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package com.sun.org.apache.xml.internal.security.c14n.helper;

import com.sun.org.apache.xml.internal.security.c14n.CanonicalizationException;
import org.w3c.dom.Attr;
import org.w3c.dom.Document;
import org.w3c.dom.Element;
import org.w3c.dom.NamedNodeMap;

Temporary swapped static functions from the normalizer Section
Author:Christian Geuer-Pollmann
/** * Temporary swapped static functions from the normalizer Section * * @author Christian Geuer-Pollmann */
public class C14nHelper {
Constructor C14nHelper
/** * Constructor C14nHelper * */
private C14nHelper() { // don't allow instantiation }
Method namespaceIsRelative
  • namespace –
Returns:true if the given namespace is relative.
/** * Method namespaceIsRelative * * @param namespace * @return true if the given namespace is relative. */
public static boolean namespaceIsRelative(Attr namespace) { return !namespaceIsAbsolute(namespace); }
Method namespaceIsRelative
  • namespaceValue –
Returns:true if the given namespace is relative.
/** * Method namespaceIsRelative * * @param namespaceValue * @return true if the given namespace is relative. */
public static boolean namespaceIsRelative(String namespaceValue) { return !namespaceIsAbsolute(namespaceValue); }
Method namespaceIsAbsolute
  • namespace –
Returns:true if the given namespace is absolute.
/** * Method namespaceIsAbsolute * * @param namespace * @return true if the given namespace is absolute. */
public static boolean namespaceIsAbsolute(Attr namespace) { return namespaceIsAbsolute(namespace.getValue()); }
Method namespaceIsAbsolute
  • namespaceValue –
Returns:true if the given namespace is absolute.
/** * Method namespaceIsAbsolute * * @param namespaceValue * @return true if the given namespace is absolute. */
public static boolean namespaceIsAbsolute(String namespaceValue) { // assume empty namespaces are absolute if (namespaceValue.length() == 0) { return true; } return namespaceValue.indexOf(':')>0; }
This method throws an exception if the Attribute value contains a relative URI.
  • attr –
/** * This method throws an exception if the Attribute value contains * a relative URI. * * @param attr * @throws CanonicalizationException */
public static void assertNotRelativeNS(Attr attr) throws CanonicalizationException { if (attr == null) { return; } String nodeAttrName = attr.getNodeName(); boolean definesDefaultNS = nodeAttrName.equals("xmlns"); boolean definesNonDefaultNS = nodeAttrName.startsWith("xmlns:"); if (definesDefaultNS || definesNonDefaultNS) { if (namespaceIsRelative(attr)) { String parentName = attr.getOwnerElement().getTagName(); String attrValue = attr.getValue(); Object exArgs[] = { parentName, nodeAttrName, attrValue }; throw new CanonicalizationException( "c14n.Canonicalizer.RelativeNamespace", exArgs); } } }
This method throws a CanonicalizationException if the supplied Document is not able to be traversed using a TreeWalker.
  • document –
/** * This method throws a CanonicalizationException if the supplied Document * is not able to be traversed using a TreeWalker. * * @param document * @throws CanonicalizationException */
public static void checkTraversability(Document document) throws CanonicalizationException { if (!document.isSupported("Traversal", "2.0")) { Object exArgs[] = { document.getImplementation().getClass().getName() }; throw new CanonicalizationException( "c14n.Canonicalizer.TraversalNotSupported", exArgs); } }
This method throws a CanonicalizationException if the supplied Element contains any relative namespaces.
  • ctxNode –
See Also:
  • assertNotRelativeNS(Attr)
/** * This method throws a CanonicalizationException if the supplied Element * contains any relative namespaces. * * @param ctxNode * @throws CanonicalizationException * @see C14nHelper#assertNotRelativeNS(Attr) */
public static void checkForRelativeNamespace(Element ctxNode) throws CanonicalizationException { if (ctxNode != null) { NamedNodeMap attributes = ctxNode.getAttributes(); for (int i = 0; i < attributes.getLength(); i++) { C14nHelper.assertNotRelativeNS((Attr) attributes.item(i)); } } else { throw new CanonicalizationException( "Called checkForRelativeNamespace() on null"); } } }