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package sun.security.provider;

import java.io.*;
import java.lang.RuntimePermission;
import java.net.SocketPermission;
import java.net.URL;
import java.util.Enumeration;
import java.util.Hashtable;
import java.util.LinkedList;
import java.util.ListIterator;
import java.util.Vector;
import java.util.StringTokenizer;
import java.text.MessageFormat;
import javax.security.auth.x500.X500Principal;

import java.security.GeneralSecurityException;
import sun.security.util.Debug;
import sun.security.util.PropertyExpander;
import sun.security.util.ResourcesMgr;

The policy for a Java runtime (specifying which permissions are available for code from various principals) is represented as a separate persistent configuration. The configuration may be stored as a flat ASCII file, as a serialized binary file of the Policy class, or as a database.

The Java runtime creates one global Policy object, which is used to represent the static policy configuration file. It is consulted by a ProtectionDomain when the protection domain initializes its set of permissions.

The Policy init method parses the policy configuration file, and then populates the Policy object. The Policy object is agnostic in that it is not involved in making policy decisions. It is merely the Java runtime representation of the persistent policy configuration file.

When a protection domain needs to initialize its set of permissions, it executes code such as the following to ask the global Policy object to populate a Permissions object with the appropriate permissions:

 policy = Policy.getPolicy();
 Permissions perms = policy.getPermissions(protectiondomain)

The protection domain contains CodeSource object, which encapsulates its codebase (URL) and public key attributes. It also contains the principals associated with the domain. The Policy object evaluates the global policy in light of who the principal is and what the code source is and returns an appropriate Permissions object.

Author:Roland Schemers, Ram Marti
/** * The policy for a Java runtime (specifying * which permissions are available for code from various principals) * is represented as a separate * persistent configuration. The configuration may be stored as a * flat ASCII file, as a serialized binary file of * the Policy class, or as a database. <p> * * <p>The Java runtime creates one global Policy object, which is used to * represent the static policy configuration file. It is consulted by * a ProtectionDomain when the protection domain initializes its set of * permissions. <p> * * <p>The Policy <code>init</code> method parses the policy * configuration file, and then * populates the Policy object. The Policy object is agnostic in that * it is not involved in making policy decisions. It is merely the * Java runtime representation of the persistent policy configuration * file. <p> * * <p>When a protection domain needs to initialize its set of * permissions, it executes code such as the following * to ask the global Policy object to populate a * Permissions object with the appropriate permissions: * <pre> * policy = Policy.getPolicy(); * Permissions perms = policy.getPermissions(protectiondomain) * </pre> * * <p>The protection domain contains CodeSource * object, which encapsulates its codebase (URL) and public key attributes. * It also contains the principals associated with the domain. * The Policy object evaluates the global policy in light of who the * principal is and what the code source is and returns an appropriate * Permissions object. * * @author Roland Schemers * @author Ram Marti * * @since 1.2 */
public class PolicyParser { // needs to be public for PolicyTool public static final String REPLACE_NAME = "PolicyParser.REPLACE_NAME"; private static final String EXTDIRS_PROPERTY = "java.ext.dirs"; private static final String OLD_EXTDIRS_EXPANSION = "${" + EXTDIRS_PROPERTY + "}"; // package-private: used by PolicyFile for static policy static final String EXTDIRS_EXPANSION = "${{" + EXTDIRS_PROPERTY + "}}"; private Vector<GrantEntry> grantEntries; // Convenience variables for parsing private static final Debug debug = Debug.getInstance("parser", "\t[Policy Parser]"); private StreamTokenizer st; private int lookahead; private boolean expandProp = false; private String keyStoreUrlString = null; // unexpanded private String keyStoreType = null; private String keyStoreProvider = null; private String storePassURL = null; private String expand(String value) throws PropertyExpander.ExpandException { return expand(value, false); } private String expand(String value, boolean encodeURL) throws PropertyExpander.ExpandException { if (!expandProp) { return value; } else { return PropertyExpander.expand(value, encodeURL); } }
Creates a PolicyParser object.
/** * Creates a PolicyParser object. */
public PolicyParser() { grantEntries = new Vector<GrantEntry>(); } public PolicyParser(boolean expandProp) { this(); this.expandProp = expandProp; }
Reads a policy configuration into the Policy object using a Reader object.

  • policy – the policy Reader object.
  • ParsingException – if the policy configuration contains a syntax error.
  • IOException – if an error occurs while reading the policy configuration.
/** * Reads a policy configuration into the Policy object using a * Reader object. <p> * * @param policy the policy Reader object. * * @exception ParsingException if the policy configuration contains * a syntax error. * * @exception IOException if an error occurs while reading the policy * configuration. */
public void read(Reader policy) throws ParsingException, IOException { if (!(policy instanceof BufferedReader)) { policy = new BufferedReader(policy); } /** * Configure the stream tokenizer: * Recognize strings between "..." * Don't convert words to lowercase * Recognize both C-style and C++-style comments * Treat end-of-line as white space, not as a token */ st = new StreamTokenizer(policy); st.resetSyntax(); st.wordChars('a', 'z'); st.wordChars('A', 'Z'); st.wordChars('.', '.'); st.wordChars('0', '9'); st.wordChars('_', '_'); st.wordChars('$', '$'); st.wordChars(128 + 32, 255); st.whitespaceChars(0, ' '); st.commentChar('/'); st.quoteChar('\''); st.quoteChar('"'); st.lowerCaseMode(false); st.ordinaryChar('/'); st.slashSlashComments(true); st.slashStarComments(true); /** * The main parsing loop. The loop is executed once * for each entry in the config file. The entries * are delimited by semicolons. Once we've read in * the information for an entry, go ahead and try to * add it to the policy vector. * */ lookahead = st.nextToken(); while (lookahead != StreamTokenizer.TT_EOF) { if (peek("grant")) { GrantEntry ge = parseGrantEntry(); // could be null if we couldn't expand a property if (ge != null) add(ge); } else if (peek("keystore") && keyStoreUrlString==null) { // only one keystore entry per policy file, others will be // ignored parseKeyStoreEntry(); } else if (peek("keystorePasswordURL") && storePassURL==null) { // only one keystore passwordURL per policy file, others will be // ignored parseStorePassURL(); } else { // error? } match(";"); } if (keyStoreUrlString == null && storePassURL != null) { throw new ParsingException(ResourcesMgr.getString ("keystorePasswordURL.can.not.be.specified.without.also.specifying.keystore")); } } public void add(GrantEntry ge) { grantEntries.addElement(ge); } public void replace(GrantEntry origGe, GrantEntry newGe) { grantEntries.setElementAt(newGe, grantEntries.indexOf(origGe)); } public boolean remove(GrantEntry ge) { return grantEntries.removeElement(ge); }
Returns the (possibly expanded) keystore location, or null if the expansion fails.
/** * Returns the (possibly expanded) keystore location, or null if the * expansion fails. */
public String getKeyStoreUrl() { try { if (keyStoreUrlString!=null && keyStoreUrlString.length()!=0) { return expand(keyStoreUrlString, true).replace (File.separatorChar, '/'); } } catch (PropertyExpander.ExpandException peee) { if (debug != null) { debug.println(peee.toString()); } return null; } return null; } public void setKeyStoreUrl(String url) { keyStoreUrlString = url; } public String getKeyStoreType() { return keyStoreType; } public void setKeyStoreType(String type) { keyStoreType = type; } public String getKeyStoreProvider() { return keyStoreProvider; } public void setKeyStoreProvider(String provider) { keyStoreProvider = provider; } public String getStorePassURL() { try { if (storePassURL!=null && storePassURL.length()!=0) { return expand(storePassURL, true).replace (File.separatorChar, '/'); } } catch (PropertyExpander.ExpandException peee) { if (debug != null) { debug.println(peee.toString()); } return null; } return null; } public void setStorePassURL(String storePassURL) { this.storePassURL = storePassURL; }
Enumerate all the entries in the global policy object. This method is used by policy admin tools. The tools should use the Enumeration methods on the returned object to fetch the elements sequentially.
/** * Enumerate all the entries in the global policy object. * This method is used by policy admin tools. The tools * should use the Enumeration methods on the returned object * to fetch the elements sequentially. */
public Enumeration<GrantEntry> grantElements(){ return grantEntries.elements(); }
write out the policy
/** * write out the policy */
public void write(Writer policy) { PrintWriter out = new PrintWriter(new BufferedWriter(policy)); Enumeration<GrantEntry> enum_ = grantElements(); out.println("/* AUTOMATICALLY GENERATED ON "+ (new java.util.Date()) + "*/"); out.println("/* DO NOT EDIT */"); out.println(); // write the (unexpanded) keystore entry as the first entry of the // policy file if (keyStoreUrlString != null) { writeKeyStoreEntry(out); } if (storePassURL != null) { writeStorePassURL(out); } // write "grant" entries while (enum_.hasMoreElements()) { GrantEntry ge = enum_.nextElement(); ge.write(out); out.println(); } out.flush(); }
parses a keystore entry
/** * parses a keystore entry */
private void parseKeyStoreEntry() throws ParsingException, IOException { match("keystore"); keyStoreUrlString = match("quoted string"); // parse keystore type if (!peek(",")) { return; // default type } match(","); if (peek("\"")) { keyStoreType = match("quoted string"); } else { throw new ParsingException(st.lineno(), ResourcesMgr.getString("expected.keystore.type")); } // parse keystore provider if (!peek(",")) { return; // provider optional } match(","); if (peek("\"")) { keyStoreProvider = match("quoted string"); } else { throw new ParsingException(st.lineno(), ResourcesMgr.getString("expected.keystore.provider")); } } private void parseStorePassURL() throws ParsingException, IOException { match("keyStorePasswordURL"); storePassURL = match("quoted string"); }
writes the (unexpanded) keystore entry
/** * writes the (unexpanded) keystore entry */
private void writeKeyStoreEntry(PrintWriter out) { out.print("keystore \""); out.print(keyStoreUrlString); out.print('"'); if (keyStoreType != null && keyStoreType.length() > 0) out.print(", \"" + keyStoreType + "\""); if (keyStoreProvider != null && keyStoreProvider.length() > 0) out.print(", \"" + keyStoreProvider + "\""); out.println(";"); out.println(); } private void writeStorePassURL(PrintWriter out) { out.print("keystorePasswordURL \""); out.print(storePassURL); out.print('"'); out.println(";"); out.println(); }
parse a Grant entry
/** * parse a Grant entry */
private GrantEntry parseGrantEntry() throws ParsingException, IOException { GrantEntry e = new GrantEntry(); LinkedList<PrincipalEntry> principals = null; boolean ignoreEntry = false; match("grant"); while(!peek("{")) { if (peekAndMatch("Codebase")) { if (e.codeBase != null) throw new ParsingException( st.lineno(), ResourcesMgr.getString ("multiple.Codebase.expressions")); e.codeBase = match("quoted string"); peekAndMatch(","); } else if (peekAndMatch("SignedBy")) { if (e.signedBy != null) throw new ParsingException( st.lineno(), ResourcesMgr.getString( "multiple.SignedBy.expressions")); e.signedBy = match("quoted string"); // verify syntax of the aliases StringTokenizer aliases = new StringTokenizer(e.signedBy, ",", true); int actr = 0; int cctr = 0; while (aliases.hasMoreTokens()) { String alias = aliases.nextToken().trim(); if (alias.equals(",")) cctr++; else if (alias.length() > 0) actr++; } if (actr <= cctr) throw new ParsingException( st.lineno(), ResourcesMgr.getString( "SignedBy.has.empty.alias")); peekAndMatch(","); } else if (peekAndMatch("Principal")) { if (principals == null) { principals = new LinkedList<PrincipalEntry>(); } String principalClass; String principalName; if (peek("\"")) { // both the principalClass and principalName // will be replaced later principalClass = REPLACE_NAME; principalName = match("principal type"); } else { // check for principalClass wildcard if (peek("*")) { match("*"); principalClass = PrincipalEntry.WILDCARD_CLASS; } else { principalClass = match("principal type"); } // check for principalName wildcard if (peek("*")) { match("*"); principalName = PrincipalEntry.WILDCARD_NAME; } else { principalName = match("quoted string"); } // disallow WILDCARD_CLASS && actual name if (principalClass.equals(PrincipalEntry.WILDCARD_CLASS) && !principalName.equals(PrincipalEntry.WILDCARD_NAME)) { if (debug != null) { debug.println("disallowing principal that " + "has WILDCARD class but no WILDCARD name"); } throw new ParsingException (st.lineno(), ResourcesMgr.getString ("can.not.specify.Principal.with.a.wildcard.class.without.a.wildcard.name")); } } try { principalName = expand(principalName); if (principalClass.equals ("javax.security.auth.x500.X500Principal") && !principalName.equals(PrincipalEntry.WILDCARD_NAME)) { // 4702543: X500 names with an EmailAddress // were encoded incorrectly. construct a new // X500Principal with correct encoding. X500Principal p = new X500Principal ((new X500Principal(principalName)).toString()); principalName = p.getName(); } principals.add (new PrincipalEntry(principalClass, principalName)); } catch (PropertyExpander.ExpandException peee) { // ignore the entire policy entry // but continue parsing all the info // so we can get to the next entry if (debug != null) { debug.println("principal name expansion failed: " + principalName); } ignoreEntry = true; } peekAndMatch(","); } else { throw new ParsingException(st.lineno(), ResourcesMgr.getString( "expected.codeBase.or.SignedBy.or.Principal")); } } if (principals != null) e.principals = principals; match("{"); while(!peek("}")) { if (peek("Permission")) { try { PermissionEntry pe = parsePermissionEntry(); e.add(pe); } catch (PropertyExpander.ExpandException peee) { // ignore. The add never happened if (debug != null) { debug.println(peee.toString()); } skipEntry(); // BugId 4219343 } match(";"); } else { throw new ParsingException(st.lineno(), ResourcesMgr.getString( "expected.permission.entry")); } } match("}"); try { if (e.signedBy != null) e.signedBy = expand(e.signedBy); if (e.codeBase != null) { // For backward compatibility with 1.4 if (e.codeBase.equals(OLD_EXTDIRS_EXPANSION)) { e.codeBase = EXTDIRS_EXPANSION; } int es; if ((es=e.codeBase.indexOf(EXTDIRS_EXPANSION)) < 0) { e.codeBase = expand(e.codeBase, true).replace (File.separatorChar, '/'); } else { // expand the system property "java.ext.dirs", // parse it into its path components, // and then create a grant entry for each component String[] extDirs = parseExtDirs(e.codeBase, es); if (extDirs != null && extDirs.length > 0) { for (int i = 0; i < extDirs.length; i++) { GrantEntry newGe = (GrantEntry)e.clone(); newGe.codeBase = extDirs[i]; add(newGe); if (debug != null) { debug.println("creating policy entry for " + "expanded java.ext.dirs path:\n\t\t" + extDirs[i]); } } } ignoreEntry = true; } } } catch (PropertyExpander.ExpandException peee) { if (debug != null) { debug.println(peee.toString()); } return null; } return (ignoreEntry == true) ? null : e; }
parse a Permission entry
/** * parse a Permission entry */
private PermissionEntry parsePermissionEntry() throws ParsingException, IOException, PropertyExpander.ExpandException { PermissionEntry e = new PermissionEntry(); // Permission match("Permission"); e.permission = match("permission type"); if (peek("\"")) { // Permission name e.name = expand(match("quoted string")); } if (!peek(",")) { return e; } match(","); if (peek("\"")) { e.action = expand(match("quoted string")); if (!peek(",")) { return e; } match(","); } if (peekAndMatch("SignedBy")) { e.signedBy = expand(match("quoted string")); } return e; } // package-private: used by PolicyFile for static policy static String[] parseExtDirs(String codebase, int start) { String s = System.getProperty(EXTDIRS_PROPERTY); String globalPrefix = (start > 0 ? codebase.substring(0, start) : "file:"); int end = start + EXTDIRS_EXPANSION.length(); String globalSuffix = (end < codebase.length() ? codebase.substring(end) : (String) null); String[] dirs = null; String localSuffix; if (s != null) { StringTokenizer st = new StringTokenizer(s, File.pathSeparator); int count = st.countTokens(); dirs = new String[count]; for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) { File file = new File(st.nextToken()); dirs[i] = sun.net.www.ParseUtil.encodePath (file.getAbsolutePath()); if (!dirs[i].startsWith("/")) { dirs[i] = "/" + dirs[i]; } localSuffix = (globalSuffix == null ? (dirs[i].endsWith("/") ? "*" : "/*") : globalSuffix); dirs[i] = globalPrefix + dirs[i] + localSuffix; } } return dirs; } private boolean peekAndMatch(String expect) throws ParsingException, IOException { if (peek(expect)) { match(expect); return true; } else { return false; } } private boolean peek(String expect) { boolean found = false; switch (lookahead) { case StreamTokenizer.TT_WORD: if (expect.equalsIgnoreCase(st.sval)) found = true; break; case ',': if (expect.equalsIgnoreCase(",")) found = true; break; case '{': if (expect.equalsIgnoreCase("{")) found = true; break; case '}': if (expect.equalsIgnoreCase("}")) found = true; break; case '"': if (expect.equalsIgnoreCase("\"")) found = true; break; case '*': if (expect.equalsIgnoreCase("*")) found = true; break; default: } return found; } private String match(String expect) throws ParsingException, IOException { String value = null; switch (lookahead) { case StreamTokenizer.TT_NUMBER: throw new ParsingException(st.lineno(), expect, ResourcesMgr.getString("number.") + String.valueOf(st.nval)); case StreamTokenizer.TT_EOF: MessageFormat form = new MessageFormat( ResourcesMgr.getString ("expected.expect.read.end.of.file.")); Object[] source = {expect}; throw new ParsingException(form.format(source)); case StreamTokenizer.TT_WORD: if (expect.equalsIgnoreCase(st.sval)) { lookahead = st.nextToken(); } else if (expect.equalsIgnoreCase("permission type")) { value = st.sval; lookahead = st.nextToken(); } else if (expect.equalsIgnoreCase("principal type")) { value = st.sval; lookahead = st.nextToken(); } else { throw new ParsingException(st.lineno(), expect, st.sval); } break; case '"': if (expect.equalsIgnoreCase("quoted string")) { value = st.sval; lookahead = st.nextToken(); } else if (expect.equalsIgnoreCase("permission type")) { value = st.sval; lookahead = st.nextToken(); } else if (expect.equalsIgnoreCase("principal type")) { value = st.sval; lookahead = st.nextToken(); } else { throw new ParsingException(st.lineno(), expect, st.sval); } break; case ',': if (expect.equalsIgnoreCase(",")) lookahead = st.nextToken(); else throw new ParsingException(st.lineno(), expect, ","); break; case '{': if (expect.equalsIgnoreCase("{")) lookahead = st.nextToken(); else throw new ParsingException(st.lineno(), expect, "{"); break; case '}': if (expect.equalsIgnoreCase("}")) lookahead = st.nextToken(); else throw new ParsingException(st.lineno(), expect, "}"); break; case ';': if (expect.equalsIgnoreCase(";")) lookahead = st.nextToken(); else throw new ParsingException(st.lineno(), expect, ";"); break; case '*': if (expect.equalsIgnoreCase("*")) lookahead = st.nextToken(); else throw new ParsingException(st.lineno(), expect, "*"); break; default: throw new ParsingException(st.lineno(), expect, new String(new char[] {(char)lookahead})); } return value; }
skip all tokens for this entry leaving the delimiter ";" in the stream.
/** * skip all tokens for this entry leaving the delimiter ";" * in the stream. */
private void skipEntry() throws ParsingException, IOException { while(lookahead != ';') { switch (lookahead) { case StreamTokenizer.TT_NUMBER: throw new ParsingException(st.lineno(), ";", ResourcesMgr.getString("number.") + String.valueOf(st.nval)); case StreamTokenizer.TT_EOF: throw new ParsingException(ResourcesMgr.getString ("expected.read.end.of.file.")); default: lookahead = st.nextToken(); } } }
Each grant entry in the policy configuration file is represented by a GrantEntry object.

For example, the entry

     grant signedBy "Duke" {
         permission java.io.FilePermission "/tmp", "read,write";
is represented internally
pe = new PermissionEntry("java.io.FilePermission",
                          "/tmp", "read,write");
ge = new GrantEntry("Duke", null);
Author:Roland Schemers version 1.19, 05/21/98
/** * Each grant entry in the policy configuration file is * represented by a * GrantEntry object. <p> * * <p> * For example, the entry * <pre> * grant signedBy "Duke" { * permission java.io.FilePermission "/tmp", "read,write"; * }; * * </pre> * is represented internally * <pre> * * pe = new PermissionEntry("java.io.FilePermission", * "/tmp", "read,write"); * * ge = new GrantEntry("Duke", null); * * ge.add(pe); * * </pre> * * @author Roland Schemers * * version 1.19, 05/21/98 */
public static class GrantEntry { public String signedBy; public String codeBase; public LinkedList<PrincipalEntry> principals; public Vector<PermissionEntry> permissionEntries; public GrantEntry() { principals = new LinkedList<PrincipalEntry>(); permissionEntries = new Vector<PermissionEntry>(); } public GrantEntry(String signedBy, String codeBase) { this.codeBase = codeBase; this.signedBy = signedBy; principals = new LinkedList<PrincipalEntry>(); permissionEntries = new Vector<PermissionEntry>(); } public void add(PermissionEntry pe) { permissionEntries.addElement(pe); } public boolean remove(PrincipalEntry pe) { return principals.remove(pe); } public boolean remove(PermissionEntry pe) { return permissionEntries.removeElement(pe); } public boolean contains(PrincipalEntry pe) { return principals.contains(pe); } public boolean contains(PermissionEntry pe) { return permissionEntries.contains(pe); }
Enumerate all the permission entries in this GrantEntry.
/** * Enumerate all the permission entries in this GrantEntry. */
public Enumeration<PermissionEntry> permissionElements(){ return permissionEntries.elements(); } public void write(PrintWriter out) { out.print("grant"); if (signedBy != null) { out.print(" signedBy \""); out.print(signedBy); out.print('"'); if (codeBase != null) out.print(", "); } if (codeBase != null) { out.print(" codeBase \""); out.print(codeBase); out.print('"'); if (principals != null && principals.size() > 0) out.print(",\n"); } if (principals != null && principals.size() > 0) { ListIterator<PrincipalEntry> pli = principals.listIterator(); while (pli.hasNext()) { out.print(" "); PrincipalEntry pe = pli.next(); pe.write(out); if (pli.hasNext()) out.print(",\n"); } } out.println(" {"); Enumeration<PermissionEntry> enum_ = permissionEntries.elements(); while (enum_.hasMoreElements()) { PermissionEntry pe = enum_.nextElement(); out.write(" "); pe.write(out); } out.println("};"); } public Object clone() { GrantEntry ge = new GrantEntry(); ge.codeBase = this.codeBase; ge.signedBy = this.signedBy; ge.principals = new LinkedList<PrincipalEntry>(this.principals); ge.permissionEntries = new Vector<PermissionEntry>(this.permissionEntries); return ge; } }
Principal info (class and name) in a grant entry
/** * Principal info (class and name) in a grant entry */
public static class PrincipalEntry { public static final String WILDCARD_CLASS = "WILDCARD_PRINCIPAL_CLASS"; public static final String WILDCARD_NAME = "WILDCARD_PRINCIPAL_NAME"; String principalClass; String principalName;
A PrincipalEntry consists of the Principal class and Principal name.

  • principalClass – the Principal class.

  • principalName – the Principal name.

/** * A PrincipalEntry consists of the <code>Principal</code> * class and <code>Principal</code> name. * * <p> * * @param principalClass the <code>Principal</code> class. <p> * * @param principalName the <code>Principal</code> name. <p> */
public PrincipalEntry(String principalClass, String principalName) { if (principalClass == null || principalName == null) throw new NullPointerException(ResourcesMgr.getString( "null.principalClass.or.principalName")); this.principalClass = principalClass; this.principalName = principalName; } public String getPrincipalClass() { return principalClass; } public String getPrincipalName() { return principalName; } public String getDisplayClass() { if (principalClass.equals(WILDCARD_CLASS)) { return "*"; } else if (principalClass.equals(REPLACE_NAME)) { return ""; } else return principalClass; } public String getDisplayName() { return getDisplayName(false); } public String getDisplayName(boolean addQuote) { if (principalName.equals(WILDCARD_NAME)) { return "*"; } else { if (addQuote) return "\"" + principalName + "\""; else return principalName; } } public String toString() { if (!principalClass.equals(REPLACE_NAME)) { return getDisplayClass() + "/" + getDisplayName(); } else { return getDisplayName(); } }
Test for equality between the specified object and this object. Two PrincipalEntries are equal if their PrincipalClass and PrincipalName values are equal.

  • obj – the object to test for equality with this object.
Returns:true if the objects are equal, false otherwise.
/** * Test for equality between the specified object and this object. * Two PrincipalEntries are equal if their PrincipalClass and * PrincipalName values are equal. * * <p> * * @param obj the object to test for equality with this object. * * @return true if the objects are equal, false otherwise. */
public boolean equals(Object obj) { if (this == obj) return true; if (!(obj instanceof PrincipalEntry)) return false; PrincipalEntry that = (PrincipalEntry)obj; if (this.principalClass.equals(that.principalClass) && this.principalName.equals(that.principalName)) { return true; } return false; }
Return a hashcode for this PrincipalEntry.

Returns:a hashcode for this PrincipalEntry.
/** * Return a hashcode for this <code>PrincipalEntry</code>. * * <p> * * @return a hashcode for this <code>PrincipalEntry</code>. */
public int hashCode() { return principalClass.hashCode(); } public void write(PrintWriter out) { out.print("principal " + getDisplayClass() + " " + getDisplayName(true)); } }
Each permission entry in the policy configuration file is represented by a PermissionEntry object.

For example, the entry

         permission java.io.FilePermission "/tmp", "read,write";
is represented internally
pe = new PermissionEntry("java.io.FilePermission",
                          "/tmp", "read,write");
Author:Roland Schemers version 1.19, 05/21/98
/** * Each permission entry in the policy configuration file is * represented by a * PermissionEntry object. <p> * * <p> * For example, the entry * <pre> * permission java.io.FilePermission "/tmp", "read,write"; * </pre> * is represented internally * <pre> * * pe = new PermissionEntry("java.io.FilePermission", * "/tmp", "read,write"); * </pre> * * @author Roland Schemers * * version 1.19, 05/21/98 */
public static class PermissionEntry { public String permission; public String name; public String action; public String signedBy; public PermissionEntry() { } public PermissionEntry(String permission, String name, String action) { this.permission = permission; this.name = name; this.action = action; }
Calculates a hash code value for the object. Objects which are equal will also have the same hashcode.
/** * Calculates a hash code value for the object. Objects * which are equal will also have the same hashcode. */
public int hashCode() { int retval = permission.hashCode(); if (name != null) retval ^= name.hashCode(); if (action != null) retval ^= action.hashCode(); return retval; } public boolean equals(Object obj) { if (obj == this) return true; if (! (obj instanceof PermissionEntry)) return false; PermissionEntry that = (PermissionEntry) obj; if (this.permission == null) { if (that.permission != null) return false; } else { if (!this.permission.equals(that.permission)) return false; } if (this.name == null) { if (that.name != null) return false; } else { if (!this.name.equals(that.name)) return false; } if (this.action == null) { if (that.action != null) return false; } else { if (!this.action.equals(that.action)) return false; } if (this.signedBy == null) { if (that.signedBy != null) return false; } else { if (!this.signedBy.equals(that.signedBy)) return false; } // everything matched -- the 2 objects are equal return true; } public void write(PrintWriter out) { out.print("permission "); out.print(permission); if (name != null) { out.print(" \""); // ATTENTION: regex with double escaping, // the normal forms look like: // $name =~ s/\\/\\\\/g; and // $name =~ s/\"/\\\"/g; // and then in a java string, it's escaped again out.print(name.replaceAll("\\\\", "\\\\\\\\").replaceAll("\\\"", "\\\\\\\"")); out.print('"'); } if (action != null) { out.print(", \""); out.print(action); out.print('"'); } if (signedBy != null) { out.print(", signedBy \""); out.print(signedBy); out.print('"'); } out.println(";"); } } public static class ParsingException extends GeneralSecurityException { private static final long serialVersionUID = -4330692689482574072L; private String i18nMessage;
Constructs a ParsingException with the specified detail message. A detail message is a String that describes this particular exception, which may, for example, specify which algorithm is not available.
  • msg – the detail message.
/** * Constructs a ParsingException with the specified * detail message. A detail message is a String that describes * this particular exception, which may, for example, specify which * algorithm is not available. * * @param msg the detail message. */
public ParsingException(String msg) { super(msg); i18nMessage = msg; } public ParsingException(int line, String msg) { super("line " + line + ": " + msg); MessageFormat form = new MessageFormat (ResourcesMgr.getString("line.number.msg")); Object[] source = {new Integer(line), msg}; i18nMessage = form.format(source); } public ParsingException(int line, String expect, String actual) { super("line " + line + ": expected [" + expect + "], found [" + actual + "]"); MessageFormat form = new MessageFormat(ResourcesMgr.getString ("line.number.expected.expect.found.actual.")); Object[] source = {new Integer(line), expect, actual}; i18nMessage = form.format(source); } public String getLocalizedMessage() { return i18nMessage; } } public static void main(String arg[]) throws Exception { FileReader fr = null; FileWriter fw = null; try { PolicyParser pp = new PolicyParser(true); fr = new FileReader(arg[0]); pp.read(fr); fw = new FileWriter(arg[1]); pp.write(fw); } finally { if (fr != null) { fr.close(); } if (fw != null) { fw.close(); } } } }