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package javax.swing.plaf.metal;

import javax.swing.plaf.*;
import javax.swing.*;
import java.awt.*;

import sun.awt.AppContext;
import sun.security.action.GetPropertyAction;
import sun.swing.SwingUtilities2;

A concrete implementation of MetalTheme providing the original look of the Java Look and Feel, code-named "Steel". Refer to MetalLookAndFeel.setCurrentTheme for details on changing the default theme.

All colors returned by DefaultMetalTheme are completely opaque.

Font Style

DefaultMetalTheme uses bold fonts for many controls. To make all controls (with the exception of the internal frame title bars and client decorated frame title bars) use plain fonts you can do either of the following:
  • Set the system property swing.boldMetal to false. For example, java -Dswing.boldMetal=false MyApp.
  • Set the defaults property swing.boldMetal to Boolean.FALSE. For example: UIManager.put("swing.boldMetal", Boolean.FALSE);
The defaults property swing.boldMetal, if set, takes precendence over the system property of the same name. After setting this defaults property you need to re-install MetalLookAndFeel, as well as update the UI of any previously created widgets. Otherwise the results are undefined. The following illustrates how to do this:
  // turn off bold fonts
  UIManager.put("swing.boldMetal", Boolean.FALSE);
  // re-install the Metal Look and Feel
  UIManager.setLookAndFeel(new MetalLookAndFeel());
  // Update the ComponentUIs for all Components. This
  // needs to be invoked for all windows.

Warning: Serialized objects of this class will not be compatible with future Swing releases. The current serialization support is appropriate for short term storage or RMI between applications running the same version of Swing. As of 1.4, support for long term storage of all JavaBeansTM has been added to the java.beans package. Please see XMLEncoder.

Author:Steve Wilson
See Also:
/** * A concrete implementation of {@code MetalTheme} providing * the original look of the Java Look and Feel, code-named "Steel". Refer * to {@link MetalLookAndFeel#setCurrentTheme} for details on changing * the default theme. * <p> * All colors returned by {@code DefaultMetalTheme} are completely * opaque. * * <h3><a name="fontStyle"></a>Font Style</h3> * * {@code DefaultMetalTheme} uses bold fonts for many controls. To make all * controls (with the exception of the internal frame title bars and * client decorated frame title bars) use plain fonts you can do either of * the following: * <ul> * <li>Set the system property <code>swing.boldMetal</code> to * <code>false</code>. For example, * <code>java&nbsp;-Dswing.boldMetal=false&nbsp;MyApp</code>. * <li>Set the defaults property <code>swing.boldMetal</code> to * <code>Boolean.FALSE</code>. For example: * <code>UIManager.put("swing.boldMetal",&nbsp;Boolean.FALSE);</code> * </ul> * The defaults property <code>swing.boldMetal</code>, if set, * takes precendence over the system property of the same name. After * setting this defaults property you need to re-install * <code>MetalLookAndFeel</code>, as well as update the UI * of any previously created widgets. Otherwise the results are undefined. * The following illustrates how to do this: * <pre> * // turn off bold fonts * UIManager.put("swing.boldMetal", Boolean.FALSE); * * // re-install the Metal Look and Feel * UIManager.setLookAndFeel(new MetalLookAndFeel()); * * // Update the ComponentUIs for all Components. This * // needs to be invoked for all windows. * SwingUtilities.updateComponentTreeUI(rootComponent); * </pre> * <p> * <strong>Warning:</strong> * Serialized objects of this class will not be compatible with * future Swing releases. The current serialization support is * appropriate for short term storage or RMI between applications running * the same version of Swing. As of 1.4, support for long term storage * of all JavaBeans<sup><font size="-2">TM</font></sup> * has been added to the <code>java.beans</code> package. * Please see {@link java.beans.XMLEncoder}. * * @see MetalLookAndFeel * @see MetalLookAndFeel#setCurrentTheme * * @author Steve Wilson */
public class DefaultMetalTheme extends MetalTheme {
Whether or not fonts should be plain. This is only used if the defaults property 'swing.boldMetal' == "false".
/** * Whether or not fonts should be plain. This is only used if * the defaults property 'swing.boldMetal' == "false". */
private static final boolean PLAIN_FONTS;
Names of the fonts to use.
/** * Names of the fonts to use. */
private static final String[] fontNames = { Font.DIALOG,Font.DIALOG,Font.DIALOG,Font.DIALOG,Font.DIALOG,Font.DIALOG };
Styles for the fonts. This is ignored if the defaults property swing.boldMetal is false, or PLAIN_FONTS is true.
/** * Styles for the fonts. This is ignored if the defaults property * <code>swing.boldMetal</code> is false, or PLAIN_FONTS is true. */
private static final int[] fontStyles = { Font.BOLD, Font.PLAIN, Font.PLAIN, Font.BOLD, Font.BOLD, Font.PLAIN };
Sizes for the fonts.
/** * Sizes for the fonts. */
private static final int[] fontSizes = { 12, 12, 12, 12, 12, 10 }; // note the properties listed here can currently be used by people // providing runtimes to hint what fonts are good. For example the bold // dialog font looks bad on a Mac, so Apple could use this property to // hint at a good font. // // However, we don't promise to support these forever. We may move // to getting these from the swing.properties file, or elsewhere.
System property names used to look up fonts.
/** * System property names used to look up fonts. */
private static final String[] defaultNames = { "swing.plaf.metal.controlFont", "swing.plaf.metal.systemFont", "swing.plaf.metal.userFont", "swing.plaf.metal.controlFont", "swing.plaf.metal.controlFont", "swing.plaf.metal.smallFont" };
Returns the ideal font name for the font identified by key.
/** * Returns the ideal font name for the font identified by key. */
static String getDefaultFontName(int key) { return fontNames[key]; }
Returns the ideal font size for the font identified by key.
/** * Returns the ideal font size for the font identified by key. */
static int getDefaultFontSize(int key) { return fontSizes[key]; }
Returns the ideal font style for the font identified by key.
/** * Returns the ideal font style for the font identified by key. */
static int getDefaultFontStyle(int key) { if (key != WINDOW_TITLE_FONT) { Object boldMetal = null; if (AppContext.getAppContext().get( SwingUtilities2.LAF_STATE_KEY) != null) { // Only access the boldMetal key if a look and feel has // been loaded, otherwise we'll trigger loading the look // and feel. boldMetal = UIManager.get("swing.boldMetal"); } if (boldMetal != null) { if (Boolean.FALSE.equals(boldMetal)) { return Font.PLAIN; } } else if (PLAIN_FONTS) { return Font.PLAIN; } } return fontStyles[key]; }
Returns the default used to look up the specified font.
/** * Returns the default used to look up the specified font. */
static String getDefaultPropertyName(int key) { return defaultNames[key]; } static { Object boldProperty = java.security.AccessController.doPrivileged( new GetPropertyAction("swing.boldMetal")); if (boldProperty == null || !"false".equals(boldProperty)) { PLAIN_FONTS = false; } else { PLAIN_FONTS = true; } } private static final ColorUIResource primary1 = new ColorUIResource( 102, 102, 153); private static final ColorUIResource primary2 = new ColorUIResource(153, 153, 204); private static final ColorUIResource primary3 = new ColorUIResource( 204, 204, 255); private static final ColorUIResource secondary1 = new ColorUIResource( 102, 102, 102); private static final ColorUIResource secondary2 = new ColorUIResource( 153, 153, 153); private static final ColorUIResource secondary3 = new ColorUIResource( 204, 204, 204); private FontDelegate fontDelegate;
Returns the name of this theme. This returns "Steel".
Returns:the name of this theme.
/** * Returns the name of this theme. This returns {@code "Steel"}. * * @return the name of this theme. */
public String getName() { return "Steel"; }
Creates and returns an instance of DefaultMetalTheme.
/** * Creates and returns an instance of {@code DefaultMetalTheme}. */
public DefaultMetalTheme() { install(); }
Returns the primary 1 color. This returns a color with rgb values of 102, 102, and 153, respectively.
Returns:the primary 1 color
/** * Returns the primary 1 color. This returns a color with rgb values * of 102, 102, and 153, respectively. * * @return the primary 1 color */
protected ColorUIResource getPrimary1() { return primary1; }
Returns the primary 2 color. This returns a color with rgb values of 153, 153, 204, respectively.
Returns:the primary 2 color
/** * Returns the primary 2 color. This returns a color with rgb values * of 153, 153, 204, respectively. * * @return the primary 2 color */
protected ColorUIResource getPrimary2() { return primary2; }
Returns the primary 3 color. This returns a color with rgb values 204, 204, 255, respectively.
Returns:the primary 3 color
/** * Returns the primary 3 color. This returns a color with rgb values * 204, 204, 255, respectively. * * @return the primary 3 color */
protected ColorUIResource getPrimary3() { return primary3; }
Returns the secondary 1 color. This returns a color with rgb values 102, 102, and 102, respectively.
Returns:the secondary 1 color
/** * Returns the secondary 1 color. This returns a color with rgb values * 102, 102, and 102, respectively. * * @return the secondary 1 color */
protected ColorUIResource getSecondary1() { return secondary1; }
Returns the secondary 2 color. This returns a color with rgb values 153, 153, and 153, respectively.
Returns:the secondary 2 color
/** * Returns the secondary 2 color. This returns a color with rgb values * 153, 153, and 153, respectively. * * @return the secondary 2 color */
protected ColorUIResource getSecondary2() { return secondary2; }
Returns the secondary 3 color. This returns a color with rgb values 204, 204, and 204, respectively.
Returns:the secondary 3 color
/** * Returns the secondary 3 color. This returns a color with rgb values * 204, 204, and 204, respectively. * * @return the secondary 3 color */
protected ColorUIResource getSecondary3() { return secondary3; }
Returns the control text font. This returns Dialog, 12pt. If plain fonts have been enabled as described in font style, the font style is plain. Otherwise the font style is bold.
Returns:the control text font
/** * Returns the control text font. This returns Dialog, 12pt. If * plain fonts have been enabled as described in <a href="#fontStyle"> * font style</a>, the font style is plain. Otherwise the font style is * bold. * * @return the control text font */
public FontUIResource getControlTextFont() { return getFont(CONTROL_TEXT_FONT); }
Returns the system text font. This returns Dialog, 12pt, plain.
Returns:the sytem text font
/** * Returns the system text font. This returns Dialog, 12pt, plain. * * @return the sytem text font */
public FontUIResource getSystemTextFont() { return getFont(SYSTEM_TEXT_FONT); }
Returns the user text font. This returns Dialog, 12pt, plain.
Returns:the user text font
/** * Returns the user text font. This returns Dialog, 12pt, plain. * * @return the user text font */
public FontUIResource getUserTextFont() { return getFont(USER_TEXT_FONT); }
Returns the menu text font. This returns Dialog, 12pt. If plain fonts have been enabled as described in font style, the font style is plain. Otherwise the font style is bold.
Returns:the menu text font
/** * Returns the menu text font. This returns Dialog, 12pt. If * plain fonts have been enabled as described in <a href="#fontStyle"> * font style</a>, the font style is plain. Otherwise the font style is * bold. * * @return the menu text font */
public FontUIResource getMenuTextFont() { return getFont(MENU_TEXT_FONT); }
Returns the window title font. This returns Dialog, 12pt, bold.
Returns:the window title font
/** * Returns the window title font. This returns Dialog, 12pt, bold. * * @return the window title font */
public FontUIResource getWindowTitleFont() { return getFont(WINDOW_TITLE_FONT); }
Returns the sub-text font. This returns Dialog, 10pt, plain.
Returns:the sub-text font
/** * Returns the sub-text font. This returns Dialog, 10pt, plain. * * @return the sub-text font */
public FontUIResource getSubTextFont() { return getFont(SUB_TEXT_FONT); } private FontUIResource getFont(int key) { return fontDelegate.getFont(key); } void install() { if (MetalLookAndFeel.isWindows() && MetalLookAndFeel.useSystemFonts()) { fontDelegate = new WindowsFontDelegate(); } else { fontDelegate = new FontDelegate(); } }
Returns true if this is a theme provided by the core platform.
/** * Returns true if this is a theme provided by the core platform. */
boolean isSystemTheme() { return (getClass() == DefaultMetalTheme.class); }
FontDelegates add an extra level of indirection to obtaining fonts.
/** * FontDelegates add an extra level of indirection to obtaining fonts. */
private static class FontDelegate { private static int[] defaultMapping = { CONTROL_TEXT_FONT, SYSTEM_TEXT_FONT, USER_TEXT_FONT, CONTROL_TEXT_FONT, CONTROL_TEXT_FONT, SUB_TEXT_FONT }; FontUIResource fonts[]; // menu and window are mapped to controlFont public FontDelegate() { fonts = new FontUIResource[6]; } public FontUIResource getFont(int type) { int mappedType = defaultMapping[type]; if (fonts[type] == null) { Font f = getPrivilegedFont(mappedType); if (f == null) { f = new Font(getDefaultFontName(type), getDefaultFontStyle(type), getDefaultFontSize(type)); } fonts[type] = new FontUIResource(f); } return fonts[type]; }
This is the same as invoking Font.getFont(key), with the exception that it is wrapped inside a doPrivileged call.
/** * This is the same as invoking * <code>Font.getFont(key)</code>, with the exception * that it is wrapped inside a <code>doPrivileged</code> call. */
protected Font getPrivilegedFont(final int key) { return java.security.AccessController.doPrivileged( new java.security.PrivilegedAction<Font>() { public Font run() { return Font.getFont(getDefaultPropertyName(key)); } } ); } }
The WindowsFontDelegate uses DesktopProperties to obtain fonts.
/** * The WindowsFontDelegate uses DesktopProperties to obtain fonts. */
private static class WindowsFontDelegate extends FontDelegate { private MetalFontDesktopProperty[] props; private boolean[] checkedPriviledged; public WindowsFontDelegate() { props = new MetalFontDesktopProperty[6]; checkedPriviledged = new boolean[6]; } public FontUIResource getFont(int type) { if (fonts[type] != null) { return fonts[type]; } if (!checkedPriviledged[type]) { Font f = getPrivilegedFont(type); checkedPriviledged[type] = true; if (f != null) { fonts[type] = new FontUIResource(f); return fonts[type]; } } if (props[type] == null) { props[type] = new MetalFontDesktopProperty(type); } // While passing null may seem bad, we don't actually use // the table and looking it up is rather expensive. return (FontUIResource)props[type].createValue(null); } } }