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package com.sun.jmx.snmp.agent;

import java.util.Enumeration;
import java.util.Vector;

import com.sun.jmx.snmp.SnmpPdu;
import com.sun.jmx.snmp.SnmpVarBind;
import com.sun.jmx.snmp.SnmpEngine;

This class implements the SnmpMibRequest interface. It represents the part of a SNMP request that involves a specific MIB. One instance of this class will be created for every MIB involved in a SNMP request, and will be passed to the SnmpMibAgent in charge of handling that MIB. Instances of this class are allocated by the SNMP engine. You will never need to use this class directly. You will only access instances of this class through their SnmpMibRequest interface.
/** * This class implements the SnmpMibRequest interface. * It represents the part of a SNMP request that involves a specific * MIB. One instance of this class will be created for every MIB * involved in a SNMP request, and will be passed to the SnmpMibAgent * in charge of handling that MIB. * * Instances of this class are allocated by the SNMP engine. You will * never need to use this class directly. You will only access * instances of this class through their SnmpMibRequest interface. * */
final class SnmpMibRequestImpl implements SnmpMibRequest {
  • engine – The local engine.
  • reqPdu – The received pdu.
  • vblist – The vector of SnmpVarBind objects in which the MIB concerned by this request is involved.
  • protocolVersion – The protocol version of the SNMP request.
  • userData – User allocated contextual data. This object must be allocated on a per SNMP request basis through the SnmpUserDataFactory registered with the SnmpAdaptorServer, and is handed back to the user through SnmpMibRequest objects.
/** * @param engine The local engine. * @param reqPdu The received pdu. * @param vblist The vector of SnmpVarBind objects in which the * MIB concerned by this request is involved. * @param protocolVersion The protocol version of the SNMP request. * @param userData User allocated contextual data. This object must * be allocated on a per SNMP request basis through the * SnmpUserDataFactory registered with the SnmpAdaptorServer, * and is handed back to the user through SnmpMibRequest objects. */
public SnmpMibRequestImpl(SnmpEngine engine, SnmpPdu reqPdu, Vector<SnmpVarBind> vblist, int protocolVersion, Object userData, String principal, int securityLevel, int securityModel, byte[] contextName, byte[] accessContextName) { varbinds = vblist; version = protocolVersion; data = userData; this.reqPdu = reqPdu; this.engine = engine; this.principal = principal; this.securityLevel = securityLevel; this.securityModel = securityModel; this.contextName = contextName; this.accessContextName = accessContextName; } // ------------------------------------------------------------------- // PUBLIC METHODS from SnmpMibRequest // -------------------------------------------------------------------
Returns the local engine. This parameter is returned only if SnmpV3AdaptorServer is the adaptor receiving this request. Otherwise null is returned.
Returns:the local engine.
/** * Returns the local engine. This parameter is returned only if <CODE> SnmpV3AdaptorServer </CODE> is the adaptor receiving this request. Otherwise null is returned. * @return the local engine. */
public SnmpEngine getEngine() { return engine; }
Gets the incoming request principal. This parameter is returned only if SnmpV3AdaptorServer is the adaptor receiving this request. Otherwise null is returned.
Returns:The request principal.
/** * Gets the incoming request principal. This parameter is returned only if <CODE> SnmpV3AdaptorServer </CODE> is the adaptor receiving this request. Otherwise null is returned. * @return The request principal. **/
public String getPrincipal() { return principal; }
Gets the incoming request security level. This level is defined in SnmpEngine. This parameter is returned only if SnmpV3AdaptorServer is the adaptor receiving this request. Otherwise -1 is returned.
Returns:The security level.
/** * Gets the incoming request security level. This level is defined in {@link com.sun.jmx.snmp.SnmpEngine SnmpEngine}. This parameter is returned only if <CODE> SnmpV3AdaptorServer </CODE> is the adaptor receiving this request. Otherwise -1 is returned. * @return The security level. */
public int getSecurityLevel() { return securityLevel; }
Gets the incoming request security model. This parameter is returned only if SnmpV3AdaptorServer is the adaptor receiving this request. Otherwise -1 is returned.
Returns:The security model.
/** * Gets the incoming request security model. This parameter is returned only if <CODE> SnmpV3AdaptorServer </CODE> is the adaptor receiving this request. Otherwise -1 is returned. * @return The security model. */
public int getSecurityModel() { return securityModel; }
Gets the incoming request context name. This parameter is returned only if SnmpV3AdaptorServer is the adaptor receiving this request. Otherwise null is returned.
Returns:The context name.
/** * Gets the incoming request context name. This parameter is returned only if <CODE> SnmpV3AdaptorServer </CODE> is the adaptor receiving this request. Otherwise null is returned. * @return The context name. */
public byte[] getContextName() { return contextName; }
Gets the incoming request context name used by Access Control Model in order to allow or deny the access to OIDs. This parameter is returned only if SnmpV3AdaptorServer is the adaptor receiving this request. Otherwise null is returned.
Returns:The checked context.
/** * Gets the incoming request context name used by Access Control Model in order to allow or deny the access to OIDs. This parameter is returned only if <CODE> SnmpV3AdaptorServer </CODE> is the adaptor receiving this request. Otherwise null is returned. * @return The checked context. */
public byte[] getAccessContextName() { return accessContextName; } // ------------------------------------------------------------------- // Implements the method defined in SnmpMibRequest interface. // See SnmpMibRequest for the java doc. // ------------------------------------------------------------------- public final SnmpPdu getPdu() { return reqPdu; } // ------------------------------------------------------------------- // Implements the method defined in SnmpMibRequest interface. // See SnmpMibRequest for the java doc. // ------------------------------------------------------------------- public final Enumeration getElements() {return varbinds.elements();} // ------------------------------------------------------------------- // Implements the method defined in SnmpMibRequest interface. // See SnmpMibRequest for the java doc. // ------------------------------------------------------------------- public final Vector<SnmpVarBind> getSubList() {return varbinds;} // ------------------------------------------------------------------- // Implements the method defined in SnmpMibRequest interface. // See SnmpMibRequest for the java doc. // ------------------------------------------------------------------- public final int getSize() { if (varbinds == null) return 0; return varbinds.size(); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------- // Implements the method defined in SnmpMibRequest interface. // See SnmpMibRequest for the java doc. // ------------------------------------------------------------------- public final int getVersion() {return version;} // ------------------------------------------------------------------- // Implements the method defined in SnmpMibRequest interface. // See SnmpMibRequest for the java doc. // ------------------------------------------------------------------- public final int getRequestPduVersion() {return reqPdu.version;} // ------------------------------------------------------------------- // Implements the method defined in SnmpMibRequest interface. // See SnmpMibRequest for the java doc. // ------------------------------------------------------------------- public final Object getUserData() {return data;} // ------------------------------------------------------------------- // Implements the method defined in SnmpMibRequest interface. // See SnmpMibRequest for the java doc. // ------------------------------------------------------------------- public final int getVarIndex(SnmpVarBind varbind) { return varbinds.indexOf(varbind); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------- // Implements the method defined in SnmpMibRequest interface. // See SnmpMibRequest for the java doc. // ------------------------------------------------------------------- public void addVarBind(SnmpVarBind varbind) { varbinds.addElement(varbind); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------- // PACKAGE METHODS // ------------------------------------------------------------------- // ------------------------------------------------------------------- // Allow to pass the request tree built during the check() phase // to the set() method. Note: the if the tree is `null', then the // set() method will rebuild a new tree identical to the tree built // in the check() method. // // Passing this tree in the SnmpMibRequestImpl object allows to // optimize the SET requests. // // ------------------------------------------------------------------- final void setRequestTree(SnmpRequestTree tree) {this.tree = tree;} // ------------------------------------------------------------------- // Returns the SnmpRequestTree object built in the first operation // phase for two-phase SNMP requests (like SET). // ------------------------------------------------------------------- final SnmpRequestTree getRequestTree() {return tree;} // ------------------------------------------------------------------- // Returns the underlying vector of SNMP varbinds (used for algorithm // optimization). // ------------------------------------------------------------------- final Vector getVarbinds() {return varbinds;} // ------------------------------------------------------------------- // Private variables // ------------------------------------------------------------------- // Ideally these variables should be declared final but it makes // the jdk1.1.x compiler complain (seems to be a compiler bug, jdk1.2 // is OK). private Vector<SnmpVarBind> varbinds; private int version; private Object data; private SnmpPdu reqPdu = null; // Non final variable. private SnmpRequestTree tree = null; private SnmpEngine engine = null; private String principal = null; private int securityLevel = -1; private int securityModel = -1; private byte[] contextName = null; private byte[] accessContextName = null; }