 * Copyright (c) 2005, 2006, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
 * This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
 * under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as
 * published by the Free Software Foundation.  Oracle designates this
 * particular file as subject to the "Classpath" exception as provided
 * by Oracle in the LICENSE file that accompanied this code.
 * This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
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package javax.swing.plaf.nimbus;

import java.awt.BorderLayout;
import static java.awt.BorderLayout.*;
import javax.swing.JComponent;
import javax.swing.UIDefaults;
import javax.swing.UIManager;
import javax.swing.plaf.synth.Region;
import javax.swing.plaf.synth.SynthLookAndFeel;
import javax.swing.plaf.synth.SynthStyle;
import javax.swing.plaf.synth.SynthStyleFactory;
import javax.swing.plaf.UIResource;
import java.security.AccessController;
import java.awt.Color;
import java.awt.Container;
import java.awt.Graphics2D;
import java.awt.LayoutManager;
import java.awt.image.BufferedImage;
import java.beans.PropertyChangeEvent;
import java.beans.PropertyChangeListener;
import java.util.*;
import javax.swing.GrayFilter;
import javax.swing.Icon;
import javax.swing.JToolBar;
import javax.swing.border.TitledBorder;
import javax.swing.plaf.BorderUIResource;
import javax.swing.plaf.ColorUIResource;
import sun.swing.ImageIconUIResource;
import sun.swing.plaf.synth.SynthIcon;
import sun.swing.plaf.GTKKeybindings;
import sun.swing.plaf.WindowsKeybindings;
import sun.security.action.GetPropertyAction;

The NimbusLookAndFeel class.

Author:Jasper Potts, Richard Bair
/** * <p>The NimbusLookAndFeel class.</p> * * @author Jasper Potts * @author Richard Bair */
public class NimbusLookAndFeel extends SynthLookAndFeel {
Set of standard region names for UIDefaults Keys
/** Set of standard region names for UIDefaults Keys */
private static final String[] COMPONENT_KEYS = new String[]{"ArrowButton", "Button", "CheckBox", "CheckBoxMenuItem", "ColorChooser", "ComboBox", "DesktopPane", "DesktopIcon", "EditorPane", "FileChooser", "FormattedTextField", "InternalFrame", "InternalFrameTitlePane", "Label", "List", "Menu", "MenuBar", "MenuItem", "OptionPane", "Panel", "PasswordField", "PopupMenu", "PopupMenuSeparator", "ProgressBar", "RadioButton", "RadioButtonMenuItem", "RootPane", "ScrollBar", "ScrollBarTrack", "ScrollBarThumb", "ScrollPane", "Separator", "Slider", "SliderTrack", "SliderThumb", "Spinner", "SplitPane", "TabbedPane", "Table", "TableHeader", "TextArea", "TextField", "TextPane", "ToggleButton", "ToolBar", "ToolTip", "Tree", "Viewport"};
A reference to the auto-generated file NimbusDefaults. This file contains the default mappings and values for the look and feel as specified in the visual designer.
/** * A reference to the auto-generated file NimbusDefaults. This file contains * the default mappings and values for the look and feel as specified in the * visual designer. */
private NimbusDefaults defaults;
Reference to populated LAD uidefaults
/** * Reference to populated LAD uidefaults */
private UIDefaults uiDefaults; private DefaultsListener defaultsListener = new DefaultsListener();
Create a new NimbusLookAndFeel.
/** * Create a new NimbusLookAndFeel. */
public NimbusLookAndFeel() { super(); defaults = new NimbusDefaults(); }
Called by UIManager when this look and feel is installed.
/** Called by UIManager when this look and feel is installed. */
@Override public void initialize() { super.initialize(); defaults.initialize(); // create synth style factory setStyleFactory(new SynthStyleFactory() { @Override public SynthStyle getStyle(JComponent c, Region r) { return defaults.getStyle(c, r); } }); }
Called by UIManager when this look and feel is uninstalled.
/** Called by UIManager when this look and feel is uninstalled. */
@Override public void uninitialize() { super.uninitialize(); defaults.uninitialize(); // clear all cached images to free memory ImageCache.getInstance().flush(); UIManager.getDefaults().removePropertyChangeListener(defaultsListener); }
/** * {@inheritDoc} */
@Override public UIDefaults getDefaults() { if (uiDefaults == null){ // Detect platform String osName = getSystemProperty("os.name"); boolean isWindows = osName != null && osName.contains("Windows"); // We need to call super for basic's properties file. uiDefaults = super.getDefaults(); defaults.initializeDefaults(uiDefaults); // Install Keybindings if (isWindows) { WindowsKeybindings.installKeybindings(uiDefaults); } else { GTKKeybindings.installKeybindings(uiDefaults); } // Add Titled Border uiDefaults.put("TitledBorder.titlePosition", TitledBorder.ABOVE_TOP); uiDefaults.put("TitledBorder.border", new BorderUIResource( new LoweredBorder())); uiDefaults.put("TitledBorder.titleColor", getDerivedColor("text",0.0f,0.0f,0.23f,0,true)); uiDefaults.put("TitledBorder.font", new NimbusDefaults.DerivedFont("defaultFont", 1f, true, null)); // Choose Dialog button positions uiDefaults.put("OptionPane.isYesLast", !isWindows); // Store Table ScrollPane Corner Component uiDefaults.put("Table.scrollPaneCornerComponent", new UIDefaults.ActiveValue() { @Override public Object createValue(UIDefaults table) { return new TableScrollPaneCorner(); } }); // Setup the settings for ToolBarSeparator which is custom // installed for Nimbus uiDefaults.put("ToolBarSeparator[Enabled].backgroundPainter", new ToolBarSeparatorPainter()); // Populate UIDefaults with a standard set of properties for (String componentKey : COMPONENT_KEYS) { String key = componentKey+".foreground"; if (!uiDefaults.containsKey(key)){ uiDefaults.put(key, new NimbusProperty(componentKey,"textForeground")); } key = componentKey+".background"; if (!uiDefaults.containsKey(key)){ uiDefaults.put(key, new NimbusProperty(componentKey,"background")); } key = componentKey+".font"; if (!uiDefaults.containsKey(key)){ uiDefaults.put(key, new NimbusProperty(componentKey,"font")); } key = componentKey+".disabledText"; if (!uiDefaults.containsKey(key)){ uiDefaults.put(key, new NimbusProperty(componentKey,"Disabled", "textForeground")); } key = componentKey+".disabled"; if (!uiDefaults.containsKey(key)){ uiDefaults.put(key, new NimbusProperty(componentKey,"Disabled", "background")); } } // FileView icon keys are used by some applications, we don't have // a computer icon at the moment so using home icon for now uiDefaults.put("FileView.computerIcon", new LinkProperty("FileChooser.homeFolderIcon")); uiDefaults.put("FileView.directoryIcon", new LinkProperty("FileChooser.directoryIcon")); uiDefaults.put("FileView.fileIcon", new LinkProperty("FileChooser.fileIcon")); uiDefaults.put("FileView.floppyDriveIcon", new LinkProperty("FileChooser.floppyDriveIcon")); uiDefaults.put("FileView.hardDriveIcon", new LinkProperty("FileChooser.hardDriveIcon")); } return uiDefaults; }
Gets the style associated with the given component and region. This will never return null. If an appropriate component and region cannot be determined, then a default style is returned.
  • c – a non-null reference to a JComponent
  • r – a non-null reference to the region of the component c
Returns:a non-null reference to a NimbusStyle.
/** * Gets the style associated with the given component and region. This * will never return null. If an appropriate component and region cannot * be determined, then a default style is returned. * * @param c a non-null reference to a JComponent * @param r a non-null reference to the region of the component c * @return a non-null reference to a NimbusStyle. */
public static NimbusStyle getStyle(JComponent c, Region r) { return (NimbusStyle)SynthLookAndFeel.getStyle(c, r); }
Return a short string that identifies this look and feel. This String will be the unquoted String "Nimbus".
Returns:a short string identifying this look and feel.
/** * Return a short string that identifies this look and feel. This * String will be the unquoted String "Nimbus". * * @return a short string identifying this look and feel. */
@Override public String getName() { return "Nimbus"; }
Return a string that identifies this look and feel. This String will be the unquoted String "Nimbus".
Returns:a short string identifying this look and feel.
/** * Return a string that identifies this look and feel. This String will * be the unquoted String "Nimbus". * * @return a short string identifying this look and feel. */
@Override public String getID() { return "Nimbus"; }
Returns a textual description of this look and feel.
Returns:textual description of this look and feel.
/** * Returns a textual description of this look and feel. * * @return textual description of this look and feel. */
@Override public String getDescription() { return "Nimbus Look and Feel"; }
/** * {@inheritDoc} * @return {@code true} */
@Override public boolean shouldUpdateStyleOnAncestorChanged() { return true; }

Overridden to return true when one of the following properties change:

  • "Nimbus.Overrides"
  • "Nimbus.Overrides.InheritDefaults"
  • "JComponent.sizeVariant"
/** * {@inheritDoc} * * <p>Overridden to return {@code true} when one of the following * properties change: * <ul> * <li>{@code "Nimbus.Overrides"} * <li>{@code "Nimbus.Overrides.InheritDefaults"} * <li>{@code "JComponent.sizeVariant"} * </ul> * * @since 1.7 */
@Override protected boolean shouldUpdateStyleOnEvent(PropertyChangeEvent ev) { String eName = ev.getPropertyName(); // These properties affect style cached inside NimbusDefaults (6860433) if ("name" == eName || "ancestor" == eName || "Nimbus.Overrides" == eName || "Nimbus.Overrides.InheritDefaults" == eName || "JComponent.sizeVariant" == eName) { JComponent c = (JComponent) ev.getSource(); defaults.clearOverridesCache(c); return true; } return super.shouldUpdateStyleOnEvent(ev); }

Registers a third party component with the NimbusLookAndFeel.

Regions represent Components and areas within Components that act as independent painting areas. Once registered with the NimbusLookAndFeel, NimbusStyles for these Regions can be retrieved via the getStyle method.

The NimbusLookAndFeel uses a standard naming scheme for entries in the UIDefaults table. The key for each property, state, painter, and other default registered in UIDefaults for a specific Region will begin with the specified prefix

For example, suppose I had a component named JFoo. Suppose I then registered this component with the NimbusLookAndFeel in this manner:

    laf.register(NimbusFooUI.FOO_REGION, "Foo");

In this case, I could then register properties for this component with UIDefaults in the following manner:

    UIManager.put("Foo.background", new ColorUIResource(Color.BLACK));
    UIManager.put("Foo.Enabled.backgroundPainter", new FooBackgroundPainter());

It is also possible to register a named component with Nimbus. For example, suppose you wanted to style the background of a JPanel named "MyPanel" differently from other JPanels. You could accomplish this by doing the following:

    laf.register(Region.PANEL, "\"MyPanel\"");
    UIManager.put("\"MyPanel\".background", new ColorUIResource(Color.RED));
  • region – The Synth Region that is being registered. Such as Button, or ScrollBarThumb, or NimbusFooUI.FOO_REGION.
  • prefix – The UIDefault prefix. For example, could be ComboBox, or if a named components, "MyComboBox", or even something like ToolBar."MyComboBox"."ComboBox.arrowButton"
/** * <p>Registers a third party component with the NimbusLookAndFeel.</p> * * <p>Regions represent Components and areas within Components that act as * independent painting areas. Once registered with the NimbusLookAndFeel, * NimbusStyles for these Regions can be retrieved via the * <code>getStyle</code> method.</p> * * <p>The NimbusLookAndFeel uses a standard naming scheme for entries in the * UIDefaults table. The key for each property, state, painter, and other * default registered in UIDefaults for a specific Region will begin with * the specified <code>prefix</code></p> * * <p>For example, suppose I had a component named JFoo. Suppose I then registered * this component with the NimbusLookAndFeel in this manner:</p> * * <pre><code> * laf.register(NimbusFooUI.FOO_REGION, "Foo"); * </code></pre> * * <p>In this case, I could then register properties for this component with * UIDefaults in the following manner:</p> * * <pre><code> * UIManager.put("Foo.background", new ColorUIResource(Color.BLACK)); * UIManager.put("Foo.Enabled.backgroundPainter", new FooBackgroundPainter()); * </code></pre> * * <p>It is also possible to register a named component with Nimbus. * For example, suppose you wanted to style the background of a JPanel * named "MyPanel" differently from other JPanels. You could accomplish this * by doing the following:</p> * * <pre><code> * laf.register(Region.PANEL, "\"MyPanel\""); * UIManager.put("\"MyPanel\".background", new ColorUIResource(Color.RED)); * </code></pre> * * @param region The Synth Region that is being registered. Such as Button, or * ScrollBarThumb, or NimbusFooUI.FOO_REGION. * @param prefix The UIDefault prefix. For example, could be ComboBox, or if * a named components, "MyComboBox", or even something like * ToolBar."MyComboBox"."ComboBox.arrowButton" */
public void register(Region region, String prefix) { defaults.register(region, prefix); }
Simple utility method that reads system keys.
/** * Simple utility method that reads system keys. */
private String getSystemProperty(String key) { return AccessController.doPrivileged(new GetPropertyAction(key)); } @Override public Icon getDisabledIcon(JComponent component, Icon icon) { if (icon instanceof SynthIcon) { SynthIcon si = (SynthIcon)icon; BufferedImage img = EffectUtils.createCompatibleTranslucentImage( si.getIconWidth(), si.getIconHeight()); Graphics2D gfx = img.createGraphics(); si.paintIcon(component, gfx, 0, 0); gfx.dispose(); return new ImageIconUIResource(GrayFilter.createDisabledImage(img)); } else { return super.getDisabledIcon(component, icon); } }
Get a derived color, derived colors are shared instances and is color value will change when its parent UIDefault color changes.
  • uiDefaultParentName – The parent UIDefault key
  • hOffset – The hue offset
  • sOffset – The saturation offset
  • bOffset – The brightness offset
  • aOffset – The alpha offset
  • uiResource – True if the derived color should be a UIResource, false if it should not be
Returns:The stored derived color
/** * Get a derived color, derived colors are shared instances and is color * value will change when its parent UIDefault color changes. * * @param uiDefaultParentName The parent UIDefault key * @param hOffset The hue offset * @param sOffset The saturation offset * @param bOffset The brightness offset * @param aOffset The alpha offset * @param uiResource True if the derived color should be a * UIResource, false if it should not be * @return The stored derived color */
public Color getDerivedColor(String uiDefaultParentName, float hOffset, float sOffset, float bOffset, int aOffset, boolean uiResource) { return defaults.getDerivedColor(uiDefaultParentName, hOffset, sOffset, bOffset, aOffset, uiResource); }
Decodes and returns a color, which is derived from an offset between two other colors.
  • color1 – The first color
  • color2 – The second color
  • midPoint – The offset between color 1 and color 2, a value of 0.0 is color 1 and 1.0 is color 2;
  • uiResource – True if the derived color should be a UIResource
Returns:The derived color
/** * Decodes and returns a color, which is derived from an offset between two * other colors. * * @param color1 The first color * @param color2 The second color * @param midPoint The offset between color 1 and color 2, a value of 0.0 is * color 1 and 1.0 is color 2; * @param uiResource True if the derived color should be a UIResource * @return The derived color */
protected final Color getDerivedColor(Color color1, Color color2, float midPoint, boolean uiResource) { int argb = deriveARGB(color1, color2, midPoint); if (uiResource) { return new ColorUIResource(argb); } else { return new Color(argb); } }
Decodes and returns a color, which is derived from a offset between two other colors.
  • color1 – The first color
  • color2 – The second color
  • midPoint – The offset between color 1 and color 2, a value of 0.0 is color 1 and 1.0 is color 2;
Returns:The derived color, which will be a UIResource
/** * Decodes and returns a color, which is derived from a offset between two * other colors. * * @param color1 The first color * @param color2 The second color * @param midPoint The offset between color 1 and color 2, a value of 0.0 is * color 1 and 1.0 is color 2; * @return The derived color, which will be a UIResource */
protected final Color getDerivedColor(Color color1, Color color2, float midPoint) { return getDerivedColor(color1, color2, midPoint, true); }
Package private method which returns either BorderLayout.NORTH, BorderLayout.SOUTH, BorderLayout.EAST, or BorderLayout.WEST depending on the location of the toolbar in its parent. The toolbar might be in PAGE_START, PAGE_END, CENTER, or some other position, but will be resolved to either NORTH,SOUTH,EAST, or WEST based on where the toolbar actually IS, with CENTER being NORTH. This code is used to determine where the border line should be drawn by the custom toolbar states, and also used by NimbusIcon to determine whether the handle icon needs to be shifted to look correct. Toollbars are unfortunately odd in the way these things are handled, and so this code exists to unify the logic related to toolbars so it can be shared among the static files such as NimbusIcon and generated files such as the ToolBar state classes.
/** * Package private method which returns either BorderLayout.NORTH, * BorderLayout.SOUTH, BorderLayout.EAST, or BorderLayout.WEST depending * on the location of the toolbar in its parent. The toolbar might be * in PAGE_START, PAGE_END, CENTER, or some other position, but will be * resolved to either NORTH,SOUTH,EAST, or WEST based on where the toolbar * actually IS, with CENTER being NORTH. * * This code is used to determine where the border line should be drawn * by the custom toolbar states, and also used by NimbusIcon to determine * whether the handle icon needs to be shifted to look correct. * * Toollbars are unfortunately odd in the way these things are handled, * and so this code exists to unify the logic related to toolbars so it can * be shared among the static files such as NimbusIcon and generated files * such as the ToolBar state classes. */
static Object resolveToolbarConstraint(JToolBar toolbar) { //NOTE: we don't worry about component orientation or PAGE_END etc //because the BasicToolBarUI always uses an absolute position of //NORTH/SOUTH/EAST/WEST. if (toolbar != null) { Container parent = toolbar.getParent(); if (parent != null) { LayoutManager m = parent.getLayout(); if (m instanceof BorderLayout) { BorderLayout b = (BorderLayout)m; Object con = b.getConstraints(toolbar); if (con == SOUTH || con == EAST || con == WEST) { return con; } return NORTH; } } } return NORTH; }
Derives the ARGB value for a color based on an offset between two other colors.
  • color1 – The first color
  • color2 – The second color
  • midPoint – The offset between color 1 and color 2, a value of 0.0 is color 1 and 1.0 is color 2;
Returns:the ARGB value for a new color based on this derivation
/** * Derives the ARGB value for a color based on an offset between two * other colors. * * @param color1 The first color * @param color2 The second color * @param midPoint The offset between color 1 and color 2, a value of 0.0 is * color 1 and 1.0 is color 2; * @return the ARGB value for a new color based on this derivation */
static int deriveARGB(Color color1, Color color2, float midPoint) { int r = color1.getRed() + Math.round((color2.getRed() - color1.getRed()) * midPoint); int g = color1.getGreen() + Math.round((color2.getGreen() - color1.getGreen()) * midPoint); int b = color1.getBlue() + Math.round((color2.getBlue() - color1.getBlue()) * midPoint); int a = color1.getAlpha() + Math.round((color2.getAlpha() - color1.getAlpha()) * midPoint); return ((a & 0xFF) << 24) | ((r & 0xFF) << 16) | ((g & 0xFF) << 8) | (b & 0xFF); }
Simple Symbolic Link style UIDefalts Property
/** * Simple Symbolic Link style UIDefalts Property */
private class LinkProperty implements UIDefaults.ActiveValue, UIResource{ private String dstPropName; private LinkProperty(String dstPropName) { this.dstPropName = dstPropName; } @Override public Object createValue(UIDefaults table) { return UIManager.get(dstPropName); } }
Nimbus Property that looks up Nimbus keys for standard key names. For example "Button.background" --> "Button[Enabled].backgound"
/** * Nimbus Property that looks up Nimbus keys for standard key names. For * example "Button.background" --> "Button[Enabled].backgound" */
private class NimbusProperty implements UIDefaults.ActiveValue, UIResource { private String prefix; private String state = null; private String suffix; private boolean isFont; private NimbusProperty(String prefix, String suffix) { this.prefix = prefix; this.suffix = suffix; isFont = "font".equals(suffix); } private NimbusProperty(String prefix, String state, String suffix) { this(prefix,suffix); this.state = state; }
Creates the value retrieved from the UIDefaults table. The object is created each time it is accessed.
  • table – a UIDefaults table
Returns:the created Object
/** * Creates the value retrieved from the <code>UIDefaults</code> table. * The object is created each time it is accessed. * * @param table a <code>UIDefaults</code> table * @return the created <code>Object</code> */
@Override public Object createValue(UIDefaults table) { Object obj = null; // check specified state if (state!=null){ obj = uiDefaults.get(prefix+"["+state+"]."+suffix); } // check enabled state if (obj==null){ obj = uiDefaults.get(prefix+"[Enabled]."+suffix); } // check for defaults if (obj==null){ if (isFont) { obj = uiDefaults.get("defaultFont"); } else { obj = uiDefaults.get(suffix); } } return obj; } } private Map<String, Map<String, Object>> compiledDefaults = null; private boolean defaultListenerAdded = false; static String parsePrefix(String key) { if (key == null) { return null; } boolean inquotes = false; for (int i = 0; i < key.length(); i++) { char c = key.charAt(i); if (c == '"') { inquotes = !inquotes; } else if ((c == '[' || c == '.') && !inquotes) { return key.substring(0, i); } } return null; } Map<String, Object> getDefaultsForPrefix(String prefix) { if (compiledDefaults == null) { compiledDefaults = new HashMap<String, Map<String, Object>>(); for (Map.Entry<Object, Object> entry: UIManager.getDefaults().entrySet()) { if (entry.getKey() instanceof String) { addDefault((String) entry.getKey(), entry.getValue()); } } if (! defaultListenerAdded) { UIManager.getDefaults().addPropertyChangeListener(defaultsListener); defaultListenerAdded = true; } } return compiledDefaults.get(prefix); } private void addDefault(String key, Object value) { if (compiledDefaults == null) { return; } String prefix = parsePrefix(key); if (prefix != null) { Map<String, Object> keys = compiledDefaults.get(prefix); if (keys == null) { keys = new HashMap<String, Object>(); compiledDefaults.put(prefix, keys); } keys.put(key, value); } } private class DefaultsListener implements PropertyChangeListener { @Override public void propertyChange(PropertyChangeEvent ev) { String key = ev.getPropertyName(); if ("UIDefaults".equals(key)) { compiledDefaults = null; } else { addDefault(key, ev.getNewValue()); } } } }