 * reserved comment block
 * Copyright  1999-2004 The Apache Software Foundation.
 *  Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 *  you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 *  You may obtain a copy of the License at
 *      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
 *  Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 *  distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 *  WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
 *  See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 *  limitations under the License.
package com.sun.org.apache.xml.internal.security.signature;

import java.io.IOException;
import java.io.StringWriter;
import java.io.Writer;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Set;

import com.sun.org.apache.xml.internal.security.c14n.helper.AttrCompare;
import com.sun.org.apache.xml.internal.security.utils.XMLUtils;
import org.w3c.dom.Attr;
import org.w3c.dom.Comment;
import org.w3c.dom.Document;
import org.w3c.dom.Element;
import org.w3c.dom.NamedNodeMap;
import org.w3c.dom.Node;
import org.w3c.dom.ProcessingInstruction;

Class XMLSignatureInputDebugger
Author:$Author: mullan $
Version:$Revision: 1.3 $
/** * Class XMLSignatureInputDebugger * * @author $Author: mullan $ * @version $Revision: 1.3 $ */
public class XMLSignatureInputDebugger {
Field _xmlSignatureInput
/** Field _xmlSignatureInput */
private Set _xpathNodeSet; private Set _inclusiveNamespaces;
Field _doc
/** Field _doc */
private Document _doc = null;
Field _writer
/** Field _writer */
private Writer _writer = null; // J- // public static final String HTMLPrefix = "<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC // \"-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN\"><html><head><style // type=\"text/css\"><!-- .INCLUDED { color: #000000; background-color: // #FFFFFF; font-weight: bold; } .EXCLUDED { color: #666666; // background-color: #999999; } .INCLUDEDINCLUSIVENAMESPACE { color: // #0000FF; background-color: #FFFFFF; font-weight: bold; font-style: // italic; } .EXCLUDEDINCLUSIVENAMESPACE { color: #0000FF; background-color: // #999999; font-style: italic; } --> </style> </head><body // bgcolor=\"#999999\"><pre>";
The HTML Prefix*
/** The HTML Prefix* */
static final String HTMLPrefix = "<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC \"-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN\">\n" + "<html>\n" + "<head>\n" + "<title>Caninical XML node set</title>\n" + "<style type=\"text/css\">\n" + "<!-- \n" + ".INCLUDED { \n" + " color: #000000; \n" + " background-color: \n" + " #FFFFFF; \n" + " font-weight: bold; } \n" + ".EXCLUDED { \n" + " color: #666666; \n" + " background-color: \n" + " #999999; } \n" + ".INCLUDEDINCLUSIVENAMESPACE { \n" + " color: #0000FF; \n" + " background-color: #FFFFFF; \n" + " font-weight: bold; \n" + " font-style: italic; } \n" + ".EXCLUDEDINCLUSIVENAMESPACE { \n" + " color: #0000FF; \n" + " background-color: #999999; \n" + " font-style: italic; } \n" + "--> \n" + "</style> \n" + "</head>\n" + "<body bgcolor=\"#999999\">\n" + "<h1>Explanation of the output</h1>\n" + "<p>The following text contains the nodeset of the given Reference before it is canonicalized. There exist four different styles to indicate how a given node is treated.</p>\n" + "<ul>\n" + "<li class=\"INCLUDED\">A node which is in the node set is labeled using the INCLUDED style.</li>\n" + "<li class=\"EXCLUDED\">A node which is <em>NOT</em> in the node set is labeled EXCLUDED style.</li>\n" + "<li class=\"INCLUDEDINCLUSIVENAMESPACE\">A namespace which is in the node set AND in the InclusiveNamespaces PrefixList is labeled using the INCLUDEDINCLUSIVENAMESPACE style.</li>\n" + "<li class=\"EXCLUDEDINCLUSIVENAMESPACE\">A namespace which is in NOT the node set AND in the InclusiveNamespaces PrefixList is labeled using the INCLUDEDINCLUSIVENAMESPACE style.</li>\n" + "</ul>\n" + "<h1>Output</h1>\n" + "<pre>\n";
HTML Suffix *
/** HTML Suffix * */
static final String HTMLSuffix = "</pre></body></html>"; static final String HTMLExcludePrefix = "<span class=\"EXCLUDED\">"; static final String HTMLExcludeSuffix = "</span>"; static final String HTMLIncludePrefix = "<span class=\"INCLUDED\">"; static final String HTMLIncludeSuffix = "</span>"; static final String HTMLIncludedInclusiveNamespacePrefix = "<span class=\"INCLUDEDINCLUSIVENAMESPACE\">"; static final String HTMLIncludedInclusiveNamespaceSuffix = "</span>"; static final String HTMLExcludedInclusiveNamespacePrefix = "<span class=\"EXCLUDEDINCLUSIVENAMESPACE\">"; static final String HTMLExcludedInclusiveNamespaceSuffix = "</span>"; private static final int NODE_BEFORE_DOCUMENT_ELEMENT = -1; private static final int NODE_NOT_BEFORE_OR_AFTER_DOCUMENT_ELEMENT = 0; private static final int NODE_AFTER_DOCUMENT_ELEMENT = 1; static final AttrCompare ATTR_COMPARE = new AttrCompare(); // J+ private XMLSignatureInputDebugger() { // do nothing }
Constructor XMLSignatureInputDebugger
  • xmlSignatureInput – the signatur to pretty print
/** * Constructor XMLSignatureInputDebugger * * @param xmlSignatureInput the signatur to pretty print */
public XMLSignatureInputDebugger( XMLSignatureInput xmlSignatureInput) { if (!xmlSignatureInput.isNodeSet()) { this._xpathNodeSet = null; } else { this._xpathNodeSet = xmlSignatureInput._inputNodeSet; } }
Constructor XMLSignatureInputDebugger
  • xmlSignatureInput – the signatur to pretty print
  • inclusiveNamespace –
/** * Constructor XMLSignatureInputDebugger * * @param xmlSignatureInput the signatur to pretty print * @param inclusiveNamespace */
public XMLSignatureInputDebugger( XMLSignatureInput xmlSignatureInput, Set inclusiveNamespace) { this(xmlSignatureInput); this._inclusiveNamespaces = inclusiveNamespace; }
Method getHTMLRepresentation
Returns:The HTML Representation.
/** * Method getHTMLRepresentation * * @return The HTML Representation. * @throws XMLSignatureException */
public String getHTMLRepresentation() throws XMLSignatureException { if ((this._xpathNodeSet == null) || (this._xpathNodeSet.size() == 0)) { return HTMLPrefix + "<blink>no node set, sorry</blink>" + HTMLSuffix; } { // get only a single node as anchor to fetch the owner document Node n = (Node) this._xpathNodeSet.iterator().next(); this._doc = XMLUtils.getOwnerDocument(n); } try { this._writer = new StringWriter(); this.canonicalizeXPathNodeSet(this._doc); this._writer.close(); return this._writer.toString(); } catch (IOException ex) { throw new XMLSignatureException("empty", ex); } finally { this._xpathNodeSet = null; this._doc = null; this._writer = null; } }
Method canonicalizeXPathNodeSet
  • currentNode –
/** * Method canonicalizeXPathNodeSet * * @param currentNode * @throws XMLSignatureException * @throws IOException */
private void canonicalizeXPathNodeSet(Node currentNode) throws XMLSignatureException, IOException { int currentNodeType = currentNode.getNodeType(); switch (currentNodeType) { case Node.DOCUMENT_TYPE_NODE: default: break; case Node.ENTITY_NODE: case Node.NOTATION_NODE: case Node.DOCUMENT_FRAGMENT_NODE: case Node.ATTRIBUTE_NODE: throw new XMLSignatureException("empty"); case Node.DOCUMENT_NODE: this._writer.write(HTMLPrefix); for (Node currentChild = currentNode.getFirstChild(); currentChild != null; currentChild = currentChild .getNextSibling()) { this.canonicalizeXPathNodeSet(currentChild); } this._writer.write(HTMLSuffix); break; case Node.COMMENT_NODE: if (this._xpathNodeSet.contains(currentNode)) { this._writer.write(HTMLIncludePrefix); } else { this._writer.write(HTMLExcludePrefix); } int position = getPositionRelativeToDocumentElement(currentNode); if (position == NODE_AFTER_DOCUMENT_ELEMENT) { this._writer.write("\n"); } this.outputCommentToWriter((Comment) currentNode); if (position == NODE_BEFORE_DOCUMENT_ELEMENT) { this._writer.write("\n"); } if (this._xpathNodeSet.contains(currentNode)) { this._writer.write(HTMLIncludeSuffix); } else { this._writer.write(HTMLExcludeSuffix); } break; case Node.PROCESSING_INSTRUCTION_NODE: if (this._xpathNodeSet.contains(currentNode)) { this._writer.write(HTMLIncludePrefix); } else { this._writer.write(HTMLExcludePrefix); } position = getPositionRelativeToDocumentElement(currentNode); if (position == NODE_AFTER_DOCUMENT_ELEMENT) { this._writer.write("\n"); } this.outputPItoWriter((ProcessingInstruction) currentNode); if (position == NODE_BEFORE_DOCUMENT_ELEMENT) { this._writer.write("\n"); } if (this._xpathNodeSet.contains(currentNode)) { this._writer.write(HTMLIncludeSuffix); } else { this._writer.write(HTMLExcludeSuffix); } break; case Node.TEXT_NODE: case Node.CDATA_SECTION_NODE: if (this._xpathNodeSet.contains(currentNode)) { this._writer.write(HTMLIncludePrefix); } else { this._writer.write(HTMLExcludePrefix); } outputTextToWriter(currentNode.getNodeValue()); for (Node nextSibling = currentNode.getNextSibling(); (nextSibling != null) && ((nextSibling.getNodeType() == Node.TEXT_NODE) || (nextSibling .getNodeType() == Node.CDATA_SECTION_NODE)); nextSibling = nextSibling .getNextSibling()) { /* * The XPath data model allows to select only the first of a * sequence of mixed text and CDATA nodes. But we must output * them all, so we must search: * * @see http://nagoya.apache.org/bugzilla/show_bug.cgi?id=6329 */ this.outputTextToWriter(nextSibling.getNodeValue()); } if (this._xpathNodeSet.contains(currentNode)) { this._writer.write(HTMLIncludeSuffix); } else { this._writer.write(HTMLExcludeSuffix); } break; case Node.ELEMENT_NODE: Element currentElement = (Element) currentNode; if (this._xpathNodeSet.contains(currentNode)) { this._writer.write(HTMLIncludePrefix); } else { this._writer.write(HTMLExcludePrefix); } this._writer.write("&lt;"); this._writer.write(currentElement.getTagName()); if (this._xpathNodeSet.contains(currentNode)) { this._writer.write(HTMLIncludeSuffix); } else { this._writer.write(HTMLExcludeSuffix); } // we output all Attrs which are available NamedNodeMap attrs = currentElement.getAttributes(); int attrsLength = attrs.getLength(); Object attrs2[] = new Object[attrsLength]; for (int i = 0; i < attrsLength; i++) { attrs2[i] = attrs.item(i); } Arrays.sort(attrs2, ATTR_COMPARE); Object attrs3[] = attrs2; for (int i = 0; i < attrsLength; i++) { Attr a = (Attr) attrs3[i]; boolean included = this._xpathNodeSet.contains(a); boolean inclusive = this._inclusiveNamespaces.contains(a .getName()); if (included) { if (inclusive) { // included and inclusive this._writer .write(HTMLIncludedInclusiveNamespacePrefix); } else { // included and not inclusive this._writer.write(HTMLIncludePrefix); } } else { if (inclusive) { // excluded and inclusive this._writer .write(HTMLExcludedInclusiveNamespacePrefix); } else { // excluded and not inclusive this._writer.write(HTMLExcludePrefix); } } this.outputAttrToWriter(a.getNodeName(), a.getNodeValue()); if (included) { if (inclusive) { // included and inclusive this._writer .write(HTMLIncludedInclusiveNamespaceSuffix); } else { // included and not inclusive this._writer.write(HTMLIncludeSuffix); } } else { if (inclusive) { // excluded and inclusive this._writer .write(HTMLExcludedInclusiveNamespaceSuffix); } else { // excluded and not inclusive this._writer.write(HTMLExcludeSuffix); } } } if (this._xpathNodeSet.contains(currentNode)) { this._writer.write(HTMLIncludePrefix); } else { this._writer.write(HTMLExcludePrefix); } this._writer.write("&gt;"); if (this._xpathNodeSet.contains(currentNode)) { this._writer.write(HTMLIncludeSuffix); } else { this._writer.write(HTMLExcludeSuffix); } // traversal for (Node currentChild = currentNode.getFirstChild(); currentChild != null; currentChild = currentChild .getNextSibling()) { this.canonicalizeXPathNodeSet(currentChild); } if (this._xpathNodeSet.contains(currentNode)) { this._writer.write(HTMLIncludePrefix); } else { this._writer.write(HTMLExcludePrefix); } this._writer.write("&lt;/"); this._writer.write(currentElement.getTagName()); this._writer.write("&gt;"); if (this._xpathNodeSet.contains(currentNode)) { this._writer.write(HTMLIncludeSuffix); } else { this._writer.write(HTMLExcludeSuffix); } break; } }
Checks whether a Comment or ProcessingInstruction is before or after the document element. This is needed for prepending or appending "\n"s.
  • currentNode – comment or pi to check
See Also:
/** * Checks whether a Comment or ProcessingInstruction is before or after the * document element. This is needed for prepending or appending "\n"s. * * @param currentNode * comment or pi to check * @return NODE_BEFORE_DOCUMENT_ELEMENT, * NODE_NOT_BEFORE_OR_AFTER_DOCUMENT_ELEMENT or * NODE_AFTER_DOCUMENT_ELEMENT * @see #NODE_BEFORE_DOCUMENT_ELEMENT * @see #NODE_NOT_BEFORE_OR_AFTER_DOCUMENT_ELEMENT * @see #NODE_AFTER_DOCUMENT_ELEMENT */
private int getPositionRelativeToDocumentElement(Node currentNode) { if (currentNode == null) { return NODE_NOT_BEFORE_OR_AFTER_DOCUMENT_ELEMENT; } Document doc = currentNode.getOwnerDocument(); if (currentNode.getParentNode() != doc) { return NODE_NOT_BEFORE_OR_AFTER_DOCUMENT_ELEMENT; } Element documentElement = doc.getDocumentElement(); if (documentElement == null) { return NODE_NOT_BEFORE_OR_AFTER_DOCUMENT_ELEMENT; } if (documentElement == currentNode) { return NODE_NOT_BEFORE_OR_AFTER_DOCUMENT_ELEMENT; } for (Node x = currentNode; x != null; x = x.getNextSibling()) { if (x == documentElement) { return NODE_BEFORE_DOCUMENT_ELEMENT; } } return NODE_AFTER_DOCUMENT_ELEMENT; }
Normalizes an Attribute value The string value of the node is modified by replacing
  • all ampersands (&) with &amp;
  • all open angle brackets (<) with &lt;
  • all quotation mark characters with &quot;
  • and the whitespace characters #x9, #xA, and #xD, with character references. The character references are written in uppercase hexadecimal with no leading zeroes (for example, #xD is represented by the character reference &#xD;)
  • name –
  • value –
/** * Normalizes an {@link Attr}ibute value * * The string value of the node is modified by replacing * <UL> * <LI>all ampersands (&) with <CODE>&amp;amp;</CODE></LI> * <LI>all open angle brackets (<) with <CODE>&amp;lt;</CODE></LI> * <LI>all quotation mark characters with <CODE>&amp;quot;</CODE></LI> * <LI>and the whitespace characters <CODE>#x9</CODE>, #xA, and #xD, * with character references. The character references are written in * uppercase hexadecimal with no leading zeroes (for example, <CODE>#xD</CODE> * is represented by the character reference <CODE>&amp;#xD;</CODE>)</LI> * </UL> * * @param name * @param value * @throws IOException */
private void outputAttrToWriter(String name, String value) throws IOException { this._writer.write(" "); this._writer.write(name); this._writer.write("=\""); int length = value.length(); for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) { char c = value.charAt(i); switch (c) { case '&': this._writer.write("&amp;amp;"); break; case '<': this._writer.write("&amp;lt;"); break; case '"': this._writer.write("&amp;quot;"); break; case 0x09: // '\t' this._writer.write("&amp;#x9;"); break; case 0x0A: // '\n' this._writer.write("&amp;#xA;"); break; case 0x0D: // '\r' this._writer.write("&amp;#xD;"); break; default: this._writer.write(c); break; } } this._writer.write("\""); }
Normalizes a Comment value
  • currentPI –
/** * Normalizes a {@link org.w3c.dom.Comment} value * * @param currentPI * @throws IOException */
private void outputPItoWriter(ProcessingInstruction currentPI) throws IOException { if (currentPI == null) { return; } this._writer.write("&lt;?"); String target = currentPI.getTarget(); int length = target.length(); for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) { char c = target.charAt(i); switch (c) { case 0x0D: this._writer.write("&amp;#xD;"); break; case ' ': this._writer.write("&middot;"); break; case '\n': this._writer.write("&para;\n"); break; default: this._writer.write(c); break; } } String data = currentPI.getData(); length = data.length(); if (length > 0) { this._writer.write(" "); for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) { char c = data.charAt(i); switch (c) { case 0x0D: this._writer.write("&amp;#xD;"); break; default: this._writer.write(c); break; } } } this._writer.write("?&gt;"); }
Method outputCommentToWriter
  • currentComment –
/** * Method outputCommentToWriter * * @param currentComment * @throws IOException */
private void outputCommentToWriter(Comment currentComment) throws IOException { if (currentComment == null) { return; } this._writer.write("&lt;!--"); String data = currentComment.getData(); int length = data.length(); for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) { char c = data.charAt(i); switch (c) { case 0x0D: this._writer.write("&amp;#xD;"); break; case ' ': this._writer.write("&middot;"); break; case '\n': this._writer.write("&para;\n"); break; default: this._writer.write(c); break; } } this._writer.write("--&gt;"); }
Method outputTextToWriter
  • text –
/** * Method outputTextToWriter * * @param text * @throws IOException */
private void outputTextToWriter(String text) throws IOException { if (text == null) { return; } int length = text.length(); for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) { char c = text.charAt(i); switch (c) { case '&': this._writer.write("&amp;amp;"); break; case '<': this._writer.write("&amp;lt;"); break; case '>': this._writer.write("&amp;gt;"); break; case 0xD: this._writer.write("&amp;#xD;"); break; case ' ': this._writer.write("&middot;"); break; case '\n': this._writer.write("&para;\n"); break; default: this._writer.write(c); break; } } } }