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package javax.swing.plaf.basic;

import sun.swing.DefaultLookup;
import sun.swing.UIAction;
import java.awt.*;
import java.awt.event.*;
import java.beans.*;
import javax.swing.*;
import javax.swing.event.*;
import javax.swing.plaf.*;
import javax.swing.border.*;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.ArrayList;

A default L&F implementation of MenuUI. This implementation is a "combined" view/controller.
Author:Georges Saab, David Karlton, Arnaud Weber
/** * A default L&F implementation of MenuUI. This implementation * is a "combined" view/controller. * * @author Georges Saab * @author David Karlton * @author Arnaud Weber */
public class BasicMenuUI extends BasicMenuItemUI { protected ChangeListener changeListener; protected MenuListener menuListener; private int lastMnemonic = 0;
Uses as the parent of the windowInputMap when selected.
/** Uses as the parent of the windowInputMap when selected. */
private InputMap selectedWindowInputMap; /* diagnostic aids -- should be false for production builds. */ private static final boolean TRACE = false; // trace creates and disposes private static final boolean VERBOSE = false; // show reuse hits/misses private static final boolean DEBUG = false; // show bad params, misc. private static boolean crossMenuMnemonic = true; public static ComponentUI createUI(JComponent x) { return new BasicMenuUI(); } static void loadActionMap(LazyActionMap map) { BasicMenuItemUI.loadActionMap(map); map.put(new Actions(Actions.SELECT, null, true)); } protected void installDefaults() { super.installDefaults(); updateDefaultBackgroundColor(); ((JMenu)menuItem).setDelay(200); crossMenuMnemonic = UIManager.getBoolean("Menu.crossMenuMnemonic"); } protected String getPropertyPrefix() { return "Menu"; } protected void installListeners() { super.installListeners(); if (changeListener == null) changeListener = createChangeListener(menuItem); if (changeListener != null) menuItem.addChangeListener(changeListener); if (menuListener == null) menuListener = createMenuListener(menuItem); if (menuListener != null) ((JMenu)menuItem).addMenuListener(menuListener); } protected void installKeyboardActions() { super.installKeyboardActions(); updateMnemonicBinding(); } void installLazyActionMap() { LazyActionMap.installLazyActionMap(menuItem, BasicMenuUI.class, getPropertyPrefix() + ".actionMap"); } void updateMnemonicBinding() { int mnemonic = menuItem.getModel().getMnemonic(); int[] shortcutKeys = (int[])DefaultLookup.get(menuItem, this, "Menu.shortcutKeys"); if (shortcutKeys == null) { shortcutKeys = new int[] {KeyEvent.ALT_MASK}; } if (mnemonic == lastMnemonic) { return; } InputMap windowInputMap = SwingUtilities.getUIInputMap( menuItem, JComponent.WHEN_IN_FOCUSED_WINDOW); if (lastMnemonic != 0 && windowInputMap != null) { for (int shortcutKey : shortcutKeys) { windowInputMap.remove(KeyStroke.getKeyStroke (lastMnemonic, shortcutKey, false)); } } if (mnemonic != 0) { if (windowInputMap == null) { windowInputMap = createInputMap(JComponent. WHEN_IN_FOCUSED_WINDOW); SwingUtilities.replaceUIInputMap(menuItem, JComponent. WHEN_IN_FOCUSED_WINDOW, windowInputMap); } for (int shortcutKey : shortcutKeys) { windowInputMap.put(KeyStroke.getKeyStroke(mnemonic, shortcutKey, false), "selectMenu"); } } lastMnemonic = mnemonic; } protected void uninstallKeyboardActions() { super.uninstallKeyboardActions(); lastMnemonic = 0; } protected MouseInputListener createMouseInputListener(JComponent c) { return getHandler(); } protected MenuListener createMenuListener(JComponent c) { return null; } protected ChangeListener createChangeListener(JComponent c) { return null; } protected PropertyChangeListener createPropertyChangeListener(JComponent c) { return getHandler(); } BasicMenuItemUI.Handler getHandler() { if (handler == null) { handler = new Handler(); } return handler; } protected void uninstallDefaults() { menuItem.setArmed(false); menuItem.setSelected(false); menuItem.resetKeyboardActions(); super.uninstallDefaults(); } protected void uninstallListeners() { super.uninstallListeners(); if (changeListener != null) menuItem.removeChangeListener(changeListener); if (menuListener != null) ((JMenu)menuItem).removeMenuListener(menuListener); changeListener = null; menuListener = null; handler = null; } protected MenuDragMouseListener createMenuDragMouseListener(JComponent c) { return getHandler(); } protected MenuKeyListener createMenuKeyListener(JComponent c) { return (MenuKeyListener)getHandler(); } public Dimension getMaximumSize(JComponent c) { if (((JMenu)menuItem).isTopLevelMenu() == true) { Dimension d = c.getPreferredSize(); return new Dimension(d.width, Short.MAX_VALUE); } return null; } protected void setupPostTimer(JMenu menu) { Timer timer = new Timer(menu.getDelay(), new Actions( Actions.SELECT, menu,false)); timer.setRepeats(false); timer.start(); } private static void appendPath(MenuElement[] path, MenuElement elem) { MenuElement newPath[] = new MenuElement[path.length+1]; System.arraycopy(path, 0, newPath, 0, path.length); newPath[path.length] = elem; MenuSelectionManager.defaultManager().setSelectedPath(newPath); } private static class Actions extends UIAction { private static final String SELECT = "selectMenu"; // NOTE: This will be null if the action is registered in the // ActionMap. For the timer use it will be non-null. private JMenu menu; private boolean force=false; Actions(String key, JMenu menu, boolean shouldForce) { super(key); this.menu = menu; this.force = shouldForce; } private JMenu getMenu(ActionEvent e) { if (e.getSource() instanceof JMenu) { return (JMenu)e.getSource(); } return menu; } public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { JMenu menu = getMenu(e); if (!crossMenuMnemonic) { JPopupMenu pm = BasicPopupMenuUI.getLastPopup(); if (pm != null && pm != menu.getParent()) { return; } } final MenuSelectionManager defaultManager = MenuSelectionManager.defaultManager(); if(force) { Container cnt = menu.getParent(); if(cnt != null && cnt instanceof JMenuBar) { MenuElement me[]; MenuElement subElements[]; subElements = menu.getPopupMenu().getSubElements(); if(subElements.length > 0) { me = new MenuElement[4]; me[0] = (MenuElement) cnt; me[1] = menu; me[2] = menu.getPopupMenu(); me[3] = subElements[0]; } else { me = new MenuElement[3]; me[0] = (MenuElement)cnt; me[1] = menu; me[2] = menu.getPopupMenu(); } defaultManager.setSelectedPath(me); } } else { MenuElement path[] = defaultManager.getSelectedPath(); if(path.length > 0 && path[path.length-1] == menu) { appendPath(path, menu.getPopupMenu()); } } } public boolean isEnabled(Object c) { if (c instanceof JMenu) { return ((JMenu)c).isEnabled(); } return true; } } /* * Set the background color depending on whether this is a toplevel menu * in a menubar or a submenu of another menu. */ private void updateDefaultBackgroundColor() { if (!UIManager.getBoolean("Menu.useMenuBarBackgroundForTopLevel")) { return; } JMenu menu = (JMenu)menuItem; if (menu.getBackground() instanceof UIResource) { if (menu.isTopLevelMenu()) { menu.setBackground(UIManager.getColor("MenuBar.background")); } else { menu.setBackground(UIManager.getColor(getPropertyPrefix() + ".background")); } } }
Instantiated and used by a menu item to handle the current menu selection from mouse events. A MouseInputHandler processes and forwards all mouse events to a shared instance of the MenuSelectionManager.

This class is protected so that it can be subclassed by other look and feels to implement their own mouse handling behavior. All overridden methods should call the parent methods so that the menu selection is correct.

See Also:
  • MenuSelectionManager
/** * Instantiated and used by a menu item to handle the current menu selection * from mouse events. A MouseInputHandler processes and forwards all mouse events * to a shared instance of the MenuSelectionManager. * <p> * This class is protected so that it can be subclassed by other look and * feels to implement their own mouse handling behavior. All overridden * methods should call the parent methods so that the menu selection * is correct. * * @see javax.swing.MenuSelectionManager * @since 1.4 */
protected class MouseInputHandler implements MouseInputListener { // NOTE: This class exists only for backward compatability. All // its functionality has been moved into Handler. If you need to add // new functionality add it to the Handler, but make sure this // class calls into the Handler. public void mouseClicked(MouseEvent e) { getHandler().mouseClicked(e); }
Invoked when the mouse has been clicked on the menu. This method clears or sets the selection path of the MenuSelectionManager.
  • e – the mouse event
/** * Invoked when the mouse has been clicked on the menu. This * method clears or sets the selection path of the * MenuSelectionManager. * * @param e the mouse event */
public void mousePressed(MouseEvent e) { getHandler().mousePressed(e); }
Invoked when the mouse has been released on the menu. Delegates the mouse event to the MenuSelectionManager.
  • e – the mouse event
/** * Invoked when the mouse has been released on the menu. Delegates the * mouse event to the MenuSelectionManager. * * @param e the mouse event */
public void mouseReleased(MouseEvent e) { getHandler().mouseReleased(e); }
Invoked when the cursor enters the menu. This method sets the selected path for the MenuSelectionManager and handles the case in which a menu item is used to pop up an additional menu, as in a hierarchical menu system.
  • e – the mouse event; not used
/** * Invoked when the cursor enters the menu. This method sets the selected * path for the MenuSelectionManager and handles the case * in which a menu item is used to pop up an additional menu, as in a * hierarchical menu system. * * @param e the mouse event; not used */
public void mouseEntered(MouseEvent e) { getHandler().mouseEntered(e); } public void mouseExited(MouseEvent e) { getHandler().mouseExited(e); }
Invoked when a mouse button is pressed on the menu and then dragged. Delegates the mouse event to the MenuSelectionManager.
  • e – the mouse event
See Also:
/** * Invoked when a mouse button is pressed on the menu and then dragged. * Delegates the mouse event to the MenuSelectionManager. * * @param e the mouse event * @see java.awt.event.MouseMotionListener#mouseDragged */
public void mouseDragged(MouseEvent e) { getHandler().mouseDragged(e); } public void mouseMoved(MouseEvent e) { getHandler().mouseMoved(e); } }
As of Java 2 platform 1.4, this previously undocumented class is now obsolete. KeyBindings are now managed by the popup menu.
/** * As of Java 2 platform 1.4, this previously undocumented class * is now obsolete. KeyBindings are now managed by the popup menu. */
public class ChangeHandler implements ChangeListener { public JMenu menu; public BasicMenuUI ui; public boolean isSelected = false; public Component wasFocused; public ChangeHandler(JMenu m, BasicMenuUI ui) { menu = m; this.ui = ui; } public void stateChanged(ChangeEvent e) { } } private class Handler extends BasicMenuItemUI.Handler implements MenuKeyListener { // // PropertyChangeListener // public void propertyChange(PropertyChangeEvent e) { if (e.getPropertyName() == AbstractButton. MNEMONIC_CHANGED_PROPERTY) { updateMnemonicBinding(); } else { if (e.getPropertyName().equals("ancestor")) { updateDefaultBackgroundColor(); } super.propertyChange(e); } } // // MouseInputListener // public void mouseClicked(MouseEvent e) { }
Invoked when the mouse has been clicked on the menu. This method clears or sets the selection path of the MenuSelectionManager.
  • e – the mouse event
/** * Invoked when the mouse has been clicked on the menu. This * method clears or sets the selection path of the * MenuSelectionManager. * * @param e the mouse event */
public void mousePressed(MouseEvent e) { JMenu menu = (JMenu)menuItem; if (!menu.isEnabled()) return; MenuSelectionManager manager = MenuSelectionManager.defaultManager(); if(menu.isTopLevelMenu()) { if(menu.isSelected() && menu.getPopupMenu().isShowing()) { manager.clearSelectedPath(); } else { Container cnt = menu.getParent(); if(cnt != null && cnt instanceof JMenuBar) { MenuElement me[] = new MenuElement[2]; me[0]=(MenuElement)cnt; me[1]=menu; manager.setSelectedPath(me); } } } MenuElement selectedPath[] = manager.getSelectedPath(); if (selectedPath.length > 0 && selectedPath[selectedPath.length-1] != menu.getPopupMenu()) { if(menu.isTopLevelMenu() || menu.getDelay() == 0) { appendPath(selectedPath, menu.getPopupMenu()); } else { setupPostTimer(menu); } } }
Invoked when the mouse has been released on the menu. Delegates the mouse event to the MenuSelectionManager.
  • e – the mouse event
/** * Invoked when the mouse has been released on the menu. Delegates the * mouse event to the MenuSelectionManager. * * @param e the mouse event */
public void mouseReleased(MouseEvent e) { JMenu menu = (JMenu)menuItem; if (!menu.isEnabled()) return; MenuSelectionManager manager = MenuSelectionManager.defaultManager(); manager.processMouseEvent(e); if (!e.isConsumed()) manager.clearSelectedPath(); }
Invoked when the cursor enters the menu. This method sets the selected path for the MenuSelectionManager and handles the case in which a menu item is used to pop up an additional menu, as in a hierarchical menu system.
  • e – the mouse event; not used
/** * Invoked when the cursor enters the menu. This method sets the selected * path for the MenuSelectionManager and handles the case * in which a menu item is used to pop up an additional menu, as in a * hierarchical menu system. * * @param e the mouse event; not used */
public void mouseEntered(MouseEvent e) { JMenu menu = (JMenu)menuItem; // only disable the menu highlighting if it's disabled and the property isn't // true. This allows disabled rollovers to work in WinL&F if (!menu.isEnabled() && !UIManager.getBoolean("MenuItem.disabledAreNavigable")) { return; } MenuSelectionManager manager = MenuSelectionManager.defaultManager(); MenuElement selectedPath[] = manager.getSelectedPath(); if (!menu.isTopLevelMenu()) { if(!(selectedPath.length > 0 && selectedPath[selectedPath.length-1] == menu.getPopupMenu())) { if(menu.getDelay() == 0) { appendPath(getPath(), menu.getPopupMenu()); } else { manager.setSelectedPath(getPath()); setupPostTimer(menu); } } } else { if(selectedPath.length > 0 && selectedPath[0] == menu.getParent()) { MenuElement newPath[] = new MenuElement[3]; // A top level menu's parent is by definition // a JMenuBar newPath[0] = (MenuElement)menu.getParent(); newPath[1] = menu; if (BasicPopupMenuUI.getLastPopup() != null) { newPath[2] = menu.getPopupMenu(); } manager.setSelectedPath(newPath); } } } public void mouseExited(MouseEvent e) { }
Invoked when a mouse button is pressed on the menu and then dragged. Delegates the mouse event to the MenuSelectionManager.
  • e – the mouse event
See Also:
/** * Invoked when a mouse button is pressed on the menu and then dragged. * Delegates the mouse event to the MenuSelectionManager. * * @param e the mouse event * @see java.awt.event.MouseMotionListener#mouseDragged */
public void mouseDragged(MouseEvent e) { JMenu menu = (JMenu)menuItem; if (!menu.isEnabled()) return; MenuSelectionManager.defaultManager().processMouseEvent(e); } public void mouseMoved(MouseEvent e) { } // // MenuDragHandler // public void menuDragMouseEntered(MenuDragMouseEvent e) {} public void menuDragMouseDragged(MenuDragMouseEvent e) { if (menuItem.isEnabled() == false) return; MenuSelectionManager manager = e.getMenuSelectionManager(); MenuElement path[] = e.getPath(); Point p = e.getPoint(); if(p.x >= 0 && p.x < menuItem.getWidth() && p.y >= 0 && p.y < menuItem.getHeight()) { JMenu menu = (JMenu)menuItem; MenuElement selectedPath[] = manager.getSelectedPath(); if(!(selectedPath.length > 0 && selectedPath[selectedPath.length-1] == menu.getPopupMenu())) { if(menu.isTopLevelMenu() || menu.getDelay() == 0 || e.getID() == MouseEvent.MOUSE_DRAGGED) { appendPath(path, menu.getPopupMenu()); } else { manager.setSelectedPath(path); setupPostTimer(menu); } } } else if(e.getID() == MouseEvent.MOUSE_RELEASED) { Component comp = manager.componentForPoint(e.getComponent(), e.getPoint()); if (comp == null) manager.clearSelectedPath(); } } public void menuDragMouseExited(MenuDragMouseEvent e) {} public void menuDragMouseReleased(MenuDragMouseEvent e) {} // // MenuKeyListener //
Open the Menu
/** * Open the Menu */
public void menuKeyTyped(MenuKeyEvent e) { if (!crossMenuMnemonic && BasicPopupMenuUI.getLastPopup() != null) { // when crossMenuMnemonic is not set, we don't open a toplevel // menu if another toplevel menu is already open return; } char key = Character.toLowerCase((char)menuItem.getMnemonic()); MenuElement path[] = e.getPath(); MenuSelectionManager manager = e.getMenuSelectionManager(); if (key == Character.toLowerCase(e.getKeyChar())) { JPopupMenu popupMenu = ((JMenu)menuItem).getPopupMenu(); ArrayList<MenuElement> newList = new ArrayList<MenuElement>(Arrays.asList(path)); newList.add(popupMenu); MenuElement subs[] = popupMenu.getSubElements(); MenuElement sub = BasicPopupMenuUI.findEnabledChild(subs, -1, true); if(sub != null) { newList.add(sub); } MenuElement newPath[] = new MenuElement[0]; newPath = newList.toArray(newPath); manager.setSelectedPath(newPath); e.consume(); } else if (((JMenu)menuItem).isTopLevelMenu() && BasicPopupMenuUI.getLastPopup() == null) { manager.clearSelectedPath(); } } public void menuKeyPressed(MenuKeyEvent e) {} public void menuKeyReleased(MenuKeyEvent e) {} } }