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package sun.java2d.opengl;

import java.awt.GradientPaint;
import java.awt.LinearGradientPaint;
import java.awt.MultipleGradientPaint;
import java.awt.MultipleGradientPaint.ColorSpaceType;
import java.awt.MultipleGradientPaint.CycleMethod;
import java.awt.RadialGradientPaint;
import java.awt.TexturePaint;
import java.awt.image.BufferedImage;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Map;
import sun.java2d.SunGraphics2D;
import sun.java2d.SurfaceData;
import sun.java2d.loops.CompositeType;
import static sun.java2d.pipe.BufferedPaints.*;
import static sun.java2d.opengl.OGLContext.OGLContextCaps.*;

abstract class OGLPaints {

Holds all registered implementations, using the corresponding SunGraphics2D.PAINT_* constant as the hash key.
/** * Holds all registered implementations, using the corresponding * SunGraphics2D.PAINT_* constant as the hash key. */
private static Map<Integer, OGLPaints> impls = new HashMap<Integer, OGLPaints>(4, 1.0f); static { impls.put(SunGraphics2D.PAINT_GRADIENT, new Gradient()); impls.put(SunGraphics2D.PAINT_LIN_GRADIENT, new LinearGradient()); impls.put(SunGraphics2D.PAINT_RAD_GRADIENT, new RadialGradient()); impls.put(SunGraphics2D.PAINT_TEXTURE, new Texture()); }
Attempts to locate an implementation corresponding to the paint state of the provided SunGraphics2D object. If no implementation can be found, or if the paint cannot be accelerated under the conditions of the SunGraphics2D, this method returns false; otherwise, returns true.
/** * Attempts to locate an implementation corresponding to the paint state * of the provided SunGraphics2D object. If no implementation can be * found, or if the paint cannot be accelerated under the conditions * of the SunGraphics2D, this method returns false; otherwise, returns * true. */
static boolean isValid(SunGraphics2D sg2d) { OGLPaints impl = impls.get(sg2d.paintState); return (impl != null && impl.isPaintValid(sg2d)); }
Returns true if this implementation is able to accelerate the Paint object associated with, and under the conditions of, the provided SunGraphics2D instance; otherwise returns false.
/** * Returns true if this implementation is able to accelerate the * Paint object associated with, and under the conditions of, the * provided SunGraphics2D instance; otherwise returns false. */
abstract boolean isPaintValid(SunGraphics2D sg2d);
GradientPaint support
/************************* GradientPaint support ****************************/
private static class Gradient extends OGLPaints { private Gradient() {}
There are no restrictions for accelerating GradientPaint, so this method always returns true.
/** * There are no restrictions for accelerating GradientPaint, so * this method always returns true. */
@Override boolean isPaintValid(SunGraphics2D sg2d) { return true; } }
TexturePaint support
/************************** TexturePaint support ****************************/
private static class Texture extends OGLPaints { private Texture() {}
Returns true if the given TexturePaint instance can be used by the accelerated OGLPaints.Texture implementation. A TexturePaint is considered valid if the following conditions are met: - the texture image dimensions are power-of-two (or the GL_ARB_texture_non_power_of_two extension is present) - the texture image can be (or is already) cached in an OpenGL texture object
/** * Returns true if the given TexturePaint instance can be used by the * accelerated OGLPaints.Texture implementation. A TexturePaint is * considered valid if the following conditions are met: * - the texture image dimensions are power-of-two (or the * GL_ARB_texture_non_power_of_two extension is present) * - the texture image can be (or is already) cached in an OpenGL * texture object */
@Override boolean isPaintValid(SunGraphics2D sg2d) { TexturePaint paint = (TexturePaint)sg2d.paint; OGLSurfaceData dstData = (OGLSurfaceData)sg2d.surfaceData; BufferedImage bi = paint.getImage(); // see if texture-non-pow2 extension is available if (!dstData.isTexNonPow2Available()) { int imgw = bi.getWidth(); int imgh = bi.getHeight(); // verify that the texture image dimensions are pow2 if ((imgw & (imgw - 1)) != 0 || (imgh & (imgh - 1)) != 0) { return false; } } SurfaceData srcData = dstData.getSourceSurfaceData(bi, sg2d.TRANSFORM_ISIDENT, CompositeType.SrcOver, null); if (!(srcData instanceof OGLSurfaceData)) { // REMIND: this is a hack that attempts to cache the system // memory image from the TexturePaint instance into an // OpenGL texture... srcData = dstData.getSourceSurfaceData(bi, sg2d.TRANSFORM_ISIDENT, CompositeType.SrcOver, null); if (!(srcData instanceof OGLSurfaceData)) { return false; } } // verify that the source surface is actually a texture OGLSurfaceData oglData = (OGLSurfaceData)srcData; if (oglData.getType() != OGLSurfaceData.TEXTURE) { return false; } return true; } }
Shared MultipleGradientPaint support
/****************** Shared MultipleGradientPaint support ********************/
private static abstract class MultiGradient extends OGLPaints { protected MultiGradient() {}
Returns true if the given MultipleGradientPaint instance can be used by the accelerated OGLPaints.MultiGradient implementation. A MultipleGradientPaint is considered valid if the following conditions are met: - the number of gradient "stops" is <= MAX_FRACTIONS - the destination has support for fragment shaders
/** * Returns true if the given MultipleGradientPaint instance can be * used by the accelerated OGLPaints.MultiGradient implementation. * A MultipleGradientPaint is considered valid if the following * conditions are met: * - the number of gradient "stops" is <= MAX_FRACTIONS * - the destination has support for fragment shaders */
@Override boolean isPaintValid(SunGraphics2D sg2d) { MultipleGradientPaint paint = (MultipleGradientPaint)sg2d.paint; // REMIND: ugh, this creates garbage; would be nicer if // we had a MultipleGradientPaint.getNumStops() method... if (paint.getFractions().length > MULTI_MAX_FRACTIONS) { return false; } OGLSurfaceData dstData = (OGLSurfaceData)sg2d.surfaceData; OGLGraphicsConfig gc = dstData.getOGLGraphicsConfig(); if (!gc.isCapPresent(CAPS_EXT_GRAD_SHADER)) { return false; } return true; } }
LinearGradientPaint support
/********************** LinearGradientPaint support *************************/
private static class LinearGradient extends MultiGradient { private LinearGradient() {} @Override boolean isPaintValid(SunGraphics2D sg2d) { LinearGradientPaint paint = (LinearGradientPaint)sg2d.paint; if (paint.getFractions().length == 2 && paint.getCycleMethod() != CycleMethod.REPEAT && paint.getColorSpace() != ColorSpaceType.LINEAR_RGB) { // we can delegate to the optimized two-color gradient // codepath, which does not require fragment shader support return true; } return super.isPaintValid(sg2d); } }
RadialGradientPaint support
/********************** RadialGradientPaint support *************************/
private static class RadialGradient extends MultiGradient { private RadialGradient() {} } }