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package sun.security.jgss;

import org.ietf.jgss.*;
import sun.security.jgss.spi.*;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.io.UnsupportedEncodingException;
import sun.security.util.ObjectIdentifier;
import sun.security.util.DerInputStream;
import sun.security.util.DerOutputStream;

This is the implementation class for GSSName. Conceptually the GSSName is a container with mechanism specific name elements. Each name element is a representation of how that particular mechanism would canonicalize this principal. Generally a GSSName is created by an application when it supplies a sequence of bytes and a nametype that helps each mechanism decide how to interpret those bytes. It is not necessary to create name elements for each available mechanism at the time the application creates the GSSName. This implementation does this lazily, as and when name elements for mechanisms are required to be handed out. (Generally, other GSS classes like GSSContext and GSSCredential request specific elements depending on the mechanisms that they are dealing with.) Assume that getting a mechanism to parse the applciation specified bytes is an expensive call. When a GSSName is canonicalized wrt some mechanism, it is supposed to discard all elements of other mechanisms and retain only the element for this mechanism. In GSS terminology this is called a Mechanism Name or MN. This implementation tries to retain the application provided bytes and name type just in case the MN is asked to produce an element for a mechanism that is different. When a GSSName is to be exported, the name element for the desired mechanism is converted to a byte representation and written out. It might happen that a name element for that mechanism cannot be obtained. This happens when the mechanism is just not supported in this GSS-API or when the mechanism is supported but bytes corresponding to the nametypes that it understands are not available in this GSSName. This class is safe for sharing. Each retrieval of a name element from getElement() might potentially add a new element to the hashmap of elements, but getElement() is synchronized.
Author:Mayank Upadhyay
/** * This is the implementation class for GSSName. Conceptually the * GSSName is a container with mechanism specific name elements. Each * name element is a representation of how that particular mechanism * would canonicalize this principal. * * Generally a GSSName is created by an application when it supplies * a sequence of bytes and a nametype that helps each mechanism * decide how to interpret those bytes. * * It is not necessary to create name elements for each available * mechanism at the time the application creates the GSSName. This * implementation does this lazily, as and when name elements for * mechanisms are required to be handed out. (Generally, other GSS * classes like GSSContext and GSSCredential request specific * elements depending on the mechanisms that they are dealing with.) * Assume that getting a mechanism to parse the applciation specified * bytes is an expensive call. * * When a GSSName is canonicalized wrt some mechanism, it is supposed * to discard all elements of other mechanisms and retain only the * element for this mechanism. In GSS terminology this is called a * Mechanism Name or MN. This implementation tries to retain the * application provided bytes and name type just in case the MN is * asked to produce an element for a mechanism that is different. * * When a GSSName is to be exported, the name element for the desired * mechanism is converted to a byte representation and written * out. It might happen that a name element for that mechanism cannot * be obtained. This happens when the mechanism is just not supported * in this GSS-API or when the mechanism is supported but bytes * corresponding to the nametypes that it understands are not * available in this GSSName. * * This class is safe for sharing. Each retrieval of a name element * from getElement() might potentially add a new element to the * hashmap of elements, but getElement() is synchronized. * * @author Mayank Upadhyay * @since 1.4 */
public class GSSNameImpl implements GSSName { private GSSManagerImpl gssManager = null; /* * Store whatever the application passed in. We will use this to * get individual mechanisms to create name elements as and when * needed. * Store both the String and the byte[]. Leave I18N to the * mechanism by allowing it to extract bytes from the String! */ private String appNameStr = null; private byte[] appNameBytes = null; private Oid appNameType = null; /* * When we figure out what the printable name would be, we store * both the name and its type. */ private String printableName = null; private Oid printableNameType = null; private HashMap<Oid, GSSNameSpi> elements = null; private GSSNameSpi mechElement = null; static GSSNameImpl wrapElement(GSSManagerImpl gssManager, GSSNameSpi mechElement) throws GSSException { return (mechElement == null ? null : new GSSNameImpl(gssManager, mechElement)); } GSSNameImpl(GSSManagerImpl gssManager, GSSNameSpi mechElement) { this.gssManager = gssManager; appNameStr = printableName = mechElement.toString(); appNameType = printableNameType = mechElement.getStringNameType(); this.mechElement = mechElement; elements = new HashMap<Oid, GSSNameSpi>(1); elements.put(mechElement.getMechanism(), this.mechElement); } GSSNameImpl(GSSManagerImpl gssManager, Object appName, Oid appNameType) throws GSSException { this(gssManager, appName, appNameType, null); } GSSNameImpl(GSSManagerImpl gssManager, Object appName, Oid appNameType, Oid mech) throws GSSException { if (appName == null) throw new GSSExceptionImpl(GSSException.BAD_NAME, "Cannot import null name"); if (mech == null) mech = ProviderList.DEFAULT_MECH_OID; if (NT_EXPORT_NAME.equals(appNameType)) { importName(gssManager, appName); } else { init(gssManager, appName, appNameType, mech); } } private void init(GSSManagerImpl gssManager, Object appName, Oid appNameType, Oid mech) throws GSSException { this.gssManager = gssManager; this.elements = new HashMap<Oid, GSSNameSpi>(gssManager.getMechs().length); if (appName instanceof String) { this.appNameStr = (String) appName; /* * If appNameType is null, then the nametype for this printable * string is determined only by interrogating the * mechanism. Thus, defer the setting of printableName and * printableNameType till later. */ if (appNameType != null) { printableName = appNameStr; printableNameType = appNameType; } } else { this.appNameBytes = (byte[]) appName; } this.appNameType = appNameType; mechElement = getElement(mech); /* * printableName will be null if appName was in a byte[] or if * appName was in a String but appNameType was null. */ if (printableName == null) { printableName = mechElement.toString(); printableNameType = mechElement.getStringNameType(); } /* * At this point the GSSNameImpl has the following set: * appNameStr or appNameBytes * appNameType (could be null) * printableName * printableNameType * mechElement (which also exists in the hashmap of elements) */ } private void importName(GSSManagerImpl gssManager, Object appName) throws GSSException { int pos = 0; byte[] bytes = null; if (appName instanceof String) { try { bytes = ((String) appName).getBytes("UTF-8"); } catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e) { // Won't happen } } else bytes = (byte[]) appName; if ((bytes[pos++] != 0x04) || (bytes[pos++] != 0x01)) throw new GSSExceptionImpl(GSSException.BAD_NAME, "Exported name token id is corrupted!"); int oidLen = (((0xFF & bytes[pos++]) << 8) | (0xFF & bytes[pos++])); ObjectIdentifier temp = null; try { DerInputStream din = new DerInputStream(bytes, pos, oidLen); temp = new ObjectIdentifier(din); } catch (IOException e) { throw new GSSExceptionImpl(GSSException.BAD_NAME, "Exported name Object identifier is corrupted!"); } Oid oid = new Oid(temp.toString()); pos += oidLen; int mechPortionLen = (((0xFF & bytes[pos++]) << 24) | ((0xFF & bytes[pos++]) << 16) | ((0xFF & bytes[pos++]) << 8) | (0xFF & bytes[pos++])); if (mechPortionLen < 0 || pos > bytes.length - mechPortionLen) { throw new GSSExceptionImpl(GSSException.BAD_NAME, "Exported name mech name is corrupted!"); } byte[] mechPortion = new byte[mechPortionLen]; System.arraycopy(bytes, pos, mechPortion, 0, mechPortionLen); init(gssManager, mechPortion, NT_EXPORT_NAME, oid); } public GSSName canonicalize(Oid mech) throws GSSException { if (mech == null) mech = ProviderList.DEFAULT_MECH_OID; return wrapElement(gssManager, getElement(mech)); }
This method may return false negatives. But if it says two names are equals, then there is some mechanism that authenticates them as the same principal.
/** * This method may return false negatives. But if it says two * names are equals, then there is some mechanism that * authenticates them as the same principal. */
public boolean equals(GSSName other) throws GSSException { if (this.isAnonymous() || other.isAnonymous()) return false; if (other == this) return true; if (! (other instanceof GSSNameImpl)) return equals(gssManager.createName(other.toString(), other.getStringNameType())); /* * XXX Do a comparison of the appNameStr/appNameBytes if * available. If that fails, then proceed with this test. */ GSSNameImpl that = (GSSNameImpl) other; GSSNameSpi myElement = this.mechElement; GSSNameSpi element = that.mechElement; /* * XXX If they are not of the same mechanism type, convert both to * Kerberos since it is guaranteed to be present. */ if ((myElement == null) && (element != null)) { myElement = this.getElement(element.getMechanism()); } else if ((myElement != null) && (element == null)) { element = that.getElement(myElement.getMechanism()); } if (myElement != null && element != null) { return myElement.equals(element); } if ((this.appNameType != null) && (that.appNameType != null)) { if (!this.appNameType.equals(that.appNameType)) { return false; } byte[] myBytes = null; byte[] bytes = null; try { myBytes = (this.appNameStr != null ? this.appNameStr.getBytes("UTF-8") : this.appNameBytes); bytes = (that.appNameStr != null ? that.appNameStr.getBytes("UTF-8") : that.appNameBytes); } catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e) { // Won't happen } return Arrays.equals(myBytes, bytes); } return false; }
Returns a hashcode value for this GSSName.
Returns:a hashCode value
/** * Returns a hashcode value for this GSSName. * * @return a hashCode value */
public int hashCode() { /* * XXX * In order to get this to work reliably and properly(!), obtain a * Kerberos name element for the name and then call hashCode on its * string representation. But this cannot be done if the nametype * is not one of those supported by the Kerberos provider and hence * this name cannot be imported by Kerberos. In that case return a * constant value! */ return 1; } public boolean equals(Object another) { try { // XXX This can lead to an infinite loop. Extract info // and create a GSSNameImpl with it. if (another instanceof GSSName) return equals((GSSName) another); } catch (GSSException e) { // Squelch it and return false } return false; }
Returns a flat name representation for this object. The name format is defined in RFC 2743:
Length           Name          Description
2               TOK_ID          Token Identifier
                                For exported name objects, this
                                must be hex 04 01.
2               MECH_OID_LEN    Length of the Mechanism OID
MECH_OID_LEN    MECH_OID        Mechanism OID, in DER
4               NAME_LEN        Length of name
NAME_LEN        NAME            Exported name; format defined in
                                applicable mechanism draft.
Note that it is not required to canonicalize a name before calling export(). i.e., the name need not be an MN. If it is not an MN, an implementation defined algorithm can be used for choosing the mechanism which should export this name.
  • GSSException – with major codes NAME_NOT_MN, BAD_NAME, BAD_NAME, FAILURE.
Returns:the flat name representation for this object
/** * Returns a flat name representation for this object. The name * format is defined in RFC 2743: *<pre> * Length Name Description * 2 TOK_ID Token Identifier * For exported name objects, this * must be hex 04 01. * 2 MECH_OID_LEN Length of the Mechanism OID * MECH_OID_LEN MECH_OID Mechanism OID, in DER * 4 NAME_LEN Length of name * NAME_LEN NAME Exported name; format defined in * applicable mechanism draft. *</pre> * * Note that it is not required to canonicalize a name before * calling export(). i.e., the name need not be an MN. If it is * not an MN, an implementation defined algorithm can be used for * choosing the mechanism which should export this name. * * @return the flat name representation for this object * @exception GSSException with major codes NAME_NOT_MN, BAD_NAME, * BAD_NAME, FAILURE. */
public byte[] export() throws GSSException { if (mechElement == null) { /* Use default mech */ mechElement = getElement(ProviderList.DEFAULT_MECH_OID); } byte[] mechPortion = mechElement.export(); byte[] oidBytes = null; ObjectIdentifier oid = null; try { oid = new ObjectIdentifier (mechElement.getMechanism().toString()); } catch (IOException e) { throw new GSSExceptionImpl(GSSException.FAILURE, "Invalid OID String "); } DerOutputStream dout = new DerOutputStream(); try { dout.putOID(oid); } catch (IOException e) { throw new GSSExceptionImpl(GSSException.FAILURE, "Could not ASN.1 Encode " + oid.toString()); } oidBytes = dout.toByteArray(); byte[] retVal = new byte[2 + 2 + oidBytes.length + 4 + mechPortion.length]; int pos = 0; retVal[pos++] = 0x04; retVal[pos++] = 0x01; retVal[pos++] = (byte) (oidBytes.length>>>8); retVal[pos++] = (byte) oidBytes.length; System.arraycopy(oidBytes, 0, retVal, pos, oidBytes.length); pos += oidBytes.length; retVal[pos++] = (byte) (mechPortion.length>>>24); retVal[pos++] = (byte) (mechPortion.length>>>16); retVal[pos++] = (byte) (mechPortion.length>>>8); retVal[pos++] = (byte) mechPortion.length; System.arraycopy(mechPortion, 0, retVal, pos, mechPortion.length); return retVal; } public String toString() { return printableName; } public Oid getStringNameType() throws GSSException { return printableNameType; } public boolean isAnonymous() { if (printableNameType == null) { return false; } else { return GSSName.NT_ANONYMOUS.equals(printableNameType); } } public boolean isMN() { return true; // Since always canonicalized for some mech } public synchronized GSSNameSpi getElement(Oid mechOid) throws GSSException { GSSNameSpi retVal = elements.get(mechOid); if (retVal == null) { if (appNameStr != null) { retVal = gssManager.getNameElement (appNameStr, appNameType, mechOid); } else { retVal = gssManager.getNameElement (appNameBytes, appNameType, mechOid); } elements.put(mechOid, retVal); } return retVal; } Set<GSSNameSpi> getElements() { return new HashSet<GSSNameSpi>(elements.values()); } private static String getNameTypeStr(Oid nameTypeOid) { if (nameTypeOid == null) return "(NT is null)"; if (nameTypeOid.equals(NT_USER_NAME)) return "NT_USER_NAME"; if (nameTypeOid.equals(NT_HOSTBASED_SERVICE)) return "NT_HOSTBASED_SERVICE"; if (nameTypeOid.equals(NT_EXPORT_NAME)) return "NT_EXPORT_NAME"; if (nameTypeOid.equals(GSSUtil.NT_GSS_KRB5_PRINCIPAL)) return "NT_GSS_KRB5_PRINCIPAL"; else return "Unknown"; } }