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package jdk.tools.jlink.internal.plugins;

import java.util.AbstractMap;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.IllformedLocaleException;
import java.util.Locale;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Objects;
import java.util.Optional;
import static java.util.ResourceBundle.Control;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.function.Predicate;
import java.util.regex.Pattern;
import java.util.stream.Collectors;
import java.util.stream.IntStream;
import java.util.stream.Stream;
import jdk.internal.org.objectweb.asm.ClassReader;
import jdk.tools.jlink.internal.ResourcePrevisitor;
import jdk.tools.jlink.internal.StringTable;
import jdk.tools.jlink.plugin.ResourcePoolModule;
import jdk.tools.jlink.plugin.PluginException;
import jdk.tools.jlink.plugin.ResourcePool;
import jdk.tools.jlink.plugin.ResourcePoolBuilder;
import jdk.tools.jlink.plugin.ResourcePoolEntry;
import sun.util.cldr.CLDRBaseLocaleDataMetaInfo;
import sun.util.locale.provider.LocaleProviderAdapter;
import sun.util.locale.provider.LocaleProviderAdapter.Type;
import sun.util.locale.provider.ResourceBundleBasedAdapter;

Plugin to explicitly specify the locale data included in jdk.localedata module. This plugin provides a jlink command line option "--include-locales" with an argument. The argument is a list of BCP 47 language tags separated by a comma. E.g., "jlink --include-locales en,ja,*-IN" This option will include locale data for all available English and Japanese languages, and ones for the country of India. All other locale data are filtered out on the image creation. Here are a few assumptions: 0. All locale data in java.base are unconditionally included. 1. All the selective locale data are in jdk.localedata module 2. Their package names are constructed by appending ".ext" to the corresponding ones in java.base module. 3. Available locales string in LocaleDataMetaInfo class should start with at least one white space character, e.g., " ar ar-EG ..." ^
/** * Plugin to explicitly specify the locale data included in jdk.localedata * module. This plugin provides a jlink command line option "--include-locales" * with an argument. The argument is a list of BCP 47 language tags separated * by a comma. E.g., * * "jlink --include-locales en,ja,*-IN" * * This option will include locale data for all available English and Japanese * languages, and ones for the country of India. All other locale data are * filtered out on the image creation. * * Here are a few assumptions: * * 0. All locale data in java.base are unconditionally included. * 1. All the selective locale data are in jdk.localedata module * 2. Their package names are constructed by appending ".ext" to * the corresponding ones in java.base module. * 3. Available locales string in LocaleDataMetaInfo class should * start with at least one white space character, e.g., " ar ar-EG ..." * ^ */
public final class IncludeLocalesPlugin extends AbstractPlugin implements ResourcePrevisitor { private static final String MODULENAME = "jdk.localedata"; private static final Set<String> LOCALEDATA_PACKAGES = Set.of( "sun.text.resources.cldr.ext", "sun.text.resources.ext", "sun.util.resources.cldr.ext", "sun.util.resources.cldr.provider", "sun.util.resources.ext", "sun.util.resources.provider"); private static final String METAINFONAME = "LocaleDataMetaInfo"; private static final List<String> META_FILES = List.of( ".+module-info.class", ".+LocaleDataProvider.class", ".+" + METAINFONAME + ".class"); private static final List<String> INCLUDE_LOCALE_FILES = List.of( ".+sun/text/resources/ext/[^_]+_", ".+sun/util/resources/ext/[^_]+_", ".+sun/text/resources/cldr/ext/[^_]+_", ".+sun/util/resources/cldr/ext/[^_]+_"); private Predicate<String> predicate; private String userParam; private List<Locale.LanguageRange> priorityList; private List<Locale> available; private List<String> filtered; private static final ResourceBundleBasedAdapter CLDR_ADAPTER = (ResourceBundleBasedAdapter)LocaleProviderAdapter.forType(Type.CLDR); private static final Map<Locale, String[]> CLDR_PARENT_LOCALES = new CLDRBaseLocaleDataMetaInfo().parentLocales(); // Equivalent map private static final Map<String, List<String>> EQUIV_MAP = Stream.concat( // COMPAT equivalence Map.of( "zh-Hans", List.of("zh-Hans", "zh-CN", "zh-SG"), "zh-Hant", List.of("zh-Hant", "zh-HK", "zh-MO", "zh-TW")) .entrySet() .stream(), // CLDR parent locales CLDR_PARENT_LOCALES.entrySet().stream() .map(entry -> { String parent = entry.getKey().toLanguageTag(); List<String> children = new ArrayList<>(); children.add(parent); Arrays.stream(entry.getValue()) .filter(child -> !child.isEmpty()) .flatMap(child -> Stream.concat( Arrays.stream(CLDR_PARENT_LOCALES.getOrDefault( Locale.forLanguageTag(child), new String[0])) .filter(grandchild -> !grandchild.isEmpty()), List.of(child).stream())) .distinct() .forEach(children::add); return new AbstractMap.SimpleEntry<String, List<String>>(parent, children); }) ).collect(Collectors.toMap(Map.Entry::getKey, Map.Entry::getValue)); // Special COMPAT provider locales private static final String jaJPJPTag = "ja-JP-JP"; private static final String noNONYTag = "no-NO-NY"; private static final String thTHTHTag = "th-TH-TH"; private static final Locale jaJPJP = new Locale("ja", "JP", "JP"); private static final Locale noNONY = new Locale("no", "NO", "NY"); private static final Locale thTHTH = new Locale("th", "TH", "TH"); public IncludeLocalesPlugin() { super("include-locales"); } @Override public ResourcePool transform(ResourcePool in, ResourcePoolBuilder out) { in.transformAndCopy((resource) -> { if (resource.moduleName().equals(MODULENAME)) { String path = resource.path(); resource = predicate.test(path) ? resource: null; if (resource != null && resource.type().equals(ResourcePoolEntry.Type.CLASS_OR_RESOURCE)) { byte[] bytes = resource.contentBytes(); ClassReader cr = new ClassReader(bytes); if (Arrays.stream(cr.getInterfaces()) .anyMatch(i -> i.contains(METAINFONAME)) && stripUnsupportedLocales(bytes, cr)) { resource = resource.copyWithContent(bytes); } } } return resource; }, out); return out.build(); } @Override public Category getType() { return Category.FILTER; } @Override public boolean hasArguments() { return true; } @Override public void configure(Map<String, String> config) { userParam = config.get(getName()); try { priorityList = Locale.LanguageRange.parse(userParam, EQUIV_MAP); } catch (IllegalArgumentException iae) { throw new IllegalArgumentException(String.format( PluginsResourceBundle.getMessage(getName() + ".invalidtag"), iae.getMessage().replaceFirst("^range=", ""))); } } @Override public void previsit(ResourcePool resources, StringTable strings) { final Pattern p = Pattern.compile(".*((Data_)|(Names_))(?<tag>.*)\\.class"); Optional<ResourcePoolModule> optMod = resources.moduleView().findModule(MODULENAME); // jdk.localedata module validation if (optMod.isPresent()) { ResourcePoolModule module = optMod.get(); Set<String> packages = module.packages(); if (!packages.containsAll(LOCALEDATA_PACKAGES)) { throw new PluginException(PluginsResourceBundle.getMessage(getName()+ ".missingpackages") + LOCALEDATA_PACKAGES.stream() .filter(pn -> !packages.contains(pn)) .collect(Collectors.joining(",\n\t"))); } available = Stream.concat(module.entries() .map(md -> p.matcher(md.path())) .filter(m -> m.matches()) .map(m -> m.group("tag").replaceAll("_", "-")), Stream.concat(Stream.of(jaJPJPTag), Stream.of(thTHTHTag))) .distinct() .sorted() .map(IncludeLocalesPlugin::tagToLocale) .toList(); } else { // jdk.localedata is not added. throw new PluginException(PluginsResourceBundle.getMessage(getName() + ".localedatanotfound")); } filtered = filterLocales(available); if (filtered.isEmpty()) { throw new PluginException( String.format(PluginsResourceBundle.getMessage(getName() + ".nomatchinglocales"), userParam)); } List<String> value = Stream.concat( META_FILES.stream(), filtered.stream().flatMap(s -> includeLocaleFilePatterns(s).stream())) .map(s -> "regex:" + s) .toList(); predicate = ResourceFilter.includeFilter(value); } private List<String> includeLocaleFilePatterns(String tag) { // Ignore extension variations if (tag.matches(".+-[a-z]-.+")) { return List.of(); } List<String> files = new ArrayList<>(includeLocaleFiles(tag.replaceAll("-", "_"))); // Add Thai BreakIterator related data files if (tag.equals("th")) { files.add(".+sun/text/resources/ext/thai_dict"); files.add(".+sun/text/resources/ext/[^_]+BreakIteratorData_th"); } // Add Taiwan resource bundles for Hong Kong if (tag.equals("zh-HK")) { files.addAll(includeLocaleFiles("zh_TW")); } return files; } private List<String> includeLocaleFiles(String localeStr) { return INCLUDE_LOCALE_FILES.stream() .map(s -> s + localeStr + ".class") .toList(); } private boolean stripUnsupportedLocales(byte[] bytes, ClassReader cr) { boolean[] modified = new boolean[1]; IntStream.range(1, cr.getItemCount()) .map(item -> cr.getItem(item)) .forEach(itemIndex -> { if (bytes[itemIndex - 1] == 1 && // UTF-8 bytes[itemIndex + 2] == (byte)' ') { // fast check for leading space int length = cr.readUnsignedShort(itemIndex); byte[] b = new byte[length]; System.arraycopy(bytes, itemIndex + 2, b, 0, length); if (filterOutUnsupportedTags(b)) { // copy back System.arraycopy(b, 0, bytes, itemIndex + 2, length); modified[0] = true; } } }); return modified[0]; } private boolean filterOutUnsupportedTags(byte[] b) { List<Locale> locales; List<String> originalTags = Arrays.asList(new String(b).split(" ")); try { locales = originalTags.stream() .filter(tag -> !tag.isEmpty()) .map(IncludeLocalesPlugin::tagToLocale) .toList(); } catch (IllformedLocaleException ile) { // Seems not an available locales string literal. return false; } byte[] filteredBytes = filterLocales(locales).stream() // Make sure the filtered language tags do exist in the // original supported tags for compatibility codes, e.g., "iw" .filter(originalTags::contains) .collect(Collectors.joining(" ")) .getBytes(); if (filteredBytes.length > b.length) { throw new InternalError("Size of filtered locales is bigger than the original one"); } System.arraycopy(filteredBytes, 0, b, 0, filteredBytes.length); Arrays.fill(b, filteredBytes.length, b.length, (byte)' '); return true; } /* * Filter list of locales according to the secified priorityList. Note * that returned list of language tags may include extra ones, such as * compatibility ones (e.g., "iw" -> "iw", "he"). */ private List<String> filterLocales(List<Locale> locales) { List<String> ret = Locale.filter(priorityList, locales, Locale.FilteringMode.EXTENDED_FILTERING).stream() .flatMap(loc -> Stream.concat(Control.getNoFallbackControl(Control.FORMAT_DEFAULT) .getCandidateLocales("", loc).stream(), CLDR_ADAPTER.getCandidateLocales("", loc).stream())) .map(loc -> // Locale.filter() does not preserve the case, which is // significant for "variant" equality. Retrieve the original // locales from the pre-filtered list. locales.stream() .filter(l -> l.toString().equalsIgnoreCase(loc.toString())) .findAny()) .flatMap(Optional::stream) .flatMap(IncludeLocalesPlugin::localeToTags) .distinct() .toList(); return ret; } private static final Locale.Builder LOCALE_BUILDER = new Locale.Builder(); private static Locale tagToLocale(String tag) { // ISO3166 compatibility tag = tag.replaceFirst("^iw", "he").replaceFirst("^ji", "yi").replaceFirst("^in", "id"); // Special COMPAT provider locales switch (tag) { case jaJPJPTag: return jaJPJP; case noNONYTag: return noNONY; case thTHTHTag: return thTHTH; default: LOCALE_BUILDER.clear(); LOCALE_BUILDER.setLanguageTag(tag); return LOCALE_BUILDER.build(); } } private static Stream<String> localeToTags(Locale loc) { Objects.requireNonNull(loc); String tag = loc.toLanguageTag(); List<String> tags = null; switch (loc.getLanguage()) { // ISO3166 compatibility case "iw": tags = List.of(tag, tag.replaceFirst("^he", "iw")); break; case "in": tags = List.of(tag, tag.replaceFirst("^id", "in")); break; case "ji": tags = List.of(tag, tag.replaceFirst("^yi", "ji")); break; // Special COMPAT provider locales case "ja": if (loc.getCountry() == "JP") { tags = List.of(tag, jaJPJPTag); } break; case "no": case "nn": if (loc.getCountry() == "NO") { tags = List.of(tag, noNONYTag); } break; case "th": if (loc.getCountry() == "TH") { tags = List.of(tag, thTHTHTag); } break; } return tags == null ? List.of(tag).stream() : tags.stream(); } }