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package sun.awt.im;

import java.awt.Component;
import java.awt.Container;
import java.awt.Rectangle;
import java.awt.event.InputMethodEvent;
import java.awt.event.InputMethodListener;
import java.awt.font.TextAttribute;
import java.awt.font.TextHitInfo;
import java.awt.im.InputMethodRequests;
import java.text.AttributedCharacterIterator;
import java.text.AttributedCharacterIterator.Attribute;
import java.text.AttributedString;

A composition area handler handles events and input method requests for the composition area. Typically each input method context has its own composition area handler if it supports passive clients or below-the-spot input, but all handlers share a single composition area.
Author:JavaSoft International
/** * A composition area handler handles events and input method requests for * the composition area. Typically each input method context has its own * composition area handler if it supports passive clients or below-the-spot * input, but all handlers share a single composition area. * * @author JavaSoft International */
class CompositionAreaHandler implements InputMethodListener, InputMethodRequests { private static CompositionArea compositionArea; private static Object compositionAreaLock = new Object(); private static CompositionAreaHandler compositionAreaOwner; // synchronized through compositionArea private AttributedCharacterIterator composedText; private TextHitInfo caret = null; private Component clientComponent = null; private InputMethodContext inputMethodContext;
Constructs the composition area handler.
/** * Constructs the composition area handler. */
CompositionAreaHandler(InputMethodContext context) { inputMethodContext = context; }
Creates the composition area.
/** * Creates the composition area. */
private void createCompositionArea() { synchronized(compositionAreaLock) { compositionArea = new CompositionArea(); if (compositionAreaOwner != null) { compositionArea.setHandlerInfo(compositionAreaOwner, inputMethodContext); } // If the client component is an active client using below-the-spot style, then // make the composition window undecorated without a title bar. if(clientComponent!=null){ InputMethodRequests req = clientComponent.getInputMethodRequests(); if (req != null && inputMethodContext.useBelowTheSpotInput()) { setCompositionAreaUndecorated(true); } } } } void setClientComponent(Component clientComponent) { this.clientComponent = clientComponent; }
Grabs the composition area, makes this handler its owner, and installs the handler and its input context into the composition area for event and input method request handling. If doUpdate is true, updates the composition area with previously sent composed text.
/** * Grabs the composition area, makes this handler its owner, and installs * the handler and its input context into the composition area for event * and input method request handling. * If doUpdate is true, updates the composition area with previously sent * composed text. */
void grabCompositionArea(boolean doUpdate) { synchronized (compositionAreaLock) { if (compositionAreaOwner != this) { compositionAreaOwner = this; if (compositionArea != null) { compositionArea.setHandlerInfo(this, inputMethodContext); } if (doUpdate) { // Create the composition area if necessary if ((composedText != null) && (compositionArea == null)) { createCompositionArea(); } if (compositionArea != null) { compositionArea.setText(composedText, caret); } } } } }
Releases and closes the composition area if it is currently owned by this composition area handler.
/** * Releases and closes the composition area if it is currently owned by * this composition area handler. */
void releaseCompositionArea() { synchronized (compositionAreaLock) { if (compositionAreaOwner == this) { compositionAreaOwner = null; if (compositionArea != null) { compositionArea.setHandlerInfo(null, null); compositionArea.setText(null, null); } } } }
Releases and closes the composition area if it has been created, independent of the current owner.
/** * Releases and closes the composition area if it has been created, * independent of the current owner. */
static void closeCompositionArea() { if (compositionArea != null) { synchronized (compositionAreaLock) { compositionAreaOwner = null; compositionArea.setHandlerInfo(null, null); compositionArea.setText(null, null); } } }
Returns whether the composition area is currently visible
/** * Returns whether the composition area is currently visible */
boolean isCompositionAreaVisible() { if (compositionArea != null) { return compositionArea.isCompositionAreaVisible(); } return false; }
Shows or hides the composition Area
/** * Shows or hides the composition Area */
void setCompositionAreaVisible(boolean visible) { if (compositionArea != null) { compositionArea.setCompositionAreaVisible(visible); } } void processInputMethodEvent(InputMethodEvent event) { if (event.getID() == InputMethodEvent.INPUT_METHOD_TEXT_CHANGED) { inputMethodTextChanged(event); } else { caretPositionChanged(event); } }
set the compositionArea frame decoration
/** * set the compositionArea frame decoration */
void setCompositionAreaUndecorated(boolean undecorated) { if (compositionArea != null) { compositionArea.setCompositionAreaUndecorated(undecorated); } } // // InputMethodListener methods // private static final Attribute[] IM_ATTRIBUTES = { TextAttribute.INPUT_METHOD_HIGHLIGHT }; public void inputMethodTextChanged(InputMethodEvent event) { AttributedCharacterIterator text = event.getText(); int committedCharacterCount = event.getCommittedCharacterCount(); // extract composed text and prepare it for display composedText = null; caret = null; if (text != null && committedCharacterCount < text.getEndIndex() - text.getBeginIndex()) { // Create the composition area if necessary if (compositionArea == null) { createCompositionArea(); } // copy the composed text AttributedString composedTextString; composedTextString = new AttributedString(text, text.getBeginIndex() + committedCharacterCount, // skip over committed text text.getEndIndex(), IM_ATTRIBUTES); composedTextString.addAttribute(TextAttribute.FONT, compositionArea.getFont()); composedText = composedTextString.getIterator(); caret = event.getCaret(); } if (compositionArea != null) { compositionArea.setText(composedText, caret); } // send any committed text to the text component if (committedCharacterCount > 0) { inputMethodContext.dispatchCommittedText(((Component) event.getSource()), text, committedCharacterCount); // this may have changed the text location, so reposition the window if (isCompositionAreaVisible()) { compositionArea.updateWindowLocation(); } } // event has been handled, so consume it event.consume(); } public void caretPositionChanged(InputMethodEvent event) { if (compositionArea != null) { compositionArea.setCaret(event.getCaret()); } // event has been handled, so consume it event.consume(); } // // InputMethodRequests methods //
Returns the input method request handler of the client component. When using the composition window for an active client (below-the-spot input), input method requests that do not relate to the display of the composed text are forwarded to the client component.
/** * Returns the input method request handler of the client component. * When using the composition window for an active client (below-the-spot * input), input method requests that do not relate to the display of * the composed text are forwarded to the client component. */
InputMethodRequests getClientInputMethodRequests() { if (clientComponent != null) { return clientComponent.getInputMethodRequests(); } return null; } public Rectangle getTextLocation(TextHitInfo offset) { synchronized (compositionAreaLock) { if (compositionAreaOwner == this && isCompositionAreaVisible()) { return compositionArea.getTextLocation(offset); } else if (composedText != null) { // there's composed text, but it's not displayed, so fake a rectangle return new Rectangle(0, 0, 0, 10); } else { InputMethodRequests requests = getClientInputMethodRequests(); if (requests != null) { return requests.getTextLocation(offset); } else { // passive client, no composed text, so fake a rectangle return new Rectangle(0, 0, 0, 10); } } } } public TextHitInfo getLocationOffset(int x, int y) { synchronized (compositionAreaLock) { if (compositionAreaOwner == this && isCompositionAreaVisible()) { return compositionArea.getLocationOffset(x, y); } else { return null; } } } public int getInsertPositionOffset() { InputMethodRequests req = getClientInputMethodRequests(); if (req != null) { return req.getInsertPositionOffset(); } // we don't have access to the client component's text. return 0; } private static final AttributedCharacterIterator EMPTY_TEXT = (new AttributedString("")).getIterator(); public AttributedCharacterIterator getCommittedText(int beginIndex, int endIndex, Attribute[] attributes) { InputMethodRequests req = getClientInputMethodRequests(); if(req != null) { return req.getCommittedText(beginIndex, endIndex, attributes); } // we don't have access to the client component's text. return EMPTY_TEXT; } public int getCommittedTextLength() { InputMethodRequests req = getClientInputMethodRequests(); if(req != null) { return req.getCommittedTextLength(); } // we don't have access to the client component's text. return 0; } public AttributedCharacterIterator cancelLatestCommittedText(Attribute[] attributes) { InputMethodRequests req = getClientInputMethodRequests(); if(req != null) { return req.cancelLatestCommittedText(attributes); } // we don't have access to the client component's text. return null; } public AttributedCharacterIterator getSelectedText(Attribute[] attributes) { InputMethodRequests req = getClientInputMethodRequests(); if(req != null) { return req.getSelectedText(attributes); } // we don't have access to the client component's text. return EMPTY_TEXT; } }