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package com.sun.security.sasl.ntlm;

import java.util.Map;

import javax.security.sasl.*;
import javax.security.auth.callback.CallbackHandler;

import com.sun.security.sasl.util.PolicyUtils;

Client and server factory for NTLM SASL client/server mechanisms. See NTLMClient and NTLMServer for input requirements.
/** * Client and server factory for NTLM SASL client/server mechanisms. * See NTLMClient and NTLMServer for input requirements. * * @since 1.7 */
public final class FactoryImpl implements SaslClientFactory, SaslServerFactory{ private static final String myMechs[] = { "NTLM" }; private static final int mechPolicies[] = { PolicyUtils.NOPLAINTEXT|PolicyUtils.NOANONYMOUS };
Empty constructor.
/** * Empty constructor. */
public FactoryImpl() { }
Returns a new instance of the NTLM SASL client mechanism. Argument checks are performed in SaslClient's constructor.
  • SaslException – If there is an error creating the NTLM SASL client.
@returnsa new SaslClient ; otherwise null if unsuccessful.
/** * Returns a new instance of the NTLM SASL client mechanism. * Argument checks are performed in SaslClient's constructor. * @returns a new SaslClient ; otherwise null if unsuccessful. * @throws SaslException If there is an error creating the NTLM * SASL client. */
public SaslClient createSaslClient(String[] mechs, String authorizationId, String protocol, String serverName, Map<String,?> props, CallbackHandler cbh) throws SaslException { for (int i=0; i<mechs.length; i++) { if (mechs[i].equals("NTLM") && PolicyUtils.checkPolicy(mechPolicies[0], props)) { if (cbh == null) { throw new SaslException( "Callback handler with support for " + "RealmCallback, NameCallback, and PasswordCallback " + "required"); } return new NTLMClient(mechs[i], authorizationId, protocol, serverName, props, cbh); } } return null; }
Returns a new instance of the NTLM SASL server mechanism. Argument checks are performed in SaslServer's constructor.
  • SaslException – If there is an error creating the NTLM SASL server.
@returnsa new SaslServer ; otherwise null if unsuccessful.
/** * Returns a new instance of the NTLM SASL server mechanism. * Argument checks are performed in SaslServer's constructor. * @returns a new SaslServer ; otherwise null if unsuccessful. * @throws SaslException If there is an error creating the NTLM * SASL server. */
public SaslServer createSaslServer(String mech, String protocol, String serverName, Map<String,?> props, CallbackHandler cbh) throws SaslException { if (mech.equals("NTLM") && PolicyUtils.checkPolicy(mechPolicies[0], props)) { if (props != null) { String qop = (String)props.get(Sasl.QOP); if (qop != null && !qop.equals("auth")) { throw new SaslException("NTLM only support auth"); } } if (cbh == null) { throw new SaslException( "Callback handler with support for " + "RealmCallback, NameCallback, and PasswordCallback " + "required"); } return new NTLMServer(mech, protocol, serverName, props, cbh); } return null; }
Returns the authentication mechanisms that this factory can produce.
@returnsString[] {"NTLM"} if policies in env match those of this factory.
/** * Returns the authentication mechanisms that this factory can produce. * * @returns String[] {"NTLM"} if policies in env match those of this * factory. */
public String[] getMechanismNames(Map<String,?> env) { return PolicyUtils.filterMechs(myMechs, mechPolicies, env); } }