONSTANT_Class; break; case 'k': tag = CONSTANT_LoadableValue; break; case 'f': tag = CONSTANT_Fieldref; break; case 'm': tag = CONSTANT_Methodref; break; case 'i': tag = CONSTANT_InterfaceMethodref; break; case 'y': tag = CONSTANT_InvokeDynamic; break; } assert(tag != CONSTANT_None); } else if (index > 0 && length == 2) { assert(from_bc == _ldc); tag = CONSTANT_LoadableValue; // _ldc opcode only } for (int bc = from_bc; bc <= to_bc; bc++) { BC_FORMAT[w][bc] = fmt; assert(BC_LENGTH[w][bc] == -1); BC_LENGTH[w][bc] = (byte) length; BC_INDEX[w][bc] = (byte) index; BC_TAG[w][bc] = (byte) tag; assert(!(index == 0 && tag != CONSTANT_None)); BC_BRANCH[w][bc] = (byte) branch; BC_SLOT[w][bc] = (byte) slot; assert(branch == 0 || slot == 0); // not both branch & local assert(branch == 0 || index == 0); // not both branch & cp assert(slot == 0 || index == 0); // not both local & cp BC_CON[w][bc] = (byte) con; } } } public static void opcodeChecker(byte[] code, ConstantPool.Entry[] cpMap, Package.Version clsVersion) throws FormatException { Instruction i = at(code, 0); while (i != null) { int opcode = i.getBC(); if (opcode < _nop || opcode > _jsr_w) { String message = "illegal opcode: " + opcode + " " + i; throw new FormatException(message); } ConstantPool.Entry e = i.getCPRef(cpMap); if (e != null) { byte tag = i.getCPTag(); boolean match = e.tagMatches(tag); if (!match && (i.bc == _invokespecial || i.bc == _invokestatic) && e.tagMatches(CONSTANT_InterfaceMethodref) && clsVersion.greaterThan(Constants.JAVA7_MAX_CLASS_VERSION)) { match = true; } if (!match) { String message = "illegal reference, expected type=" + ConstantPool.tagName(tag) + ": " + i.toString(cpMap); throw new FormatException(message); } } i = i.next(); } } static class FormatException extends IOException { private static final long serialVersionUID = 3175572275651367015L; FormatException(String message) { super(message); } } }