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package java.awt;

The CheckboxGroup class is used to group together a set of Checkbox buttons.

Exactly one check box button in a CheckboxGroup can be in the "on" state at any given time. Pushing any button sets its state to "on" and forces any other button that is in the "on" state into the "off" state.

The following code example produces a new check box group, with three check boxes:

setLayout(new GridLayout(3, 1));
CheckboxGroup cbg = new CheckboxGroup();
add(new Checkbox("one", cbg, true));
add(new Checkbox("two", cbg, false));
add(new Checkbox("three", cbg, false));

This image depicts the check box group created by this example:

Author: Sami Shaio
See Also:
Since: JDK1.0
/** * The <code>CheckboxGroup</code> class is used to group together * a set of <code>Checkbox</code> buttons. * <p> * Exactly one check box button in a <code>CheckboxGroup</code> can * be in the "on" state at any given time. Pushing any * button sets its state to "on" and forces any other button that * is in the "on" state into the "off" state. * <p> * The following code example produces a new check box group, * with three check boxes: * <p> * <hr><blockquote><pre> * setLayout(new GridLayout(3, 1)); * CheckboxGroup cbg = new CheckboxGroup(); * add(new Checkbox("one", cbg, true)); * add(new Checkbox("two", cbg, false)); * add(new Checkbox("three", cbg, false)); * </pre></blockquote><hr> * <p> * This image depicts the check box group created by this example: * <p> * <img src="doc-files/CheckboxGroup-1.gif" * alt="Shows three checkboxes, arranged vertically, labeled one, two, and three. Checkbox one is in the on state." * style="float:center; margin: 7px 10px;"> * <p> * @author Sami Shaio * @see java.awt.Checkbox * @since JDK1.0 */
public class CheckboxGroup implements java.io.Serializable {
The current choice.
See Also:
/** * The current choice. * @serial * @see #getCurrent() * @see #setCurrent(Checkbox) */
Checkbox selectedCheckbox = null; /* * JDK 1.1 serialVersionUID */ private static final long serialVersionUID = 3729780091441768983L;
Creates a new instance of CheckboxGroup.
/** * Creates a new instance of <code>CheckboxGroup</code>. */
public CheckboxGroup() { }
Gets the current choice from this check box group. The current choice is the check box in this group that is currently in the "on" state, or null if all check boxes in the group are off.
See Also:
Returns: the check box that is currently in the "on" state, or null.
Since: JDK1.1
/** * Gets the current choice from this check box group. * The current choice is the check box in this * group that is currently in the "on" state, * or <code>null</code> if all check boxes in the * group are off. * @return the check box that is currently in the * "on" state, or <code>null</code>. * @see java.awt.Checkbox * @see java.awt.CheckboxGroup#setSelectedCheckbox * @since JDK1.1 */
public Checkbox getSelectedCheckbox() { return getCurrent(); }
Deprecated:As of JDK version 1.1, replaced by getSelectedCheckbox().
/** * @deprecated As of JDK version 1.1, * replaced by <code>getSelectedCheckbox()</code>. */
@Deprecated public Checkbox getCurrent() { return selectedCheckbox; }
Sets the currently selected check box in this group to be the specified check box. This method sets the state of that check box to "on" and sets all other check boxes in the group to be off.

If the check box argument is null, all check boxes in this check box group are deselected. If the check box argument belongs to a different check box group, this method does nothing.

  • box – the Checkbox to set as the current selection.
See Also:
Since: JDK1.1
/** * Sets the currently selected check box in this group * to be the specified check box. * This method sets the state of that check box to "on" and * sets all other check boxes in the group to be off. * <p> * If the check box argument is <tt>null</tt>, all check boxes * in this check box group are deselected. If the check box argument * belongs to a different check box group, this method does * nothing. * @param box the <code>Checkbox</code> to set as the * current selection. * @see java.awt.Checkbox * @see java.awt.CheckboxGroup#getSelectedCheckbox * @since JDK1.1 */
public void setSelectedCheckbox(Checkbox box) { setCurrent(box); }
Deprecated:As of JDK version 1.1, replaced by setSelectedCheckbox(Checkbox).
/** * @deprecated As of JDK version 1.1, * replaced by <code>setSelectedCheckbox(Checkbox)</code>. */
@Deprecated public synchronized void setCurrent(Checkbox box) { if (box != null && box.group != this) { return; } Checkbox oldChoice = this.selectedCheckbox; this.selectedCheckbox = box; if (oldChoice != null && oldChoice != box && oldChoice.group == this) { oldChoice.setState(false); } if (box != null && oldChoice != box && !box.getState()) { box.setStateInternal(true); } }
Returns a string representation of this check box group, including the value of its current selection.
Returns: a string representation of this check box group.
/** * Returns a string representation of this check box group, * including the value of its current selection. * @return a string representation of this check box group. */
public String toString() { return getClass().getName() + "[selectedCheckbox=" + selectedCheckbox + "]"; } }