class javax.swing.PopupFactory$LightWeightPopup extends javax.swing.PopupFactory$ContainerPopup
  minor version: 0
  major version: 59
  flags: flags: (0x0020) ACC_SUPER
  this_class: javax.swing.PopupFactory$LightWeightPopup
  super_class: javax.swing.PopupFactory$ContainerPopup
  private static final java.lang.Object lightWeightPopupCacheKey;
    descriptor: Ljava/lang/Object;
    flags: (0x001a) ACC_PRIVATE, ACC_STATIC, ACC_FINAL

  static void <clinit>();
    descriptor: ()V
    flags: (0x0008) ACC_STATIC
      stack=2, locals=0, args_size=0
         0: .line 639
            new java.lang.Object
            invokespecial java.lang.Object.<init>:()V
            putstatic javax.swing.PopupFactory$LightWeightPopup.lightWeightPopupCacheKey:Ljava/lang/Object;
        Start  End  Slot  Name  Signature

  private void <init>();
    descriptor: ()V
    flags: (0x0002) ACC_PRIVATE
      stack=1, locals=1, args_size=1
        start local 0 // javax.swing.PopupFactory$LightWeightPopup this
         0: .line 638
            aload 0 /* this */
            invokespecial javax.swing.PopupFactory$ContainerPopup.<init>:()V
        end local 0 // javax.swing.PopupFactory$LightWeightPopup this
        Start  End  Slot  Name  Signature
            0    1     0  this  Ljavax/swing/PopupFactory$LightWeightPopup;

  static javax.swing.Popup getLightWeightPopup(java.awt.Component, java.awt.Component, int, int);
    descriptor: (Ljava/awt/Component;Ljava/awt/Component;II)Ljavax/swing/Popup;
    flags: (0x0008) ACC_STATIC
      stack=5, locals=5, args_size=4
        start local 0 // java.awt.Component owner
        start local 1 // java.awt.Component contents
        start local 2 // int ownerX
        start local 3 // int ownerY
         0: .line 648
            invokestatic javax.swing.PopupFactory$LightWeightPopup.getRecycledLightWeightPopup:()Ljavax/swing/PopupFactory$LightWeightPopup;
            astore 4 /* popup */
        start local 4 // javax.swing.PopupFactory$LightWeightPopup popup
         1: .line 650
            aload 4 /* popup */
            ifnonnull 3
         2: .line 651
            new javax.swing.PopupFactory$LightWeightPopup
            invokespecial javax.swing.PopupFactory$LightWeightPopup.<init>:()V
            astore 4 /* popup */
         3: .line 653
      StackMap locals: javax.swing.PopupFactory$LightWeightPopup
      StackMap stack:
            aload 4 /* popup */
            aload 0 /* owner */
            aload 1 /* contents */
            iload 2 /* ownerX */
            iload 3 /* ownerY */
            invokevirtual javax.swing.PopupFactory$LightWeightPopup.reset:(Ljava/awt/Component;Ljava/awt/Component;II)V
         4: .line 654
            aload 4 /* popup */
            invokevirtual javax.swing.PopupFactory$LightWeightPopup.fitsOnScreen:()Z
            ifeq 6
         5: .line 655
            aload 4 /* popup */
            invokevirtual javax.swing.PopupFactory$LightWeightPopup.overlappedByOwnedWindow:()Z
            ifeq 8
         6: .line 656
      StackMap locals:
      StackMap stack:
            aload 4 /* popup */
            invokevirtual javax.swing.PopupFactory$LightWeightPopup.hide:()V
         7: .line 657
         8: .line 659
      StackMap locals:
      StackMap stack:
            aload 4 /* popup */
        end local 4 // javax.swing.PopupFactory$LightWeightPopup popup
        end local 3 // int ownerY
        end local 2 // int ownerX
        end local 1 // java.awt.Component contents
        end local 0 // java.awt.Component owner
        Start  End  Slot      Name  Signature
            0    9     0     owner  Ljava/awt/Component;
            0    9     1  contents  Ljava/awt/Component;
            0    9     2    ownerX  I
            0    9     3    ownerY  I
            1    9     4     popup  Ljavax/swing/PopupFactory$LightWeightPopup;
          Name  Flags

  private static java.util.List<javax.swing.PopupFactory$LightWeightPopup> getLightWeightPopupCache();
    descriptor: ()Ljava/util/List;
    flags: (0x000a) ACC_PRIVATE, ACC_STATIC
      stack=2, locals=1, args_size=0
         0: .line 667
            getstatic javax.swing.PopupFactory$LightWeightPopup.lightWeightPopupCacheKey:Ljava/lang/Object;
         1: .line 666
            invokestatic javax.swing.SwingUtilities.appContextGet:(Ljava/lang/Object;)Ljava/lang/Object;
            checkcast java.util.List
            astore 0 /* cache */
        start local 0 // java.util.List cache
         2: .line 668
            aload 0 /* cache */
            ifnonnull 5
         3: .line 669
            new java.util.ArrayList
            invokespecial java.util.ArrayList.<init>:()V
            astore 0 /* cache */
         4: .line 670
            getstatic javax.swing.PopupFactory$LightWeightPopup.lightWeightPopupCacheKey:Ljava/lang/Object;
            aload 0 /* cache */
            invokestatic javax.swing.SwingUtilities.appContextPut:(Ljava/lang/Object;Ljava/lang/Object;)V
         5: .line 672
      StackMap locals: java.util.List
      StackMap stack:
            aload 0 /* cache */
        end local 0 // java.util.List cache
        Start  End  Slot   Name  Signature
            2    6     0  cache  Ljava/util/List<Ljavax/swing/PopupFactory$LightWeightPopup;>;
    Signature: ()Ljava/util/List<Ljavax/swing/PopupFactory$LightWeightPopup;>;

  private static void recycleLightWeightPopup(javax.swing.PopupFactory$LightWeightPopup);
    descriptor: (Ljavax/swing/PopupFactory$LightWeightPopup;)V
    flags: (0x000a) ACC_PRIVATE, ACC_STATIC
      stack=2, locals=3, args_size=1
        start local 0 // javax.swing.PopupFactory$LightWeightPopup popup
         0: .line 679
            ldc Ljavax/swing/PopupFactory$LightWeightPopup;
            astore 1
         1: .line 680
            invokestatic javax.swing.PopupFactory$LightWeightPopup.getLightWeightPopupCache:()Ljava/util/List;
            astore 2 /* lightPopupCache */
        start local 2 // java.util.List lightPopupCache
         2: .line 681
            aload 2 /* lightPopupCache */
            invokeinterface java.util.List.size:()I
            if_icmpge 4
         3: .line 682
            aload 2 /* lightPopupCache */
            aload 0 /* popup */
            invokeinterface java.util.List.add:(Ljava/lang/Object;)Z
        end local 2 // java.util.List lightPopupCache
         4: .line 679
      StackMap locals: java.lang.Class
      StackMap stack:
            aload 1
         5: goto 8
      StackMap locals:
      StackMap stack: java.lang.Throwable
         6: aload 1
         7: athrow
         8: .line 685
      StackMap locals:
      StackMap stack:
        end local 0 // javax.swing.PopupFactory$LightWeightPopup popup
        Start  End  Slot             Name  Signature
            0    9     0            popup  Ljavax/swing/PopupFactory$LightWeightPopup;
            2    4     2  lightPopupCache  Ljava/util/List<Ljavax/swing/PopupFactory$LightWeightPopup;>;
      Exception table:
        from    to  target  type
           1     5       6  any
           6     7       6  any
       Name  Flags

  private static javax.swing.PopupFactory$LightWeightPopup getRecycledLightWeightPopup();
    descriptor: ()Ljavax/swing/PopupFactory$LightWeightPopup;
    flags: (0x000a) ACC_PRIVATE, ACC_STATIC
      stack=2, locals=3, args_size=0
         0: .line 692
            ldc Ljavax/swing/PopupFactory$LightWeightPopup;
            astore 0
         1: .line 693
            invokestatic javax.swing.PopupFactory$LightWeightPopup.getLightWeightPopupCache:()Ljava/util/List;
            astore 1 /* lightPopupCache */
        start local 1 // java.util.List lightPopupCache
         2: .line 694
            aload 1 /* lightPopupCache */
            invokeinterface java.util.List.size:()I
            ifle 7
         3: .line 695
            aload 1 /* lightPopupCache */
            invokeinterface java.util.List.get:(I)Ljava/lang/Object;
            checkcast javax.swing.PopupFactory$LightWeightPopup
            astore 2 /* r */
        start local 2 // javax.swing.PopupFactory$LightWeightPopup r
         4: .line 696
            aload 1 /* lightPopupCache */
            invokeinterface java.util.List.remove:(I)Ljava/lang/Object;
         5: .line 697
            aload 2 /* r */
            aload 0
         6: areturn
        end local 2 // javax.swing.PopupFactory$LightWeightPopup r
         7: .line 699
      StackMap locals: java.lang.Class java.util.List
      StackMap stack:
            aload 0
         8: aconst_null
        end local 1 // java.util.List lightPopupCache
         9: .line 692
      StackMap locals: java.lang.Class
      StackMap stack: java.lang.Throwable
            aload 0
        10: athrow
        Start  End  Slot             Name  Signature
            2    9     1  lightPopupCache  Ljava/util/List<Ljavax/swing/PopupFactory$LightWeightPopup;>;
            4    7     2                r  Ljavax/swing/PopupFactory$LightWeightPopup;
      Exception table:
        from    to  target  type
           1     6       9  any
           7     8       9  any
           9    10       9  any

  public void hide();
    descriptor: ()V
    flags: (0x0001) ACC_PUBLIC
      stack=1, locals=2, args_size=1
        start local 0 // javax.swing.PopupFactory$LightWeightPopup this
         0: .line 709
            aload 0 /* this */
            invokespecial javax.swing.PopupFactory$ContainerPopup.hide:()V
         1: .line 711
            aload 0 /* this */
            invokevirtual javax.swing.PopupFactory$LightWeightPopup.getComponent:()Ljava/awt/Component;
            checkcast java.awt.Container
            astore 1 /* component */
        start local 1 // java.awt.Container component
         2: .line 713
            aload 1 /* component */
            invokevirtual java.awt.Container.removeAll:()V
         3: .line 714
            aload 0 /* this */
            invokestatic javax.swing.PopupFactory$LightWeightPopup.recycleLightWeightPopup:(Ljavax/swing/PopupFactory$LightWeightPopup;)V
         4: .line 715
        end local 1 // java.awt.Container component
        end local 0 // javax.swing.PopupFactory$LightWeightPopup this
        Start  End  Slot       Name  Signature
            0    5     0       this  Ljavax/swing/PopupFactory$LightWeightPopup;
            2    5     1  component  Ljava/awt/Container;

  public void show();
    descriptor: ()V
    flags: (0x0001) ACC_PUBLIC
      stack=4, locals=4, args_size=1
        start local 0 // javax.swing.PopupFactory$LightWeightPopup this
         0: .line 717
            astore 1 /* parent */
        start local 1 // java.awt.Container parent
         1: .line 719
            aload 0 /* this */
            getfield javax.swing.PopupFactory$LightWeightPopup.owner:Ljava/awt/Component;
            ifnull 5
         2: .line 720
            aload 0 /* this */
            getfield javax.swing.PopupFactory$LightWeightPopup.owner:Ljava/awt/Component;
            instanceof java.awt.Container
            ifeq 3
            aload 0 /* this */
            getfield javax.swing.PopupFactory$LightWeightPopup.owner:Ljava/awt/Component;
            checkcast java.awt.Container
            goto 4
      StackMap locals: java.awt.Container
      StackMap stack:
         3: aload 0 /* this */
            getfield javax.swing.PopupFactory$LightWeightPopup.owner:Ljava/awt/Component;
            invokevirtual java.awt.Component.getParent:()Ljava/awt/Container;
      StackMap locals:
      StackMap stack: java.awt.Container
         4: astore 1 /* parent */
         5: .line 724
      StackMap locals:
      StackMap stack:
            aload 1 /* parent */
            astore 2 /* p */
        start local 2 // java.awt.Container p
         6: goto 19
         7: .line 725
      StackMap locals: java.awt.Container
      StackMap stack:
            aload 2 /* p */
            instanceof javax.swing.JRootPane
            ifeq 12
         8: .line 726
            aload 2 /* p */
            invokevirtual java.awt.Container.getParent:()Ljava/awt/Container;
            instanceof javax.swing.JInternalFrame
            ifeq 10
         9: .line 727
            goto 18
        10: .line 729
      StackMap locals:
      StackMap stack:
            aload 2 /* p */
            checkcast javax.swing.JRootPane
            invokevirtual javax.swing.JRootPane.getLayeredPane:()Ljavax/swing/JLayeredPane;
            astore 1 /* parent */
        11: .line 732
            goto 18
      StackMap locals:
      StackMap stack:
        12: aload 2 /* p */
            instanceof java.awt.Window
            ifeq 16
        13: .line 733
            aload 1 /* parent */
            ifnonnull 20
        14: .line 734
            aload 2 /* p */
            astore 1 /* parent */
        15: .line 736
            goto 20
        16: .line 737
      StackMap locals:
      StackMap stack:
            aload 2 /* p */
            instanceof javax.swing.JApplet
            ifeq 18
        17: .line 741
            goto 20
        18: .line 724
      StackMap locals:
      StackMap stack:
            aload 2 /* p */
            invokevirtual java.awt.Container.getParent:()Ljava/awt/Container;
            astore 2 /* p */
      StackMap locals:
      StackMap stack:
        19: aload 2 /* p */
            ifnonnull 7
        end local 2 // java.awt.Container p
        20: .line 745
      StackMap locals:
      StackMap stack:
            aload 1 /* parent */
            aload 0 /* this */
            getfield javax.swing.PopupFactory$LightWeightPopup.x:I
        21: .line 746
            aload 0 /* this */
            getfield javax.swing.PopupFactory$LightWeightPopup.y:I
        22: .line 745
            invokestatic javax.swing.SwingUtilities.convertScreenLocationToParent:(Ljava/awt/Container;II)Ljava/awt/Point;
            astore 2 /* p */
        start local 2 // java.awt.Point p
        23: .line 747
            aload 0 /* this */
            invokevirtual javax.swing.PopupFactory$LightWeightPopup.getComponent:()Ljava/awt/Component;
            astore 3 /* component */
        start local 3 // java.awt.Component component
        24: .line 749
            aload 3 /* component */
            aload 2 /* p */
            getfield java.awt.Point.x:I
            aload 2 /* p */
            getfield java.awt.Point.y:I
            invokevirtual java.awt.Component.setLocation:(II)V
        25: .line 750
            aload 1 /* parent */
            instanceof javax.swing.JLayeredPane
            ifeq 28
        26: .line 751
            aload 1 /* parent */
            aload 3 /* component */
            getstatic javax.swing.JLayeredPane.POPUP_LAYER:Ljava/lang/Integer;
            invokevirtual java.awt.Container.add:(Ljava/awt/Component;Ljava/lang/Object;I)V
        27: .line 752
            goto 29
        28: .line 753
      StackMap locals: java.awt.Point java.awt.Component
      StackMap stack:
            aload 1 /* parent */
            aload 3 /* component */
            invokevirtual java.awt.Container.add:(Ljava/awt/Component;)Ljava/awt/Component;
        29: .line 755
      StackMap locals:
      StackMap stack:
        end local 3 // java.awt.Component component
        end local 2 // java.awt.Point p
        end local 1 // java.awt.Container parent
        end local 0 // javax.swing.PopupFactory$LightWeightPopup this
        Start  End  Slot       Name  Signature
            0   30     0       this  Ljavax/swing/PopupFactory$LightWeightPopup;
            1   30     1     parent  Ljava/awt/Container;
            6   20     2          p  Ljava/awt/Container;
           23   30     2          p  Ljava/awt/Point;
           24   30     3  component  Ljava/awt/Component;

  java.awt.Component createComponent(java.awt.Component);
    descriptor: (Ljava/awt/Component;)Ljava/awt/Component;
    flags: (0x0000) 
      stack=4, locals=3, args_size=2
        start local 0 // javax.swing.PopupFactory$LightWeightPopup this
        start local 1 // java.awt.Component owner
         0: .line 758
            new javax.swing.JPanel
            new java.awt.BorderLayout
            invokespecial java.awt.BorderLayout.<init>:()V
            invokespecial javax.swing.JPanel.<init>:(Ljava/awt/LayoutManager;Z)V
            astore 2 /* component */
        start local 2 // javax.swing.JComponent component
         1: .line 760
            aload 2 /* component */
            invokevirtual javax.swing.JComponent.setOpaque:(Z)V
         2: .line 761
            aload 2 /* component */
        end local 2 // javax.swing.JComponent component
        end local 1 // java.awt.Component owner
        end local 0 // javax.swing.PopupFactory$LightWeightPopup this
        Start  End  Slot       Name  Signature
            0    3     0       this  Ljavax/swing/PopupFactory$LightWeightPopup;
            0    3     1      owner  Ljava/awt/Component;
            1    3     2  component  Ljavax/swing/JComponent;
       Name  Flags

  void reset(java.awt.Component, java.awt.Component, int, int);
    descriptor: (Ljava/awt/Component;Ljava/awt/Component;II)V
    flags: (0x0000) 
      stack=5, locals=6, args_size=5
        start local 0 // javax.swing.PopupFactory$LightWeightPopup this
        start local 1 // java.awt.Component owner
        start local 2 // java.awt.Component contents
        start local 3 // int ownerX
        start local 4 // int ownerY
         0: .line 773
            aload 0 /* this */
            aload 1 /* owner */
            aload 2 /* contents */
            iload 3 /* ownerX */
            iload 4 /* ownerY */
            invokespecial javax.swing.PopupFactory$ContainerPopup.reset:(Ljava/awt/Component;Ljava/awt/Component;II)V
         1: .line 775
            aload 0 /* this */
            invokevirtual javax.swing.PopupFactory$LightWeightPopup.getComponent:()Ljava/awt/Component;
            checkcast javax.swing.JComponent
            astore 5 /* component */
        start local 5 // javax.swing.JComponent component
         2: .line 777
            aload 5 /* component */
            aload 2 /* contents */
            invokevirtual java.awt.Component.isOpaque:()Z
            invokevirtual javax.swing.JComponent.setOpaque:(Z)V
         3: .line 778
            aload 5 /* component */
            iload 3 /* ownerX */
            iload 4 /* ownerY */
            invokevirtual javax.swing.JComponent.setLocation:(II)V
         4: .line 779
            aload 5 /* component */
            aload 2 /* contents */
            ldc "Center"
            invokevirtual javax.swing.JComponent.add:(Ljava/awt/Component;Ljava/lang/Object;)V
         5: .line 780
            aload 2 /* contents */
            invokevirtual java.awt.Component.invalidate:()V
         6: .line 781
            aload 0 /* this */
            invokevirtual javax.swing.PopupFactory$LightWeightPopup.pack:()V
         7: .line 782
        end local 5 // javax.swing.JComponent component
        end local 4 // int ownerY
        end local 3 // int ownerX
        end local 2 // java.awt.Component contents
        end local 1 // java.awt.Component owner
        end local 0 // javax.swing.PopupFactory$LightWeightPopup this
        Start  End  Slot       Name  Signature
            0    8     0       this  Ljavax/swing/PopupFactory$LightWeightPopup;
            0    8     1      owner  Ljava/awt/Component;
            0    8     2   contents  Ljava/awt/Component;
            0    8     3     ownerX  I
            0    8     4     ownerY  I
            2    8     5  component  Ljavax/swing/JComponent;
          Name  Flags
SourceFile: ""
NestHost: javax.swing.PopupFactory
  private ContainerPopup = javax.swing.PopupFactory$ContainerPopup of javax.swing.PopupFactory
  private LightWeightPopup = javax.swing.PopupFactory$LightWeightPopup of javax.swing.PopupFactory