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package javax.crypto;

import java.io.*;
import java.util.Enumeration;
import java.util.Hashtable;
import java.util.Vector;
import static java.util.Locale.ENGLISH;

import java.security.GeneralSecurityException;
import java.security.spec.AlgorithmParameterSpec;
import java.lang.reflect.*;

JCE has two pairs of jurisdiction policy files: one represents U.S. export laws, and the other represents the local laws of the country where the JCE will be used. The jurisdiction policy file has the same syntax as JDK policy files except that JCE has new permission classes called javax.crypto.CryptoPermission and javax.crypto.CryptoAllPermission. The format of a permission entry in the jurisdiction policy file is: permission [, [[, ][, [, , ]]]];
Author:Sharon Liu
See Also:
/** * JCE has two pairs of jurisdiction policy files: one represents U.S. export * laws, and the other represents the local laws of the country where the * JCE will be used. * * The jurisdiction policy file has the same syntax as JDK policy files except * that JCE has new permission classes called javax.crypto.CryptoPermission * and javax.crypto.CryptoAllPermission. * * The format of a permission entry in the jurisdiction policy file is: * * permission <crypto permission class name>[, <algorithm name> * [[, <exemption mechanism name>][, <maxKeySize> * [, <AlgrithomParameterSpec class name>, <parameters * for constructing an AlgrithomParameterSpec object>]]]]; * * @author Sharon Liu * * @see java.security.Permissions * @see java.security.spec.AlgrithomParameterSpec * @see javax.crypto.CryptoPermission * @see javax.crypto.CryptoAllPermission * @see javax.crypto.CryptoPermissions * @since 1.4 */
final class CryptoPolicyParser { private Vector<GrantEntry> grantEntries; // Convenience variables for parsing private StreamTokenizer st; private int lookahead;
Creates a CryptoPolicyParser object.
/** * Creates a CryptoPolicyParser object. */
CryptoPolicyParser() { grantEntries = new Vector<GrantEntry>(); }
Reads a policy configuration using a Reader object.

  • policy – the policy Reader object.
  • ParsingException – if the policy configuration contains a syntax error.
  • IOException – if an error occurs while reading the policy configuration.
/** * Reads a policy configuration using a Reader object. <p> * * @param policy the policy Reader object. * * @exception ParsingException if the policy configuration * contains a syntax error. * * @exception IOException if an error occurs while reading * the policy configuration. */
void read(Reader policy) throws ParsingException, IOException { if (!(policy instanceof BufferedReader)) { policy = new BufferedReader(policy); } /* * Configure the stream tokenizer: * Recognize strings between "..." * Don't convert words to lowercase * Recognize both C-style and C++-style comments * Treat end-of-line as white space, not as a token */ st = new StreamTokenizer(policy); st.resetSyntax(); st.wordChars('a', 'z'); st.wordChars('A', 'Z'); st.wordChars('.', '.'); st.wordChars('0', '9'); st.wordChars('_', '_'); st.wordChars('$', '$'); st.wordChars(128 + 32, 255); st.whitespaceChars(0, ' '); st.commentChar('/'); st.quoteChar('\''); st.quoteChar('"'); st.lowerCaseMode(false); st.ordinaryChar('/'); st.slashSlashComments(true); st.slashStarComments(true); st.parseNumbers(); /* * The crypto jurisdiction policy must be consistent. The * following hashtable is used for checking consistency. */ Hashtable<String, Vector<String>> processedPermissions = null; /* * The main parsing loop. The loop is executed once for each entry * in the policy file. The entries are delimited by semicolons. Once * we've read in the information for an entry, go ahead and try to * add it to the grantEntries. */ lookahead = st.nextToken(); while (lookahead != StreamTokenizer.TT_EOF) { if (peek("grant")) { GrantEntry ge = parseGrantEntry(processedPermissions); if (ge != null) grantEntries.addElement(ge); } else { throw new ParsingException(st.lineno(), "expected grant " + "statement"); } match(";"); } }
parse a Grant entry
/** * parse a Grant entry */
private GrantEntry parseGrantEntry( Hashtable<String, Vector<String>> processedPermissions) throws ParsingException, IOException { GrantEntry e = new GrantEntry(); match("grant"); match("{"); while(!peek("}")) { if (peek("Permission")) { CryptoPermissionEntry pe = parsePermissionEntry(processedPermissions); e.add(pe); match(";"); } else { throw new ParsingException(st.lineno(), "expected permission entry"); } } match("}"); return e; }
parse a CryptoPermission entry
/** * parse a CryptoPermission entry */
private CryptoPermissionEntry parsePermissionEntry( Hashtable<String, Vector<String>> processedPermissions) throws ParsingException, IOException { CryptoPermissionEntry e = new CryptoPermissionEntry(); match("Permission"); e.cryptoPermission = match("permission type"); if (e.cryptoPermission.equals("javax.crypto.CryptoAllPermission")) { // Done with the CryptoAllPermission entry. e.alg = CryptoAllPermission.ALG_NAME; e.maxKeySize = Integer.MAX_VALUE; return e; } // Should see the algorithm name. if (peek("\"")) { // Algorithm name - always convert to upper case after parsing. e.alg = match("quoted string").toUpperCase(ENGLISH); } else { // The algorithm name can be a wildcard. if (peek("*")) { match("*"); e.alg = CryptoPermission.ALG_NAME_WILDCARD; } else { throw new ParsingException(st.lineno(), "Missing the algorithm name"); } } peekAndMatch(","); // May see the exemption mechanism name. if (peek("\"")) { // Exemption mechanism name - convert to upper case too. e.exemptionMechanism = match("quoted string").toUpperCase(ENGLISH); } peekAndMatch(","); // Check whether this entry is consistent with other permission entries // that have been read. if (!isConsistent(e.alg, e.exemptionMechanism, processedPermissions)) { throw new ParsingException(st.lineno(), "Inconsistent policy"); } // Should see the maxKeySize if not at the end of this entry yet. if (peek("number")) { e.maxKeySize = match(); } else { if (peek("*")) { match("*"); e.maxKeySize = Integer.MAX_VALUE; } else { if (!peek(";")) { throw new ParsingException(st.lineno(), "Missing the maximum " + "allowable key size"); } else { // At the end of this permission entry e.maxKeySize = Integer.MAX_VALUE; } } } peekAndMatch(","); // May see an AlgorithmParameterSpec class name. if (peek("\"")) { // AlgorithmParameterSpec class name. String algParamSpecClassName = match("quoted string"); Vector<Integer> paramsV = new Vector<>(1); while (peek(",")) { match(","); if (peek("number")) { paramsV.addElement(new Integer(match())); } else { if (peek("*")) { match("*"); paramsV.addElement(new Integer(Integer.MAX_VALUE)); } else { throw new ParsingException(st.lineno(), "Expecting an integer"); } } } Integer[] params = new Integer[paramsV.size()]; paramsV.copyInto(params); e.checkParam = true; e.algParamSpec = getInstance(algParamSpecClassName, params); } return e; } private static final AlgorithmParameterSpec getInstance(String type, Integer[] params) throws ParsingException { AlgorithmParameterSpec ret = null; try { Class<?> apsClass = Class.forName(type); Class<?>[] paramClasses = new Class<?>[params.length]; for (int i = 0; i < params.length; i++) { paramClasses[i] = int.class; } Constructor<?> c = apsClass.getConstructor(paramClasses); ret = (AlgorithmParameterSpec) c.newInstance((Object[]) params); } catch (Exception e) { throw new ParsingException("Cannot call the constructor of " + type + e); } return ret; } private boolean peekAndMatch(String expect) throws ParsingException, IOException { if (peek(expect)) { match(expect); return true; } return false; } private boolean peek(String expect) { boolean found = false; switch (lookahead) { case StreamTokenizer.TT_WORD: if (expect.equalsIgnoreCase(st.sval)) found = true; break; case StreamTokenizer.TT_NUMBER: if (expect.equalsIgnoreCase("number")) { found = true; } break; case ',': if (expect.equals(",")) found = true; break; case '{': if (expect.equals("{")) found = true; break; case '}': if (expect.equals("}")) found = true; break; case '"': if (expect.equals("\"")) found = true; break; case '*': if (expect.equals("*")) found = true; break; case ';': if (expect.equals(";")) found = true; break; default: break; } return found; }
Excepts to match a non-negative number.
/** * Excepts to match a non-negative number. */
private int match() throws ParsingException, IOException { int value = -1; int lineno = st.lineno(); String sValue = null; switch (lookahead) { case StreamTokenizer.TT_NUMBER: value = (int)st.nval; if (value < 0) { sValue = String.valueOf(st.nval); } lookahead = st.nextToken(); break; default: sValue = st.sval; break; } if (value <= 0) { throw new ParsingException(lineno, "a non-negative number", sValue); } return value; } private String match(String expect) throws ParsingException, IOException { String value = null; switch (lookahead) { case StreamTokenizer.TT_NUMBER: throw new ParsingException(st.lineno(), expect, "number "+String.valueOf(st.nval)); case StreamTokenizer.TT_EOF: throw new ParsingException("expected "+expect+", read end of file"); case StreamTokenizer.TT_WORD: if (expect.equalsIgnoreCase(st.sval)) { lookahead = st.nextToken(); } else if (expect.equalsIgnoreCase("permission type")) { value = st.sval; lookahead = st.nextToken(); } else throw new ParsingException(st.lineno(), expect, st.sval); break; case '"': if (expect.equalsIgnoreCase("quoted string")) { value = st.sval; lookahead = st.nextToken(); } else if (expect.equalsIgnoreCase("permission type")) { value = st.sval; lookahead = st.nextToken(); } else throw new ParsingException(st.lineno(), expect, st.sval); break; case ',': if (expect.equals(",")) lookahead = st.nextToken(); else throw new ParsingException(st.lineno(), expect, ","); break; case '{': if (expect.equals("{")) lookahead = st.nextToken(); else throw new ParsingException(st.lineno(), expect, "{"); break; case '}': if (expect.equals("}")) lookahead = st.nextToken(); else throw new ParsingException(st.lineno(), expect, "}"); break; case ';': if (expect.equals(";")) lookahead = st.nextToken(); else throw new ParsingException(st.lineno(), expect, ";"); break; case '*': if (expect.equals("*")) lookahead = st.nextToken(); else throw new ParsingException(st.lineno(), expect, "*"); break; default: throw new ParsingException(st.lineno(), expect, new String(new char[] {(char)lookahead})); } return value; } CryptoPermission[] getPermissions() { Vector<CryptoPermission> result = new Vector<>(); Enumeration<GrantEntry> grantEnum = grantEntries.elements(); while (grantEnum.hasMoreElements()) { GrantEntry ge = grantEnum.nextElement(); Enumeration<CryptoPermissionEntry> permEnum = ge.permissionElements(); while (permEnum.hasMoreElements()) { CryptoPermissionEntry pe = permEnum.nextElement(); if (pe.cryptoPermission.equals( "javax.crypto.CryptoAllPermission")) { result.addElement(CryptoAllPermission.INSTANCE); } else { if (pe.checkParam) { result.addElement(new CryptoPermission( pe.alg, pe.maxKeySize, pe.algParamSpec, pe.exemptionMechanism)); } else { result.addElement(new CryptoPermission( pe.alg, pe.maxKeySize, pe.exemptionMechanism)); } } } } CryptoPermission[] ret = new CryptoPermission[result.size()]; result.copyInto(ret); return ret; } private boolean isConsistent(String alg, String exemptionMechanism, Hashtable<String, Vector<String>> processedPermissions) { String thisExemptionMechanism = exemptionMechanism == null ? "none" : exemptionMechanism; if (processedPermissions == null) { processedPermissions = new Hashtable<String, Vector<String>>(); Vector<String> exemptionMechanisms = new Vector<>(1); exemptionMechanisms.addElement(thisExemptionMechanism); processedPermissions.put(alg, exemptionMechanisms); return true; } if (processedPermissions.containsKey(CryptoAllPermission.ALG_NAME)) { return false; } Vector<String> exemptionMechanisms; if (processedPermissions.containsKey(alg)) { exemptionMechanisms = processedPermissions.get(alg); if (exemptionMechanisms.contains(thisExemptionMechanism)) { return false; } } else { exemptionMechanisms = new Vector<String>(1); } exemptionMechanisms.addElement(thisExemptionMechanism); processedPermissions.put(alg, exemptionMechanisms); return true; }
Each grant entry in the policy configuration file is represented by a GrantEntry object.

For example, the entry

     grant {
      permission javax.crypto.CryptoPermission "DES", 56;
is represented internally
pe = new CryptoPermissionEntry("javax.crypto.CryptoPermission",
                          "DES", 56);
ge = new GrantEntry();
See Also:
/** * Each grant entry in the policy configuration file is represented by a * GrantEntry object. <p> * * <p> * For example, the entry * <pre> * grant { * permission javax.crypto.CryptoPermission "DES", 56; * }; * * </pre> * is represented internally * <pre> * * pe = new CryptoPermissionEntry("javax.crypto.CryptoPermission", * "DES", 56); * * ge = new GrantEntry(); * * ge.add(pe); * * </pre> * * @see java.security.Permission * @see javax.crypto.CryptoPermission * @see javax.crypto.CryptoPermissions */
private static class GrantEntry { private Vector<CryptoPermissionEntry> permissionEntries; GrantEntry() { permissionEntries = new Vector<CryptoPermissionEntry>(); } void add(CryptoPermissionEntry pe) { permissionEntries.addElement(pe); } boolean remove(CryptoPermissionEntry pe) { return permissionEntries.removeElement(pe); } boolean contains(CryptoPermissionEntry pe) { return permissionEntries.contains(pe); }
Enumerate all the permission entries in this GrantEntry.
/** * Enumerate all the permission entries in this GrantEntry. */
Enumeration<CryptoPermissionEntry> permissionElements(){ return permissionEntries.elements(); } }
Each crypto permission entry in the policy configuration file is represented by a CryptoPermissionEntry object.

For example, the entry

    permission javax.crypto.CryptoPermission "DES", 56;
is represented internally
pe = new CryptoPermissionEntry("javax.crypto.cryptoPermission",
                          "DES", 56);
See Also:
/** * Each crypto permission entry in the policy configuration file is * represented by a CryptoPermissionEntry object. <p> * * <p> * For example, the entry * <pre> * permission javax.crypto.CryptoPermission "DES", 56; * </pre> * is represented internally * <pre> * * pe = new CryptoPermissionEntry("javax.crypto.cryptoPermission", * "DES", 56); * </pre> * * @see java.security.Permissions * @see javax.crypto.CryptoPermission * @see javax.crypto.CryptoAllPermission */
private static class CryptoPermissionEntry { String cryptoPermission; String alg; String exemptionMechanism; int maxKeySize; boolean checkParam; AlgorithmParameterSpec algParamSpec; CryptoPermissionEntry() { // Set default values. maxKeySize = 0; alg = null; exemptionMechanism = null; checkParam = false; algParamSpec = null; }
Calculates a hash code value for the object. Objects which are equal will also have the same hashcode.
/** * Calculates a hash code value for the object. Objects * which are equal will also have the same hashcode. */
public int hashCode() { int retval = cryptoPermission.hashCode(); if (alg != null) retval ^= alg.hashCode(); if (exemptionMechanism != null) { retval ^= exemptionMechanism.hashCode(); } retval ^= maxKeySize; if (checkParam) retval ^= 100; if (algParamSpec != null) { retval ^= algParamSpec.hashCode(); } return retval; } public boolean equals(Object obj) { if (obj == this) return true; if (!(obj instanceof CryptoPermissionEntry)) return false; CryptoPermissionEntry that = (CryptoPermissionEntry) obj; if (this.cryptoPermission == null) { if (that.cryptoPermission != null) return false; } else { if (!this.cryptoPermission.equals( that.cryptoPermission)) return false; } if (this.alg == null) { if (that.alg != null) return false; } else { if (!this.alg.equalsIgnoreCase(that.alg)) return false; } if (!(this.maxKeySize == that.maxKeySize)) return false; if (this.checkParam != that.checkParam) return false; if (this.algParamSpec == null) { if (that.algParamSpec != null) return false; } else { if (!this.algParamSpec.equals(that.algParamSpec)) return false; } // everything matched -- the 2 objects are equal return true; } } static final class ParsingException extends GeneralSecurityException { private static final long serialVersionUID = 7147241245566588374L;
Constructs a ParsingException with the specified detail message.
  • msg – the detail message.
/** * Constructs a ParsingException with the specified * detail message. * @param msg the detail message. */
ParsingException(String msg) { super(msg); } ParsingException(int line, String msg) { super("line " + line + ": " + msg); } ParsingException(int line, String expect, String actual) { super("line "+line+": expected '"+expect+"', found '"+actual+"'"); } } }