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package sun.awt.datatransfer;

import java.awt.AWTError;
import java.awt.EventQueue;
import java.awt.Image;
import java.awt.Graphics;

import java.awt.datatransfer.DataFlavor;
import java.awt.datatransfer.FlavorMap;
import java.awt.datatransfer.FlavorTable;
import java.awt.datatransfer.Transferable;
import java.awt.datatransfer.UnsupportedFlavorException;

import java.io.BufferedReader;
import java.io.ByteArrayInputStream;
import java.io.ByteArrayOutputStream;
import java.io.File;
import java.io.InputStream;
import java.io.InputStreamReader;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.io.ObjectInputStream;
import java.io.ObjectOutputStream;
import java.io.Reader;
import java.io.SequenceInputStream;
import java.io.StringReader;

import java.net.URI;
import java.net.URISyntaxException;

import java.nio.ByteBuffer;
import java.nio.CharBuffer;
import java.nio.charset.Charset;
import java.nio.charset.CharsetEncoder;
import java.nio.charset.IllegalCharsetNameException;
import java.nio.charset.UnsupportedCharsetException;

import java.lang.reflect.Constructor;
import java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException;
import java.lang.reflect.Method;
import java.lang.reflect.Modifier;

import java.security.AccessController;
import java.security.PrivilegedAction;
import java.security.PrivilegedActionException;
import java.security.PrivilegedExceptionAction;
import java.security.ProtectionDomain;

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.Comparator;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.SortedMap;
import java.util.SortedSet;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.Stack;
import java.util.TreeMap;
import java.util.TreeSet;

import sun.util.logging.PlatformLogger;

import sun.awt.AppContext;
import sun.awt.SunToolkit;

import java.awt.image.BufferedImage;
import java.awt.image.ImageObserver;
import java.awt.image.RenderedImage;
import java.awt.image.WritableRaster;
import java.awt.image.ColorModel;

import javax.imageio.ImageIO;
import javax.imageio.ImageReader;
import javax.imageio.ImageReadParam;
import javax.imageio.ImageWriter;
import javax.imageio.ImageTypeSpecifier;

import javax.imageio.spi.ImageWriterSpi;

import javax.imageio.stream.ImageInputStream;
import javax.imageio.stream.ImageOutputStream;

import sun.awt.image.ImageRepresentation;
import sun.awt.image.ToolkitImage;

import java.io.FilePermission;

Provides a set of functions to be shared among the DataFlavor class and platform-specific data transfer implementations. The concept of "flavors" and "natives" is extended to include "formats", which are the numeric values Win32 and X11 use to express particular data types. Like FlavorMap, which provides getNativesForFlavors(DataFlavor[]) and getFlavorsForNatives(String[]) functions, DataTransferer provides a set of getFormatsFor(Transferable|Flavor|Flavors) and getFlavorsFor(Format|Formats) functions. Also provided are functions for translating a Transferable into a byte array, given a source DataFlavor and a target format, and for translating a byte array or InputStream into an Object, given a source format and a target DataFlavor.
Author:David Mendenhall, Danila Sinopalnikov
/** * Provides a set of functions to be shared among the DataFlavor class and * platform-specific data transfer implementations. * * The concept of "flavors" and "natives" is extended to include "formats", * which are the numeric values Win32 and X11 use to express particular data * types. Like FlavorMap, which provides getNativesForFlavors(DataFlavor[]) and * getFlavorsForNatives(String[]) functions, DataTransferer provides a set * of getFormatsFor(Transferable|Flavor|Flavors) and * getFlavorsFor(Format|Formats) functions. * * Also provided are functions for translating a Transferable into a byte * array, given a source DataFlavor and a target format, and for translating * a byte array or InputStream into an Object, given a source format and * a target DataFlavor. * * @author David Mendenhall * @author Danila Sinopalnikov * * @since 1.3.1 */
public abstract class DataTransferer {
Cached value of Class.forName("[C");
/** * Cached value of Class.forName("[C"); */
public static final Class charArrayClass;
Cached value of Class.forName("[B");
/** * Cached value of Class.forName("[B"); */
public static final Class byteArrayClass;
The DataFlavor representing plain text with Unicode encoding, where:
    representationClass = java.lang.String
    mimeType            = "text/plain; charset=Unicode"
/** * The <code>DataFlavor</code> representing plain text with Unicode * encoding, where: * <pre> * representationClass = java.lang.String * mimeType = "text/plain; charset=Unicode" * </pre> */
public static final DataFlavor plainTextStringFlavor;
The DataFlavor representing a Java text encoding String encoded in UTF-8, where
    representationClass = [B
    mimeType            = "application/x-java-text-encoding"
/** * The <code>DataFlavor</code> representing a Java text encoding String * encoded in UTF-8, where * <pre> * representationClass = [B * mimeType = "application/x-java-text-encoding" * </pre> */
public static final DataFlavor javaTextEncodingFlavor;
Lazy initialization of Standard Encodings.
/** * Lazy initialization of Standard Encodings. */
private static class StandardEncodingsHolder { private static final SortedSet standardEncodings = load(); private static SortedSet load() { final Comparator comparator = new CharsetComparator(IndexedComparator.SELECT_WORST); final SortedSet tempSet = new TreeSet(comparator); tempSet.add("US-ASCII"); tempSet.add("ISO-8859-1"); tempSet.add("UTF-8"); tempSet.add("UTF-16BE"); tempSet.add("UTF-16LE"); tempSet.add("UTF-16"); tempSet.add(getDefaultTextCharset()); return Collections.unmodifiableSortedSet(tempSet); } }
Tracks whether a particular text/* MIME type supports the charset parameter. The Map is initialized with all of the standard MIME types listed in the DataFlavor.selectBestTextFlavor method comment. Additional entries may be added during the life of the JRE for text/ types.
/** * Tracks whether a particular text/* MIME type supports the charset * parameter. The Map is initialized with all of the standard MIME types * listed in the DataFlavor.selectBestTextFlavor method comment. Additional * entries may be added during the life of the JRE for text/<other> types. */
private static final Map textMIMESubtypeCharsetSupport;
Cache of the platform default encoding as specified in the "file.encoding" system property.
/** * Cache of the platform default encoding as specified in the * "file.encoding" system property. */
private static String defaultEncoding;
A collection of all natives listed in flavormap.properties with a primary MIME type of "text".
/** * A collection of all natives listed in flavormap.properties with * a primary MIME type of "text". */
private static final Set textNatives = Collections.synchronizedSet(new HashSet());
The native encodings/charsets for the Set of textNatives.
/** * The native encodings/charsets for the Set of textNatives. */
private static final Map nativeCharsets = Collections.synchronizedMap(new HashMap());
The end-of-line markers for the Set of textNatives.
/** * The end-of-line markers for the Set of textNatives. */
private static final Map nativeEOLNs = Collections.synchronizedMap(new HashMap());
The number of terminating NUL bytes for the Set of textNatives.
/** * The number of terminating NUL bytes for the Set of textNatives. */
private static final Map nativeTerminators = Collections.synchronizedMap(new HashMap());
The key used to store pending data conversion requests for an AppContext.
/** * The key used to store pending data conversion requests for an AppContext. */
private static final String DATA_CONVERTER_KEY = "DATA_CONVERTER_KEY";
The singleton DataTransferer instance. It is created during MToolkit or WToolkit initialization.
/** * The singleton DataTransferer instance. It is created during MToolkit * or WToolkit initialization. */
private static DataTransferer transferer; private static final PlatformLogger dtLog = PlatformLogger.getLogger("sun.awt.datatransfer.DataTransfer"); static { Class tCharArrayClass = null, tByteArrayClass = null; try { tCharArrayClass = Class.forName("[C"); tByteArrayClass = Class.forName("[B"); } catch (ClassNotFoundException cannotHappen) { } charArrayClass = tCharArrayClass; byteArrayClass = tByteArrayClass; DataFlavor tPlainTextStringFlavor = null; try { tPlainTextStringFlavor = new DataFlavor ("text/plain;charset=Unicode;class=java.lang.String"); } catch (ClassNotFoundException cannotHappen) { } plainTextStringFlavor = tPlainTextStringFlavor; DataFlavor tJavaTextEncodingFlavor = null; try { tJavaTextEncodingFlavor = new DataFlavor ("application/x-java-text-encoding;class=\"[B\""); } catch (ClassNotFoundException cannotHappen) { } javaTextEncodingFlavor = tJavaTextEncodingFlavor; Map tempMap = new HashMap(17); tempMap.put("sgml", Boolean.TRUE); tempMap.put("xml", Boolean.TRUE); tempMap.put("html", Boolean.TRUE); tempMap.put("enriched", Boolean.TRUE); tempMap.put("richtext", Boolean.TRUE); tempMap.put("uri-list", Boolean.TRUE); tempMap.put("directory", Boolean.TRUE); tempMap.put("css", Boolean.TRUE); tempMap.put("calendar", Boolean.TRUE); tempMap.put("plain", Boolean.TRUE); tempMap.put("rtf", Boolean.FALSE); tempMap.put("tab-separated-values", Boolean.FALSE); tempMap.put("t140", Boolean.FALSE); tempMap.put("rfc822-headers", Boolean.FALSE); tempMap.put("parityfec", Boolean.FALSE); textMIMESubtypeCharsetSupport = Collections.synchronizedMap(tempMap); }
The accessor method for the singleton DataTransferer instance. Note that in a headless environment, there may be no DataTransferer instance; instead, null will be returned.
/** * The accessor method for the singleton DataTransferer instance. Note * that in a headless environment, there may be no DataTransferer instance; * instead, null will be returned. */
public static DataTransferer getInstance() { synchronized (DataTransferer.class) { if (transferer == null) { final String name = SunToolkit.getDataTransfererClassName(); if (name != null) { PrivilegedAction<DataTransferer> action = new PrivilegedAction<DataTransferer>() { public DataTransferer run() { Class cls = null; Method method = null; DataTransferer ret = null; try { cls = Class.forName(name); } catch (ClassNotFoundException e) { ClassLoader cl = ClassLoader. getSystemClassLoader(); if (cl != null) { try { cls = cl.loadClass(name); } catch (ClassNotFoundException ee) { ee.printStackTrace(); throw new AWTError("DataTransferer not found: " + name); } } } if (cls != null) { try { method = cls.getDeclaredMethod("getInstanceImpl"); method.setAccessible(true); } catch (NoSuchMethodException e) { e.printStackTrace(); throw new AWTError("Cannot instantiate DataTransferer: " + name); } catch (SecurityException e) { e.printStackTrace(); throw new AWTError("Access is denied for DataTransferer: " + name); } } if (method != null) { try { ret = (DataTransferer) method.invoke(null); } catch (InvocationTargetException e) { e.printStackTrace(); throw new AWTError("Cannot instantiate DataTransferer: " + name); } catch (IllegalAccessException e) { e.printStackTrace(); throw new AWTError("Cannot access DataTransferer: " + name); } } return ret; } }; transferer = AccessController.doPrivileged(action); } } } return transferer; }
Converts an arbitrary text encoding to its canonical name.
/** * Converts an arbitrary text encoding to its canonical name. */
public static String canonicalName(String encoding) { if (encoding == null) { return null; } try { return Charset.forName(encoding).name(); } catch (IllegalCharsetNameException icne) { return encoding; } catch (UnsupportedCharsetException uce) { return encoding; } }
If the specified flavor is a text flavor which supports the "charset" parameter, then this method returns that parameter, or the default charset if no such parameter was specified at construction. For non- text DataFlavors, and for non-charset text flavors, this method returns null.
/** * If the specified flavor is a text flavor which supports the "charset" * parameter, then this method returns that parameter, or the default * charset if no such parameter was specified at construction. For non- * text DataFlavors, and for non-charset text flavors, this method returns * null. */
public static String getTextCharset(DataFlavor flavor) { if (!isFlavorCharsetTextType(flavor)) { return null; } String encoding = flavor.getParameter("charset"); return (encoding != null) ? encoding : getDefaultTextCharset(); }
Returns the platform's default character encoding.
/** * Returns the platform's default character encoding. */
public static String getDefaultTextCharset() { if (defaultEncoding != null) { return defaultEncoding; } return defaultEncoding = Charset.defaultCharset().name(); }
Tests only whether the flavor's MIME type supports the charset parameter. Must only be called for flavors with a primary type of "text".
/** * Tests only whether the flavor's MIME type supports the charset * parameter. Must only be called for flavors with a primary type of * "text". */
public static boolean doesSubtypeSupportCharset(DataFlavor flavor) { if (dtLog.isLoggable(PlatformLogger.Level.FINE)) { if (!"text".equals(flavor.getPrimaryType())) { dtLog.fine("Assertion (\"text\".equals(flavor.getPrimaryType())) failed"); } } String subType = flavor.getSubType(); if (subType == null) { return false; } Object support = textMIMESubtypeCharsetSupport.get(subType); if (support != null) { return (support == Boolean.TRUE); } boolean ret_val = (flavor.getParameter("charset") != null); textMIMESubtypeCharsetSupport.put (subType, (ret_val) ? Boolean.TRUE : Boolean.FALSE); return ret_val; } public static boolean doesSubtypeSupportCharset(String subType, String charset) { Object support = textMIMESubtypeCharsetSupport.get(subType); if (support != null) { return (support == Boolean.TRUE); } boolean ret_val = (charset != null); textMIMESubtypeCharsetSupport.put (subType, (ret_val) ? Boolean.TRUE : Boolean.FALSE); return ret_val; }
Returns whether this flavor is a text type which supports the 'charset' parameter.
/** * Returns whether this flavor is a text type which supports the * 'charset' parameter. */
public static boolean isFlavorCharsetTextType(DataFlavor flavor) { // Although stringFlavor doesn't actually support the charset // parameter (because its primary MIME type is not "text"), it should // be treated as though it does. stringFlavor is semantically // equivalent to "text/plain" data. if (DataFlavor.stringFlavor.equals(flavor)) { return true; } if (!"text".equals(flavor.getPrimaryType()) || !doesSubtypeSupportCharset(flavor)) { return false; } Class rep_class = flavor.getRepresentationClass(); if (flavor.isRepresentationClassReader() || String.class.equals(rep_class) || flavor.isRepresentationClassCharBuffer() || DataTransferer.charArrayClass.equals(rep_class)) { return true; } if (!(flavor.isRepresentationClassInputStream() || flavor.isRepresentationClassByteBuffer() || DataTransferer.byteArrayClass.equals(rep_class))) { return false; } String charset = flavor.getParameter("charset"); return (charset != null) ? DataTransferer.isEncodingSupported(charset) : true; // null equals default encoding which is always supported }
Returns whether this flavor is a text type which does not support the 'charset' parameter.
/** * Returns whether this flavor is a text type which does not support the * 'charset' parameter. */
public static boolean isFlavorNoncharsetTextType(DataFlavor flavor) { if (!"text".equals(flavor.getPrimaryType()) || doesSubtypeSupportCharset(flavor)) { return false; } return (flavor.isRepresentationClassInputStream() || flavor.isRepresentationClassByteBuffer() || DataTransferer.byteArrayClass. equals(flavor.getRepresentationClass())); }
Determines whether this JRE can both encode and decode text in the specified encoding.
/** * Determines whether this JRE can both encode and decode text in the * specified encoding. */
public static boolean isEncodingSupported(String encoding) { if (encoding == null) { return false; } try { return Charset.isSupported(encoding); } catch (IllegalCharsetNameException icne) { return false; } }
Returns true if the given type is a java.rmi.Remote.
/** * Returns {@code true} if the given type is a java.rmi.Remote. */
public static boolean isRemote(Class<?> type) { return RMI.isRemote(type); }
Returns an Iterator which traverses a SortedSet of Strings which are a total order of the standard character sets supported by the JRE. The ordering follows the same principles as DataFlavor.selectBestTextFlavor. So as to avoid loading all available character converters, optional, non-standard, character sets are not included.
/** * Returns an Iterator which traverses a SortedSet of Strings which are * a total order of the standard character sets supported by the JRE. The * ordering follows the same principles as DataFlavor.selectBestTextFlavor. * So as to avoid loading all available character converters, optional, * non-standard, character sets are not included. */
public static Iterator standardEncodings() { return StandardEncodingsHolder.standardEncodings.iterator(); }
Converts a FlavorMap to a FlavorTable.
/** * Converts a FlavorMap to a FlavorTable. */
public static FlavorTable adaptFlavorMap(final FlavorMap map) { if (map instanceof FlavorTable) { return (FlavorTable)map; } return new FlavorTable() { public Map getNativesForFlavors(DataFlavor[] flavors) { return map.getNativesForFlavors(flavors); } public Map getFlavorsForNatives(String[] natives) { return map.getFlavorsForNatives(natives); } public List getNativesForFlavor(DataFlavor flav) { Map natives = getNativesForFlavors(new DataFlavor[] { flav } ); String nat = (String)natives.get(flav); if (nat != null) { List list = new ArrayList(1); list.add(nat); return list; } else { return Collections.EMPTY_LIST; } } public List getFlavorsForNative(String nat) { Map flavors = getFlavorsForNatives(new String[] { nat } ); DataFlavor flavor = (DataFlavor)flavors.get(nat); if (flavor != null) { List list = new ArrayList(1); list.add(flavor); return list; } else { return Collections.EMPTY_LIST; } } }; }
Returns the default Unicode encoding for the platform. The encoding need not be canonical. This method is only used by the archaic function DataFlavor.getTextPlainUnicodeFlavor().
/** * Returns the default Unicode encoding for the platform. The encoding * need not be canonical. This method is only used by the archaic function * DataFlavor.getTextPlainUnicodeFlavor(). */
public abstract String getDefaultUnicodeEncoding();
This method is called for text flavor mappings established while parsing the flavormap.properties file. It stores the "eoln" and "terminators" parameters which are not officially part of the MIME type. They are MIME parameters specific to the flavormap.properties file format.
/** * This method is called for text flavor mappings established while parsing * the flavormap.properties file. It stores the "eoln" and "terminators" * parameters which are not officially part of the MIME type. They are * MIME parameters specific to the flavormap.properties file format. */
public void registerTextFlavorProperties(String nat, String charset, String eoln, String terminators) { Long format = getFormatForNativeAsLong(nat); textNatives.add(format); nativeCharsets.put(format, (charset != null && charset.length() != 0) ? charset : getDefaultTextCharset()); if (eoln != null && eoln.length() != 0 && !eoln.equals("\n")) { nativeEOLNs.put(format, eoln); } if (terminators != null && terminators.length() != 0) { Integer iTerminators = Integer.valueOf(terminators); if (iTerminators.intValue() > 0) { nativeTerminators.put(format, iTerminators); } } }
Determines whether the native corresponding to the specified long format was listed in the flavormap.properties file.
/** * Determines whether the native corresponding to the specified long format * was listed in the flavormap.properties file. */
protected boolean isTextFormat(long format) { return textNatives.contains(Long.valueOf(format)); } protected String getCharsetForTextFormat(Long lFormat) { return (String)nativeCharsets.get(lFormat); }
Specifies whether text imported from the native system in the specified format is locale-dependent. If so, when decoding such text, 'nativeCharsets' should be ignored, and instead, the Transferable should be queried for its javaTextEncodingFlavor data for the correct encoding.
/** * Specifies whether text imported from the native system in the specified * format is locale-dependent. If so, when decoding such text, * 'nativeCharsets' should be ignored, and instead, the Transferable should * be queried for its javaTextEncodingFlavor data for the correct encoding. */
public abstract boolean isLocaleDependentTextFormat(long format);
Determines whether the DataFlavor corresponding to the specified long format is DataFlavor.javaFileListFlavor.
/** * Determines whether the DataFlavor corresponding to the specified long * format is DataFlavor.javaFileListFlavor. */
public abstract boolean isFileFormat(long format);
Determines whether the DataFlavor corresponding to the specified long format is DataFlavor.imageFlavor.
/** * Determines whether the DataFlavor corresponding to the specified long * format is DataFlavor.imageFlavor. */
public abstract boolean isImageFormat(long format);
Determines whether the format is a URI list we can convert to a DataFlavor.javaFileListFlavor.
/** * Determines whether the format is a URI list we can convert to * a DataFlavor.javaFileListFlavor. */
protected boolean isURIListFormat(long format) { return false; }
Returns a Map whose keys are all of the possible formats into which the Transferable's transfer data flavors can be translated. The value of each key is the DataFlavor in which the Transferable's data should be requested when converting to the format.

The map keys are sorted according to the native formats preference order.

/** * Returns a Map whose keys are all of the possible formats into which the * Transferable's transfer data flavors can be translated. The value of * each key is the DataFlavor in which the Transferable's data should be * requested when converting to the format. * <p> * The map keys are sorted according to the native formats preference * order. */
public SortedMap getFormatsForTransferable(Transferable contents, FlavorTable map) { DataFlavor[] flavors = contents.getTransferDataFlavors(); if (flavors == null) { return new TreeMap(); } return getFormatsForFlavors(flavors, map); }
Returns a Map whose keys are all of the possible formats into which data in the specified DataFlavor can be translated. The value of each key is the DataFlavor in which a Transferable's data should be requested when converting to the format.

The map keys are sorted according to the native formats preference order.

/** * Returns a Map whose keys are all of the possible formats into which data * in the specified DataFlavor can be translated. The value of each key * is the DataFlavor in which a Transferable's data should be requested * when converting to the format. * <p> * The map keys are sorted according to the native formats preference * order. */
public SortedMap getFormatsForFlavor(DataFlavor flavor, FlavorTable map) { return getFormatsForFlavors(new DataFlavor[] { flavor }, map); }
Returns a Map whose keys are all of the possible formats into which data in the specified DataFlavors can be translated. The value of each key is the DataFlavor in which the Transferable's data should be requested when converting to the format.

The map keys are sorted according to the native formats preference order.

  • flavors – the data flavors
  • map – the FlavorTable which contains mappings between DataFlavors and data formats
/** * Returns a Map whose keys are all of the possible formats into which data * in the specified DataFlavors can be translated. The value of each key * is the DataFlavor in which the Transferable's data should be requested * when converting to the format. * <p> * The map keys are sorted according to the native formats preference * order. * * @param flavors the data flavors * @param map the FlavorTable which contains mappings between * DataFlavors and data formats * @throws NullPointerException if flavors or map is <code>null</code> */
public SortedMap getFormatsForFlavors(DataFlavor[] flavors, FlavorTable map) { Map formatMap = new HashMap(flavors.length); Map textPlainMap = new HashMap(flavors.length); // Maps formats to indices that will be used to sort the formats // according to the preference order. // Larger index value corresponds to the more preferable format. Map indexMap = new HashMap(flavors.length); Map textPlainIndexMap = new HashMap(flavors.length); int currentIndex = 0; // Iterate backwards so that preferred DataFlavors are used over // other DataFlavors. (See javadoc for // Transferable.getTransferDataFlavors.) for (int i = flavors.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { DataFlavor flavor = flavors[i]; if (flavor == null) continue; // Don't explicitly test for String, since it is just a special // case of Serializable if (flavor.isFlavorTextType() || flavor.isFlavorJavaFileListType() || DataFlavor.imageFlavor.equals(flavor) || flavor.isRepresentationClassSerializable() || flavor.isRepresentationClassInputStream() || flavor.isRepresentationClassRemote()) { List natives = map.getNativesForFlavor(flavor); currentIndex += natives.size(); for (Iterator iter = natives.iterator(); iter.hasNext(); ) { Long lFormat = getFormatForNativeAsLong((String)iter.next()); Integer index = Integer.valueOf(currentIndex--); formatMap.put(lFormat, flavor); indexMap.put(lFormat, index); // SystemFlavorMap.getNativesForFlavor will return // text/plain natives for all text/*. While this is good // for a single text/* flavor, we would prefer that // text/plain native data come from a text/plain flavor. if (("text".equals(flavor.getPrimaryType()) && "plain".equals(flavor.getSubType())) || flavor.equals(DataFlavor.stringFlavor)) { textPlainMap.put(lFormat, flavor); textPlainIndexMap.put(lFormat, index); } } currentIndex += natives.size(); } } formatMap.putAll(textPlainMap); indexMap.putAll(textPlainIndexMap); // Sort the map keys according to the formats preference order. Comparator comparator = new IndexOrderComparator(indexMap, IndexedComparator.SELECT_WORST); SortedMap sortedMap = new TreeMap(comparator); sortedMap.putAll(formatMap); return sortedMap; }
Reduces the Map output for the root function to an array of the Map's keys.
/** * Reduces the Map output for the root function to an array of the * Map's keys. */
public long[] getFormatsForTransferableAsArray(Transferable contents, FlavorTable map) { return keysToLongArray(getFormatsForTransferable(contents, map)); } public long[] getFormatsForFlavorAsArray(DataFlavor flavor, FlavorTable map) { return keysToLongArray(getFormatsForFlavor(flavor, map)); } public long[] getFormatsForFlavorsAsArray(DataFlavor[] flavors, FlavorTable map) { return keysToLongArray(getFormatsForFlavors(flavors, map)); }
Returns a Map whose keys are all of the possible DataFlavors into which data in the specified format can be translated. The value of each key is the format in which the Clipboard or dropped data should be requested when converting to the DataFlavor.
/** * Returns a Map whose keys are all of the possible DataFlavors into which * data in the specified format can be translated. The value of each key * is the format in which the Clipboard or dropped data should be requested * when converting to the DataFlavor. */
public Map getFlavorsForFormat(long format, FlavorTable map) { return getFlavorsForFormats(new long[] { format }, map); }
Returns a Map whose keys are all of the possible DataFlavors into which data in the specified formats can be translated. The value of each key is the format in which the Clipboard or dropped data should be requested when converting to the DataFlavor.
/** * Returns a Map whose keys are all of the possible DataFlavors into which * data in the specified formats can be translated. The value of each key * is the format in which the Clipboard or dropped data should be requested * when converting to the DataFlavor. */
public Map getFlavorsForFormats(long[] formats, FlavorTable map) { Map flavorMap = new HashMap(formats.length); Set mappingSet = new HashSet(formats.length); Set flavorSet = new HashSet(formats.length); // First step: build flavorSet, mappingSet and initial flavorMap // flavorSet - the set of all the DataFlavors into which // data in the specified formats can be translated; // mappingSet - the set of all the mappings from the specified formats // into any DataFlavor; // flavorMap - after this step, this map maps each of the DataFlavors // from flavorSet to any of the specified formats. for (int i = 0; i < formats.length; i++) { long format = formats[i]; String nat = getNativeForFormat(format); List flavors = map.getFlavorsForNative(nat); for (Iterator iter = flavors.iterator(); iter.hasNext(); ) { DataFlavor flavor = (DataFlavor)iter.next(); // Don't explicitly test for String, since it is just a special // case of Serializable if (flavor.isFlavorTextType() || flavor.isFlavorJavaFileListType() || DataFlavor.imageFlavor.equals(flavor) || flavor.isRepresentationClassSerializable() || flavor.isRepresentationClassInputStream() || flavor.isRepresentationClassRemote()) { Long lFormat = Long.valueOf(format); Object mapping = DataTransferer.createMapping(lFormat, flavor); flavorMap.put(flavor, lFormat); mappingSet.add(mapping); flavorSet.add(flavor); } } } // Second step: for each DataFlavor try to figure out which of the // specified formats is the best to translate to this flavor. // Then map each flavor to the best format. // For the given flavor, FlavorTable indicates which native will // best reflect data in the specified flavor to the underlying native // platform. We assume that this native is the best to translate // to this flavor. // Note: FlavorTable allows one-way mappings, so we can occasionally // map a flavor to the format for which the corresponding // format-to-flavor mapping doesn't exist. For this reason we have built // a mappingSet of all format-to-flavor mappings for the specified formats // and check if the format-to-flavor mapping exists for the // (flavor,format) pair being added. for (Iterator flavorIter = flavorSet.iterator(); flavorIter.hasNext(); ) { DataFlavor flavor = (DataFlavor)flavorIter.next(); List natives = map.getNativesForFlavor(flavor); for (Iterator nativeIter = natives.iterator(); nativeIter.hasNext(); ) { Long lFormat = getFormatForNativeAsLong((String)nativeIter.next()); Object mapping = DataTransferer.createMapping(lFormat, flavor); if (mappingSet.contains(mapping)) { flavorMap.put(flavor, lFormat); break; } } } return flavorMap; }
Returns a Set of all DataFlavors for which 1) a mapping from at least one of the specified formats exists in the specified map and 2) the data translation for this mapping can be performed by the data transfer subsystem.
  • formats – the data formats
  • map – the FlavorTable which contains mappings between DataFlavors and data formats
/** * Returns a Set of all DataFlavors for which * 1) a mapping from at least one of the specified formats exists in the * specified map and * 2) the data translation for this mapping can be performed by the data * transfer subsystem. * * @param formats the data formats * @param map the FlavorTable which contains mappings between * DataFlavors and data formats * @throws NullPointerException if formats or map is <code>null</code> */
public Set getFlavorsForFormatsAsSet(long[] formats, FlavorTable map) { Set flavorSet = new HashSet(formats.length); for (int i = 0; i < formats.length; i++) { String nat = getNativeForFormat(formats[i]); List flavors = map.getFlavorsForNative(nat); for (Iterator iter = flavors.iterator(); iter.hasNext(); ) { DataFlavor flavor = (DataFlavor)iter.next(); // Don't explicitly test for String, since it is just a special // case of Serializable if (flavor.isFlavorTextType() || flavor.isFlavorJavaFileListType() || DataFlavor.imageFlavor.equals(flavor) || flavor.isRepresentationClassSerializable() || flavor.isRepresentationClassInputStream() || flavor.isRepresentationClassRemote()) { flavorSet.add(flavor); } } } return flavorSet; }
Returns an array of all DataFlavors for which 1) a mapping from the specified format exists in the specified map and 2) the data translation for this mapping can be performed by the data transfer subsystem. The array will be sorted according to a DataFlavorComparator created with the specified map as an argument.
  • format – the data format
  • map – the FlavorTable which contains mappings between DataFlavors and data formats
/** * Returns an array of all DataFlavors for which * 1) a mapping from the specified format exists in the specified map and * 2) the data translation for this mapping can be performed by the data * transfer subsystem. * The array will be sorted according to a * <code>DataFlavorComparator</code> created with the specified * map as an argument. * * @param format the data format * @param map the FlavorTable which contains mappings between * DataFlavors and data formats * @throws NullPointerException if map is <code>null</code> */
public DataFlavor[] getFlavorsForFormatAsArray(long format, FlavorTable map) { return getFlavorsForFormatsAsArray(new long[] { format }, map); }
Returns an array of all DataFlavors for which 1) a mapping from at least one of the specified formats exists in the specified map and 2) the data translation for this mapping can be performed by the data transfer subsystem. The array will be sorted according to a DataFlavorComparator created with the specified map as an argument.
  • formats – the data formats
  • map – the FlavorTable which contains mappings between DataFlavors and data formats
/** * Returns an array of all DataFlavors for which * 1) a mapping from at least one of the specified formats exists in the * specified map and * 2) the data translation for this mapping can be performed by the data * transfer subsystem. * The array will be sorted according to a * <code>DataFlavorComparator</code> created with the specified * map as an argument. * * @param formats the data formats * @param map the FlavorTable which contains mappings between * DataFlavors and data formats * @throws NullPointerException if formats or map is <code>null</code> */
public DataFlavor[] getFlavorsForFormatsAsArray(long[] formats, FlavorTable map) { // getFlavorsForFormatsAsSet() is less expensive than // getFlavorsForFormats(). return setToSortedDataFlavorArray(getFlavorsForFormatsAsSet(formats, map)); }
Returns an object that represents a mapping between the specified key and value. null values and the null keys are permitted. The internal representation of the mapping object is irrelevant. The only requrement is that the two mapping objects are equal if and only if their keys are equal and their values are equal. More formally, the two mapping objects are equal if and only if (value1 == null ? value2 == null : value1.equals(value2)) && (key1 == null ? key2 == null : key1.equals(key2)).
/** * Returns an object that represents a mapping between the specified * key and value. <tt>null</tt> values and the <tt>null</tt> keys are * permitted. The internal representation of the mapping object is * irrelevant. The only requrement is that the two mapping objects are equal * if and only if their keys are equal and their values are equal. * More formally, the two mapping objects are equal if and only if * <tt>(value1 == null ? value2 == null : value1.equals(value2)) * && (key1 == null ? key2 == null : key1.equals(key2))</tt>. */
private static Object createMapping(Object key, Object value) { // NOTE: Should be updated to use AbstractMap.SimpleEntry as // soon as it is made public. return Arrays.asList(new Object[] { key, value }); }
Looks-up or registers the String native with the native data transfer system and returns a long format corresponding to that native.
/** * Looks-up or registers the String native with the native data transfer * system and returns a long format corresponding to that native. */
protected abstract Long getFormatForNativeAsLong(String str);
Looks-up the String native corresponding to the specified long format in the native data transfer system.
/** * Looks-up the String native corresponding to the specified long format in * the native data transfer system. */
protected abstract String getNativeForFormat(long format); /* Contains common code for finding the best charset for * clipboard string encoding/decoding, basing on clipboard * format and localeTransferable(on decoding, if available) */ private String getBestCharsetForTextFormat(Long lFormat, Transferable localeTransferable) throws IOException { String charset = null; if (localeTransferable != null && isLocaleDependentTextFormat(lFormat) && localeTransferable.isDataFlavorSupported(javaTextEncodingFlavor)) { try { charset = new String( (byte[])localeTransferable.getTransferData(javaTextEncodingFlavor), "UTF-8" ); } catch (UnsupportedFlavorException cannotHappen) { } } else { charset = getCharsetForTextFormat(lFormat); } if (charset == null) { // Only happens when we have a custom text type. charset = getDefaultTextCharset(); } return charset; }
Translation function for converting string into a byte array. Search-and-replace EOLN. Encode into the target format. Append terminating NUL bytes. Java to Native string conversion
/** * Translation function for converting string into * a byte array. Search-and-replace EOLN. Encode into the * target format. Append terminating NUL bytes. * * Java to Native string conversion */
private byte[] translateTransferableString(String str, long format) throws IOException { Long lFormat = Long.valueOf(format); String charset = getBestCharsetForTextFormat(lFormat, null); // Search and replace EOLN. Note that if EOLN is "\n", then we // never added an entry to nativeEOLNs anyway, so we'll skip this // code altogether. // windows: "abc\nde"->"abc\r\nde" String eoln = (String)nativeEOLNs.get(lFormat); if (eoln != null) { int length = str.length(); StringBuffer buffer = new StringBuffer(length * 2); // 2 is a heuristic for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) { // Fix for 4914613 - skip native EOLN if (str.startsWith(eoln, i)) { buffer.append(eoln); i += eoln.length() - 1; continue; } char c = str.charAt(i); if (c == '\n') { buffer.append(eoln); } else { buffer.append(c); } } str = buffer.toString(); } // Encode text in target format. byte[] bytes = str.getBytes(charset); // Append terminating NUL bytes. Note that if terminators is 0, // the we never added an entry to nativeTerminators anyway, so // we'll skip code altogether. // "abcde" -> "abcde\0" Integer terminators = (Integer)nativeTerminators.get(lFormat); if (terminators != null) { int numTerminators = terminators.intValue(); byte[] terminatedBytes = new byte[bytes.length + numTerminators]; System.arraycopy(bytes, 0, terminatedBytes, 0, bytes.length); for (int i = bytes.length; i < terminatedBytes.length; i++) { terminatedBytes[i] = 0x0; } bytes = terminatedBytes; } return bytes; }
Translating either a byte array or an InputStream into an String. Strip terminators and search-and-replace EOLN. Native to Java string conversion
/** * Translating either a byte array or an InputStream into an String. * Strip terminators and search-and-replace EOLN. * * Native to Java string conversion */
private String translateBytesOrStreamToString(InputStream str, byte[] bytes, long format, Transferable localeTransferable) throws IOException { // A String holds all of its data in memory at one time, so // we can't avoid reading the entire InputStream at this point. if (bytes == null) { bytes = inputStreamToByteArray(str); } str.close(); Long lFormat = Long.valueOf(format); String charset = getBestCharsetForTextFormat(lFormat, localeTransferable); // Locate terminating NUL bytes. Note that if terminators is 0, // the we never added an entry to nativeTerminators anyway, so // we'll skip code altogether. // In other words: we are doing char alignment here basing on suggestion // that count of zero-'terminators' is a number of bytes in one symbol // for selected charset (clipboard format). It is not complitly true for // multibyte coding like UTF-8, but helps understand the procedure. // "abcde\0" -> "abcde" String eoln = (String)nativeEOLNs.get(lFormat); Integer terminators = (Integer)nativeTerminators.get(lFormat); int count; if (terminators != null) { int numTerminators = terminators.intValue(); search: for (count = 0; count < (bytes.length - numTerminators + 1); count += numTerminators) { for (int i = count; i < count + numTerminators; i++) { if (bytes[i] != 0x0) { continue search; } } // found terminators break search; } } else { count = bytes.length; } // Decode text to chars. Don't include any terminators. String converted = new String(bytes, 0, count, charset); // Search and replace EOLN. Note that if EOLN is "\n", then we // never added an entry to nativeEOLNs anyway, so we'll skip this // code altogether. // Count of NUL-terminators and EOLN coding are platform-specific and // loaded from flavormap.properties file // windows: "abc\r\nde" -> "abc\nde" if (eoln != null) { /* Fix for 4463560: replace EOLNs symbol-by-symbol instead * of using buf.replace() */ char[] buf = converted.toCharArray(); char[] eoln_arr = eoln.toCharArray(); converted = null; int j = 0; boolean match; for (int i = 0; i < buf.length; ) { // Catch last few bytes if (i + eoln_arr.length > buf.length) { buf[j++] = buf[i++]; continue; } match = true; for (int k = 0, l = i; k < eoln_arr.length; k++, l++) { if (eoln_arr[k] != buf[l]) { match = false; break; } } if (match) { buf[j++] = '\n'; i += eoln_arr.length; } else { buf[j++] = buf[i++]; } } converted = new String(buf, 0, j); } return converted; }
Primary translation function for translating a Transferable into a byte array, given a source DataFlavor and target format.
/** * Primary translation function for translating a Transferable into * a byte array, given a source DataFlavor and target format. */
public byte[] translateTransferable(Transferable contents, DataFlavor flavor, long format) throws IOException { // Obtain the transfer data in the source DataFlavor. // // Note that we special case DataFlavor.plainTextFlavor because // StringSelection supports this flavor incorrectly -- instead of // returning an InputStream as the DataFlavor representation class // states, it returns a Reader. Instead of using this broken // functionality, we request the data in stringFlavor (the other // DataFlavor which StringSelection supports) and use the String // translator. Object obj; boolean stringSelectionHack; try { obj = contents.getTransferData(flavor); if (obj == null) { return null; } if (flavor.equals(DataFlavor.plainTextFlavor) && !(obj instanceof InputStream)) { obj = contents.getTransferData(DataFlavor.stringFlavor); if (obj == null) { return null; } stringSelectionHack = true; } else { stringSelectionHack = false; } } catch (UnsupportedFlavorException e) { throw new IOException(e.getMessage()); } // Source data is a String. Search-and-replace EOLN. Encode into the // target format. Append terminating NUL bytes. if (stringSelectionHack || (String.class.equals(flavor.getRepresentationClass()) && isFlavorCharsetTextType(flavor) && isTextFormat(format))) { String str = removeSuspectedData(flavor, contents, (String)obj); return translateTransferableString( str, format); // Source data is a Reader. Convert to a String and recur. In the // future, we may want to rewrite this so that we encode on demand. } else if (flavor.isRepresentationClassReader()) { if (!(isFlavorCharsetTextType(flavor) && isTextFormat(format))) { throw new IOException ("cannot transfer non-text data as Reader"); } Reader r = (Reader)obj; StringBuffer buf = new StringBuffer(); int c; while ((c = r.read()) != -1) { buf.append((char)c); } r.close(); return translateTransferableString( buf.toString(), format); // Source data is a CharBuffer. Convert to a String and recur. } else if (flavor.isRepresentationClassCharBuffer()) { if (!(isFlavorCharsetTextType(flavor) && isTextFormat(format))) { throw new IOException ("cannot transfer non-text data as CharBuffer"); } CharBuffer buffer = (CharBuffer)obj; int size = buffer.remaining(); char[] chars = new char[size]; buffer.get(chars, 0, size); return translateTransferableString( new String(chars), format); // Source data is a char array. Convert to a String and recur. } else if (charArrayClass.equals(flavor.getRepresentationClass())) { if (!(isFlavorCharsetTextType(flavor) && isTextFormat(format))) { throw new IOException ("cannot transfer non-text data as char array"); } return translateTransferableString( new String((char[])obj), format); // Source data is a ByteBuffer. For arbitrary flavors, simply return // the array. For text flavors, decode back to a String and recur to // reencode according to the requested format. } else if (flavor.isRepresentationClassByteBuffer()) { ByteBuffer buffer = (ByteBuffer)obj; int size = buffer.remaining(); byte[] bytes = new byte[size]; buffer.get(bytes, 0, size); if (isFlavorCharsetTextType(flavor) && isTextFormat(format)) { String sourceEncoding = DataTransferer.getTextCharset(flavor); return translateTransferableString( new String(bytes, sourceEncoding), format); } else { return bytes; } // Source data is a byte array. For arbitrary flavors, simply return // the array. For text flavors, decode back to a String and recur to // reencode according to the requested format. } else if (byteArrayClass.equals(flavor.getRepresentationClass())) { byte[] bytes = (byte[])obj; if (isFlavorCharsetTextType(flavor) && isTextFormat(format)) { String sourceEncoding = DataTransferer.getTextCharset(flavor); return translateTransferableString( new String(bytes, sourceEncoding), format); } else { return bytes; } // Source data is Image } else if (DataFlavor.imageFlavor.equals(flavor)) { if (!isImageFormat(format)) { throw new IOException("Data translation failed: " + "not an image format"); } Image image = (Image)obj; byte[] bytes = imageToPlatformBytes(image, format); if (bytes == null) { throw new IOException("Data translation failed: " + "cannot convert java image to native format"); } return bytes; } ByteArrayOutputStream bos = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); // Target data is a file list. Source data must be a // java.util.List which contains java.io.File or String instances. if (isFileFormat(format)) { if (!DataFlavor.javaFileListFlavor.equals(flavor)) { throw new IOException("data translation failed"); } final List list = (List)obj; final ProtectionDomain userProtectionDomain = getUserProtectionDomain(contents); final ArrayList<String> fileList = castToFiles(list, userProtectionDomain); bos = convertFileListToBytes(fileList); // Target data is a URI list. Source data must be a // java.util.List which contains java.io.File or String instances. } else if (isURIListFormat(format)) { if (!DataFlavor.javaFileListFlavor.equals(flavor)) { throw new IOException("data translation failed"); } String nat = getNativeForFormat(format); String targetCharset = null; if (nat != null) { try { targetCharset = new DataFlavor(nat).getParameter("charset"); } catch (ClassNotFoundException cnfe) { throw new IOException(cnfe); } } if (targetCharset == null) { targetCharset = "UTF-8"; } final List list = (List)obj; final ProtectionDomain userProtectionDomain = getUserProtectionDomain(contents); final ArrayList<String> fileList = castToFiles(list, userProtectionDomain); final ArrayList<String> uriList = new ArrayList<String>(fileList.size()); for (String fileObject : fileList) { final URI uri = new File(fileObject).toURI(); // Some implementations are fussy about the number of slashes (file:///path/to/file is best) try { uriList.add(new URI(uri.getScheme(), "", uri.getPath(), uri.getFragment()).toString()); } catch (URISyntaxException uriSyntaxException) { throw new IOException(uriSyntaxException); } } byte[] eoln = "\r\n".getBytes(targetCharset); for (int i = 0; i < uriList.size(); i++) { byte[] bytes = uriList.get(i).getBytes(targetCharset); bos.write(bytes, 0, bytes.length); bos.write(eoln, 0, eoln.length); } // Source data is an InputStream. For arbitrary flavors, just grab the // bytes and dump them into a byte array. For text flavors, decode back // to a String and recur to reencode according to the requested format. } else if (flavor.isRepresentationClassInputStream()) { // Workaround to JDK-8024061: Exception thrown when drag and drop // between two components is executed quickly. // and JDK-8065098: JColorChooser no longer supports drag and drop // between two JVM instances if (!(obj instanceof InputStream)) { return new byte[0]; } InputStream is = (InputStream)obj; boolean eof = false; int avail = is.available(); byte[] tmp = new byte[avail > 8192 ? avail : 8192]; do { int ret; if (!(eof = (ret = is.read(tmp, 0, tmp.length)) == -1)) { bos.write(tmp, 0, ret); } } while (!eof); is.close(); if (isFlavorCharsetTextType(flavor) && isTextFormat(format)) { byte[] bytes = bos.toByteArray(); bos.close(); String sourceEncoding = DataTransferer.getTextCharset(flavor); return translateTransferableString( new String(bytes, sourceEncoding), format); } // Source data is an RMI object } else if (flavor.isRepresentationClassRemote()) { Object mo = RMI.newMarshalledObject(obj); ObjectOutputStream oos = new ObjectOutputStream(bos); oos.writeObject(mo); oos.close(); // Source data is Serializable } else if (flavor.isRepresentationClassSerializable()) { ObjectOutputStream oos = new ObjectOutputStream(bos); oos.writeObject(obj); oos.close(); } else { throw new IOException("data translation failed"); } byte[] ret = bos.toByteArray(); bos.close(); return ret; } protected abstract ByteArrayOutputStream convertFileListToBytes(ArrayList<String> fileList) throws IOException; private String removeSuspectedData(DataFlavor flavor, final Transferable contents, final String str) throws IOException { if (null == System.getSecurityManager() || !flavor.isMimeTypeEqual("text/uri-list")) { return str; } String ret_val = ""; final ProtectionDomain userProtectionDomain = getUserProtectionDomain(contents); try { ret_val = (String) AccessController.doPrivileged(new PrivilegedExceptionAction() { public Object run() { StringBuffer allowedFiles = new StringBuffer(str.length()); String [] uriArray = str.split("(\\s)+"); for (String fileName : uriArray) { File file = new File(fileName); if (file.exists() && !(isFileInWebstartedCache(file) || isForbiddenToRead(file, userProtectionDomain))) { if (0 != allowedFiles.length()) { allowedFiles.append("\\r\\n"); } allowedFiles.append(fileName); } } return allowedFiles.toString(); } }); } catch (PrivilegedActionException pae) { throw new IOException(pae.getMessage(), pae); } return ret_val; } private static ProtectionDomain getUserProtectionDomain(Transferable contents) { return contents.getClass().getProtectionDomain(); } private boolean isForbiddenToRead (File file, ProtectionDomain protectionDomain) { if (null == protectionDomain) { return false; } try { FilePermission filePermission = new FilePermission(file.getCanonicalPath(), "read, delete"); if (protectionDomain.implies(filePermission)) { return false; } } catch (IOException e) {} return true; } private ArrayList<String> castToFiles(final List files, final ProtectionDomain userProtectionDomain) throws IOException { final ArrayList<String> fileList = new ArrayList<String>(); try { AccessController.doPrivileged(new PrivilegedExceptionAction() { public Object run() throws IOException { for (Object fileObject : files) { File file = castToFile(fileObject); if (file != null && (null == System.getSecurityManager() || !(isFileInWebstartedCache(file) || isForbiddenToRead(file, userProtectionDomain)))) { fileList.add(file.getCanonicalPath()); } } return null; } }); } catch (PrivilegedActionException pae) { throw new IOException(pae.getMessage()); } return fileList; } // It is important do not use user's successors // of File class. private File castToFile(Object fileObject) throws IOException { String filePath = null; if (fileObject instanceof File) { filePath = ((File)fileObject).getCanonicalPath(); } else if (fileObject instanceof String) { filePath = (String) fileObject; } else { return null; } return new File(filePath); } private final static String[] DEPLOYMENT_CACHE_PROPERTIES = { "deployment.system.cachedir", "deployment.user.cachedir", "deployment.javaws.cachedir", "deployment.javapi.cachedir" }; private final static ArrayList <File> deploymentCacheDirectoryList = new ArrayList<File>(); private static boolean isFileInWebstartedCache(File f) { if (deploymentCacheDirectoryList.isEmpty()) { for (String cacheDirectoryProperty : DEPLOYMENT_CACHE_PROPERTIES) { String cacheDirectoryPath = System.getProperty(cacheDirectoryProperty); if (cacheDirectoryPath != null) { try { File cacheDirectory = (new File(cacheDirectoryPath)).getCanonicalFile(); if (cacheDirectory != null) { deploymentCacheDirectoryList.add(cacheDirectory); } } catch (IOException ioe) {} } } } for (File deploymentCacheDirectory : deploymentCacheDirectoryList) { for (File dir = f; dir != null; dir = dir.getParentFile()) { if (dir.equals(deploymentCacheDirectory)) { return true; } } } return false; } public Object translateBytes(byte[] bytes, DataFlavor flavor, long format, Transferable localeTransferable) throws IOException { return translateBytesOrStream(null, bytes, flavor, format, localeTransferable); } public Object translateStream(InputStream str, DataFlavor flavor, long format, Transferable localeTransferable) throws IOException { return translateBytesOrStream(str, null, flavor, format, localeTransferable); }
Primary translation function for translating either a byte array or an InputStream into an Object, given a source format and a target DataFlavor. One of str/bytes is non-null; the other is null. The conversion from byte[] to InputStream is cheap, so do that immediately if necessary. The opposite conversion is expensive, so avoid it if possible.
/** * Primary translation function for translating either a byte array or * an InputStream into an Object, given a source format and a target * DataFlavor. * * One of str/bytes is non-null; the other is null. * The conversion from byte[] to InputStream is cheap, so do that * immediately if necessary. The opposite conversion is expensive, * so avoid it if possible. */
protected Object translateBytesOrStream(InputStream str, byte[] bytes, DataFlavor flavor, long format, Transferable localeTransferable) throws IOException { if (str == null) { str = new ByteArrayInputStream(bytes); } // Source data is a file list. Use the dragQueryFile native function to // do most of the decoding. Then wrap File objects around the String // filenames and return a List. if (isFileFormat(format)) { if (!DataFlavor.javaFileListFlavor.equals(flavor)) { throw new IOException("data translation failed"); } if (bytes == null) { bytes = inputStreamToByteArray(str); } String[] filenames = dragQueryFile(bytes); if (filenames == null) { str.close(); return null; } // Convert the strings to File objects File[] files = new File[filenames.length]; for (int i = 0; i < filenames.length; i++) { files[i] = new File(filenames[i]); } str.close(); // Turn the list of Files into a List and return return Arrays.asList(files); // Source data is a URI list. Convert to DataFlavor.javaFileListFlavor // where possible. } else if (isURIListFormat(format) && DataFlavor.javaFileListFlavor.equals(flavor)) { try { URI uris[] = dragQueryURIs(str, bytes, format, localeTransferable); if (uris == null) { return null; } ArrayList files = new ArrayList(); for (URI uri : uris) { try { files.add(new File(uri)); } catch (IllegalArgumentException illegalArg) { // When converting from URIs to less generic files, // common practice (Wine, SWT) seems to be to // silently drop the URIs that aren't local files. } } return files; } finally { str.close(); } // Target data is a String. Strip terminating NUL bytes. Decode bytes // into characters. Search-and-replace EOLN. } else if (String.class.equals(flavor.getRepresentationClass()) && isFlavorCharsetTextType(flavor) && isTextFormat(format)) { return translateBytesOrStreamToString( str, bytes, format, localeTransferable); // Special hack to maintain backwards-compatibility with the brokenness // of StringSelection. Return a StringReader instead of an InputStream. // Recur to obtain String and encapsulate. } else if (DataFlavor.plainTextFlavor.equals(flavor)) { return new StringReader(translateBytesOrStreamToString( str, bytes, format, localeTransferable)); // Target data is an InputStream. For arbitrary flavors, just return // the raw bytes. For text flavors, decode to strip terminators and // search-and-replace EOLN, then reencode according to the requested // flavor. } else if (flavor.isRepresentationClassInputStream()) { return translateBytesOrStreamToInputStream(str, flavor, format, localeTransferable); // Target data is a Reader. Obtain data in InputStream format, encoded // as "Unicode" (utf-16be). Then use an InputStreamReader to decode // back to chars on demand. } else if (flavor.isRepresentationClassReader()) { if (!(isFlavorCharsetTextType(flavor) && isTextFormat(format))) { throw new IOException ("cannot transfer non-text data as Reader"); } InputStream is = (InputStream) translateBytesOrStreamToInputStream (str, DataFlavor.plainTextFlavor, format, localeTransferable); String unicode = DataTransferer.getTextCharset(DataFlavor.plainTextFlavor); Reader reader = new InputStreamReader(is, unicode); return constructFlavoredObject(reader, flavor, Reader.class); // Target data is a CharBuffer. Recur to obtain String and wrap. } else if (flavor.isRepresentationClassCharBuffer()) { if (!(isFlavorCharsetTextType(flavor) && isTextFormat(format))) { throw new IOException ("cannot transfer non-text data as CharBuffer"); } CharBuffer buffer = CharBuffer.wrap(translateBytesOrStreamToString( str, bytes, format, localeTransferable)); return constructFlavoredObject(buffer, flavor, CharBuffer.class); // Target data is a char array. Recur to obtain String and convert to // char array. } else if (charArrayClass.equals(flavor.getRepresentationClass())) { if (!(isFlavorCharsetTextType(flavor) && isTextFormat(format))) { throw new IOException ("cannot transfer non-text data as char array"); } return translateBytesOrStreamToString( str, bytes, format, localeTransferable).toCharArray(); // Target data is a ByteBuffer. For arbitrary flavors, just return // the raw bytes. For text flavors, convert to a String to strip // terminators and search-and-replace EOLN, then reencode according to // the requested flavor. } else if (flavor.isRepresentationClassByteBuffer()) { if (isFlavorCharsetTextType(flavor) && isTextFormat(format)) { bytes = translateBytesOrStreamToString( str, bytes, format, localeTransferable ).getBytes( DataTransferer.getTextCharset(flavor) ); } else { if (bytes == null) { bytes = inputStreamToByteArray(str); } } ByteBuffer buffer = ByteBuffer.wrap(bytes); return constructFlavoredObject(buffer, flavor, ByteBuffer.class); // Target data is a byte array. For arbitrary flavors, just return // the raw bytes. For text flavors, convert to a String to strip // terminators and search-and-replace EOLN, then reencode according to // the requested flavor. } else if (byteArrayClass.equals(flavor.getRepresentationClass())) { if (isFlavorCharsetTextType(flavor) && isTextFormat(format)) { return translateBytesOrStreamToString( str, bytes, format, localeTransferable ).getBytes( DataTransferer.getTextCharset(flavor) ); } else { return (bytes != null) ? bytes : inputStreamToByteArray(str); } // Target data is an RMI object } else if (flavor.isRepresentationClassRemote()) { try { byte[] ba = inputStreamToByteArray(str); ObjectInputStream ois = new ObjectInputStream(new ByteArrayInputStream(ba)); Object ret = RMI.getMarshalledObject(ois.readObject()); ois.close(); str.close(); return ret; } catch (Exception e) { throw new IOException(e.getMessage()); } // Target data is Serializable } else if (flavor.isRepresentationClassSerializable()) { try { byte[] ba = inputStreamToByteArray(str); ObjectInputStream ois = new ObjectInputStream(new ByteArrayInputStream(ba)); Object ret = ois.readObject(); ois.close(); str.close(); return ret; } catch (Exception e) { throw new IOException(e.getMessage()); } // Target data is Image } else if (DataFlavor.imageFlavor.equals(flavor)) { if (!isImageFormat(format)) { throw new IOException("data translation failed"); } Image image = platformImageBytesOrStreamToImage(str, bytes, format); str.close(); return image; } throw new IOException("data translation failed"); }
For arbitrary flavors, just use the raw InputStream. For text flavors, ReencodingInputStream will decode and reencode the InputStream on demand so that we can strip terminators and search-and-replace EOLN.
/** * For arbitrary flavors, just use the raw InputStream. For text flavors, * ReencodingInputStream will decode and reencode the InputStream on demand * so that we can strip terminators and search-and-replace EOLN. */
private Object translateBytesOrStreamToInputStream (InputStream str, DataFlavor flavor, long format, Transferable localeTransferable) throws IOException { if (isFlavorCharsetTextType(flavor) && isTextFormat(format)) { str = new ReencodingInputStream (str, format, DataTransferer.getTextCharset(flavor), localeTransferable); } return constructFlavoredObject(str, flavor, InputStream.class); }
We support representations which are exactly of the specified Class, and also arbitrary Objects which have a constructor which takes an instance of the Class as its sole parameter.
/** * We support representations which are exactly of the specified Class, * and also arbitrary Objects which have a constructor which takes an * instance of the Class as its sole parameter. */
private Object constructFlavoredObject(Object arg, DataFlavor flavor, Class clazz) throws IOException { final Class dfrc = flavor.getRepresentationClass(); if (clazz.equals(dfrc)) { return arg; // simple case } else { Constructor[] constructors = null; try { constructors = (Constructor[]) AccessController.doPrivileged(new PrivilegedAction() { public Object run() { return dfrc.getConstructors(); } }); } catch (SecurityException se) { throw new IOException(se.getMessage()); } Constructor constructor = null; for (int j = 0; j < constructors.length; j++) { if (!Modifier.isPublic(constructors[j].getModifiers())) { continue; } Class[] ptypes = constructors[j].getParameterTypes(); if (ptypes != null && ptypes.length == 1 && clazz.equals(ptypes[0])) { constructor = constructors[j]; break; } } if (constructor == null) { throw new IOException("can't find <init>(L"+ clazz + ";)V for class: " + dfrc.getName()); } try { return constructor.newInstance(new Object[] { arg } ); } catch (Exception e) { throw new IOException(e.getMessage()); } } }
Used for decoding and reencoding an InputStream on demand so that we can strip NUL terminators and perform EOLN search-and-replace.
/** * Used for decoding and reencoding an InputStream on demand so that we * can strip NUL terminators and perform EOLN search-and-replace. */
public class ReencodingInputStream extends InputStream { protected BufferedReader wrapped; protected final char[] in = new char[2]; protected byte[] out; protected CharsetEncoder encoder; protected CharBuffer inBuf; protected ByteBuffer outBuf; protected char[] eoln; protected int numTerminators; protected boolean eos; protected int index, limit; public ReencodingInputStream(InputStream bytestream, long format, String targetEncoding, Transferable localeTransferable) throws IOException { Long lFormat = Long.valueOf(format); String sourceEncoding = null; if (isLocaleDependentTextFormat(format) && localeTransferable != null && localeTransferable. isDataFlavorSupported(javaTextEncodingFlavor)) { try { sourceEncoding = new String((byte[])localeTransferable. getTransferData(javaTextEncodingFlavor), "UTF-8"); } catch (UnsupportedFlavorException cannotHappen) { } } else { sourceEncoding = getCharsetForTextFormat(lFormat); } if (sourceEncoding == null) { // Only happens when we have a custom text type. sourceEncoding = getDefaultTextCharset(); } wrapped = new BufferedReader (new InputStreamReader(bytestream, sourceEncoding)); if (targetEncoding == null) { // Throw NullPointerException for compatibility with the former // call to sun.io.CharToByteConverter.getConverter(null) // (Charset.forName(null) throws unspecified IllegalArgumentException // now; see 6228568) throw new NullPointerException("null target encoding"); } try { encoder = Charset.forName(targetEncoding).newEncoder(); out = new byte[(int)(encoder.maxBytesPerChar() * in.length + 0.5)]; inBuf = CharBuffer.wrap(in); outBuf = ByteBuffer.wrap(out); } catch (IllegalCharsetNameException e) { throw new IOException(e.toString()); } catch (UnsupportedCharsetException e) { throw new IOException(e.toString()); } catch (UnsupportedOperationException e) { throw new IOException(e.toString()); } String sEoln = (String)nativeEOLNs.get(lFormat); if (sEoln != null) { eoln = sEoln.toCharArray(); } // A hope and a prayer that this works generically. This will // definitely work on Win32. Integer terminators = (Integer)nativeTerminators.get(lFormat); if (terminators != null) { numTerminators = terminators.intValue(); } } private int readChar() throws IOException { int c = wrapped.read(); if (c == -1) { // -1 is EOS eos = true; return -1; } // "c == 0" is not quite correct, but good enough on Windows. if (numTerminators > 0 && c == 0) { eos = true; return -1; } else if (eoln != null && matchCharArray(eoln, c)) { c = '\n' & 0xFFFF; } return c; } public int read() throws IOException { if (eos) { return -1; } if (index >= limit) { // deal with supplementary characters int c = readChar(); if (c == -1) { return -1; } in[0] = (char) c; in[1] = 0; inBuf.limit(1); if (Character.isHighSurrogate((char) c)) { c = readChar(); if (c != -1) { in[1] = (char) c; inBuf.limit(2); } } inBuf.rewind(); outBuf.limit(out.length).rewind(); encoder.encode(inBuf, outBuf, false); outBuf.flip(); limit = outBuf.limit(); index = 0; return read(); } else { return out[index++] & 0xFF; } } public int available() throws IOException { return ((eos) ? 0 : (limit - index)); } public void close() throws IOException { wrapped.close(); }
Checks to see if the next array.length characters in wrapped match array. The first character is provided as c. Subsequent characters are read from wrapped itself. When this method returns, the wrapped index may be different from what it was when this method was called.
/** * Checks to see if the next array.length characters in wrapped * match array. The first character is provided as c. Subsequent * characters are read from wrapped itself. When this method returns, * the wrapped index may be different from what it was when this * method was called. */
private boolean matchCharArray(char[] array, int c) throws IOException { wrapped.mark(array.length); // BufferedReader supports mark int count = 0; if ((char)c == array[0]) { for (count = 1; count < array.length; count++) { c = wrapped.read(); if (c == -1 || ((char)c) != array[count]) { break; } } } if (count == array.length) { return true; } else { wrapped.reset(); return false; } } }
Decodes a byte array into a set of String filenames.
/** * Decodes a byte array into a set of String filenames. */
protected abstract String[] dragQueryFile(byte[] bytes);
Decodes URIs from either a byte array or a stream.
/** * Decodes URIs from either a byte array or a stream. */
protected URI[] dragQueryURIs(InputStream stream, byte[] bytes, long format, Transferable localeTransferable) throws IOException { throw new IOException( new UnsupportedOperationException("not implemented on this platform")); }
Translates either a byte array or an input stream which contain platform-specific image data in the given format into an Image.
/** * Translates either a byte array or an input stream which contain * platform-specific image data in the given format into an Image. */
protected abstract Image platformImageBytesOrStreamToImage(InputStream str, byte[] bytes, long format) throws IOException;
Translates either a byte array or an input stream which contain an image data in the given standard format into an Image.
  • mimeType – image MIME type, such as: image/png, image/jpeg, image/gif
/** * Translates either a byte array or an input stream which contain * an image data in the given standard format into an Image. * * @param mimeType image MIME type, such as: image/png, image/jpeg, image/gif */
protected Image standardImageBytesOrStreamToImage(InputStream inputStream, byte[] bytes, String mimeType) throws IOException { if (inputStream == null) { inputStream = new ByteArrayInputStream(bytes); } Iterator readerIterator = ImageIO.getImageReadersByMIMEType(mimeType); if (!readerIterator.hasNext()) { throw new IOException("No registered service provider can decode " + " an image from " + mimeType); } IOException ioe = null; while (readerIterator.hasNext()) { ImageReader imageReader = (ImageReader)readerIterator.next(); try { ImageInputStream imageInputStream = ImageIO.createImageInputStream(inputStream); try { ImageReadParam param = imageReader.getDefaultReadParam(); imageReader.setInput(imageInputStream, true, true); BufferedImage bufferedImage = imageReader.read(imageReader.getMinIndex(), param); if (bufferedImage != null) { return bufferedImage; } } finally { imageInputStream.close(); imageReader.dispose(); } } catch (IOException e) { ioe = e; continue; } } if (ioe == null) { ioe = new IOException("Registered service providers failed to decode" + " an image from " + mimeType); } throw ioe; }
Translates a Java Image into a byte array which contains platform- specific image data in the given format.
/** * Translates a Java Image into a byte array which contains platform- * specific image data in the given format. */
protected abstract byte[] imageToPlatformBytes(Image image, long format) throws IOException;
Translates a Java Image into a byte array which contains an image data in the given standard format.
  • mimeType – image MIME type, such as: image/png, image/jpeg
/** * Translates a Java Image into a byte array which contains * an image data in the given standard format. * * @param mimeType image MIME type, such as: image/png, image/jpeg */
protected byte[] imageToStandardBytes(Image image, String mimeType) throws IOException { IOException originalIOE = null; Iterator writerIterator = ImageIO.getImageWritersByMIMEType(mimeType); if (!writerIterator.hasNext()) { throw new IOException("No registered service provider can encode " + " an image to " + mimeType); } if (image instanceof RenderedImage) { // Try to encode the original image. try { return imageToStandardBytesImpl((RenderedImage)image, mimeType); } catch (IOException ioe) { originalIOE = ioe; } } // Retry with a BufferedImage. int width = 0; int height = 0; if (image instanceof ToolkitImage) { ImageRepresentation ir = ((ToolkitImage)image).getImageRep(); ir.reconstruct(ImageObserver.ALLBITS); width = ir.getWidth(); height = ir.getHeight(); } else { width = image.getWidth(null); height = image.getHeight(null); } ColorModel model = ColorModel.getRGBdefault(); WritableRaster raster = model.createCompatibleWritableRaster(width, height); BufferedImage bufferedImage = new BufferedImage(model, raster, model.isAlphaPremultiplied(), null); Graphics g = bufferedImage.getGraphics(); try { g.drawImage(image, 0, 0, width, height, null); } finally { g.dispose(); } try { return imageToStandardBytesImpl(bufferedImage, mimeType); } catch (IOException ioe) { if (originalIOE != null) { throw originalIOE; } else { throw ioe; } } } protected byte[] imageToStandardBytesImpl(RenderedImage renderedImage, String mimeType) throws IOException { Iterator writerIterator = ImageIO.getImageWritersByMIMEType(mimeType); ImageTypeSpecifier typeSpecifier = new ImageTypeSpecifier(renderedImage); ByteArrayOutputStream baos = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); IOException ioe = null; while (writerIterator.hasNext()) { ImageWriter imageWriter = (ImageWriter)writerIterator.next(); ImageWriterSpi writerSpi = imageWriter.getOriginatingProvider(); if (!writerSpi.canEncodeImage(typeSpecifier)) { continue; } try { ImageOutputStream imageOutputStream = ImageIO.createImageOutputStream(baos); try { imageWriter.setOutput(imageOutputStream); imageWriter.write(renderedImage); imageOutputStream.flush(); } finally { imageOutputStream.close(); } } catch (IOException e) { imageWriter.dispose(); baos.reset(); ioe = e; continue; } imageWriter.dispose(); baos.close(); return baos.toByteArray(); } baos.close(); if (ioe == null) { ioe = new IOException("Registered service providers failed to encode " + renderedImage + " to " + mimeType); } throw ioe; }
Concatenates the data represented by two objects. Objects can be either byte arrays or instances of InputStream. If both arguments are byte arrays byte array will be returned. Otherwise an InputStream will be returned.

Currently is only called from native code to prepend palette data to platform-specific image data during image transfer on Win32.

  • obj1 – the first object to be concatenated.
  • obj2 – the second object to be concatenated.
Returns:a byte array or an InputStream which represents a logical concatenation of the two arguments.
/** * Concatenates the data represented by two objects. Objects can be either * byte arrays or instances of <code>InputStream</code>. If both arguments * are byte arrays byte array will be returned. Otherwise an * <code>InputStream</code> will be returned. * <p> * Currently is only called from native code to prepend palette data to * platform-specific image data during image transfer on Win32. * * @param obj1 the first object to be concatenated. * @param obj2 the second object to be concatenated. * @return a byte array or an <code>InputStream</code> which represents * a logical concatenation of the two arguments. * @throws NullPointerException is either of the arguments is * <code>null</code> * @throws ClassCastException is either of the arguments is * neither byte array nor an instance of <code>InputStream</code>. */
private Object concatData(Object obj1, Object obj2) { InputStream str1 = null; InputStream str2 = null; if (obj1 instanceof byte[]) { byte[] arr1 = (byte[])obj1; if (obj2 instanceof byte[]) { byte[] arr2 = (byte[])obj2; byte[] ret = new byte[arr1.length + arr2.length]; System.arraycopy(arr1, 0, ret, 0, arr1.length); System.arraycopy(arr2, 0, ret, arr1.length, arr2.length); return ret; } else { str1 = new ByteArrayInputStream(arr1); str2 = (InputStream)obj2; } } else { str1 = (InputStream)obj1; if (obj2 instanceof byte[]) { str2 = new ByteArrayInputStream((byte[])obj2); } else { str2 = (InputStream)obj2; } } return new SequenceInputStream(str1, str2); } public byte[] convertData(final Object source, final Transferable contents, final long format, final Map formatMap, final boolean isToolkitThread) throws IOException { byte[] ret = null; /* * If the current thread is the Toolkit thread we should post a * Runnable to the event dispatch thread associated with source Object, * since translateTransferable() calls Transferable.getTransferData() * that may contain client code. */ if (isToolkitThread) try { final Stack stack = new Stack(); final Runnable dataConverter = new Runnable() { // Guard against multiple executions. private boolean done = false; public void run() { if (done) { return; } byte[] data = null; try { DataFlavor flavor = (DataFlavor)formatMap.get(Long.valueOf(format)); if (flavor != null) { data = translateTransferable(contents, flavor, format); } } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); data = null; } try { getToolkitThreadBlockedHandler().lock(); stack.push(data); getToolkitThreadBlockedHandler().exit(); } finally { getToolkitThreadBlockedHandler().unlock(); done = true; } } }; final AppContext appContext = SunToolkit.targetToAppContext(source); getToolkitThreadBlockedHandler().lock(); if (appContext != null) { appContext.put(DATA_CONVERTER_KEY, dataConverter); } SunToolkit.executeOnEventHandlerThread(source, dataConverter); while (stack.empty()) { getToolkitThreadBlockedHandler().enter(); } if (appContext != null) { appContext.remove(DATA_CONVERTER_KEY); } ret = (byte[])stack.pop(); } finally { getToolkitThreadBlockedHandler().unlock(); } else { DataFlavor flavor = (DataFlavor) formatMap.get(Long.valueOf(format)); if (flavor != null) { ret = translateTransferable(contents, flavor, format); } } return ret; } public void processDataConversionRequests() { if (EventQueue.isDispatchThread()) { AppContext appContext = AppContext.getAppContext(); getToolkitThreadBlockedHandler().lock(); try { Runnable dataConverter = (Runnable)appContext.get(DATA_CONVERTER_KEY); if (dataConverter != null) { dataConverter.run(); appContext.remove(DATA_CONVERTER_KEY); } } finally { getToolkitThreadBlockedHandler().unlock(); } } } public abstract ToolkitThreadBlockedHandler getToolkitThreadBlockedHandler();
Helper function to reduce a Map with Long keys to a long array.

The map keys are sorted according to the native formats preference order.

/** * Helper function to reduce a Map with Long keys to a long array. * <p> * The map keys are sorted according to the native formats preference * order. */
public static long[] keysToLongArray(SortedMap map) { Set keySet = map.keySet(); long[] retval = new long[keySet.size()]; int i = 0; for (Iterator iter = keySet.iterator(); iter.hasNext(); i++) { retval[i] = ((Long)iter.next()).longValue(); } return retval; }
Helper function to convert a Set of DataFlavors to a sorted array. The array will be sorted according to DataFlavorComparator.
/** * Helper function to convert a Set of DataFlavors to a sorted array. * The array will be sorted according to <code>DataFlavorComparator</code>. */
public static DataFlavor[] setToSortedDataFlavorArray(Set flavorsSet) { DataFlavor[] flavors = new DataFlavor[flavorsSet.size()]; flavorsSet.toArray(flavors); final Comparator comparator = new DataFlavorComparator(IndexedComparator.SELECT_WORST); Arrays.sort(flavors, comparator); return flavors; }
Helper function to convert an InputStream to a byte[] array.
/** * Helper function to convert an InputStream to a byte[] array. */
protected static byte[] inputStreamToByteArray(InputStream str) throws IOException { ByteArrayOutputStream baos = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); int len = 0; byte[] buf = new byte[8192]; while ((len = str.read(buf)) != -1) { baos.write(buf, 0, len); } return baos.toByteArray(); }
Returns platform-specific mappings for the specified native. If there are no platform-specific mappings for this native, the method returns an empty List.
/** * Returns platform-specific mappings for the specified native. * If there are no platform-specific mappings for this native, the method * returns an empty <code>List</code>. */
public List getPlatformMappingsForNative(String nat) { return new ArrayList(); }
Returns platform-specific mappings for the specified flavor. If there are no platform-specific mappings for this flavor, the method returns an empty List.
/** * Returns platform-specific mappings for the specified flavor. * If there are no platform-specific mappings for this flavor, the method * returns an empty <code>List</code>. */
public List getPlatformMappingsForFlavor(DataFlavor df) { return new ArrayList(); }
A Comparator which includes a helper function for comparing two Objects which are likely to be keys in the specified Map.
/** * A Comparator which includes a helper function for comparing two Objects * which are likely to be keys in the specified Map. */
public abstract static class IndexedComparator implements Comparator {
The best Object (e.g., DataFlavor) will be the last in sequence.
/** * The best Object (e.g., DataFlavor) will be the last in sequence. */
public static final boolean SELECT_BEST = true;
The best Object (e.g., DataFlavor) will be the first in sequence.
/** * The best Object (e.g., DataFlavor) will be the first in sequence. */
public static final boolean SELECT_WORST = false; protected final boolean order; public IndexedComparator() { this(SELECT_BEST); } public IndexedComparator(boolean order) { this.order = order; }
Helper method to compare two objects by their Integer indices in the given map. If the map doesn't contain an entry for either of the objects, the fallback index will be used for the object instead.
  • indexMap – the map which maps objects into Integer indexes.
  • obj1 – the first object to be compared.
  • obj2 – the second object to be compared.
  • fallbackIndex – the Integer to be used as a fallback index.
Returns:a negative integer, zero, or a positive integer as the first object is mapped to a less, equal to, or greater index than the second.
/** * Helper method to compare two objects by their Integer indices in the * given map. If the map doesn't contain an entry for either of the * objects, the fallback index will be used for the object instead. * * @param indexMap the map which maps objects into Integer indexes. * @param obj1 the first object to be compared. * @param obj2 the second object to be compared. * @param fallbackIndex the Integer to be used as a fallback index. * @return a negative integer, zero, or a positive integer as the * first object is mapped to a less, equal to, or greater * index than the second. */
protected static int compareIndices(Map indexMap, Object obj1, Object obj2, Integer fallbackIndex) { Integer index1 = (Integer)indexMap.get(obj1); Integer index2 = (Integer)indexMap.get(obj2); if (index1 == null) { index1 = fallbackIndex; } if (index2 == null) { index2 = fallbackIndex; } return index1.compareTo(index2); }
Helper method to compare two objects by their Long indices in the given map. If the map doesn't contain an entry for either of the objects, the fallback index will be used for the object instead.
  • indexMap – the map which maps objects into Long indexes.
  • obj1 – the first object to be compared.
  • obj2 – the second object to be compared.
  • fallbackIndex – the Long to be used as a fallback index.
Returns:a negative integer, zero, or a positive integer as the first object is mapped to a less, equal to, or greater index than the second.
/** * Helper method to compare two objects by their Long indices in the * given map. If the map doesn't contain an entry for either of the * objects, the fallback index will be used for the object instead. * * @param indexMap the map which maps objects into Long indexes. * @param obj1 the first object to be compared. * @param obj2 the second object to be compared. * @param fallbackIndex the Long to be used as a fallback index. * @return a negative integer, zero, or a positive integer as the * first object is mapped to a less, equal to, or greater * index than the second. */
protected static int compareLongs(Map indexMap, Object obj1, Object obj2, Long fallbackIndex) { Long index1 = (Long)indexMap.get(obj1); Long index2 = (Long)indexMap.get(obj2); if (index1 == null) { index1 = fallbackIndex; } if (index2 == null) { index2 = fallbackIndex; } return index1.compareTo(index2); } }
An IndexedComparator which compares two String charsets. The comparison follows the rules outlined in DataFlavor.selectBestTextFlavor. In order to ensure that non-Unicode, non-ASCII, non-default charsets are sorted in alphabetical order, charsets are not automatically converted to their canonical forms.
/** * An IndexedComparator which compares two String charsets. The comparison * follows the rules outlined in DataFlavor.selectBestTextFlavor. In order * to ensure that non-Unicode, non-ASCII, non-default charsets are sorted * in alphabetical order, charsets are not automatically converted to their * canonical forms. */
public static class CharsetComparator extends IndexedComparator { private static final Map charsets; private static String defaultEncoding; private static final Integer DEFAULT_CHARSET_INDEX = Integer.valueOf(2); private static final Integer OTHER_CHARSET_INDEX = Integer.valueOf(1); private static final Integer WORST_CHARSET_INDEX = Integer.valueOf(0); private static final Integer UNSUPPORTED_CHARSET_INDEX = Integer.valueOf(Integer.MIN_VALUE); private static final String UNSUPPORTED_CHARSET = "UNSUPPORTED"; static { HashMap charsetsMap = new HashMap(8, 1.0f); // we prefer Unicode charsets charsetsMap.put(canonicalName("UTF-16LE"), Integer.valueOf(4)); charsetsMap.put(canonicalName("UTF-16BE"), Integer.valueOf(5)); charsetsMap.put(canonicalName("UTF-8"), Integer.valueOf(6)); charsetsMap.put(canonicalName("UTF-16"), Integer.valueOf(7)); // US-ASCII is the worst charset supported charsetsMap.put(canonicalName("US-ASCII"), WORST_CHARSET_INDEX); String defEncoding = DataTransferer.canonicalName (DataTransferer.getDefaultTextCharset()); if (charsetsMap.get(defaultEncoding) == null) { charsetsMap.put(defaultEncoding, DEFAULT_CHARSET_INDEX); } charsetsMap.put(UNSUPPORTED_CHARSET, UNSUPPORTED_CHARSET_INDEX); charsets = Collections.unmodifiableMap(charsetsMap); } public CharsetComparator() { this(SELECT_BEST); } public CharsetComparator(boolean order) { super(order); }
Compares two String objects. Returns a negative integer, zero, or a positive integer as the first charset is worse than, equal to, or better than the second.
  • obj1 – the first charset to be compared
  • obj2 – the second charset to be compared
Returns:a negative integer, zero, or a positive integer as the first argument is worse, equal to, or better than the second.
/** * Compares two String objects. Returns a negative integer, zero, * or a positive integer as the first charset is worse than, equal to, * or better than the second. * * @param obj1 the first charset to be compared * @param obj2 the second charset to be compared * @return a negative integer, zero, or a positive integer as the * first argument is worse, equal to, or better than the * second. * @throws ClassCastException if either of the arguments is not * instance of String * @throws NullPointerException if either of the arguments is * <code>null</code>. */
public int compare(Object obj1, Object obj2) { String charset1 = null; String charset2 = null; if (order == SELECT_BEST) { charset1 = (String)obj1; charset2 = (String)obj2; } else { charset1 = (String)obj2; charset2 = (String)obj1; } return compareCharsets(charset1, charset2); }
Compares charsets. Returns a negative integer, zero, or a positive integer as the first charset is worse than, equal to, or better than the second.

Charsets are ordered according to the following rules:

  • All unsupported charsets are equal.
  • Any unsupported charset is worse than any supported charset.
  • Unicode charsets, such as "UTF-16", "UTF-8", "UTF-16BE" and "UTF-16LE", are considered best.
  • After them, platform default charset is selected.
  • "US-ASCII" is the worst of supported charsets.
  • For all other supported charsets, the lexicographically less one is considered the better.
  • charset1 – the first charset to be compared
  • charset2 – the second charset to be compared.
Returns:a negative integer, zero, or a positive integer as the first argument is worse, equal to, or better than the second.
/** * Compares charsets. Returns a negative integer, zero, or a positive * integer as the first charset is worse than, equal to, or better than * the second. * <p> * Charsets are ordered according to the following rules: * <ul> * <li>All unsupported charsets are equal. * <li>Any unsupported charset is worse than any supported charset. * <li>Unicode charsets, such as "UTF-16", "UTF-8", "UTF-16BE" and * "UTF-16LE", are considered best. * <li>After them, platform default charset is selected. * <li>"US-ASCII" is the worst of supported charsets. * <li>For all other supported charsets, the lexicographically less * one is considered the better. * </ul> * * @param charset1 the first charset to be compared * @param charset2 the second charset to be compared. * @return a negative integer, zero, or a positive integer as the * first argument is worse, equal to, or better than the * second. */
protected int compareCharsets(String charset1, String charset2) { charset1 = getEncoding(charset1); charset2 = getEncoding(charset2); int comp = compareIndices(charsets, charset1, charset2, OTHER_CHARSET_INDEX); if (comp == 0) { return charset2.compareTo(charset1); } return comp; }
Returns encoding for the specified charset according to the following rules:
  • If the charset is null, then null will be returned.
  • Iff the charset specifies an encoding unsupported by this JRE, UNSUPPORTED_CHARSET will be returned.
  • If the charset specifies an alias name, the corresponding canonical name will be returned iff the charset is a known Unicode, ASCII, or default charset.
  • charset – the charset.
Returns:an encoding for this charset.
/** * Returns encoding for the specified charset according to the * following rules: * <ul> * <li>If the charset is <code>null</code>, then <code>null</code> will * be returned. * <li>Iff the charset specifies an encoding unsupported by this JRE, * <code>UNSUPPORTED_CHARSET</code> will be returned. * <li>If the charset specifies an alias name, the corresponding * canonical name will be returned iff the charset is a known * Unicode, ASCII, or default charset. * </ul> * * @param charset the charset. * @return an encoding for this charset. */
protected static String getEncoding(String charset) { if (charset == null) { return null; } else if (!DataTransferer.isEncodingSupported(charset)) { return UNSUPPORTED_CHARSET; } else { // Only convert to canonical form if the charset is one // of the charsets explicitly listed in the known charsets // map. This will happen only for Unicode, ASCII, or default // charsets. String canonicalName = DataTransferer.canonicalName(charset); return (charsets.containsKey(canonicalName)) ? canonicalName : charset; } } }
An IndexedComparator which compares two DataFlavors. For text flavors, the comparison follows the rules outlined in DataFlavor.selectBestTextFlavor. For non-text flavors, unknown application MIME types are preferred, followed by known application/x-java-* MIME types. Unknown application types are preferred because if the user provides his own data flavor, it will likely be the most descriptive one. For flavors which are otherwise equal, the flavors' string representation are compared in the alphabetical order.
/** * An IndexedComparator which compares two DataFlavors. For text flavors, * the comparison follows the rules outlined in * DataFlavor.selectBestTextFlavor. For non-text flavors, unknown * application MIME types are preferred, followed by known * application/x-java-* MIME types. Unknown application types are preferred * because if the user provides his own data flavor, it will likely be the * most descriptive one. For flavors which are otherwise equal, the * flavors' string representation are compared in the alphabetical order. */
public static class DataFlavorComparator extends IndexedComparator { private final CharsetComparator charsetComparator; private static final Map exactTypes; private static final Map primaryTypes; private static final Map nonTextRepresentations; private static final Map textTypes; private static final Map decodedTextRepresentations; private static final Map encodedTextRepresentations; private static final Integer UNKNOWN_OBJECT_LOSES = Integer.valueOf(Integer.MIN_VALUE); private static final Integer UNKNOWN_OBJECT_WINS = Integer.valueOf(Integer.MAX_VALUE); private static final Long UNKNOWN_OBJECT_LOSES_L = Long.valueOf(Long.MIN_VALUE); private static final Long UNKNOWN_OBJECT_WINS_L = Long.valueOf(Long.MAX_VALUE); static { { HashMap exactTypesMap = new HashMap(4, 1.0f); // application/x-java-* MIME types exactTypesMap.put("application/x-java-file-list", Integer.valueOf(0)); exactTypesMap.put("application/x-java-serialized-object", Integer.valueOf(1)); exactTypesMap.put("application/x-java-jvm-local-objectref", Integer.valueOf(2)); exactTypesMap.put("application/x-java-remote-object", Integer.valueOf(3)); exactTypes = Collections.unmodifiableMap(exactTypesMap); } { HashMap primaryTypesMap = new HashMap(1, 1.0f); primaryTypesMap.put("application", Integer.valueOf(0)); primaryTypes = Collections.unmodifiableMap(primaryTypesMap); } { HashMap nonTextRepresentationsMap = new HashMap(3, 1.0f); nonTextRepresentationsMap.put(java.io.InputStream.class, Integer.valueOf(0)); nonTextRepresentationsMap.put(java.io.Serializable.class, Integer.valueOf(1)); Class<?> remoteClass = RMI.remoteClass(); if (remoteClass != null) { nonTextRepresentationsMap.put(remoteClass, Integer.valueOf(2)); } nonTextRepresentations = Collections.unmodifiableMap(nonTextRepresentationsMap); } { HashMap textTypesMap = new HashMap(16, 1.0f); // plain text textTypesMap.put("text/plain", Integer.valueOf(0)); // stringFlavor textTypesMap.put("application/x-java-serialized-object", Integer.valueOf(1)); // misc textTypesMap.put("text/calendar", Integer.valueOf(2)); textTypesMap.put("text/css", Integer.valueOf(3)); textTypesMap.put("text/directory", Integer.valueOf(4)); textTypesMap.put("text/parityfec", Integer.valueOf(5)); textTypesMap.put("text/rfc822-headers", Integer.valueOf(6)); textTypesMap.put("text/t140", Integer.valueOf(7)); textTypesMap.put("text/tab-separated-values", Integer.valueOf(8)); textTypesMap.put("text/uri-list", Integer.valueOf(9)); // enriched textTypesMap.put("text/richtext", Integer.valueOf(10)); textTypesMap.put("text/enriched", Integer.valueOf(11)); textTypesMap.put("text/rtf", Integer.valueOf(12)); // markup textTypesMap.put("text/html", Integer.valueOf(13)); textTypesMap.put("text/xml", Integer.valueOf(14)); textTypesMap.put("text/sgml", Integer.valueOf(15)); textTypes = Collections.unmodifiableMap(textTypesMap); } { HashMap decodedTextRepresentationsMap = new HashMap(4, 1.0f); decodedTextRepresentationsMap.put (DataTransferer.charArrayClass, Integer.valueOf(0)); decodedTextRepresentationsMap.put (java.nio.CharBuffer.class, Integer.valueOf(1)); decodedTextRepresentationsMap.put (java.lang.String.class, Integer.valueOf(2)); decodedTextRepresentationsMap.put (java.io.Reader.class, Integer.valueOf(3)); decodedTextRepresentations = Collections.unmodifiableMap(decodedTextRepresentationsMap); } { HashMap encodedTextRepresentationsMap = new HashMap(3, 1.0f); encodedTextRepresentationsMap.put (DataTransferer.byteArrayClass, Integer.valueOf(0)); encodedTextRepresentationsMap.put (java.nio.ByteBuffer.class, Integer.valueOf(1)); encodedTextRepresentationsMap.put (java.io.InputStream.class, Integer.valueOf(2)); encodedTextRepresentations = Collections.unmodifiableMap(encodedTextRepresentationsMap); } } public DataFlavorComparator() { this(SELECT_BEST); } public DataFlavorComparator(boolean order) { super(order); charsetComparator = new CharsetComparator(order); } public int compare(Object obj1, Object obj2) { DataFlavor flavor1 = null; DataFlavor flavor2 = null; if (order == SELECT_BEST) { flavor1 = (DataFlavor)obj1; flavor2 = (DataFlavor)obj2; } else { flavor1 = (DataFlavor)obj2; flavor2 = (DataFlavor)obj1; } if (flavor1.equals(flavor2)) { return 0; } int comp = 0; String primaryType1 = flavor1.getPrimaryType(); String subType1 = flavor1.getSubType(); String mimeType1 = primaryType1 + "/" + subType1; Class class1 = flavor1.getRepresentationClass(); String primaryType2 = flavor2.getPrimaryType(); String subType2 = flavor2.getSubType(); String mimeType2 = primaryType2 + "/" + subType2; Class class2 = flavor2.getRepresentationClass(); if (flavor1.isFlavorTextType() && flavor2.isFlavorTextType()) { // First, compare MIME types comp = compareIndices(textTypes, mimeType1, mimeType2, UNKNOWN_OBJECT_LOSES); if (comp != 0) { return comp; } // Only need to test one flavor because they both have the // same MIME type. Also don't need to worry about accidentally // passing stringFlavor because either // 1. Both flavors are stringFlavor, in which case the // equality test at the top of the function succeeded. // 2. Only one flavor is stringFlavor, in which case the MIME // type comparison returned a non-zero value. if (doesSubtypeSupportCharset(flavor1)) { // Next, prefer the decoded text representations of Reader, // String, CharBuffer, and [C, in that order. comp = compareIndices(decodedTextRepresentations, class1, class2, UNKNOWN_OBJECT_LOSES); if (comp != 0) { return comp; } // Next, compare charsets comp = charsetComparator.compareCharsets (DataTransferer.getTextCharset(flavor1), DataTransferer.getTextCharset(flavor2)); if (comp != 0) { return comp; } } // Finally, prefer the encoded text representations of // InputStream, ByteBuffer, and [B, in that order. comp = compareIndices(encodedTextRepresentations, class1, class2, UNKNOWN_OBJECT_LOSES); if (comp != 0) { return comp; } } else { // First, prefer application types. comp = compareIndices(primaryTypes, primaryType1, primaryType2, UNKNOWN_OBJECT_LOSES); if (comp != 0) { return comp; } if (flavor1.isFlavorTextType()) { return 1; } if (flavor2.isFlavorTextType()) { return -1; } // Next, look for application/x-java-* types. Prefer unknown // MIME types because if the user provides his own data flavor, // it will likely be the most descriptive one. comp = compareIndices(exactTypes, mimeType1, mimeType2, UNKNOWN_OBJECT_WINS); if (comp != 0) { return comp; } // Finally, prefer the representation classes of Remote, // Serializable, and InputStream, in that order. comp = compareIndices(nonTextRepresentations, class1, class2, UNKNOWN_OBJECT_LOSES); if (comp != 0) { return comp; } } // The flavours are not equal but still not distinguishable. // Compare String representations in alphabetical order return flavor1.getMimeType().compareTo(flavor2.getMimeType()); } } /* * Given the Map that maps objects to Integer indices and a boolean value, * this Comparator imposes a direct or reverse order on set of objects. * <p> * If the specified boolean value is SELECT_BEST, the Comparator imposes the * direct index-based order: an object A is greater than an object B if and * only if the index of A is greater than the index of B. An object that * doesn't have an associated index is less or equal than any other object. * <p> * If the specified boolean value is SELECT_WORST, the Comparator imposes the * reverse index-based order: an object A is greater than an object B if and * only if A is less than B with the direct index-based order. */ public static class IndexOrderComparator extends IndexedComparator { private final Map indexMap; private static final Integer FALLBACK_INDEX = Integer.valueOf(Integer.MIN_VALUE); public IndexOrderComparator(Map indexMap) { super(SELECT_BEST); this.indexMap = indexMap; } public IndexOrderComparator(Map indexMap, boolean order) { super(order); this.indexMap = indexMap; } public int compare(Object obj1, Object obj2) { if (order == SELECT_WORST) { return -compareIndices(indexMap, obj1, obj2, FALLBACK_INDEX); } else { return compareIndices(indexMap, obj1, obj2, FALLBACK_INDEX); } } }
A class that provides access to java.rmi.Remote and java.rmi.MarshalledObject without creating a static dependency.
/** * A class that provides access to java.rmi.Remote and java.rmi.MarshalledObject * without creating a static dependency. */
private static class RMI { private static final Class<?> remoteClass = getClass("java.rmi.Remote"); private static final Class<?> marshallObjectClass = getClass("java.rmi.MarshalledObject"); private static final Constructor<?> marshallCtor = getConstructor(marshallObjectClass, Object.class); private static final Method marshallGet = getMethod(marshallObjectClass, "get"); private static Class<?> getClass(String name) { try { return Class.forName(name, true, null); } catch (ClassNotFoundException e) { return null; } } private static Constructor<?> getConstructor(Class<?> c, Class<?>... types) { try { return (c == null) ? null : c.getDeclaredConstructor(types); } catch (NoSuchMethodException x) { throw new AssertionError(x); } } private static Method getMethod(Class<?> c, String name, Class<?>... types) { try { return (c == null) ? null : c.getMethod(name, types); } catch (NoSuchMethodException e) { throw new AssertionError(e); } }
Returns true if the given class is java.rmi.Remote.
/** * Returns {@code true} if the given class is java.rmi.Remote. */
static boolean isRemote(Class<?> c) { return (remoteClass == null) ? null : remoteClass.isAssignableFrom(c); }
Returns java.rmi.Remote.class if RMI is present; otherwise null.
/** * Returns java.rmi.Remote.class if RMI is present; otherwise {@code null}. */
static Class<?> remoteClass() { return remoteClass; }
Returns a new MarshalledObject containing the serialized representation of the given object.
/** * Returns a new MarshalledObject containing the serialized representation * of the given object. */
static Object newMarshalledObject(Object obj) throws IOException { try { return marshallCtor.newInstance(obj); } catch (InstantiationException x) { throw new AssertionError(x); } catch (IllegalAccessException x) { throw new AssertionError(x); } catch (InvocationTargetException x) { Throwable cause = x.getCause(); if (cause instanceof IOException) throw (IOException)cause; throw new AssertionError(x); } }
Returns a new copy of the contained marshalled object.
/** * Returns a new copy of the contained marshalled object. */
static Object getMarshalledObject(Object obj) throws IOException, ClassNotFoundException { try { return marshallGet.invoke(obj); } catch (IllegalAccessException x) { throw new AssertionError(x); } catch (InvocationTargetException x) { Throwable cause = x.getCause(); if (cause instanceof IOException) throw (IOException)cause; if (cause instanceof ClassNotFoundException) throw (ClassNotFoundException)cause; throw new AssertionError(x); } } } }