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package sun.util.resources;

import java.io.File;
import java.security.AccessController;
import java.security.PrivilegedAction;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Locale;
import java.util.ResourceBundle;
import java.util.StringTokenizer;

import sun.util.LocaleDataMetaInfo;

Provides information about and access to resource bundles in the sun.text.resources and sun.util.resources package.
Author:Asmus Freytag, Mark Davis
/** * Provides information about and access to resource bundles in the * sun.text.resources and sun.util.resources package. * * @author Asmus Freytag * @author Mark Davis */
public class LocaleData { private static final String localeDataJarName = "localedata.jar";
Lazy load available locales.
/** * Lazy load available locales. */
private static class AvailableLocales { static final Locale[] localeList = createLocaleList(); }
Returns a list of the installed locales. Currently, this simply returns the list of locales for which a sun.text.resources.FormatData bundle exists. This bundle family happens to be the one with the broadest locale coverage in the JRE.
/** * Returns a list of the installed locales. Currently, this simply returns * the list of locales for which a sun.text.resources.FormatData bundle * exists. This bundle family happens to be the one with the broadest * locale coverage in the JRE. */
public static Locale[] getAvailableLocales() { return AvailableLocales.localeList.clone(); }
Gets a calendar data resource bundle, using privileges to allow accessing a sun.* package.
/** * Gets a calendar data resource bundle, using privileges * to allow accessing a sun.* package. */
public static ResourceBundle getCalendarData(Locale locale) { return getBundle("sun.util.resources.CalendarData", locale); }
Gets a currency names resource bundle, using privileges to allow accessing a sun.* package.
/** * Gets a currency names resource bundle, using privileges * to allow accessing a sun.* package. */
public static OpenListResourceBundle getCurrencyNames(Locale locale) { return (OpenListResourceBundle)getBundle("sun.util.resources.CurrencyNames", locale); }
Gets a locale names resource bundle, using privileges to allow accessing a sun.* package.
/** * Gets a locale names resource bundle, using privileges * to allow accessing a sun.* package. */
public static OpenListResourceBundle getLocaleNames(Locale locale) { return (OpenListResourceBundle)getBundle("sun.util.resources.LocaleNames", locale); }
Gets a time zone names resource bundle, using privileges to allow accessing a sun.* package.
/** * Gets a time zone names resource bundle, using privileges * to allow accessing a sun.* package. */
public static OpenListResourceBundle getTimeZoneNames(Locale locale) { return (OpenListResourceBundle)getBundle("sun.util.resources.TimeZoneNames", locale); }
Gets a collation data resource bundle, using privileges to allow accessing a sun.* package.
/** * Gets a collation data resource bundle, using privileges * to allow accessing a sun.* package. */
public static ResourceBundle getCollationData(Locale locale) { return getBundle("sun.text.resources.CollationData", locale); }
Gets a date format data resource bundle, using privileges to allow accessing a sun.* package.
/** * Gets a date format data resource bundle, using privileges * to allow accessing a sun.* package. */
public static ResourceBundle getDateFormatData(Locale locale) { return getBundle("sun.text.resources.FormatData", locale); }
Gets a number format data resource bundle, using privileges to allow accessing a sun.* package.
/** * Gets a number format data resource bundle, using privileges * to allow accessing a sun.* package. */
public static ResourceBundle getNumberFormatData(Locale locale) { return getBundle("sun.text.resources.FormatData", locale); } private static ResourceBundle getBundle(final String baseName, final Locale locale) { return AccessController.doPrivileged(new PrivilegedAction<ResourceBundle>() { public ResourceBundle run() { return ResourceBundle. getBundle(baseName, locale, LocaleDataResourceBundleControl.getRBControlInstance()); } }); } static class LocaleDataResourceBundleControl extends ResourceBundle.Control { /* Singlton instance of ResourceBundle.Control. */ private static LocaleDataResourceBundleControl rbControlInstance = new LocaleDataResourceBundleControl(); public static LocaleDataResourceBundleControl getRBControlInstance() { return rbControlInstance; } /* * This method overrides the default implementation to search * from a prebaked locale string list to determin the candidate * locale list. * * @param baseName the resource bundle base name. * locale the requested locale for the resource bundle. * @returns a list of candidate locales to search from. * @exception NullPointerException if baseName or locale is null. */ @Override public List<Locale> getCandidateLocales(String baseName, Locale locale) { List<Locale> candidates = super.getCandidateLocales(baseName, locale); /* Get the locale string list from LocaleDataMetaInfo class. */ String localeString = LocaleDataMetaInfo.getSupportedLocaleString(baseName); if (localeString.length() == 0) { return candidates; } for (Iterator<Locale> l = candidates.iterator(); l.hasNext(); ) { Locale loc = l.next(); String lstr = null; if (loc.getScript().length() > 0) { lstr = loc.toLanguageTag().replace('-', '_'); } else { lstr = loc.toString(); int idx = lstr.indexOf("_#"); if (idx >= 0) { lstr = lstr.substring(0, idx); } } /* Every locale string in the locale string list returned from the above getSupportedLocaleString is enclosed within two white spaces so that we could check some locale such as "en". */ if (lstr.length() != 0 && localeString.indexOf(" " + lstr + " ") == -1) { l.remove(); } } return candidates; } /* * Overrides "getFallbackLocale" to return null so * that the fallback locale will be null. * @param baseName the resource bundle base name. * locale the requested locale for the resource bundle. * @return null for the fallback locale. * @exception NullPointerException if baseName or locale is null. */ @Override public Locale getFallbackLocale(String baseName, Locale locale) { if (baseName == null || locale == null) { throw new NullPointerException(); } return null; } } /* * Returns true if the non European resources jar file exists in jre * extension directory. * @returns true if the jar file is there. Otherwise, returns false. */ private static boolean isNonEuroLangSupported() { final String sep = File.separator; String localeDataJar = java.security.AccessController.doPrivileged( new sun.security.action.GetPropertyAction("java.home")) + sep + "lib" + sep + "ext" + sep + localeDataJarName; /* Peek at the installed extension directory to see if localedata.jar is installed or not. */ final File f = new File(localeDataJar); boolean isNonEuroResJarExist = AccessController.doPrivileged(new PrivilegedAction<Boolean>() { public Boolean run() { return Boolean.valueOf(f.exists()); } }).booleanValue(); return isNonEuroResJarExist; } /* * This method gets the locale string list from LocaleDataMetaInfo class and * then contructs the Locale array based on the locale string returned above. * @returns the Locale array for the supported locale of JRE. * */ private static Locale[] createLocaleList() { String supportedLocaleString = LocaleDataMetaInfo. getSupportedLocaleString("sun.text.resources.FormatData"); if (supportedLocaleString.length() == 0) { return null; } /* Look for "|" and construct a new locale string list. */ int barIndex = supportedLocaleString.indexOf("|"); StringTokenizer localeStringTokenizer = null; if (isNonEuroLangSupported()) { localeStringTokenizer = new StringTokenizer(supportedLocaleString.substring(0, barIndex) + supportedLocaleString.substring(barIndex + 1)); } else { localeStringTokenizer = new StringTokenizer(supportedLocaleString.substring(0, barIndex)); } Locale[] locales = new Locale[localeStringTokenizer.countTokens()]; for (int i = 0; i < locales.length; i++) { String currentToken = localeStringTokenizer.nextToken().replace('_','-'); if (currentToken.equals("ja-JP-JP")) { currentToken = "ja-JP-u-ca-japanese-x-lvariant-JP"; } else if (currentToken.equals("th-TH-TH")) { currentToken = "th-TH-u-nu-thai-x-lvariant-TH"; } else if (currentToken.equals("no-NO-NY")) { currentToken = "no-NO-x-lvariant-NY"; } locales[i] = Locale.forLanguageTag(currentToken); } return locales; } }