 * Copyright (c) 2008, 2013, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
 * This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
 * under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as
 * published by the Free Software Foundation.  Oracle designates this
 * particular file as subject to the "Classpath" exception as provided
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package com.sun.media.sound;

import java.io.BufferedInputStream;
import java.io.File;
import java.io.FileInputStream;
import java.io.FileOutputStream;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.io.InputStream;
import java.io.OutputStream;
import java.lang.ref.WeakReference;
import java.security.AccessController;
import java.security.PrivilegedAction;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Properties;
import java.util.StringTokenizer;
import java.util.prefs.BackingStoreException;
import java.util.prefs.Preferences;

import javax.sound.midi.Instrument;
import javax.sound.midi.MidiChannel;
import javax.sound.midi.MidiDevice;
import javax.sound.midi.MidiSystem;
import javax.sound.midi.MidiUnavailableException;
import javax.sound.midi.Patch;
import javax.sound.midi.Receiver;
import javax.sound.midi.Soundbank;
import javax.sound.midi.Transmitter;
import javax.sound.midi.VoiceStatus;
import javax.sound.sampled.AudioFormat;
import javax.sound.sampled.AudioInputStream;
import javax.sound.sampled.AudioSystem;
import javax.sound.sampled.LineUnavailableException;
import javax.sound.sampled.SourceDataLine;

The software synthesizer class.
Author:Karl Helgason
/** * The software synthesizer class. * * @author Karl Helgason */
public final class SoftSynthesizer implements AudioSynthesizer, ReferenceCountingDevice { protected static final class WeakAudioStream extends InputStream { private volatile AudioInputStream stream; public SoftAudioPusher pusher = null; public AudioInputStream jitter_stream = null; public SourceDataLine sourceDataLine = null; public volatile long silent_samples = 0; private int framesize = 0; private WeakReference<AudioInputStream> weak_stream_link; private AudioFloatConverter converter; private float[] silentbuffer = null; private int samplesize; public void setInputStream(AudioInputStream stream) { this.stream = stream; } public int available() throws IOException { AudioInputStream local_stream = stream; if(local_stream != null) return local_stream.available(); return 0; } public int read() throws IOException { byte[] b = new byte[1]; if (read(b) == -1) return -1; return b[0] & 0xFF; } public int read(byte[] b, int off, int len) throws IOException { AudioInputStream local_stream = stream; if(local_stream != null) return local_stream.read(b, off, len); else { int flen = len / samplesize; if(silentbuffer == null || silentbuffer.length < flen) silentbuffer = new float[flen]; converter.toByteArray(silentbuffer, flen, b, off); silent_samples += (long)((len / framesize)); if(pusher != null) if(weak_stream_link.get() == null) { Runnable runnable = new Runnable() { SoftAudioPusher _pusher = pusher; AudioInputStream _jitter_stream = jitter_stream; SourceDataLine _sourceDataLine = sourceDataLine; public void run() { _pusher.stop(); if(_jitter_stream != null) try { _jitter_stream.close(); } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } if(_sourceDataLine != null) _sourceDataLine.close(); } }; pusher = null; jitter_stream = null; sourceDataLine = null; new Thread(runnable).start(); } return len; } } public WeakAudioStream(AudioInputStream stream) { this.stream = stream; weak_stream_link = new WeakReference<AudioInputStream>(stream); converter = AudioFloatConverter.getConverter(stream.getFormat()); samplesize = stream.getFormat().getFrameSize() / stream.getFormat().getChannels(); framesize = stream.getFormat().getFrameSize(); } public AudioInputStream getAudioInputStream() { return new AudioInputStream(this, stream.getFormat(), AudioSystem.NOT_SPECIFIED); } public void close() throws IOException { AudioInputStream astream = weak_stream_link.get(); if(astream != null) astream.close(); } } private static class Info extends MidiDevice.Info { Info() { super(INFO_NAME, INFO_VENDOR, INFO_DESCRIPTION, INFO_VERSION); } } static final String INFO_NAME = "Gervill"; static final String INFO_VENDOR = "OpenJDK"; static final String INFO_DESCRIPTION = "Software MIDI Synthesizer"; static final String INFO_VERSION = "1.0"; final static MidiDevice.Info info = new Info(); private static SourceDataLine testline = null; private static Soundbank defaultSoundBank = null; WeakAudioStream weakstream = null; final Object control_mutex = this; int voiceIDCounter = 0; // 0: default // 1: DLS Voice Allocation int voice_allocation_mode = 0; boolean load_default_soundbank = false; boolean reverb_light = true; boolean reverb_on = true; boolean chorus_on = true; boolean agc_on = true; SoftChannel[] channels; SoftChannelProxy[] external_channels = null; private boolean largemode = false; // 0: GM Mode off (default) // 1: GM Level 1 // 2: GM Level 2 private int gmmode = 0; private int deviceid = 0; private AudioFormat format = new AudioFormat(44100, 16, 2, true, false); private SourceDataLine sourceDataLine = null; private SoftAudioPusher pusher = null; private AudioInputStream pusher_stream = null; private float controlrate = 147f; private boolean open = false; private boolean implicitOpen = false; private String resamplerType = "linear"; private SoftResampler resampler = new SoftLinearResampler(); private int number_of_midi_channels = 16; private int maxpoly = 64; private long latency = 200000; // 200 msec private boolean jitter_correction = false; private SoftMainMixer mainmixer; private SoftVoice[] voices; private Map<String, SoftTuning> tunings = new HashMap<String, SoftTuning>(); private Map<String, SoftInstrument> inslist = new HashMap<String, SoftInstrument>(); private Map<String, ModelInstrument> loadedlist = new HashMap<String, ModelInstrument>(); private ArrayList<Receiver> recvslist = new ArrayList<Receiver>(); private void getBuffers(ModelInstrument instrument, List<ModelByteBuffer> buffers) { for (ModelPerformer performer : instrument.getPerformers()) { if (performer.getOscillators() != null) { for (ModelOscillator osc : performer.getOscillators()) { if (osc instanceof ModelByteBufferWavetable) { ModelByteBufferWavetable w = (ModelByteBufferWavetable)osc; ModelByteBuffer buff = w.getBuffer(); if (buff != null) buffers.add(buff); buff = w.get8BitExtensionBuffer(); if (buff != null) buffers.add(buff); } } } } } private boolean loadSamples(List<ModelInstrument> instruments) { if (largemode) return true; List<ModelByteBuffer> buffers = new ArrayList<ModelByteBuffer>(); for (ModelInstrument instrument : instruments) getBuffers(instrument, buffers); try { ModelByteBuffer.loadAll(buffers); } catch (IOException e) { return false; } return true; } private boolean loadInstruments(List<ModelInstrument> instruments) { if (!isOpen()) return false; if (!loadSamples(instruments)) return false; synchronized (control_mutex) { if (channels != null) for (SoftChannel c : channels) { c.current_instrument = null; c.current_director = null; } for (Instrument instrument : instruments) { String pat = patchToString(instrument.getPatch()); SoftInstrument softins = new SoftInstrument((ModelInstrument) instrument); inslist.put(pat, softins); loadedlist.put(pat, (ModelInstrument) instrument); } } return true; } private void processPropertyInfo(Map<String, Object> info) { AudioSynthesizerPropertyInfo[] items = getPropertyInfo(info); String resamplerType = (String)items[0].value; if (resamplerType.equalsIgnoreCase("point")) { this.resampler = new SoftPointResampler(); this.resamplerType = "point"; } else if (resamplerType.equalsIgnoreCase("linear")) { this.resampler = new SoftLinearResampler2(); this.resamplerType = "linear"; } else if (resamplerType.equalsIgnoreCase("linear1")) { this.resampler = new SoftLinearResampler(); this.resamplerType = "linear1"; } else if (resamplerType.equalsIgnoreCase("linear2")) { this.resampler = new SoftLinearResampler2(); this.resamplerType = "linear2"; } else if (resamplerType.equalsIgnoreCase("cubic")) { this.resampler = new SoftCubicResampler(); this.resamplerType = "cubic"; } else if (resamplerType.equalsIgnoreCase("lanczos")) { this.resampler = new SoftLanczosResampler(); this.resamplerType = "lanczos"; } else if (resamplerType.equalsIgnoreCase("sinc")) { this.resampler = new SoftSincResampler(); this.resamplerType = "sinc"; } setFormat((AudioFormat)items[2].value); controlrate = (Float)items[1].value; latency = (Long)items[3].value; deviceid = (Integer)items[4].value; maxpoly = (Integer)items[5].value; reverb_on = (Boolean)items[6].value; chorus_on = (Boolean)items[7].value; agc_on = (Boolean)items[8].value; largemode = (Boolean)items[9].value; number_of_midi_channels = (Integer)items[10].value; jitter_correction = (Boolean)items[11].value; reverb_light = (Boolean)items[12].value; load_default_soundbank = (Boolean)items[13].value; } private String patchToString(Patch patch) { if (patch instanceof ModelPatch && ((ModelPatch) patch).isPercussion()) return "p." + patch.getProgram() + "." + patch.getBank(); else return patch.getProgram() + "." + patch.getBank(); } private void setFormat(AudioFormat format) { if (format.getChannels() > 2) { throw new IllegalArgumentException( "Only mono and stereo audio supported."); } if (AudioFloatConverter.getConverter(format) == null) throw new IllegalArgumentException("Audio format not supported."); this.format = format; } void removeReceiver(Receiver recv) { boolean perform_close = false; synchronized (control_mutex) { if (recvslist.remove(recv)) { if (implicitOpen && recvslist.isEmpty()) perform_close = true; } } if (perform_close) close(); } SoftMainMixer getMainMixer() { if (!isOpen()) return null; return mainmixer; } SoftInstrument findInstrument(int program, int bank, int channel) { // Add support for GM2 banks 0x78 and 0x79 // as specified in DLS 2.2 in Section 1.4.6 // which allows using percussion and melodic instruments // on all channels if (bank >> 7 == 0x78 || bank >> 7 == 0x79) { SoftInstrument current_instrument = inslist.get(program + "." + bank); if (current_instrument != null) return current_instrument; String p_plaf; if (bank >> 7 == 0x78) p_plaf = "p."; else p_plaf = ""; // Instrument not found fallback to MSB:bank, LSB:0 current_instrument = inslist.get(p_plaf + program + "." + ((bank & 128) << 7)); if (current_instrument != null) return current_instrument; // Instrument not found fallback to MSB:0, LSB:bank current_instrument = inslist.get(p_plaf + program + "." + (bank & 128)); if (current_instrument != null) return current_instrument; // Instrument not found fallback to MSB:0, LSB:0 current_instrument = inslist.get(p_plaf + program + ".0"); if (current_instrument != null) return current_instrument; // Instrument not found fallback to MSB:0, LSB:0, program=0 current_instrument = inslist.get(p_plaf + program + "0.0"); if (current_instrument != null) return current_instrument; return null; } // Channel 10 uses percussion instruments String p_plaf; if (channel == 9) p_plaf = "p."; else p_plaf = ""; SoftInstrument current_instrument = inslist.get(p_plaf + program + "." + bank); if (current_instrument != null) return current_instrument; // Instrument not found fallback to MSB:0, LSB:0 current_instrument = inslist.get(p_plaf + program + ".0"); if (current_instrument != null) return current_instrument; // Instrument not found fallback to MSB:0, LSB:0, program=0 current_instrument = inslist.get(p_plaf + "0.0"); if (current_instrument != null) return current_instrument; return null; } int getVoiceAllocationMode() { return voice_allocation_mode; } int getGeneralMidiMode() { return gmmode; } void setGeneralMidiMode(int gmmode) { this.gmmode = gmmode; } int getDeviceID() { return deviceid; } float getControlRate() { return controlrate; } SoftVoice[] getVoices() { return voices; } SoftTuning getTuning(Patch patch) { String t_id = patchToString(patch); SoftTuning tuning = tunings.get(t_id); if (tuning == null) { tuning = new SoftTuning(patch); tunings.put(t_id, tuning); } return tuning; } public long getLatency() { synchronized (control_mutex) { return latency; } } public AudioFormat getFormat() { synchronized (control_mutex) { return format; } } public int getMaxPolyphony() { synchronized (control_mutex) { return maxpoly; } } public MidiChannel[] getChannels() { synchronized (control_mutex) { // if (external_channels == null) => the synthesizer is not open, // create 16 proxy channels // otherwise external_channels has the same length as channels array if (external_channels == null) { external_channels = new SoftChannelProxy[16]; for (int i = 0; i < external_channels.length; i++) external_channels[i] = new SoftChannelProxy(); } MidiChannel[] ret; if (isOpen()) ret = new MidiChannel[channels.length]; else ret = new MidiChannel[16]; for (int i = 0; i < ret.length; i++) ret[i] = external_channels[i]; return ret; } } public VoiceStatus[] getVoiceStatus() { if (!isOpen()) { VoiceStatus[] tempVoiceStatusArray = new VoiceStatus[getMaxPolyphony()]; for (int i = 0; i < tempVoiceStatusArray.length; i++) { VoiceStatus b = new VoiceStatus(); b.active = false; b.bank = 0; b.channel = 0; b.note = 0; b.program = 0; b.volume = 0; tempVoiceStatusArray[i] = b; } return tempVoiceStatusArray; } synchronized (control_mutex) { VoiceStatus[] tempVoiceStatusArray = new VoiceStatus[voices.length]; for (int i = 0; i < voices.length; i++) { VoiceStatus a = voices[i]; VoiceStatus b = new VoiceStatus(); b.active = a.active; b.bank = a.bank; b.channel = a.channel; b.note = a.note; b.program = a.program; b.volume = a.volume; tempVoiceStatusArray[i] = b; } return tempVoiceStatusArray; } } public boolean isSoundbankSupported(Soundbank soundbank) { for (Instrument ins: soundbank.getInstruments()) if (!(ins instanceof ModelInstrument)) return false; return true; } public boolean loadInstrument(Instrument instrument) { if (instrument == null || (!(instrument instanceof ModelInstrument))) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unsupported instrument: " + instrument); } List<ModelInstrument> instruments = new ArrayList<ModelInstrument>(); instruments.add((ModelInstrument)instrument); return loadInstruments(instruments); } public void unloadInstrument(Instrument instrument) { if (instrument == null || (!(instrument instanceof ModelInstrument))) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unsupported instrument: " + instrument); } if (!isOpen()) return; String pat = patchToString(instrument.getPatch()); synchronized (control_mutex) { for (SoftChannel c: channels) c.current_instrument = null; inslist.remove(pat); loadedlist.remove(pat); for (int i = 0; i < channels.length; i++) { channels[i].allSoundOff(); } } } public boolean remapInstrument(Instrument from, Instrument to) { if (from == null) throw new NullPointerException(); if (to == null) throw new NullPointerException(); if (!(from instanceof ModelInstrument)) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unsupported instrument: " + from.toString()); } if (!(to instanceof ModelInstrument)) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unsupported instrument: " + to.toString()); } if (!isOpen()) return false; synchronized (control_mutex) { if (!loadedlist.containsValue(to)) throw new IllegalArgumentException("Instrument to is not loaded."); unloadInstrument(from); ModelMappedInstrument mfrom = new ModelMappedInstrument( (ModelInstrument)to, from.getPatch()); return loadInstrument(mfrom); } } public Soundbank getDefaultSoundbank() { synchronized (SoftSynthesizer.class) { if (defaultSoundBank != null) return defaultSoundBank; List<PrivilegedAction<InputStream>> actions = new ArrayList<PrivilegedAction<InputStream>>(); actions.add(new PrivilegedAction<InputStream>() { public InputStream run() { File javahome = new File(System.getProperties() .getProperty("java.home")); File libaudio = new File(new File(javahome, "lib"), "audio"); if (libaudio.exists()) { File foundfile = null; File[] files = libaudio.listFiles(); if (files != null) { for (int i = 0; i < files.length; i++) { File file = files[i]; if (file.isFile()) { String lname = file.getName().toLowerCase(); if (lname.endsWith(".sf2") || lname.endsWith(".dls")) { if (foundfile == null || (file.length() > foundfile .length())) { foundfile = file; } } } } } if (foundfile != null) { try { return new FileInputStream(foundfile); } catch (IOException e) { } } } return null; } }); actions.add(new PrivilegedAction<InputStream>() { public InputStream run() { if (System.getProperties().getProperty("os.name") .startsWith("Windows")) { File gm_dls = new File(System.getenv("SystemRoot") + "\\system32\\drivers\\gm.dls"); if (gm_dls.exists()) { try { return new FileInputStream(gm_dls); } catch (IOException e) { } } } return null; } }); actions.add(new PrivilegedAction<InputStream>() { public InputStream run() { /* * Try to load saved generated soundbank */ File userhome = new File(System.getProperty("user.home"), ".gervill"); File emg_soundbank_file = new File(userhome, "soundbank-emg.sf2"); if (emg_soundbank_file.exists()) { try { return new FileInputStream(emg_soundbank_file); } catch (IOException e) { } } return null; } }); for (PrivilegedAction<InputStream> action : actions) { try { InputStream is = AccessController.doPrivileged(action); if(is == null) continue; Soundbank sbk; try { sbk = MidiSystem.getSoundbank(new BufferedInputStream(is)); } finally { is.close(); } if (sbk != null) { defaultSoundBank = sbk; return defaultSoundBank; } } catch (Exception e) { } } try { /* * Generate emergency soundbank */ defaultSoundBank = EmergencySoundbank.createSoundbank(); } catch (Exception e) { } if (defaultSoundBank != null) { /* * Save generated soundbank to disk for faster future use. */ OutputStream out = AccessController .doPrivileged(new PrivilegedAction<OutputStream>() { public OutputStream run() { try { File userhome = new File(System .getProperty("user.home"), ".gervill"); if (!userhome.exists()) userhome.mkdirs(); File emg_soundbank_file = new File( userhome, "soundbank-emg.sf2"); if (emg_soundbank_file.exists()) return null; return new FileOutputStream( emg_soundbank_file); } catch (IOException e) { } catch (SecurityException e) { } return null; } }); if (out != null) { try { ((SF2Soundbank) defaultSoundBank).save(out); out.close(); } catch (IOException e) { } } } } return defaultSoundBank; } public Instrument[] getAvailableInstruments() { Soundbank defsbk = getDefaultSoundbank(); if (defsbk == null) return new Instrument[0]; Instrument[] inslist_array = defsbk.getInstruments(); Arrays.sort(inslist_array, new ModelInstrumentComparator()); return inslist_array; } public Instrument[] getLoadedInstruments() { if (!isOpen()) return new Instrument[0]; synchronized (control_mutex) { ModelInstrument[] inslist_array = new ModelInstrument[loadedlist.values().size()]; loadedlist.values().toArray(inslist_array); Arrays.sort(inslist_array, new ModelInstrumentComparator()); return inslist_array; } } public boolean loadAllInstruments(Soundbank soundbank) { List<ModelInstrument> instruments = new ArrayList<ModelInstrument>(); for (Instrument ins: soundbank.getInstruments()) { if (ins == null || !(ins instanceof ModelInstrument)) { throw new IllegalArgumentException( "Unsupported instrument: " + ins); } instruments.add((ModelInstrument)ins); } return loadInstruments(instruments); } public void unloadAllInstruments(Soundbank soundbank) { if (soundbank == null || !isSoundbankSupported(soundbank)) throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unsupported soundbank: " + soundbank); if (!isOpen()) return; for (Instrument ins: soundbank.getInstruments()) { if (ins instanceof ModelInstrument) { unloadInstrument(ins); } } } public boolean loadInstruments(Soundbank soundbank, Patch[] patchList) { List<ModelInstrument> instruments = new ArrayList<ModelInstrument>(); for (Patch patch: patchList) { Instrument ins = soundbank.getInstrument(patch); if (ins == null || !(ins instanceof ModelInstrument)) { throw new IllegalArgumentException( "Unsupported instrument: " + ins); } instruments.add((ModelInstrument)ins); } return loadInstruments(instruments); } public void unloadInstruments(Soundbank soundbank, Patch[] patchList) { if (soundbank == null || !isSoundbankSupported(soundbank)) throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unsupported soundbank: " + soundbank); if (!isOpen()) return; for (Patch pat: patchList) { Instrument ins = soundbank.getInstrument(pat); if (ins instanceof ModelInstrument) { unloadInstrument(ins); } } } public MidiDevice.Info getDeviceInfo() { return info; } private Properties getStoredProperties() { return AccessController .doPrivileged(new PrivilegedAction<Properties>() { public Properties run() { Properties p = new Properties(); String notePath = "/com/sun/media/sound/softsynthesizer"; try { Preferences prefroot = Preferences.userRoot(); if (prefroot.nodeExists(notePath)) { Preferences prefs = prefroot.node(notePath); String[] prefs_keys = prefs.keys(); for (String prefs_key : prefs_keys) { String val = prefs.get(prefs_key, null); if (val != null) p.setProperty(prefs_key, val); } } } catch (BackingStoreException e) { } catch (SecurityException e) { } return p; } }); } public AudioSynthesizerPropertyInfo[] getPropertyInfo(Map<String, Object> info) { List<AudioSynthesizerPropertyInfo> list = new ArrayList<AudioSynthesizerPropertyInfo>(); AudioSynthesizerPropertyInfo item; // If info != null or synthesizer is closed // we return how the synthesizer will be set on next open // If info == null and synthesizer is open // we return current synthesizer properties. boolean o = info == null && open; item = new AudioSynthesizerPropertyInfo("interpolation", o?resamplerType:"linear"); item.choices = new String[]{"linear", "linear1", "linear2", "cubic", "lanczos", "sinc", "point"}; item.description = "Interpolation method"; list.add(item); item = new AudioSynthesizerPropertyInfo("control rate", o?controlrate:147f); item.description = "Control rate"; list.add(item); item = new AudioSynthesizerPropertyInfo("format", o?format:new AudioFormat(44100, 16, 2, true, false)); item.description = "Default audio format"; list.add(item); item = new AudioSynthesizerPropertyInfo("latency", o?latency:120000L); item.description = "Default latency"; list.add(item); item = new AudioSynthesizerPropertyInfo("device id", o?deviceid:0); item.description = "Device ID for SysEx Messages"; list.add(item); item = new AudioSynthesizerPropertyInfo("max polyphony", o?maxpoly:64); item.description = "Maximum polyphony"; list.add(item); item = new AudioSynthesizerPropertyInfo("reverb", o?reverb_on:true); item.description = "Turn reverb effect on or off"; list.add(item); item = new AudioSynthesizerPropertyInfo("chorus", o?chorus_on:true); item.description = "Turn chorus effect on or off"; list.add(item); item = new AudioSynthesizerPropertyInfo("auto gain control", o?agc_on:true); item.description = "Turn auto gain control on or off"; list.add(item); item = new AudioSynthesizerPropertyInfo("large mode", o?largemode:false); item.description = "Turn large mode on or off."; list.add(item); item = new AudioSynthesizerPropertyInfo("midi channels", o?channels.length:16); item.description = "Number of midi channels."; list.add(item); item = new AudioSynthesizerPropertyInfo("jitter correction", o?jitter_correction:true); item.description = "Turn jitter correction on or off."; list.add(item); item = new AudioSynthesizerPropertyInfo("light reverb", o?reverb_light:true); item.description = "Turn light reverb mode on or off"; list.add(item); item = new AudioSynthesizerPropertyInfo("load default soundbank", o?load_default_soundbank:true); item.description = "Enabled/disable loading default soundbank"; list.add(item); AudioSynthesizerPropertyInfo[] items; items = list.toArray(new AudioSynthesizerPropertyInfo[list.size()]); Properties storedProperties = getStoredProperties(); for (AudioSynthesizerPropertyInfo item2 : items) { Object v = (info == null) ? null : info.get(item2.name); v = (v != null) ? v : storedProperties.getProperty(item2.name); if (v != null) { Class c = (item2.valueClass); if (c.isInstance(v)) item2.value = v; else if (v instanceof String) { String s = (String) v; if (c == Boolean.class) { if (s.equalsIgnoreCase("true")) item2.value = Boolean.TRUE; if (s.equalsIgnoreCase("false")) item2.value = Boolean.FALSE; } else if (c == AudioFormat.class) { int channels = 2; boolean signed = true; boolean bigendian = false; int bits = 16; float sampleRate = 44100f; try { StringTokenizer st = new StringTokenizer(s, ", "); String prevToken = ""; while (st.hasMoreTokens()) { String token = st.nextToken().toLowerCase(); if (token.equals("mono")) channels = 1; if (token.startsWith("channel")) channels = Integer.parseInt(prevToken); if (token.contains("unsigned")) signed = false; if (token.equals("big-endian")) bigendian = true; if (token.equals("bit")) bits = Integer.parseInt(prevToken); if (token.equals("hz")) sampleRate = Float.parseFloat(prevToken); prevToken = token; } item2.value = new AudioFormat(sampleRate, bits, channels, signed, bigendian); } catch (NumberFormatException e) { } } else try { if (c == Byte.class) item2.value = Byte.valueOf(s); else if (c == Short.class) item2.value = Short.valueOf(s); else if (c == Integer.class) item2.value = Integer.valueOf(s); else if (c == Long.class) item2.value = Long.valueOf(s); else if (c == Float.class) item2.value = Float.valueOf(s); else if (c == Double.class) item2.value = Double.valueOf(s); } catch (NumberFormatException e) { } } else if (v instanceof Number) { Number n = (Number) v; if (c == Byte.class) item2.value = Byte.valueOf(n.byteValue()); if (c == Short.class) item2.value = Short.valueOf(n.shortValue()); if (c == Integer.class) item2.value = Integer.valueOf(n.intValue()); if (c == Long.class) item2.value = Long.valueOf(n.longValue()); if (c == Float.class) item2.value = Float.valueOf(n.floatValue()); if (c == Double.class) item2.value = Double.valueOf(n.doubleValue()); } } } return items; } public void open() throws MidiUnavailableException { if (isOpen()) { synchronized (control_mutex) { implicitOpen = false; } return; } open(null, null); } public void open(SourceDataLine line, Map<String, Object> info) throws MidiUnavailableException { if (isOpen()) { synchronized (control_mutex) { implicitOpen = false; } return; } synchronized (control_mutex) { Throwable causeException = null; try { if (line != null) { // can throw IllegalArgumentException setFormat(line.getFormat()); } AudioInputStream ais = openStream(getFormat(), info); weakstream = new WeakAudioStream(ais); ais = weakstream.getAudioInputStream(); if (line == null) { if (testline != null) { line = testline; } else { // can throw LineUnavailableException, // IllegalArgumentException, SecurityException line = AudioSystem.getSourceDataLine(getFormat()); } } double latency = this.latency; if (!line.isOpen()) { int bufferSize = getFormat().getFrameSize() * (int)(getFormat().getFrameRate() * (latency/1000000f)); // can throw LineUnavailableException, // IllegalArgumentException, SecurityException line.open(getFormat(), bufferSize); // Remember that we opened that line // so we can close again in SoftSynthesizer.close() sourceDataLine = line; } if (!line.isActive()) line.start(); int controlbuffersize = 512; try { controlbuffersize = ais.available(); } catch (IOException e) { } // Tell mixer not fill read buffers fully. // This lowers latency, and tells DataPusher // to read in smaller amounts. //mainmixer.readfully = false; //pusher = new DataPusher(line, ais); int buffersize = line.getBufferSize(); buffersize -= buffersize % controlbuffersize; if (buffersize < 3 * controlbuffersize) buffersize = 3 * controlbuffersize; if (jitter_correction) { ais = new SoftJitterCorrector(ais, buffersize, controlbuffersize); if(weakstream != null) weakstream.jitter_stream = ais; } pusher = new SoftAudioPusher(line, ais, controlbuffersize); pusher_stream = ais; pusher.start(); if(weakstream != null) { weakstream.pusher = pusher; weakstream.sourceDataLine = sourceDataLine; } } catch (LineUnavailableException e) { causeException = e; } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) { causeException = e; } catch (SecurityException e) { causeException = e; } if (causeException != null) { if (isOpen()) close(); // am: need MidiUnavailableException(Throwable) ctor! MidiUnavailableException ex = new MidiUnavailableException( "Can not open line"); ex.initCause(causeException); throw ex; } } } public AudioInputStream openStream(AudioFormat targetFormat, Map<String, Object> info) throws MidiUnavailableException { if (isOpen()) throw new MidiUnavailableException("Synthesizer is already open"); synchronized (control_mutex) { gmmode = 0; voice_allocation_mode = 0; processPropertyInfo(info); open = true; implicitOpen = false; if (targetFormat != null) setFormat(targetFormat); if (load_default_soundbank) { Soundbank defbank = getDefaultSoundbank(); if (defbank != null) { loadAllInstruments(defbank); } } voices = new SoftVoice[maxpoly]; for (int i = 0; i < maxpoly; i++) voices[i] = new SoftVoice(this); mainmixer = new SoftMainMixer(this); channels = new SoftChannel[number_of_midi_channels]; for (int i = 0; i < channels.length; i++) channels[i] = new SoftChannel(this, i); if (external_channels == null) { // Always create external_channels array // with 16 or more channels // so getChannels works correctly // when the synhtesizer is closed. if (channels.length < 16) external_channels = new SoftChannelProxy[16]; else external_channels = new SoftChannelProxy[channels.length]; for (int i = 0; i < external_channels.length; i++) external_channels[i] = new SoftChannelProxy(); } else { // We must resize external_channels array // but we must also copy the old SoftChannelProxy // into the new one if (channels.length > external_channels.length) { SoftChannelProxy[] new_external_channels = new SoftChannelProxy[channels.length]; for (int i = 0; i < external_channels.length; i++) new_external_channels[i] = external_channels[i]; for (int i = external_channels.length; i < new_external_channels.length; i++) { new_external_channels[i] = new SoftChannelProxy(); } } } for (int i = 0; i < channels.length; i++) external_channels[i].setChannel(channels[i]); for (SoftVoice voice: getVoices()) voice.resampler = resampler.openStreamer(); for (Receiver recv: getReceivers()) { SoftReceiver srecv = ((SoftReceiver)recv); srecv.open = open; srecv.mainmixer = mainmixer; srecv.midimessages = mainmixer.midimessages; } return mainmixer.getInputStream(); } } public void close() { if (!isOpen()) return; SoftAudioPusher pusher_to_be_closed = null; AudioInputStream pusher_stream_to_be_closed = null; synchronized (control_mutex) { if (pusher != null) { pusher_to_be_closed = pusher; pusher_stream_to_be_closed = pusher_stream; pusher = null; pusher_stream = null; } } if (pusher_to_be_closed != null) { // Pusher must not be closed synchronized against control_mutex, // this may result in synchronized conflict between pusher // and current thread. pusher_to_be_closed.stop(); try { pusher_stream_to_be_closed.close(); } catch (IOException e) { //e.printStackTrace(); } } synchronized (control_mutex) { if (mainmixer != null) mainmixer.close(); open = false; implicitOpen = false; mainmixer = null; voices = null; channels = null; if (external_channels != null) for (int i = 0; i < external_channels.length; i++) external_channels[i].setChannel(null); if (sourceDataLine != null) { sourceDataLine.close(); sourceDataLine = null; } inslist.clear(); loadedlist.clear(); tunings.clear(); while (recvslist.size() != 0) recvslist.get(recvslist.size() - 1).close(); } } public boolean isOpen() { synchronized (control_mutex) { return open; } } public long getMicrosecondPosition() { if (!isOpen()) return 0; synchronized (control_mutex) { return mainmixer.getMicrosecondPosition(); } } public int getMaxReceivers() { return -1; } public int getMaxTransmitters() { return 0; } public Receiver getReceiver() throws MidiUnavailableException { synchronized (control_mutex) { SoftReceiver receiver = new SoftReceiver(this); receiver.open = open; recvslist.add(receiver); return receiver; } } public List<Receiver> getReceivers() { synchronized (control_mutex) { ArrayList<Receiver> recvs = new ArrayList<Receiver>(); recvs.addAll(recvslist); return recvs; } } public Transmitter getTransmitter() throws MidiUnavailableException { throw new MidiUnavailableException("No transmitter available"); } public List<Transmitter> getTransmitters() { return new ArrayList<Transmitter>(); } public Receiver getReceiverReferenceCounting() throws MidiUnavailableException { if (!isOpen()) { open(); synchronized (control_mutex) { implicitOpen = true; } } return getReceiver(); } public Transmitter getTransmitterReferenceCounting() throws MidiUnavailableException { throw new MidiUnavailableException("No transmitter available"); } }