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package sun.security.provider.certpath;

import java.net.URI;
import java.security.cert.Certificate;
import java.security.cert.CertPathValidatorException;
import java.security.cert.Extension;
import java.security.cert.PKIXCertPathChecker;
import java.security.cert.X509Certificate;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Map.Entry;
import java.util.Set;

A PKIXCertPathChecker for checking the revocation status of certificates with the PKIX algorithm.

A PKIXRevocationChecker checks the revocation status of certificates with the Online Certificate Status Protocol (OCSP) or Certificate Revocation Lists (CRLs). OCSP is described in RFC 2560 and is a network protocol for determining the status of a certificate. A CRL is a time-stamped list identifying revoked certificates, and RFC 5280 describes an algorithm for determining the revocation status of certificates using CRLs.

Each PKIXRevocationChecker must be able to check the revocation status of certificates with OCSP and CRLs. By default, OCSP is the preferred mechanism for checking revocation status, with CRLs as the fallback mechanism. However, this preference can be switched to CRLs with the PREFER_CRLS option.

A PKIXRevocationChecker is obtained by calling the getRevocationChecker method of a PKIX CertPathValidator. Additional parameters and options specific to revocation can be set (by calling setOCSPResponder method for instance). The PKIXRevocationChecker is added to a PKIXParameters object using the addCertPathChecker or setCertPathCheckers method, and then the PKIXParameters is passed along with the CertPath to be validated to the validate method of a PKIX CertPathValidator. When supplying a revocation checker in this manner, do not enable the default revocation checking mechanism (by calling setRevocationEnabled.setRevocationEnabled.

Note that when a PKIXRevocationChecker is added to PKIXParameters, it clones the PKIXRevocationChecker; thus any subsequent modifications to the PKIXRevocationChecker have no effect.

Any parameter that is not set (or is set to null) will be set to the default value for that parameter.

Concurrent Access

Unless otherwise specified, the methods defined in this class are not thread-safe. Multiple threads that need to access a single object concurrently should synchronize amongst themselves and provide the necessary locking. Multiple threads each manipulating separate objects need not synchronize.

/** * A {@code PKIXCertPathChecker} for checking the revocation status of * certificates with the PKIX algorithm. * * <p>A {@code PKIXRevocationChecker} checks the revocation status of * certificates with the Online Certificate Status Protocol (OCSP) or * Certificate Revocation Lists (CRLs). OCSP is described in RFC 2560 and * is a network protocol for determining the status of a certificate. A CRL * is a time-stamped list identifying revoked certificates, and RFC 5280 * describes an algorithm for determining the revocation status of certificates * using CRLs. * * <p>Each {@code PKIXRevocationChecker} must be able to check the revocation * status of certificates with OCSP and CRLs. By default, OCSP is the * preferred mechanism for checking revocation status, with CRLs as the * fallback mechanism. However, this preference can be switched to CRLs with * the {@link Option.PREFER_CRLS} option. * * <p>A {@code PKIXRevocationChecker} is obtained by calling the * {@link CertPathValidator#getRevocationChecker getRevocationChecker} method * of a PKIX {@code CertPathValidator}. Additional parameters and options * specific to revocation can be set (by calling {@link #setOCSPResponder} * method for instance). The {@code PKIXRevocationChecker} is added to * a {@code PKIXParameters} object using the * {@link PKIXParameters#addCertPathChecker addCertPathChecker} * or {@link PKIXParameters#setCertPathCheckers setCertPathCheckers} method, * and then the {@code PKIXParameters} is passed along with the {@code CertPath} * to be validated to the {@link CertPathValidator#validate validate} method * of a PKIX {@code CertPathValidator}. When supplying a revocation checker in * this manner, do not enable the default revocation checking mechanism (by * calling {@link PKIXParameters#setRevocationEnabled}. * * <p>Note that when a {@code PKIXRevocationChecker} is added to * {@code PKIXParameters}, it clones the {@code PKIXRevocationChecker}; * thus any subsequent modifications to the {@code PKIXRevocationChecker} * have no effect. * * <p>Any parameter that is not set (or is set to {@code null}) will be set to * the default value for that parameter. * * <p><b>Concurrent Access</b> * * <p>Unless otherwise specified, the methods defined in this class are not * thread-safe. Multiple threads that need to access a single object * concurrently should synchronize amongst themselves and provide the * necessary locking. Multiple threads each manipulating separate objects * need not synchronize. * * @since 1.8 */
public abstract class PKIXRevocationChecker extends PKIXCertPathChecker implements CertPathChecker { private URI ocspResponder; private X509Certificate ocspResponderCert; private List<Extension> ocspExtensions = Collections.<Extension>emptyList(); private Map<X509Certificate, byte[]> ocspStapled = Collections.emptyMap(); private Set<Option> options = Collections.emptySet(); protected PKIXRevocationChecker() {}
Sets the URI that identifies the location of the OCSP responder. This overrides the ocsp.responderURL security property and any responder specified in a certificate's Authority Information Access Extension, as defined in RFC 5280.
  • uri – the responder URI
/** * Sets the URI that identifies the location of the OCSP responder. This * overrides the {@code ocsp.responderURL} security property and any * responder specified in a certificate's Authority Information Access * Extension, as defined in RFC 5280. * * @param uri the responder URI */
public void setOCSPResponder(URI uri) { this.ocspResponder = uri; }
Gets the URI that identifies the location of the OCSP responder. This overrides the ocsp.responderURL security property. If this parameter or the ocsp.responderURL property is not set, the location is determined from the certificate's Authority Information Access Extension, as defined in RFC 5280.
Returns:the responder URI, or null if not set
/** * Gets the URI that identifies the location of the OCSP responder. This * overrides the {@code ocsp.responderURL} security property. If this * parameter or the {@code ocsp.responderURL} property is not set, the * location is determined from the certificate's Authority Information * Access Extension, as defined in RFC 5280. * * @return the responder URI, or {@code null} if not set */
public URI getOCSPResponder() { return ocspResponder; }
Sets the OCSP responder's certificate. This overrides the ocsp.responderCertSubjectName, ocsp.responderCertIssuerName, and ocsp.responderCertSerialNumber security properties.
  • cert – the responder's certificate
/** * Sets the OCSP responder's certificate. This overrides the * {@code ocsp.responderCertSubjectName}, * {@code ocsp.responderCertIssuerName}, * and {@code ocsp.responderCertSerialNumber} security properties. * * @param cert the responder's certificate */
public void setOCSPResponderCert(X509Certificate cert) { this.ocspResponderCert = cert; }
Gets the OCSP responder's certificate. This overrides the ocsp.responderCertSubjectName, ocsp.responderCertIssuerName, and ocsp.responderCertSerialNumber security properties. If this parameter or the aforementioned properties are not set, then the responder's certificate is determined as specified in RFC 2560.
Returns:the responder's certificate, or null if not set
/** * Gets the OCSP responder's certificate. This overrides the * {@code ocsp.responderCertSubjectName}, * {@code ocsp.responderCertIssuerName}, * and {@code ocsp.responderCertSerialNumber} security properties. If this * parameter or the aforementioned properties are not set, then the * responder's certificate is determined as specified in RFC 2560. * * @return the responder's certificate, or {@code null} if not set */
public X509Certificate getOCSPResponderCert() { return ocspResponderCert; } // request extensions; single extensions not supported
Sets the optional OCSP request extensions.
  • extensions – a list of extensions. The list is copied to protect against subsequent modification.
/** * Sets the optional OCSP request extensions. * * @param extensions a list of extensions. The list is copied to protect * against subsequent modification. */
public void setOCSPExtensions(List<Extension> extensions) { this.ocspExtensions = (extensions == null) ? Collections.<Extension>emptyList() : new ArrayList<Extension>(extensions); }
Gets the optional OCSP request extensions.
Returns:an unmodifiable list of extensions. Returns an empty list if no extensions have been specified.
/** * Gets the optional OCSP request extensions. * * @return an unmodifiable list of extensions. Returns an empty list if no * extensions have been specified. */
public List<Extension> getOCSPExtensions() { return Collections.unmodifiableList(ocspExtensions); }
Sets the stapled OCSP responses. These responses are used to determine the revocation status of the specified certificates when OCSP is used.
  • responses – a map of stapled OCSP responses. Each key is an X509Certificate that maps to the corresponding DER-encoded OCSP response for that certificate. A deep copy of the map is performed to protect against subsequent modification.
/** * Sets the stapled OCSP responses. These responses are used to determine * the revocation status of the specified certificates when OCSP is used. * * @param responses a map of stapled OCSP responses. Each key is an * {@code X509Certificate} that maps to the corresponding * DER-encoded OCSP response for that certificate. A deep copy of * the map is performed to protect against subsequent modification. */
public void setOCSPStapledResponses(Map<X509Certificate, byte[]> responses) { if (responses == null) { this.ocspStapled = Collections.<X509Certificate, byte[]>emptyMap(); } else { Map<X509Certificate, byte[]> copy = new HashMap<>(responses.size()); for (Map.Entry<X509Certificate, byte[]> e : responses.entrySet()) { copy.put(e.getKey(), e.getValue().clone()); } this.ocspStapled = copy; } }
Gets the stapled OCSP responses. These responses are used to determine the revocation status of the specified certificates when OCSP is used.
Returns:a map of stapled OCSP responses. Each key is an X509Certificate that maps to the corresponding DER-encoded OCSP response for that certificate. A deep copy of the map is returned to protect against subsequent modification. Returns an empty map if no responses have been specified.
/** * Gets the stapled OCSP responses. These responses are used to determine * the revocation status of the specified certificates when OCSP is used. * * @return a map of stapled OCSP responses. Each key is an * {@code X509Certificate} that maps to the corresponding * DER-encoded OCSP response for that certificate. A deep copy of * the map is returned to protect against subsequent modification. * Returns an empty map if no responses have been specified. */
public Map<X509Certificate, byte[]> getOCSPStapledResponses() { Map<X509Certificate, byte[]> copy = new HashMap<>(ocspStapled.size()); for (Map.Entry<X509Certificate, byte[]> e : ocspStapled.entrySet()) { copy.put(e.getKey(), e.getValue().clone()); } return copy; }
Sets the revocation options.
  • options – a set of revocation options. The set is copied to protect against subsequent modification.
/** * Sets the revocation options. * * @param options a set of revocation options. The set is copied to protect * against subsequent modification. */
public void setOptions(Set<Option> options) { this.options = (options == null) ? Collections.<Option>emptySet() : new HashSet<Option>(options); }
Gets the revocation options.
Returns:an unmodifiable set of revocation options, or an empty set if none are specified
/** * Gets the revocation options. * * @return an unmodifiable set of revocation options, or an empty set if * none are specified */
public Set<Option> getOptions() { return Collections.unmodifiableSet(options); } @Override public Object clone() { PKIXRevocationChecker copy = (PKIXRevocationChecker)super.clone(); copy.ocspExtensions = new ArrayList<>(ocspExtensions); copy.ocspStapled = new HashMap<>(ocspStapled); // deep-copy the encoded stapled responses, since they are mutable for (Map.Entry<X509Certificate, byte[]> entry : copy.ocspStapled.entrySet()) { byte[] encoded = entry.getValue(); entry.setValue(encoded.clone()); } copy.options = new HashSet<>(options); return copy; }
Various revocation options that can be specified for the revocation checking mechanism.
/** * Various revocation options that can be specified for the revocation * checking mechanism. */
public enum Option {
Only check the revocation status of end-entity certificates.
/** * Only check the revocation status of end-entity certificates. */
Prefer CRLs to OSCP. The default behavior is to prefer OCSP. Each PKIX implementation should document further details of their specific preference rules and fallback policies.
/** * Prefer CRLs to OSCP. The default behavior is to prefer OCSP. Each * PKIX implementation should document further details of their * specific preference rules and fallback policies. */
Ignore network failures. The default behavior is to consider it a failure if the revocation status of a certificate cannot be obtained due to a network error. This option applies to both OCSP and CRLs.
/** * Ignore network failures. The default behavior is to consider it a * failure if the revocation status of a certificate cannot be obtained * due to a network error. This option applies to both OCSP and CRLs. */

This implementation calls check(cert, java.util.Collections.<String>emptySet()).

/** * {@inheritDoc} * * <p>This implementation calls * {@code check(cert, java.util.Collections.<String>emptySet())}. */
@Override public void check(Certificate cert) throws CertPathValidatorException { check(cert, java.util.Collections.<String>emptySet()); } }