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package javax.swing.text.html.parser;

import sun.awt.AppContext;

import java.io.PrintStream;
import java.io.File;
import java.io.FileInputStream;
import java.io.InputStream;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.io.FileNotFoundException;
import java.io.BufferedInputStream;
import java.io.DataInputStream;
import java.util.Hashtable;
import java.util.Vector;
import java.util.BitSet;
import java.util.StringTokenizer;
import java.util.Enumeration;
import java.util.Properties;
import java.net.URL;

The representation of an SGML DTD. DTD describes a document syntax and is used in parsing of HTML documents. It contains a list of elements and their attributes as well as a list of entities defined in the DTD.
Author:Arthur van Hoff
See Also:
/** * The representation of an SGML DTD. DTD describes a document * syntax and is used in parsing of HTML documents. It contains * a list of elements and their attributes as well as a list of * entities defined in the DTD. * * @see Element * @see AttributeList * @see ContentModel * @see Parser * @author Arthur van Hoff */
public class DTD implements DTDConstants { public String name; public Vector<Element> elements = new Vector<Element>(); public Hashtable<String,Element> elementHash = new Hashtable<String,Element>(); public Hashtable<Object,Entity> entityHash = new Hashtable<Object,Entity>(); public final Element pcdata = getElement("#pcdata"); public final Element html = getElement("html"); public final Element meta = getElement("meta"); public final Element base = getElement("base"); public final Element isindex = getElement("isindex"); public final Element head = getElement("head"); public final Element body = getElement("body"); public final Element applet = getElement("applet"); public final Element param = getElement("param"); public final Element p = getElement("p"); public final Element title = getElement("title"); final Element style = getElement("style"); final Element link = getElement("link"); final Element script = getElement("script"); public static final int FILE_VERSION = 1;
Creates a new DTD with the specified name.
  • name – the name, as a String of the new DTD
/** * Creates a new DTD with the specified name. * @param name the name, as a <code>String</code> of the new DTD */
protected DTD(String name) { this.name = name; defEntity("#RE", GENERAL, '\r'); defEntity("#RS", GENERAL, '\n'); defEntity("#SPACE", GENERAL, ' '); defineElement("unknown", EMPTY, false, true, null, null, null, null); }
Gets the name of the DTD.
Returns:the name of the DTD
/** * Gets the name of the DTD. * @return the name of the DTD */
public String getName() { return name; }
Gets an entity by name.
Returns:the Entity corresponding to the name String
/** * Gets an entity by name. * @return the <code>Entity</code> corresponding to the * <code>name</code> <code>String</code> */
public Entity getEntity(String name) { return entityHash.get(name); }
Gets a character entity.
Returns:the Entity corresponding to the ch character
/** * Gets a character entity. * @return the <code>Entity</code> corresponding to the * <code>ch</code> character */
public Entity getEntity(int ch) { return entityHash.get(Integer.valueOf(ch)); }
Returns true if the element is part of the DTD, otherwise returns false.
  • name – the requested String
Returns:true if name exists as part of the DTD, otherwise returns false
/** * Returns <code>true</code> if the element is part of the DTD, * otherwise returns <code>false</code>. * * @param name the requested <code>String</code> * @return <code>true</code> if <code>name</code> exists as * part of the DTD, otherwise returns <code>false</code> */
boolean elementExists(String name) { return !"unknown".equals(name) && (elementHash.get(name) != null); }
Gets an element by name. A new element is created if the element doesn't exist.
  • name – the requested String
Returns:the Element corresponding to name, which may be newly created
/** * Gets an element by name. A new element is * created if the element doesn't exist. * * @param name the requested <code>String</code> * @return the <code>Element</code> corresponding to * <code>name</code>, which may be newly created */
public Element getElement(String name) { Element e = elementHash.get(name); if (e == null) { e = new Element(name, elements.size()); elements.addElement(e); elementHash.put(name, e); } return e; }
Gets an element by index.
  • index – the requested index
Returns:the Element corresponding to index
/** * Gets an element by index. * * @param index the requested index * @return the <code>Element</code> corresponding to * <code>index</code> */
public Element getElement(int index) { return elements.elementAt(index); }
Defines an entity. If the Entity specified by name, type, and data exists, it is returned; otherwise a new Entity is created and is returned.
  • name – the name of the Entity as a String
  • type – the type of the Entity
  • data – the Entity's data
Returns:the Entity requested or a new Entity if not found
/** * Defines an entity. If the <code>Entity</code> specified * by <code>name</code>, <code>type</code>, and <code>data</code> * exists, it is returned; otherwise a new <code>Entity</code> * is created and is returned. * * @param name the name of the <code>Entity</code> as a <code>String</code> * @param type the type of the <code>Entity</code> * @param data the <code>Entity</code>'s data * @return the <code>Entity</code> requested or a new <code>Entity</code> * if not found */
public Entity defineEntity(String name, int type, char data[]) { Entity ent = entityHash.get(name); if (ent == null) { ent = new Entity(name, type, data); entityHash.put(name, ent); if (((type & GENERAL) != 0) && (data.length == 1)) { switch (type & ~GENERAL) { case CDATA: case SDATA: entityHash.put(Integer.valueOf(data[0]), ent); break; } } } return ent; }
Returns the Element which matches the specified parameters. If one doesn't exist, a new one is created and returned.
  • name – the name of the Element
  • type – the type of the Element
  • omitStart – true if start should be omitted
  • omitEnd – true if end should be omitted
  • content – the ContentModel
  • atts – the AttributeList specifying the Element
Returns:the Element specified
/** * Returns the <code>Element</code> which matches the * specified parameters. If one doesn't exist, a new * one is created and returned. * * @param name the name of the <code>Element</code> * @param type the type of the <code>Element</code> * @param omitStart <code>true</code> if start should be omitted * @param omitEnd <code>true</code> if end should be omitted * @param content the <code>ContentModel</code> * @param atts the <code>AttributeList</code> specifying the * <code>Element</code> * @return the <code>Element</code> specified */
public Element defineElement(String name, int type, boolean omitStart, boolean omitEnd, ContentModel content, BitSet exclusions, BitSet inclusions, AttributeList atts) { Element e = getElement(name); e.type = type; e.oStart = omitStart; e.oEnd = omitEnd; e.content = content; e.exclusions = exclusions; e.inclusions = inclusions; e.atts = atts; return e; }
Defines attributes for an Element.
  • name – the name of the Element
  • atts – the AttributeList specifying the Element
/** * Defines attributes for an {@code Element}. * * @param name the name of the <code>Element</code> * @param atts the <code>AttributeList</code> specifying the * <code>Element</code> */
public void defineAttributes(String name, AttributeList atts) { Element e = getElement(name); e.atts = atts; }
Creates and returns a character Entity.
  • name – the entity's name
Returns:the new character Entity
/** * Creates and returns a character <code>Entity</code>. * @param name the entity's name * @return the new character <code>Entity</code> */
public Entity defEntity(String name, int type, int ch) { char data[] = {(char)ch}; return defineEntity(name, type, data); }
Creates and returns an Entity.
  • name – the entity's name
Returns:the new Entity
/** * Creates and returns an <code>Entity</code>. * @param name the entity's name * @return the new <code>Entity</code> */
protected Entity defEntity(String name, int type, String str) { int len = str.length(); char data[] = new char[len]; str.getChars(0, len, data, 0); return defineEntity(name, type, data); }
Creates and returns an Element.
  • name – the element's name
Returns:the new Element
/** * Creates and returns an <code>Element</code>. * @param name the element's name * @return the new <code>Element</code> */
protected Element defElement(String name, int type, boolean omitStart, boolean omitEnd, ContentModel content, String[] exclusions, String[] inclusions, AttributeList atts) { BitSet excl = null; if (exclusions != null && exclusions.length > 0) { excl = new BitSet(); for (String str : exclusions) { if (str.length() > 0) { excl.set(getElement(str).getIndex()); } } } BitSet incl = null; if (inclusions != null && inclusions.length > 0) { incl = new BitSet(); for (String str : inclusions) { if (str.length() > 0) { incl.set(getElement(str).getIndex()); } } } return defineElement(name, type, omitStart, omitEnd, content, excl, incl, atts); }
Creates and returns an AttributeList.
  • name – the attribute list's name
Returns:the new AttributeList
/** * Creates and returns an <code>AttributeList</code>. * @param name the attribute list's name * @return the new <code>AttributeList</code> */
protected AttributeList defAttributeList(String name, int type, int modifier, String value, String values, AttributeList atts) { Vector<String> vals = null; if (values != null) { vals = new Vector<String>(); for (StringTokenizer s = new StringTokenizer(values, "|") ; s.hasMoreTokens() ;) { String str = s.nextToken(); if (str.length() > 0) { vals.addElement(str); } } } return new AttributeList(name, type, modifier, value, vals, atts); }
Creates and returns a new content model.
  • type – the type of the new content model
Returns:the new ContentModel
/** * Creates and returns a new content model. * @param type the type of the new content model * @return the new <code>ContentModel</code> */
protected ContentModel defContentModel(int type, Object obj, ContentModel next) { return new ContentModel(type, obj, next); }
Returns a string representation of this DTD.
Returns:the string representation of this DTD
/** * Returns a string representation of this DTD. * @return the string representation of this DTD */
public String toString() { return name; }
The hashtable key of DTDs in AppContext.
/** * The hashtable key of DTDs in AppContext. */
private static final Object DTD_HASH_KEY = new Object(); public static void putDTDHash(String name, DTD dtd) { getDtdHash().put(name, dtd); }
Returns a DTD with the specified name. If a DTD with that name doesn't exist, one is created and returned. Any uppercase characters in the name are converted to lowercase.
  • name – the name of the DTD
Returns:the DTD which corresponds to name
/** * Returns a DTD with the specified <code>name</code>. If * a DTD with that name doesn't exist, one is created * and returned. Any uppercase characters in the name * are converted to lowercase. * * @param name the name of the DTD * @return the DTD which corresponds to <code>name</code> */
public static DTD getDTD(String name) throws IOException { name = name.toLowerCase(); DTD dtd = getDtdHash().get(name); if (dtd == null) dtd = new DTD(name); return dtd; } private static Hashtable<String, DTD> getDtdHash() { AppContext appContext = AppContext.getAppContext(); Hashtable<String, DTD> result = (Hashtable<String, DTD>) appContext.get(DTD_HASH_KEY); if (result == null) { result = new Hashtable<String, DTD>(); appContext.put(DTD_HASH_KEY, result); } return result; }
Recreates a DTD from an archived format.
  • in – the DataInputStream to read from
/** * Recreates a DTD from an archived format. * @param in the <code>DataInputStream</code> to read from */
public void read(DataInputStream in) throws IOException { if (in.readInt() != FILE_VERSION) { } // // Read the list of names // String[] names = new String[in.readShort()]; for (int i = 0; i < names.length; i++) { names[i] = in.readUTF(); } // // Read the entities // int num = in.readShort(); for (int i = 0; i < num; i++) { short nameId = in.readShort(); int type = in.readByte(); String name = in.readUTF(); defEntity(names[nameId], type | GENERAL, name); } // Read the elements // num = in.readShort(); for (int i = 0; i < num; i++) { short nameId = in.readShort(); int type = in.readByte(); byte flags = in.readByte(); ContentModel m = readContentModel(in, names); String[] exclusions = readNameArray(in, names); String[] inclusions = readNameArray(in, names); AttributeList atts = readAttributeList(in, names); defElement(names[nameId], type, ((flags & 0x01) != 0), ((flags & 0x02) != 0), m, exclusions, inclusions, atts); } } private ContentModel readContentModel(DataInputStream in, String[] names) throws IOException { byte flag = in.readByte(); switch(flag) { case 0: // null return null; case 1: { // content_c int type = in.readByte(); ContentModel m = readContentModel(in, names); ContentModel next = readContentModel(in, names); return defContentModel(type, m, next); } case 2: { // content_e int type = in.readByte(); Element el = getElement(names[in.readShort()]); ContentModel next = readContentModel(in, names); return defContentModel(type, el, next); } default: throw new IOException("bad bdtd"); } } private String[] readNameArray(DataInputStream in, String[] names) throws IOException { int num = in.readShort(); if (num == 0) { return null; } String[] result = new String[num]; for (int i = 0; i < num; i++) { result[i] = names[in.readShort()]; } return result; } private AttributeList readAttributeList(DataInputStream in, String[] names) throws IOException { AttributeList result = null; for (int num = in.readByte(); num > 0; --num) { short nameId = in.readShort(); int type = in.readByte(); int modifier = in.readByte(); short valueId = in.readShort(); String value = (valueId == -1) ? null : names[valueId]; Vector<String> values = null; short numValues = in.readShort(); if (numValues > 0) { values = new Vector<String>(numValues); for (int i = 0; i < numValues; i++) { values.addElement(names[in.readShort()]); } } result = new AttributeList(names[nameId], type, modifier, value, values, result); // We reverse the order of the linked list by doing this, but // that order isn't important. } return result; } }