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Simple EUC-like decoder used by IBM01383 and IBM970 supports G1 - no support for G2 or G3
/** * Simple EUC-like decoder used by IBM01383 and IBM970 * supports G1 - no support for G2 or G3 */
package sun.nio.cs.ext; import java.nio.ByteBuffer; import java.nio.CharBuffer; import java.nio.charset.Charset; import java.nio.charset.CharsetDecoder; import java.nio.charset.CoderResult; abstract class SimpleEUCDecoder extends CharsetDecoder { private final int SS2 = 0x8E; private final int SS3 = 0x8F; protected static String mappingTableG1; protected static String byteToCharTable; protected SimpleEUCDecoder(Charset cs) { super(cs, 0.5f, 1.0f); } private CoderResult decodeArrayLoop(ByteBuffer src, CharBuffer dst) { byte[] sa = src.array(); int sp = src.arrayOffset() + src.position(); int sl = src.arrayOffset() + src.limit(); assert (sp <= sl); sp = (sp <= sl ? sp : sl); char[] da = dst.array(); int dp = dst.arrayOffset() + dst.position(); int dl = dst.arrayOffset() + dst.limit(); assert (dp <= dl); dp = (dp <= dl ? dp : dl); try { while (sp < sl) { int byte1, byte2; int inputSize = 1; char outputChar = '\uFFFD'; byte1 = sa[sp] & 0xff; if ( byte1 <= 0x9f ) { // < 0x9f has its own table (G0) if (byte1 == SS2 || byte1 == SS3 ) { // No support provided for G2/G3 at this time. return CoderResult.malformedForLength(1); } outputChar = byteToCharTable.charAt(byte1); } else if (byte1 < 0xa1 || byte1 > 0xfe) { // invalid range? return CoderResult.malformedForLength(1); } else { // (G1) if (sl - sp < 2) { return CoderResult.UNDERFLOW; } byte2 = sa[sp + 1] & 0xff; inputSize++; if ( byte2 < 0xa1 || byte2 > 0xfe) { return CoderResult.malformedForLength(2); } outputChar = mappingTableG1.charAt(((byte1 - 0xa1) * 94) + byte2 - 0xa1); } if (outputChar == '\uFFFD') { return CoderResult.unmappableForLength(inputSize); } if (dl - dp < 1) return CoderResult.OVERFLOW; da[dp++] = outputChar; sp += inputSize; } return CoderResult.UNDERFLOW; } finally { src.position(sp - src.arrayOffset()); dst.position(dp - dst.arrayOffset()); } } private CoderResult decodeBufferLoop(ByteBuffer src, CharBuffer dst) { int mark = src.position(); try { while (src.hasRemaining()) { char outputChar = '\uFFFD'; int inputSize = 1; int byte1, byte2; byte1 = src.get() & 0xff; if ( byte1 <= 0x9f ) { if (byte1 == SS2 || byte1 == SS3 ) { return CoderResult.malformedForLength(1); } outputChar = byteToCharTable.charAt(byte1); } else if (byte1 < 0xa1 || byte1 > 0xfe) { return CoderResult.malformedForLength(1); } else { if (!src.hasRemaining()) { return CoderResult.UNDERFLOW; } byte2 = src.get() & 0xff; inputSize++; if ( byte2 < 0xa1 || byte2 > 0xfe) { return CoderResult.malformedForLength(2); } outputChar = mappingTableG1.charAt(((byte1 - 0xa1) * 94) + byte2 - 0xa1); } if (outputChar == '\uFFFD') { return CoderResult.unmappableForLength(inputSize); } if (!dst.hasRemaining()) return CoderResult.OVERFLOW; dst.put(outputChar); mark += inputSize; } return CoderResult.UNDERFLOW; } finally { src.position(mark); } } protected CoderResult decodeLoop(ByteBuffer src, CharBuffer dst) { if (src.hasArray() && dst.hasArray()) return decodeArrayLoop(src, dst); else return decodeBufferLoop(src, dst); } }