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package sun.net.www.protocol.http;

import java.io.IOException;
import java.io.UnsupportedEncodingException;
import java.net.InetAddress;
import java.net.PasswordAuthentication;
import java.net.UnknownHostException;
import java.net.URL;
import java.security.GeneralSecurityException;
import java.security.MessageDigest;
import java.security.NoSuchAlgorithmException;
import javax.crypto.Cipher;
import javax.crypto.NoSuchPaddingException;
import javax.crypto.SecretKey;
import javax.crypto.SecretKeyFactory;
import javax.crypto.spec.DESKeySpec;

import sun.net.www.HeaderParser;

Author:Michael McMahon
/** * NTLMAuthentication: * * @author Michael McMahon */
/* * NTLM authentication is nominally based on the framework defined in RFC2617, * but differs from the standard (Basic & Digest) schemes as follows: * * 1. A complete authentication requires three request/response transactions * as shown below: * REQ -------------------------------> * <---- 401 (signalling NTLM) -------- * * REQ (with type1 NTLM msg) ---------> * <---- 401 (with type 2 NTLM msg) --- * * REQ (with type3 NTLM msg) ---------> * <---- OK --------------------------- * * 2. The scope of the authentication is the TCP connection (which must be kept-alive) * after the type2 response is received. This means that NTLM does not work end-to-end * through a proxy, rather between client and proxy, or between client and server (with no proxy) */ class NTLMAuthentication extends AuthenticationInfo { private byte[] type1; private byte[] type3; private SecretKeyFactory fac; private Cipher cipher; private MessageDigest md4; private String hostname; private static String defaultDomain; /* Domain to use if not specified by user */ private static final boolean ntlmCache; /* Whether cache is enabled for NTLM */ static { defaultDomain = java.security.AccessController.doPrivileged( new sun.security.action.GetPropertyAction("http.auth.ntlm.domain", "domain")); String ntlmCacheProp = java.security.AccessController.doPrivileged( new sun.security.action.GetPropertyAction("jdk.ntlm.cache", "true")); ntlmCache = Boolean.parseBoolean(ntlmCacheProp); }; static boolean supportsTransparentAuth () { return false; } private void init0() { type1 = new byte[256]; type3 = new byte[256]; System.arraycopy (new byte[] {'N','T','L','M','S','S','P',0,1}, 0, type1, 0, 9); type1[12] = (byte) 3; type1[13] = (byte) 0xb2; type1[28] = (byte) 0x20; System.arraycopy (new byte[] {'N','T','L','M','S','S','P',0,3}, 0, type3, 0, 9); type3[12] = (byte) 0x18; type3[14] = (byte) 0x18; type3[20] = (byte) 0x18; type3[22] = (byte) 0x18; type3[32] = (byte) 0x40; type3[60] = (byte) 1; type3[61] = (byte) 0x82; try { hostname = java.security.AccessController.doPrivileged( new java.security.PrivilegedAction<String>() { public String run() { String localhost; try { localhost = InetAddress.getLocalHost().getHostName().toUpperCase(); } catch (UnknownHostException e) { localhost = "localhost"; } return localhost; } }); int x = hostname.indexOf ('.'); if (x != -1) { hostname = hostname.substring (0, x); } fac = SecretKeyFactory.getInstance ("DES"); cipher = Cipher.getInstance ("DES/ECB/NoPadding"); md4 = sun.security.provider.MD4.getInstance(); } catch (NoSuchPaddingException e) { assert false; } catch (NoSuchAlgorithmException e) { assert false; } }; PasswordAuthentication pw; String username; String ntdomain; String password;
Create a NTLMAuthentication: Username may be specified as domainusername in the application Authenticator. If this notation is not used, then the domain will be taken from a system property: "http.auth.ntlm.domain".
/** * Create a NTLMAuthentication: * Username may be specified as domain<BACKSLASH>username in the application Authenticator. * If this notation is not used, then the domain will be taken * from a system property: "http.auth.ntlm.domain". */
public NTLMAuthentication(boolean isProxy, URL url, PasswordAuthentication pw) { super(isProxy ? PROXY_AUTHENTICATION : SERVER_AUTHENTICATION, AuthScheme.NTLM, url, ""); init (pw); } private void init (PasswordAuthentication pw) { this.pw = pw; String s = pw.getUserName(); int i = s.indexOf ('\\'); if (i == -1) { username = s; ntdomain = defaultDomain; } else { ntdomain = s.substring (0, i).toUpperCase(); username = s.substring (i+1); } password = new String (pw.getPassword()); init0(); }
Constructor used for proxy entries
/** * Constructor used for proxy entries */
public NTLMAuthentication(boolean isProxy, String host, int port, PasswordAuthentication pw) { super(isProxy ? PROXY_AUTHENTICATION : SERVER_AUTHENTICATION, AuthScheme.NTLM, host, port, ""); init (pw); } @Override protected boolean useAuthCache() { return ntlmCache && super.useAuthCache(); }
Returns:true if this authentication supports preemptive authorization
/** * @return true if this authentication supports preemptive authorization */
boolean supportsPreemptiveAuthorization() { return false; }
Returns:the name of the HTTP header this authentication wants set
/** * @return the name of the HTTP header this authentication wants set */
String getHeaderName() { if (type == SERVER_AUTHENTICATION) { return "Authorization"; } else { return "Proxy-authorization"; } }
Not supported. Must use the setHeaders() method
/** * Not supported. Must use the setHeaders() method */
String getHeaderValue(URL url, String method) { throw new RuntimeException ("getHeaderValue not supported"); }
Check if the header indicates that the current auth. parameters are stale. If so, then replace the relevant field with the new value and return true. Otherwise return false. returning true means the request can be retried with the same userid/password returning false means we have to go back to the user to ask for a new username password.
/** * Check if the header indicates that the current auth. parameters are stale. * If so, then replace the relevant field with the new value * and return true. Otherwise return false. * returning true means the request can be retried with the same userid/password * returning false means we have to go back to the user to ask for a new * username password. */
boolean isAuthorizationStale (String header) { return false; /* should not be called for ntlm */ }
Set header(s) on the given connection.
  • conn – The connection to apply the header(s) to
  • p – A source of header values for this connection, not used because HeaderParser converts the fields to lower case, use raw instead
  • raw – The raw header field.
Returns:true if all goes well, false if no headers were set.
/** * Set header(s) on the given connection. * @param conn The connection to apply the header(s) to * @param p A source of header values for this connection, not used because * HeaderParser converts the fields to lower case, use raw instead * @param raw The raw header field. * @return true if all goes well, false if no headers were set. */
synchronized boolean setHeaders(HttpURLConnection conn, HeaderParser p, String raw) { try { String response; if (raw.length() < 6) { /* NTLM<sp> */ response = buildType1Msg (); } else { String msg = raw.substring (5); /* skip NTLM<sp> */ response = buildType3Msg (msg); } conn.setAuthenticationProperty(getHeaderName(), response); return true; } catch (IOException e) { return false; } catch (GeneralSecurityException e) { return false; } } /* This is a no-op for NTLM, because there is no authentication information * provided by the server to the client */ public void checkResponse (String header, String method, URL url) throws IOException { } private void copybytes (byte[] dest, int destpos, String src, String enc) { try { byte[] x = src.getBytes(enc); System.arraycopy (x, 0, dest, destpos, x.length); } catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e) { assert false; } } private String buildType1Msg () { int dlen = ntdomain.length(); type1[16]= (byte) (dlen % 256); type1[17]= (byte) (dlen / 256); type1[18] = type1[16]; type1[19] = type1[17]; int hlen = hostname.length(); type1[24]= (byte) (hlen % 256); type1[25]= (byte) (hlen / 256); type1[26] = type1[24]; type1[27] = type1[25]; copybytes (type1, 32, hostname, "ISO8859_1"); copybytes (type1, hlen+32, ntdomain, "ISO8859_1"); type1[20] = (byte) ((hlen+32) % 256); type1[21] = (byte) ((hlen+32) / 256); byte[] msg = new byte [32 + hlen + dlen]; System.arraycopy (type1, 0, msg, 0, 32 + hlen + dlen); String result = "NTLM " + (new B64Encoder()).encode (msg); return result; } /* Convert a 7 byte array to an 8 byte array (for a des key with parity) * input starts at offset off */ private byte[] makeDesKey (byte[] input, int off) { int[] in = new int [input.length]; for (int i=0; i<in.length; i++ ) { in[i] = input[i]<0 ? input[i]+256: input[i]; } byte[] out = new byte[8]; out[0] = (byte)in[off+0]; out[1] = (byte)(((in[off+0] << 7) & 0xFF) | (in[off+1] >> 1)); out[2] = (byte)(((in[off+1] << 6) & 0xFF) | (in[off+2] >> 2)); out[3] = (byte)(((in[off+2] << 5) & 0xFF) | (in[off+3] >> 3)); out[4] = (byte)(((in[off+3] << 4) & 0xFF) | (in[off+4] >> 4)); out[5] = (byte)(((in[off+4] << 3) & 0xFF) | (in[off+5] >> 5)); out[6] = (byte)(((in[off+5] << 2) & 0xFF) | (in[off+6] >> 6)); out[7] = (byte)((in[off+6] << 1) & 0xFF); return out; } private byte[] calcLMHash () throws GeneralSecurityException { byte[] magic = {0x4b, 0x47, 0x53, 0x21, 0x40, 0x23, 0x24, 0x25}; byte[] pwb = password.toUpperCase ().getBytes(); byte[] pwb1 = new byte [14]; int len = password.length(); if (len > 14) len = 14; System.arraycopy (pwb, 0, pwb1, 0, len); /* Zero padded */ DESKeySpec dks1 = new DESKeySpec (makeDesKey (pwb1, 0)); DESKeySpec dks2 = new DESKeySpec (makeDesKey (pwb1, 7)); SecretKey key1 = fac.generateSecret (dks1); SecretKey key2 = fac.generateSecret (dks2); cipher.init (Cipher.ENCRYPT_MODE, key1); byte[] out1 = cipher.doFinal (magic, 0, 8); cipher.init (Cipher.ENCRYPT_MODE, key2); byte[] out2 = cipher.doFinal (magic, 0, 8); byte[] result = new byte [21]; System.arraycopy (out1, 0, result, 0, 8); System.arraycopy (out2, 0, result, 8, 8); return result; } private byte[] calcNTHash () throws GeneralSecurityException { byte[] pw = null; try { pw = password.getBytes ("UnicodeLittleUnmarked"); } catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e) { assert false; } byte[] out = md4.digest (pw); byte[] result = new byte [21]; System.arraycopy (out, 0, result, 0, 16); return result; } /* key is a 21 byte array. Split it into 3 7 byte chunks, * Convert each to 8 byte DES keys, encrypt the text arg with * each key and return the three results in a sequential [] */ private byte[] calcResponse (byte[] key, byte[] text) throws GeneralSecurityException { assert key.length == 21; DESKeySpec dks1 = new DESKeySpec (makeDesKey (key, 0)); DESKeySpec dks2 = new DESKeySpec (makeDesKey (key, 7)); DESKeySpec dks3 = new DESKeySpec (makeDesKey (key, 14)); SecretKey key1 = fac.generateSecret (dks1); SecretKey key2 = fac.generateSecret (dks2); SecretKey key3 = fac.generateSecret (dks3); cipher.init (Cipher.ENCRYPT_MODE, key1); byte[] out1 = cipher.doFinal (text, 0, 8); cipher.init (Cipher.ENCRYPT_MODE, key2); byte[] out2 = cipher.doFinal (text, 0, 8); cipher.init (Cipher.ENCRYPT_MODE, key3); byte[] out3 = cipher.doFinal (text, 0, 8); byte[] result = new byte [24]; System.arraycopy (out1, 0, result, 0, 8); System.arraycopy (out2, 0, result, 8, 8); System.arraycopy (out3, 0, result, 16, 8); return result; } private String buildType3Msg (String challenge) throws GeneralSecurityException, IOException { /* First decode the type2 message to get the server nonce */ /* nonce is located at type2[24] for 8 bytes */ byte[] type2 = (new sun.misc.BASE64Decoder()).decodeBuffer (challenge); byte[] nonce = new byte [8]; System.arraycopy (type2, 24, nonce, 0, 8); int ulen = username.length()*2; type3[36] = type3[38] = (byte) (ulen % 256); type3[37] = type3[39] = (byte) (ulen / 256); int dlen = ntdomain.length()*2; type3[28] = type3[30] = (byte) (dlen % 256); type3[29] = type3[31] = (byte) (dlen / 256); int hlen = hostname.length()*2; type3[44] = type3[46] = (byte) (hlen % 256); type3[45] = type3[47] = (byte) (hlen / 256); int l = 64; copybytes (type3, l, ntdomain, "UnicodeLittleUnmarked"); type3[32] = (byte) (l % 256); type3[33] = (byte) (l / 256); l += dlen; copybytes (type3, l, username, "UnicodeLittleUnmarked"); type3[40] = (byte) (l % 256); type3[41] = (byte) (l / 256); l += ulen; copybytes (type3, l, hostname, "UnicodeLittleUnmarked"); type3[48] = (byte) (l % 256); type3[49] = (byte) (l / 256); l += hlen; byte[] lmhash = calcLMHash(); byte[] lmresponse = calcResponse (lmhash, nonce); byte[] nthash = calcNTHash(); byte[] ntresponse = calcResponse (nthash, nonce); System.arraycopy (lmresponse, 0, type3, l, 24); type3[16] = (byte) (l % 256); type3[17] = (byte) (l / 256); l += 24; System.arraycopy (ntresponse, 0, type3, l, 24); type3[24] = (byte) (l % 256); type3[25] = (byte) (l / 256); l += 24; type3[56] = (byte) (l % 256); type3[57] = (byte) (l / 256); byte[] msg = new byte [l]; System.arraycopy (type3, 0, msg, 0, l); String result = "NTLM " + (new B64Encoder()).encode (msg); return result; } } class B64Encoder extends sun.misc.BASE64Encoder { /* to force it to to the entire encoding in one line */ protected int bytesPerLine () { return 1024; } }