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package sun.swing;

import java.awt.Container;
import java.awt.Insets;
import javax.swing.*;
import javax.swing.LayoutStyle.ComponentPlacement;
import javax.swing.border.Border;
import javax.swing.plaf.UIResource;

An implementation of LayoutStyle that returns 6 for related components, otherwise 12. This class also provides helper methods for subclasses.
/** * An implementation of <code>LayoutStyle</code> that returns 6 for related * components, otherwise 12. This class also provides helper methods for * subclasses. * */
public class DefaultLayoutStyle extends LayoutStyle { private static final DefaultLayoutStyle INSTANCE = new DefaultLayoutStyle(); public static LayoutStyle getInstance() { return INSTANCE; } @Override public int getPreferredGap(JComponent component1, JComponent component2, ComponentPlacement type, int position, Container parent) { if (component1 == null || component2 == null || type == null) { throw new NullPointerException(); } checkPosition(position); if (type == ComponentPlacement.INDENT && (position == SwingConstants.EAST || position == SwingConstants.WEST)) { int indent = getIndent(component1, position); if (indent > 0) { return indent; } } return (type == ComponentPlacement.UNRELATED) ? 12 : 6; } @Override public int getContainerGap(JComponent component, int position, Container parent) { if (component == null) { throw new NullPointerException(); } checkPosition(position); return 6; }
Returns true if the classes identify a JLabel and a non-JLabel along the horizontal axis.
/** * Returns true if the classes identify a JLabel and a non-JLabel * along the horizontal axis. */
protected boolean isLabelAndNonlabel(JComponent c1, JComponent c2, int position) { if (position == SwingConstants.EAST || position == SwingConstants.WEST) { boolean c1Label = (c1 instanceof JLabel); boolean c2Label = (c2 instanceof JLabel); return ((c1Label || c2Label) && (c1Label != c2Label)); } return false; }
For some look and feels check boxs and radio buttons typically don't paint the border, yet they have padding for a border. Look and feel guidelines generally don't include this space. Use this method to subtract this space from the specified components.
  • source – First component
  • target – Second component
  • position – Position doing layout along.
  • offset – Ideal offset, not including border/margin
Returns:offset - border/margin around the component.
/** * For some look and feels check boxs and radio buttons typically * don't paint the border, yet they have padding for a border. Look * and feel guidelines generally don't include this space. Use * this method to subtract this space from the specified * components. * * @param source First component * @param target Second component * @param position Position doing layout along. * @param offset Ideal offset, not including border/margin * @return offset - border/margin around the component. */
protected int getButtonGap(JComponent source, JComponent target, int position, int offset) { offset -= getButtonGap(source, position); if (offset > 0) { offset -= getButtonGap(target, flipDirection(position)); } if (offset < 0) { return 0; } return offset; }
For some look and feels check boxs and radio buttons typically don't paint the border, yet they have padding for a border. Look and feel guidelines generally don't include this space. Use this method to subtract this space from the specified components.
  • source – Component
  • position – Position doing layout along.
  • offset – Ideal offset, not including border/margin
Returns:offset - border/margin around the component.
/** * For some look and feels check boxs and radio buttons typically * don't paint the border, yet they have padding for a border. Look * and feel guidelines generally don't include this space. Use * this method to subtract this space from the specified * components. * * @param source Component * @param position Position doing layout along. * @param offset Ideal offset, not including border/margin * @return offset - border/margin around the component. */
protected int getButtonGap(JComponent source, int position, int offset) { offset -= getButtonGap(source, position); return Math.max(offset, 0); }
If c is a check box or radio button, and the border is not painted this returns the inset along the specified axis.
/** * If <code>c</code> is a check box or radio button, and the border is * not painted this returns the inset along the specified axis. */
public int getButtonGap(JComponent c, int position) { String classID = c.getUIClassID(); if ((classID == "CheckBoxUI" || classID == "RadioButtonUI") && !((AbstractButton)c).isBorderPainted()) { Border border = c.getBorder(); if (border instanceof UIResource) { return getInset(c, position); } } return 0; } private void checkPosition(int position) { if (position != SwingConstants.NORTH && position != SwingConstants.SOUTH && position != SwingConstants.WEST && position != SwingConstants.EAST) { throw new IllegalArgumentException(); } } protected int flipDirection(int position) { switch(position) { case SwingConstants.NORTH: return SwingConstants.SOUTH; case SwingConstants.SOUTH: return SwingConstants.NORTH; case SwingConstants.EAST: return SwingConstants.WEST; case SwingConstants.WEST: return SwingConstants.EAST; } assert false; return 0; }
Returns the amount to indent the specified component if it's a JCheckBox or JRadioButton. If the component is not a JCheckBox or JRadioButton, 0 will be returned.
/** * Returns the amount to indent the specified component if it's * a JCheckBox or JRadioButton. If the component is not a JCheckBox or * JRadioButton, 0 will be returned. */
protected int getIndent(JComponent c, int position) { String classID = c.getUIClassID(); if (classID == "CheckBoxUI" || classID == "RadioButtonUI") { AbstractButton button = (AbstractButton)c; Insets insets = c.getInsets(); Icon icon = getIcon(button); int gap = button.getIconTextGap(); if (isLeftAligned(button, position)) { return insets.left + icon.getIconWidth() + gap; } else if (isRightAligned(button, position)) { return insets.right + icon.getIconWidth() + gap; } } return 0; } private Icon getIcon(AbstractButton button) { Icon icon = button.getIcon(); if (icon != null) { return icon; } String key = null; if (button instanceof JCheckBox) { key = "CheckBox.icon"; } else if (button instanceof JRadioButton) { key = "RadioButton.icon"; } if (key != null) { Object oIcon = UIManager.get(key); if (oIcon instanceof Icon) { return (Icon)oIcon; } } return null; } private boolean isLeftAligned(AbstractButton button, int position) { if (position == SwingConstants.WEST) { boolean ltr = button.getComponentOrientation().isLeftToRight(); int hAlign = button.getHorizontalAlignment(); return ((ltr && (hAlign == SwingConstants.LEFT || hAlign == SwingConstants.LEADING)) || (!ltr && (hAlign == SwingConstants.TRAILING))); } return false; } private boolean isRightAligned(AbstractButton button, int position) { if (position == SwingConstants.EAST) { boolean ltr = button.getComponentOrientation().isLeftToRight(); int hAlign = button.getHorizontalAlignment(); return ((ltr && (hAlign == SwingConstants.RIGHT || hAlign == SwingConstants.TRAILING)) || (!ltr && (hAlign == SwingConstants.LEADING))); } return false; } private int getInset(JComponent c, int position) { return getInset(c.getInsets(), position); } private int getInset(Insets insets, int position) { if (insets == null) { return 0; } switch(position) { case SwingConstants.NORTH: return insets.top; case SwingConstants.SOUTH: return insets.bottom; case SwingConstants.EAST: return insets.right; case SwingConstants.WEST: return insets.left; } assert false; return 0; } }