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 * published by the Free Software Foundation.  Oracle designates this
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package sun.management.snmp.jvminstr;

// jmx imports
import javax.management.MBeanServer;
import com.sun.jmx.snmp.SnmpStatusException;
import com.sun.jmx.snmp.SnmpDefinitions;

// jdmk imports
import com.sun.jmx.snmp.agent.SnmpMib;

import java.util.Map;
import java.lang.management.ManagementFactory;
import java.lang.management.MemoryUsage;
import java.lang.management.MemoryType;
import java.lang.management.MemoryMXBean;
import javax.management.openmbean.CompositeData;

import sun.management.snmp.jvmmib.JvmMemoryMBean;
import sun.management.snmp.jvmmib.EnumJvmMemoryGCCall;
import sun.management.snmp.jvmmib.EnumJvmMemoryGCVerboseLevel;
import sun.management.snmp.util.MibLogger;
import sun.management.snmp.util.JvmContextFactory;

The class is used for implementing the "JvmMemory" group.
/** * The class is used for implementing the "JvmMemory" group. */
public class JvmMemoryImpl implements JvmMemoryMBean {
Variable for storing the value of "JvmMemoryGCCall". "This object makes it possible to remotelly trigger the Garbage Collector in the JVM. This object's syntax is an enumeration which defines: * Two state values, that can be returned from a GET request: unsupported(1): means that remote invocation of gc() is not supported by the SNMP agent. supported(2) : means that remote invocation of gc() is supported by the SNMP agent. * One action value, that can be provided in a SET request to trigger the garbage collector: start(3) : means that a manager wishes to trigger garbage collection. * Two result value, that will be returned as a result of a SET request when remote invocation of gc is supported by the SNMP agent: started(4) : means that garbage collection was successfully triggered. It does not mean however that the action was successfullly completed: gc might still be running when this value is returned. failed(5) : means that garbage collection couldn't be triggered. * If remote invocation is not supported by the SNMP agent, then unsupported(1) will always be returned as a result of either a GET request, or a SET request with start(3) as input value. * If a SET request with anything but start(3) is received, then the agent will return a wrongValue error. See java.management.MemoryMXBean.gc() "
/** * Variable for storing the value of "JvmMemoryGCCall". * * "This object makes it possible to remotelly trigger the * Garbage Collector in the JVM. * * This object's syntax is an enumeration which defines: * * * Two state values, that can be returned from a GET request: * * unsupported(1): means that remote invocation of gc() is not * supported by the SNMP agent. * supported(2) : means that remote invocation of gc() is supported * by the SNMP agent. * * * One action value, that can be provided in a SET request to * trigger the garbage collector: * * start(3) : means that a manager wishes to trigger * garbage collection. * * * Two result value, that will be returned as a result of a * SET request when remote invocation of gc is supported * by the SNMP agent: * * started(4) : means that garbage collection was * successfully triggered. It does not mean * however that the action was successfullly * completed: gc might still be running when * this value is returned. * failed(5) : means that garbage collection couldn't be * triggered. * * * If remote invocation is not supported by the SNMP agent, then * unsupported(1) will always be returned as a result of either * a GET request, or a SET request with start(3) as input value. * * * If a SET request with anything but start(3) is received, then * the agent will return a wrongValue error. * * See java.management.MemoryMXBean.gc() * " * */
final static EnumJvmMemoryGCCall JvmMemoryGCCallSupported = new EnumJvmMemoryGCCall("supported"); final static EnumJvmMemoryGCCall JvmMemoryGCCallStart = new EnumJvmMemoryGCCall("start"); final static EnumJvmMemoryGCCall JvmMemoryGCCallFailed = new EnumJvmMemoryGCCall("failed"); final static EnumJvmMemoryGCCall JvmMemoryGCCallStarted = new EnumJvmMemoryGCCall("started");
Variable for storing the value of "JvmMemoryGCVerboseLevel". "State of the -verbose:gc state. verbose: if the -verbose:gc flag is on, silent: otherwise. See java.management.MemoryMXBean.isVerbose(), java.management.MemoryMXBean.setVerbose() "
/** * Variable for storing the value of "JvmMemoryGCVerboseLevel". * * "State of the -verbose:gc state. * * verbose: if the -verbose:gc flag is on, * silent: otherwise. * * See java.management.MemoryMXBean.isVerbose(), * java.management.MemoryMXBean.setVerbose() * " * */
final static EnumJvmMemoryGCVerboseLevel JvmMemoryGCVerboseLevelVerbose = new EnumJvmMemoryGCVerboseLevel("verbose"); final static EnumJvmMemoryGCVerboseLevel JvmMemoryGCVerboseLevelSilent = new EnumJvmMemoryGCVerboseLevel("silent");
Constructor for the "JvmMemory" group. If the group contains a table, the entries created through an SNMP SET will not be registered in Java DMK.
/** * Constructor for the "JvmMemory" group. * If the group contains a table, the entries created through an * SNMP SET will not be registered in Java DMK. */
public JvmMemoryImpl(SnmpMib myMib) { }
Constructor for the "JvmMemory" group. If the group contains a table, the entries created through an SNMP SET will be AUTOMATICALLY REGISTERED in Java DMK.
/** * Constructor for the "JvmMemory" group. * If the group contains a table, the entries created through an * SNMP SET will be AUTOMATICALLY REGISTERED in Java DMK. */
public JvmMemoryImpl(SnmpMib myMib, MBeanServer server) { // no entry will be registered since the table is virtual. } final static String heapMemoryTag = "jvmMemory.getHeapMemoryUsage"; final static String nonHeapMemoryTag = "jvmMemory.getNonHeapMemoryUsage"; private MemoryUsage getMemoryUsage(MemoryType type) { if (type == MemoryType.HEAP) { return ManagementFactory.getMemoryMXBean().getHeapMemoryUsage(); } else { return ManagementFactory.getMemoryMXBean().getNonHeapMemoryUsage(); } } MemoryUsage getNonHeapMemoryUsage() { try { final Map<Object, Object> m = JvmContextFactory.getUserData(); if (m != null) { final MemoryUsage cached = (MemoryUsage) m.get(nonHeapMemoryTag); if (cached != null) { log.debug("getNonHeapMemoryUsage", "jvmMemory.getNonHeapMemoryUsage found in cache."); return cached; } final MemoryUsage u = getMemoryUsage(MemoryType.NON_HEAP); // getNonHeapMemoryUsage() never returns null. // // if (u == null) u=MemoryUsage.INVALID; m.put(nonHeapMemoryTag,u); return u; } // Should never come here. // Log error! log.trace("getNonHeapMemoryUsage", "ERROR: should never come here!"); return getMemoryUsage(MemoryType.NON_HEAP); } catch (RuntimeException x) { log.trace("getNonHeapMemoryUsage", "Failed to get NonHeapMemoryUsage: " + x); log.debug("getNonHeapMemoryUsage",x); throw x; } } MemoryUsage getHeapMemoryUsage() { try { final Map<Object, Object> m = JvmContextFactory.getUserData(); if (m != null) { final MemoryUsage cached = (MemoryUsage)m.get(heapMemoryTag); if (cached != null) { log.debug("getHeapMemoryUsage", "jvmMemory.getHeapMemoryUsage found in cache."); return cached; } final MemoryUsage u = getMemoryUsage(MemoryType.HEAP); // getHeapMemoryUsage() never returns null. // // if (u == null) u=MemoryUsage.INVALID; m.put(heapMemoryTag,u); return u; } // Should never come here. // Log error! log.trace("getHeapMemoryUsage", "ERROR: should never come here!"); return getMemoryUsage(MemoryType.HEAP); } catch (RuntimeException x) { log.trace("getHeapMemoryUsage", "Failed to get HeapMemoryUsage: " + x); log.debug("getHeapMemoryUsage",x); throw x; } } static final Long Long0 = new Long(0);
Getter for the "JvmMemoryNonHeapMaxSize" variable.
/** * Getter for the "JvmMemoryNonHeapMaxSize" variable. */
public Long getJvmMemoryNonHeapMaxSize() throws SnmpStatusException { final long val = getNonHeapMemoryUsage().getMax(); if (val > -1) return new Long(val); else return Long0; }
Getter for the "JvmMemoryNonHeapCommitted" variable.
/** * Getter for the "JvmMemoryNonHeapCommitted" variable. */
public Long getJvmMemoryNonHeapCommitted() throws SnmpStatusException { final long val = getNonHeapMemoryUsage().getCommitted(); if (val > -1) return new Long(val); else return Long0; }
Getter for the "JvmMemoryNonHeapUsed" variable.
/** * Getter for the "JvmMemoryNonHeapUsed" variable. */
public Long getJvmMemoryNonHeapUsed() throws SnmpStatusException { final long val = getNonHeapMemoryUsage().getUsed(); if (val > -1) return new Long(val); else return Long0; }
Getter for the "JvmMemoryNonHeapInitSize" variable.
/** * Getter for the "JvmMemoryNonHeapInitSize" variable. */
public Long getJvmMemoryNonHeapInitSize() throws SnmpStatusException { final long val = getNonHeapMemoryUsage().getInit(); if (val > -1) return new Long(val); else return Long0; }
Getter for the "JvmMemoryHeapMaxSize" variable.
/** * Getter for the "JvmMemoryHeapMaxSize" variable. */
public Long getJvmMemoryHeapMaxSize() throws SnmpStatusException { final long val = getHeapMemoryUsage().getMax(); if (val > -1) return new Long(val); else return Long0; }
Getter for the "JvmMemoryGCCall" variable.
/** * Getter for the "JvmMemoryGCCall" variable. */
public EnumJvmMemoryGCCall getJvmMemoryGCCall() throws SnmpStatusException { final Map<Object,Object> m = JvmContextFactory.getUserData(); if (m != null) { final EnumJvmMemoryGCCall cached = (EnumJvmMemoryGCCall) m.get("jvmMemory.getJvmMemoryGCCall"); if (cached != null) return cached; } return JvmMemoryGCCallSupported; }
Setter for the "JvmMemoryGCCall" variable.
/** * Setter for the "JvmMemoryGCCall" variable. */
public void setJvmMemoryGCCall(EnumJvmMemoryGCCall x) throws SnmpStatusException { if (x.intValue() == JvmMemoryGCCallStart.intValue()) { final Map<Object, Object> m = JvmContextFactory.getUserData(); try { ManagementFactory.getMemoryMXBean().gc(); if (m != null) m.put("jvmMemory.getJvmMemoryGCCall", JvmMemoryGCCallStarted); } catch (Exception ex) { if (m != null) m.put("jvmMemory.getJvmMemoryGCCall", JvmMemoryGCCallFailed); } return; } throw new SnmpStatusException(SnmpDefinitions.snmpRspWrongValue); }
Checker for the "JvmMemoryGCCall" variable.
/** * Checker for the "JvmMemoryGCCall" variable. */
public void checkJvmMemoryGCCall(EnumJvmMemoryGCCall x) throws SnmpStatusException { if (x.intValue() != JvmMemoryGCCallStart.intValue()) throw new SnmpStatusException(SnmpDefinitions.snmpRspWrongValue); }
Getter for the "JvmMemoryHeapCommitted" variable.
/** * Getter for the "JvmMemoryHeapCommitted" variable. */
public Long getJvmMemoryHeapCommitted() throws SnmpStatusException { final long val = getHeapMemoryUsage().getCommitted(); if (val > -1) return new Long(val); else return Long0; }
Getter for the "JvmMemoryGCVerboseLevel" variable.
/** * Getter for the "JvmMemoryGCVerboseLevel" variable. */
public EnumJvmMemoryGCVerboseLevel getJvmMemoryGCVerboseLevel() throws SnmpStatusException { if (ManagementFactory.getMemoryMXBean().isVerbose()) return JvmMemoryGCVerboseLevelVerbose; else return JvmMemoryGCVerboseLevelSilent; }
Setter for the "JvmMemoryGCVerboseLevel" variable.
/** * Setter for the "JvmMemoryGCVerboseLevel" variable. */
public void setJvmMemoryGCVerboseLevel(EnumJvmMemoryGCVerboseLevel x) throws SnmpStatusException { if (JvmMemoryGCVerboseLevelVerbose.intValue() == x.intValue()) ManagementFactory.getMemoryMXBean().setVerbose(true); else ManagementFactory.getMemoryMXBean().setVerbose(false); }
Checker for the "JvmMemoryGCVerboseLevel" variable.
/** * Checker for the "JvmMemoryGCVerboseLevel" variable. */
public void checkJvmMemoryGCVerboseLevel(EnumJvmMemoryGCVerboseLevel x) throws SnmpStatusException { // Nothing to check... }
Getter for the "JvmMemoryHeapUsed" variable.
/** * Getter for the "JvmMemoryHeapUsed" variable. */
public Long getJvmMemoryHeapUsed() throws SnmpStatusException { final long val = getHeapMemoryUsage().getUsed(); if (val > -1) return new Long(val); else return Long0; }
Getter for the "JvmMemoryHeapInitSize" variable.
/** * Getter for the "JvmMemoryHeapInitSize" variable. */
public Long getJvmMemoryHeapInitSize() throws SnmpStatusException { final long val = getHeapMemoryUsage().getInit(); if (val > -1) return new Long(val); else return Long0; }
Getter for the "JvmMemoryPendingFinalCount" variable.
/** * Getter for the "JvmMemoryPendingFinalCount" variable. */
public Long getJvmMemoryPendingFinalCount() throws SnmpStatusException { final long val = ManagementFactory.getMemoryMXBean(). getObjectPendingFinalizationCount(); if (val > -1) return new Long((int)val); // Should never happen... but stay safe all the same. // else return new Long(0); } static final MibLogger log = new MibLogger(JvmMemoryImpl.class); }