 * Copyright (c) 2005, 2007, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
 * This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
 * under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as
 * published by the Free Software Foundation.  Oracle designates this
 * particular file as subject to the "Classpath" exception as provided
 * by Oracle in the LICENSE file that accompanied this code.
 * This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
 * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
 * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License
 * version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that
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 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version
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package sun.awt.X11;

import java.awt.*;
import java.awt.peer.*;
import java.awt.event.*;
import java.awt.image.ColorModel;

import sun.awt.*;

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Vector;
import java.util.logging.*;
import sun.java2d.SurfaceData;
import sun.java2d.SunGraphics2D;

The abstract class XBaseMenuWindow is the superclass of all menu windows.
/** * The abstract class XBaseMenuWindow is the superclass * of all menu windows. */
abstract public class XBaseMenuWindow extends XWindow {
Data members
/************************************************ * * Data members * ************************************************/
private static Logger log = Logger.getLogger("sun.awt.X11.XBaseMenuWindow"); /* * Colors are calculated using MotifColorUtilities class * from backgroundColor and are contained in these vars. */ private Color backgroundColor; private Color foregroundColor; private Color lightShadowColor; private Color darkShadowColor; private Color selectedColor; private Color disabledColor;
Array of items.
/** * Array of items. */
private ArrayList<XMenuItemPeer> items;
Index of selected item in array of items
/** * Index of selected item in array of items */
private int selectedIndex = -1;
Specifies currently showing submenu.
/** * Specifies currently showing submenu. */
private XMenuPeer showingSubmenu = null;
Static synchronizational object. Following operations should be synchronized using this object: 1. Access to items vector 2. Access to selection 3. Access to showing menu window member This is lowest level lock, no other locks should be taken when thread own this lock.
/** * Static synchronizational object. * Following operations should be synchronized * using this object: * 1. Access to items vector * 2. Access to selection * 3. Access to showing menu window member * * This is lowest level lock, * no other locks should be taken when * thread own this lock. */
static private Object menuTreeLock = new Object(); /************************************************ * * Event processing * ************************************************/
If mouse button is clicked on item showing submenu we have to hide its submenu. And if mouse button is pressed on such item and dragged to another, getShowingSubmenu() is changed. So this member saves the item that the user presses mouse button on _only_ if it's showing submenu.
/** * If mouse button is clicked on item showing submenu * we have to hide its submenu. * And if mouse button is pressed on such item and * dragged to another, getShowingSubmenu() is changed. * So this member saves the item that the user * presses mouse button on _only_ if it's showing submenu. */
private XMenuPeer showingMousePressedSubmenu = null;
If the PopupMenu is invoked as a result of right button click first mouse event after grabInput would be MouseReleased. We need to check if the user has moved mouse after input grab. If yes - hide the PopupMenu. If no - do nothing
/** * If the PopupMenu is invoked as a result of right button click * first mouse event after grabInput would be MouseReleased. * We need to check if the user has moved mouse after input grab. * If yes - hide the PopupMenu. If no - do nothing */
protected Point grabInputPoint = null; protected boolean hasPointerMoved = false; /************************************************ * * Mapping data * ************************************************/
Mapping data that is filled in getMappedItems function and reset in resetSize function. It contains array of items in order that they appear on screen and may contain additional data defined by descendants.
/** * Mapping data that is filled in getMappedItems function * and reset in resetSize function. It contains array of * items in order that they appear on screen and may contain * additional data defined by descendants. */
private MappingData mappingData; static class MappingData implements Cloneable {
Array of item in order that they appear on screen
/** * Array of item in order that they appear on screen */
private XMenuItemPeer[] items;
Constructs MappingData object with list of menu items
/** * Constructs MappingData object with list * of menu items */
MappingData(XMenuItemPeer[] items) { this.items = items; }
Constructs MappingData without items This constructor should be used in case of errors
/** * Constructs MappingData without items * This constructor should be used in case of errors */
MappingData() { this.items = new XMenuItemPeer[0]; } public Object clone() { try { return super.clone(); } catch (CloneNotSupportedException ex) { throw new InternalError(); } } public XMenuItemPeer[] getItems() { return this.items; } }
/************************************************ * * Construction * ************************************************/
XBaseMenuWindow() { super(new XCreateWindowParams(new Object[] { DELAYED, Boolean.TRUE})); } /************************************************ * * Abstract methods * ************************************************/
Returns parent menu window (not the X-heirarchy parent window)
/** * Returns parent menu window (not the X-heirarchy parent window) */
protected abstract XBaseMenuWindow getParentMenuWindow();
Performs mapping of items in window. This function creates and fills specific descendant of MappingData and sets mapping coordinates of items This function should return default menu data if errors occur
/** * Performs mapping of items in window. * This function creates and fills specific * descendant of MappingData * and sets mapping coordinates of items * This function should return default menu data * if errors occur */
protected abstract MappingData map();
Calculates placement of submenu window given bounds of item with submenu and size of submenu window. Returns suggested rectangle for submenu window in global coordinates
  • itemBounds – the bounding rectangle of item in local coordinates
  • windowSize – the desired size of submenu's window
/** * Calculates placement of submenu window * given bounds of item with submenu and * size of submenu window. Returns suggested * rectangle for submenu window in global coordinates * @param itemBounds the bounding rectangle of item * in local coordinates * @param windowSize the desired size of submenu's window */
protected abstract Rectangle getSubmenuBounds(Rectangle itemBounds, Dimension windowSize);
This function is to be called if it's likely that size of items was changed. It can be called from any thread in any locked state, so it should not take locks
/** * This function is to be called if it's likely that size * of items was changed. It can be called from any thread * in any locked state, so it should not take locks */
protected abstract void updateSize(); /************************************************ * * Initialization * ************************************************/
Overrides XBaseWindow.instantPreInit
/** * Overrides XBaseWindow.instantPreInit */
void instantPreInit(XCreateWindowParams params) { super.instantPreInit(params); items = new ArrayList(); } /************************************************ * * General-purpose functions * ************************************************/
Returns static lock used for menus
/** * Returns static lock used for menus */
static Object getMenuTreeLock() { return menuTreeLock; }
This function is called to clear all saved size data.
/** * This function is called to clear all saved * size data. */
protected void resetMapping() { mappingData = null; }
Invokes repaint procedure on eventHandlerThread
/** * Invokes repaint procedure on eventHandlerThread */
void postPaintEvent() { if (isShowing()) { PaintEvent pe = new PaintEvent(target, PaintEvent.PAINT, new Rectangle(0, 0, width, height)); postEvent(pe); } } /************************************************ * * Utility functions for manipulating items * ************************************************/
Thread-safely returns item at specified index
  • index – the position of the item to be returned.
/** * Thread-safely returns item at specified index * @param index the position of the item to be returned. */
XMenuItemPeer getItem(int index) { if (index >= 0) { synchronized(getMenuTreeLock()) { if (items.size() > index) { return items.get(index); } } } return null; }
Thread-safely creates a copy of the items vector
/** * Thread-safely creates a copy of the items vector */
XMenuItemPeer[] copyItems() { synchronized(getMenuTreeLock()) { return (XMenuItemPeer[])items.toArray(new XMenuItemPeer[] {}); } }
Thread-safely returns selected item
/** * Thread-safely returns selected item */
XMenuItemPeer getSelectedItem() { synchronized(getMenuTreeLock()) { if (selectedIndex >= 0) { if (items.size() > selectedIndex) { return items.get(selectedIndex); } } return null; } }
Returns showing submenu, if any
/** * Returns showing submenu, if any */
XMenuPeer getShowingSubmenu() { synchronized(getMenuTreeLock()) { return showingSubmenu; } }
Adds item to end of items vector. Note that this function does not perform check for adding duplicate items
  • item – item to add
/** * Adds item to end of items vector. * Note that this function does not perform * check for adding duplicate items * @param item item to add */
public void addItem(MenuItem item) { XMenuItemPeer mp = (XMenuItemPeer)item.getPeer(); if (mp != null) { mp.setContainer(this); synchronized(getMenuTreeLock()) { items.add(mp); } } else { if (log.isLoggable(Level.FINE)) { log.fine("WARNING: Attempt to add menu item without a peer"); } } updateSize(); }
Removes item at the specified index from items vector.
  • index – the position of the item to be removed
/** * Removes item at the specified index from items vector. * @param index the position of the item to be removed */
public void delItem(int index) { synchronized(getMenuTreeLock()) { if (selectedIndex == index) { selectItem(null, false); } else if (selectedIndex > index) { selectedIndex--; } if (index < items.size()) { items.remove(index); } else { if (log.isLoggable(Level.FINE)) { log.fine("WARNING: Attempt to remove non-existing menu item, index : " + index + ", item count : " + items.size()); } } } updateSize(); }
Clears items vector and loads specified vector
  • items – vector to be loaded
/** * Clears items vector and loads specified vector * @param items vector to be loaded */
public void reloadItems(Vector items) { synchronized(getMenuTreeLock()) { this.items.clear(); MenuItem[] itemArray = (MenuItem[])items.toArray(new MenuItem[] {}); int itemCnt = itemArray.length; for(int i = 0; i < itemCnt; i++) { addItem(itemArray[i]); } } }
Select specified item and shows/hides submenus if necessary We can not select by index, so we need to select by ref.
  • item – the item to be selected, null to clear selection
  • showWindowIfMenu – if the item is XMenuPeer then its window is shown/hidden according to this param.
/** * Select specified item and shows/hides submenus if necessary * We can not select by index, so we need to select by ref. * @param item the item to be selected, null to clear selection * @param showWindowIfMenu if the item is XMenuPeer then its * window is shown/hidden according to this param. */
void selectItem(XMenuItemPeer item, boolean showWindowIfMenu) { synchronized(getMenuTreeLock()) { XMenuPeer showingSubmenu = getShowingSubmenu(); int newSelectedIndex = (item != null) ? items.indexOf(item) : -1; if (this.selectedIndex != newSelectedIndex) { if (log.isLoggable(Level.FINEST)) { log.finest("Selected index changed, was : " + this.selectedIndex + ", new : " + newSelectedIndex); } this.selectedIndex = newSelectedIndex; postPaintEvent(); } final XMenuPeer submenuToShow = (showWindowIfMenu && (item instanceof XMenuPeer)) ? (XMenuPeer)item : null; if (submenuToShow != showingSubmenu) { XToolkit.executeOnEventHandlerThread(target, new Runnable() { public void run() { doShowSubmenu(submenuToShow); } }); } } }
Performs hiding of currently showing submenu and showing of submenuToShow. This function should be executed on eventHandlerThread
  • submenuToShow – submenu to be shown or null to hide currently showing submenu
/** * Performs hiding of currently showing submenu * and showing of submenuToShow. * This function should be executed on eventHandlerThread * @param submenuToShow submenu to be shown or null * to hide currently showing submenu */
private void doShowSubmenu(XMenuPeer submenuToShow) { XMenuWindow menuWindowToShow = (submenuToShow != null) ? submenuToShow.getMenuWindow() : null; Dimension dim = null; Rectangle bounds = null; //ensureCreated can invoke XWindowPeer.init() -> //XWindowPeer.initGraphicsConfiguration() -> //Window.getGraphicsConfiguration() //that tries to obtain Component.AWTTreeLock. //So it should be called outside awtLock() if (menuWindowToShow != null) { menuWindowToShow.ensureCreated(); } XToolkit.awtLock(); try { synchronized(getMenuTreeLock()) { if (showingSubmenu != submenuToShow) { if (log.isLoggable(Level.FINEST)) { log.finest("Changing showing submenu"); } if (showingSubmenu != null) { XMenuWindow showingSubmenuWindow = showingSubmenu.getMenuWindow(); if (showingSubmenuWindow != null) { showingSubmenuWindow.hide(); } } if (submenuToShow != null) { dim = menuWindowToShow.getDesiredSize(); bounds = menuWindowToShow.getParentMenuWindow().getSubmenuBounds(submenuToShow.getBounds(), dim); menuWindowToShow.show(bounds); } showingSubmenu = submenuToShow; } } } finally { XToolkit.awtUnlock(); } } final void setItemsFont( Font font ) { XMenuItemPeer[] items = copyItems(); int itemCnt = items.length; for (int i = 0; i < itemCnt; i++) { items[i].setFont(font); } } /************************************************ * * Utility functions for manipulating mapped items * ************************************************/
Returns array of mapped items, null if error This function has to be not synchronized and we have to guarantee that we return some MappingData to user. It's OK if this.mappingData is replaced meanwhile
/** * Returns array of mapped items, null if error * This function has to be not synchronized * and we have to guarantee that we return * some MappingData to user. It's OK if * this.mappingData is replaced meanwhile */
MappingData getMappingData() { MappingData mappingData = this.mappingData; if (mappingData == null) { mappingData = map(); this.mappingData = mappingData; } return (MappingData)mappingData.clone(); }
returns item thats mapped coordinates contain specified point, null of none.
  • pt – the point in this window's coordinate system
/** * returns item thats mapped coordinates contain * specified point, null of none. * @param pt the point in this window's coordinate system */
XMenuItemPeer getItemFromPoint(Point pt) { XMenuItemPeer[] items = getMappingData().getItems(); int cnt = items.length; for (int i = 0; i < cnt; i++) { if (items[i].getBounds().contains(pt)) { return items[i]; } } return null; }
Returns first item after currently selected item that can be selected according to mapping array. (no separators and no disabled items). Currently selected item if it's only selectable, null if no item can be selected
/** * Returns first item after currently selected * item that can be selected according to mapping array. * (no separators and no disabled items). * Currently selected item if it's only selectable, * null if no item can be selected */
XMenuItemPeer getNextSelectableItem() { XMenuItemPeer[] mappedItems = getMappingData().getItems(); XMenuItemPeer selectedItem = getSelectedItem(); int cnt = mappedItems.length; //Find index of selected item int selIdx = -1; for (int i = 0; i < cnt; i++) { if (mappedItems[i] == selectedItem) { selIdx = i; break; } } int idx = (selIdx == cnt - 1) ? 0 : selIdx + 1; //cycle through mappedItems to find selectable item //beginning from the next item and moving to the //beginning of array when end is reached. //Cycle is finished on selected item itself for (int i = 0; i < cnt; i++) { XMenuItemPeer item = mappedItems[idx]; if (!item.isSeparator() && item.isTargetItemEnabled()) { return item; } idx++; if (idx >= cnt) { idx = 0; } } //return null if no selectable item was found return null; }
Returns first item before currently selected see getNextSelectableItem() for comments
/** * Returns first item before currently selected * see getNextSelectableItem() for comments */
XMenuItemPeer getPrevSelectableItem() { XMenuItemPeer[] mappedItems = getMappingData().getItems(); XMenuItemPeer selectedItem = getSelectedItem(); int cnt = mappedItems.length; //Find index of selected item int selIdx = -1; for (int i = 0; i < cnt; i++) { if (mappedItems[i] == selectedItem) { selIdx = i; break; } } int idx = (selIdx <= 0) ? cnt - 1 : selIdx - 1; //cycle through mappedItems to find selectable item for (int i = 0; i < cnt; i++) { XMenuItemPeer item = mappedItems[idx]; if (!item.isSeparator() && item.isTargetItemEnabled()) { return item; } idx--; if (idx < 0) { idx = cnt - 1; } } //return null if no selectable item was found return null; }
Returns first selectable item This function is intended for clearing selection
/** * Returns first selectable item * This function is intended for clearing selection */
XMenuItemPeer getFirstSelectableItem() { XMenuItemPeer[] mappedItems = getMappingData().getItems(); int cnt = mappedItems.length; for (int i = 0; i < cnt; i++) { XMenuItemPeer item = mappedItems[i]; if (!item.isSeparator() && item.isTargetItemEnabled()) { return item; } } return null; } /************************************************ * * Utility functions for manipulating * hierarchy of windows * ************************************************/
returns leaf menu window or this if no children are showing
/** * returns leaf menu window or * this if no children are showing */
XBaseMenuWindow getShowingLeaf() { synchronized(getMenuTreeLock()) { XBaseMenuWindow leaf = this; XMenuPeer leafchild = leaf.getShowingSubmenu(); while (leafchild != null) { leaf = leafchild.getMenuWindow(); leafchild = leaf.getShowingSubmenu(); } return leaf; } }
returns root menu window or this if this window is topmost
/** * returns root menu window * or this if this window is topmost */
XBaseMenuWindow getRootMenuWindow() { synchronized(getMenuTreeLock()) { XBaseMenuWindow t = this; XBaseMenuWindow tparent = t.getParentMenuWindow(); while (tparent != null) { t = tparent; tparent = t.getParentMenuWindow(); } return t; } }
Returns window that contains pt. search is started from leaf window to return first window in Z-order
  • pt – point in global coordinates
/** * Returns window that contains pt. * search is started from leaf window * to return first window in Z-order * @param pt point in global coordinates */
XBaseMenuWindow getMenuWindowFromPoint(Point pt) { synchronized(getMenuTreeLock()) { XBaseMenuWindow t = getShowingLeaf(); while (t != null) { Rectangle r = new Rectangle(t.toGlobal(new Point(0, 0)), t.getSize()); if (r.contains(pt)) { return t; } t = t.getParentMenuWindow(); } return null; } } /************************************************ * * Primitives for getSubmenuBounds * * These functions are invoked from getSubmenuBounds * implementations in different order. They check if window * of size windowSize fits to the specified edge of * rectangle itemBounds on the screen of screenSize. * Return rectangle that occupies the window if it fits or null. * ************************************************/
Checks if window fits below specified item returns rectangle that the window fits to or null.
  • itemBounds – rectangle of item in global coordinates
  • windowSize – size of submenu window to fit
  • screenSize – size of screen
/** * Checks if window fits below specified item * returns rectangle that the window fits to or null. * @param itemBounds rectangle of item in global coordinates * @param windowSize size of submenu window to fit * @param screenSize size of screen */
Rectangle fitWindowBelow(Rectangle itemBounds, Dimension windowSize, Dimension screenSize) { int width = windowSize.width; int height = windowSize.height; //Fix for 6267162: PIT: Popup Menu gets hidden below the screen when opened //near the periphery of the screen, XToolkit //Window should be moved if it's outside top-left screen bounds int x = (itemBounds.x > 0) ? itemBounds.x : 0; int y = (itemBounds.y + itemBounds.height > 0) ? itemBounds.y + itemBounds.height : 0; if (y + height <= screenSize.height) { //move it to the left if needed if (width > screenSize.width) { width = screenSize.width; } if (x + width > screenSize.width) { x = screenSize.width - width; } return new Rectangle(x, y, width, height); } else { return null; } }
Checks if window fits above specified item returns rectangle that the window fits to or null.
  • itemBounds – rectangle of item in global coordinates
  • windowSize – size of submenu window to fit
  • screenSize – size of screen
/** * Checks if window fits above specified item * returns rectangle that the window fits to or null. * @param itemBounds rectangle of item in global coordinates * @param windowSize size of submenu window to fit * @param screenSize size of screen */
Rectangle fitWindowAbove(Rectangle itemBounds, Dimension windowSize, Dimension screenSize) { int width = windowSize.width; int height = windowSize.height; //Fix for 6267162: PIT: Popup Menu gets hidden below the screen when opened //near the periphery of the screen, XToolkit //Window should be moved if it's outside bottom-left screen bounds int x = (itemBounds.x > 0) ? itemBounds.x : 0; int y = (itemBounds.y > screenSize.height) ? screenSize.height - height : itemBounds.y - height; if (y >= 0) { //move it to the left if needed if (width > screenSize.width) { width = screenSize.width; } if (x + width > screenSize.width) { x = screenSize.width - width; } return new Rectangle(x, y, width, height); } else { return null; } }
Checks if window fits to the right specified item returns rectangle that the window fits to or null.
  • itemBounds – rectangle of item in global coordinates
  • windowSize – size of submenu window to fit
  • screenSize – size of screen
/** * Checks if window fits to the right specified item * returns rectangle that the window fits to or null. * @param itemBounds rectangle of item in global coordinates * @param windowSize size of submenu window to fit * @param screenSize size of screen */
Rectangle fitWindowRight(Rectangle itemBounds, Dimension windowSize, Dimension screenSize) { int width = windowSize.width; int height = windowSize.height; //Fix for 6267162: PIT: Popup Menu gets hidden below the screen when opened //near the periphery of the screen, XToolkit //Window should be moved if it's outside top-left screen bounds int x = (itemBounds.x + itemBounds.width > 0) ? itemBounds.x + itemBounds.width : 0; int y = (itemBounds.y > 0) ? itemBounds.y : 0; if (x + width <= screenSize.width) { //move it to the top if needed if (height > screenSize.height) { height = screenSize.height; } if (y + height > screenSize.height) { y = screenSize.height - height; } return new Rectangle(x, y, width, height); } else { return null; } }
Checks if window fits to the left specified item returns rectangle that the window fits to or null.
  • itemBounds – rectangle of item in global coordinates
  • windowSize – size of submenu window to fit
  • screenSize – size of screen
/** * Checks if window fits to the left specified item * returns rectangle that the window fits to or null. * @param itemBounds rectangle of item in global coordinates * @param windowSize size of submenu window to fit * @param screenSize size of screen */
Rectangle fitWindowLeft(Rectangle itemBounds, Dimension windowSize, Dimension screenSize) { int width = windowSize.width; int height = windowSize.height; //Fix for 6267162: PIT: Popup Menu gets hidden below the screen when opened //near the periphery of the screen, XToolkit //Window should be moved if it's outside top-right screen bounds int x = (itemBounds.x < screenSize.width) ? itemBounds.x - width : screenSize.width - width; int y = (itemBounds.y > 0) ? itemBounds.y : 0; if (x >= 0) { //move it to the top if needed if (height > screenSize.height) { height = screenSize.height; } if (y + height > screenSize.height) { y = screenSize.height - height; } return new Rectangle(x, y, width, height); } else { return null; } }
The last thing we can do with the window to fit it on screen - move it to the top-left edge and cut by screen dimensions
  • windowSize – size of submenu window to fit
  • screenSize – size of screen
/** * The last thing we can do with the window * to fit it on screen - move it to the * top-left edge and cut by screen dimensions * @param windowSize size of submenu window to fit * @param screenSize size of screen */
Rectangle fitWindowToScreen(Dimension windowSize, Dimension screenSize) { int width = (windowSize.width < screenSize.width) ? windowSize.width : screenSize.width; int height = (windowSize.height < screenSize.height) ? windowSize.height : screenSize.height; return new Rectangle(0, 0, width, height); } /************************************************ * * Utility functions for manipulating colors * ************************************************/
This function is called before every painting. TODO:It would be better to add PropertyChangeListener to target component TODO:It would be better to access background color not invoking user-overridable function
/** * This function is called before every painting. * TODO:It would be better to add PropertyChangeListener * to target component * TODO:It would be better to access background color * not invoking user-overridable function */
void resetColors() { replaceColors((target == null) ? SystemColor.window : target.getBackground()); }
Calculates colors of various elements given background color. Uses MotifColorUtilities
  • backgroundColor – the color of menu window's background.
/** * Calculates colors of various elements given * background color. Uses MotifColorUtilities * @param backgroundColor the color of menu window's * background. */
void replaceColors(Color backgroundColor) { if (backgroundColor != this.backgroundColor) { this.backgroundColor = backgroundColor; int red = backgroundColor.getRed(); int green = backgroundColor.getGreen(); int blue = backgroundColor.getBlue(); foregroundColor = new Color(MotifColorUtilities.calculateForegroundFromBackground(red,green,blue)); lightShadowColor = new Color(MotifColorUtilities.calculateTopShadowFromBackground(red,green,blue)); darkShadowColor = new Color(MotifColorUtilities.calculateBottomShadowFromBackground(red,green,blue)); selectedColor = new Color(MotifColorUtilities.calculateSelectFromBackground(red,green,blue)); disabledColor = (backgroundColor.equals(Color.BLACK)) ? foregroundColor.darker() : backgroundColor.darker(); } } Color getBackgroundColor() { return backgroundColor; } Color getForegroundColor() { return foregroundColor; } Color getLightShadowColor() { return lightShadowColor; } Color getDarkShadowColor() { return darkShadowColor; } Color getSelectedColor() { return selectedColor; } Color getDisabledColor() { return disabledColor; } /************************************************ * * Painting utility functions * ************************************************/
Draws raised or sunken rectangle on specified graphics
  • g – the graphics on which to draw
  • x – the coordinate of left edge in coordinates of graphics
  • y – the coordinate of top edge in coordinates of graphics
  • width – the width of rectangle
  • height – the height of rectangle
  • raised – true to draw raised rectangle, false to draw sunken
/** * Draws raised or sunken rectangle on specified graphics * @param g the graphics on which to draw * @param x the coordinate of left edge in coordinates of graphics * @param y the coordinate of top edge in coordinates of graphics * @param width the width of rectangle * @param height the height of rectangle * @param raised true to draw raised rectangle, false to draw sunken */
void draw3DRect(Graphics g, int x, int y, int width, int height, boolean raised) { if ((width <= 0) || (height <= 0)) { return; } Color c = g.getColor(); g.setColor(raised ? getLightShadowColor() : getDarkShadowColor()); g.drawLine(x, y, x, y + height - 1); g.drawLine(x + 1, y, x + width - 1, y); g.setColor(raised ? getDarkShadowColor() : getLightShadowColor()); g.drawLine(x + 1, y + height - 1, x + width - 1, y + height - 1); g.drawLine(x + width - 1, y + 1, x + width - 1, y + height - 1); g.setColor(c); } /************************************************ * * Overriden utility functions of XWindow * ************************************************/
Filters X events
/** * Filters X events */
protected boolean isEventDisabled(XEvent e) { switch (e.get_type()) { case XlibWrapper.Expose : case XlibWrapper.GraphicsExpose : case XlibWrapper.ButtonPress: case XlibWrapper.ButtonRelease: case XlibWrapper.MotionNotify: case XlibWrapper.KeyPress: case XlibWrapper.KeyRelease: case XlibWrapper.DestroyNotify: return super.isEventDisabled(e); default: return true; } }
Invokes disposal procedure on eventHandlerThread
/** * Invokes disposal procedure on eventHandlerThread */
public void dispose() { setDisposed(true); EventQueue.invokeLater(new Runnable() { public void run() { doDispose(); } }); }
Performs disposal of menu window. Should be called only on eventHandlerThread
/** * Performs disposal of menu window. * Should be called only on eventHandlerThread */
protected void doDispose() { xSetVisible(false); SurfaceData oldData = surfaceData; surfaceData = null; if (oldData != null) { oldData.invalidate(); } XToolkit.targetDisposedPeer(target, this); destroy(); }
Invokes event processing on eventHandlerThread This function needs to be overriden since XBaseMenuWindow has no corresponding component so events can not be processed using standart means
/** * Invokes event processing on eventHandlerThread * This function needs to be overriden since * XBaseMenuWindow has no corresponding component * so events can not be processed using standart means */
void postEvent(final AWTEvent event) { EventQueue.invokeLater(new Runnable() { public void run() { handleEvent(event); } }); }
The implementation of base window performs processing of paint events only. This behaviour is changed in descendants.
/** * The implementation of base window performs processing * of paint events only. This behaviour is changed in * descendants. */
protected void handleEvent(AWTEvent event) { switch(event.getID()) { case PaintEvent.PAINT: doHandleJavaPaintEvent((PaintEvent)event); break; } }
Save location of pointer for further use then invoke superclass
/** * Save location of pointer for further use * then invoke superclass */
public boolean grabInput() { int rootX; int rootY; boolean res; XToolkit.awtLock(); try { long root = XlibWrapper.RootWindow(XToolkit.getDisplay(), getScreenNumber()); res = XlibWrapper.XQueryPointer(XToolkit.getDisplay(), root, XlibWrapper.larg1, //root XlibWrapper.larg2, //child XlibWrapper.larg3, //root_x XlibWrapper.larg4, //root_y XlibWrapper.larg5, //child_x XlibWrapper.larg6, //child_y XlibWrapper.larg7);//mask rootX = Native.getInt(XlibWrapper.larg3); rootY = Native.getInt(XlibWrapper.larg4); res &= super.grabInput(); } finally { XToolkit.awtUnlock(); } if (res) { //Mouse pointer is on the same display this.grabInputPoint = new Point(rootX, rootY); this.hasPointerMoved = false; } else { this.grabInputPoint = null; this.hasPointerMoved = true; } return res; } /************************************************ * * Overridable event processing functions * ************************************************/
Performs repainting
/** * Performs repainting */
void doHandleJavaPaintEvent(PaintEvent event) { Rectangle rect = event.getUpdateRect(); repaint(rect.x, rect.y, rect.width, rect.height); } /************************************************ * * User input handling utility functions * ************************************************/
Performs handling of java mouse event Note that this function should be invoked only from root of menu window's hierarchy that grabs input focus
/** * Performs handling of java mouse event * Note that this function should be invoked * only from root of menu window's hierarchy * that grabs input focus */
void doHandleJavaMouseEvent( MouseEvent mouseEvent ) { if (!XToolkit.isLeftMouseButton(mouseEvent) && !XToolkit.isRightMouseButton(mouseEvent)) { return; } //Window that owns input XBaseWindow grabWindow = XAwtState.getGrabWindow(); //Point of mouse event in global coordinates Point ptGlobal = mouseEvent.getLocationOnScreen(); if (!hasPointerMoved) { //Fix for 6301307: NullPointerException while dispatching mouse events, XToolkit if (grabInputPoint == null || (Math.abs(ptGlobal.x - grabInputPoint.x) > getMouseMovementSmudge()) || (Math.abs(ptGlobal.y - grabInputPoint.y) > getMouseMovementSmudge())) { hasPointerMoved = true; } } //Z-order first descendant of current menu window //hierarchy that contain mouse point XBaseMenuWindow wnd = getMenuWindowFromPoint(ptGlobal); //Item in wnd that contains mouse point, if any XMenuItemPeer item = (wnd != null) ? wnd.getItemFromPoint(wnd.toLocal(ptGlobal)) : null; //Currently showing leaf window XBaseMenuWindow cwnd = getShowingLeaf(); switch (mouseEvent.getID()) { case MouseEvent.MOUSE_PRESSED: //This line is to get rid of possible problems //That may occur if mouse events are lost showingMousePressedSubmenu = null; if ((grabWindow == this) && (wnd == null)) { //Menus grab input and the user //presses mouse button outside ungrabInput(); } else { //Menus grab input OR mouse is pressed on menu window grabInput(); if (item != null && !item.isSeparator() && item.isTargetItemEnabled()) { //Button is pressed on enabled item if (wnd.getShowingSubmenu() == item) { //Button is pressed on item that shows //submenu. We have to hide its submenu //if user clicks on it showingMousePressedSubmenu = (XMenuPeer)item; } wnd.selectItem(item, true); } else { //Button is pressed on disabled item or empty space if (wnd != null) { wnd.selectItem(null, false); } } } break; case MouseEvent.MOUSE_RELEASED: //Note that if item is not null, wnd has to be not null if (item != null && !item.isSeparator() && item.isTargetItemEnabled()) { if (item instanceof XMenuPeer) { if (showingMousePressedSubmenu == item) { //User clicks on item that shows submenu. //Hide the submenu if (wnd instanceof XMenuBarPeer) { ungrabInput(); } else { wnd.selectItem(item, false); } } } else { //Invoke action event item.action(mouseEvent.getWhen()); ungrabInput(); } } else { //Mouse is released outside menu items if (hasPointerMoved || (wnd instanceof XMenuBarPeer)) { ungrabInput(); } } showingMousePressedSubmenu = null; break; case MouseEvent.MOUSE_DRAGGED: if (wnd != null) { //Mouse is dragged over menu window //Move selection to item under cursor if (item != null && !item.isSeparator() && item.isTargetItemEnabled()) { if (grabWindow == this){ wnd.selectItem(item, true); } } else { wnd.selectItem(null, false); } } else { //Mouse is dragged outside menu windows //clear selection in leaf to reflect it if (cwnd != null) { cwnd.selectItem(null, false); } } break; } }
Performs handling of java keyboard event Note that this function should be invoked only from root of menu window's hierarchy that grabs input focus
/** * Performs handling of java keyboard event * Note that this function should be invoked * only from root of menu window's hierarchy * that grabs input focus */
void doHandleJavaKeyEvent(KeyEvent event) { if (log.isLoggable(Level.FINER)) { log.finer(event.toString()); } if (event.getID() != KeyEvent.KEY_PRESSED) { return; } final int keyCode = event.getKeyCode(); XBaseMenuWindow cwnd = getShowingLeaf(); XMenuItemPeer citem = cwnd.getSelectedItem(); switch(keyCode) { case KeyEvent.VK_UP: case KeyEvent.VK_KP_UP: if (!(cwnd instanceof XMenuBarPeer)) { //If active window is not menu bar, //move selection up cwnd.selectItem(cwnd.getPrevSelectableItem(), false); } break; case KeyEvent.VK_DOWN: case KeyEvent.VK_KP_DOWN: if (cwnd instanceof XMenuBarPeer) { //If active window is menu bar show current submenu selectItem(getSelectedItem(), true); } else { //move selection down cwnd.selectItem(cwnd.getNextSelectableItem(), false); } break; case KeyEvent.VK_LEFT: case KeyEvent.VK_KP_LEFT: if (cwnd instanceof XMenuBarPeer) { //leaf window is menu bar //select previous item selectItem(getPrevSelectableItem(), false); } else if (cwnd.getParentMenuWindow() instanceof XMenuBarPeer) { //leaf window is direct child of menu bar //select previous item of menu bar //and show its submenu selectItem(getPrevSelectableItem(), true); } else { //hide leaf moving focus to its parent //(equvivalent of pressing ESC) XBaseMenuWindow pwnd = cwnd.getParentMenuWindow(); //Fix for 6272952: PIT: Pressing LEFT ARROW on a popup menu throws NullPointerException, XToolkit if (pwnd != null) { pwnd.selectItem(pwnd.getSelectedItem(), false); } } break; case KeyEvent.VK_RIGHT: case KeyEvent.VK_KP_RIGHT: if (cwnd instanceof XMenuBarPeer) { //leaf window is menu bar //select next item selectItem(getNextSelectableItem(), false); } else if (citem instanceof XMenuPeer) { //current item is menu, show its window //(equivalent of ENTER) cwnd.selectItem(citem, true); } else if (this instanceof XMenuBarPeer) { //if this is menu bar (not popup menu) //and the user presses RIGHT on item (not submenu) //select next top-level menu selectItem(getNextSelectableItem(), true); } break; case KeyEvent.VK_SPACE: case KeyEvent.VK_ENTER: //If the current item has submenu show it //Perform action otherwise if (citem instanceof XMenuPeer) { cwnd.selectItem(citem, true); } else if (citem != null) { citem.action(event.getWhen()); ungrabInput(); } break; case KeyEvent.VK_ESCAPE: //If current window is menu bar or its child - close it //If current window is popup menu - close it //go one level up otherwise //Fixed 6266513: Incorrect key handling in XAWT popup menu //Popup menu should be closed on 'ESC' if ((cwnd instanceof XMenuBarPeer) || (cwnd.getParentMenuWindow() instanceof XMenuBarPeer)) { ungrabInput(); } else if (cwnd instanceof XPopupMenuPeer) { ungrabInput(); } else { XBaseMenuWindow pwnd = cwnd.getParentMenuWindow(); pwnd.selectItem(pwnd.getSelectedItem(), false); } break; case KeyEvent.VK_F10: //Fixed 6266513: Incorrect key handling in XAWT popup menu //All menus should be closed on 'F10' ungrabInput(); break; default: break; } } } //class XBaseMenuWindow