package jdk.internal.foreign;
import jdk.incubator.foreign.MemorySegment;
import jdk.incubator.foreign.NativeScope;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.OptionalLong;
public abstract class AbstractNativeScope implements NativeScope {
private final List<MemorySegment> segments = new ArrayList<>();
private final Thread ownerThread;
private static final int SCOPE_MASK = MemorySegment.READ | MemorySegment.WRITE;
AbstractNativeScope() {
this.ownerThread = Thread.currentThread();
public Thread ownerThread() {
return ownerThread;
public void close() {
void checkOwnerThread() {
if (Thread.currentThread() != ownerThread()) {
throw new IllegalStateException("Attempt to access scope from different thread");
MemorySegment newSegment(long size, long align) {
MemorySegment segment = MemorySegment.allocateNative(size, align);
return segment;
MemorySegment newSegment(long size) {
return newSegment(size, size);
public void register(MemorySegment segment) {
public static class UnboundedNativeScope extends AbstractNativeScope {
private static final long BLOCK_SIZE = 4 * 1024;
private static final long MAX_ALLOC_SIZE = BLOCK_SIZE / 2;
private MemorySegment segment;
private long sp = 0L;
private long size = 0L;
public OptionalLong byteSize() {
return OptionalLong.empty();
public long allocatedBytes() {
return size;
public UnboundedNativeScope() {
this.segment = newSegment(BLOCK_SIZE);
public MemorySegment allocate(long bytesSize, long bytesAlignment) {
if (Utils.alignUp(bytesSize, bytesAlignment) > MAX_ALLOC_SIZE) {
MemorySegment segment = newSegment(bytesSize, bytesAlignment);
return segment.withAccessModes(SCOPE_MASK);
MemorySegment slice = trySlice(bytesSize, bytesAlignment);
if (slice == null) {
sp = 0L;
segment = newSegment(BLOCK_SIZE, 1L);
slice = trySlice(bytesSize, bytesAlignment);
if (slice == null) {
throw new AssertionError("Cannot get here!");
return slice;
private MemorySegment trySlice(long bytesSize, long bytesAlignment) {
long min = segment.address().toRawLongValue();
long start = Utils.alignUp(min + sp, bytesAlignment) - min;
if (segment.byteSize() - start < bytesSize) {
return null;
} else {
MemorySegment slice = segment.asSlice(start, bytesSize)
sp = start + bytesSize;
size += Utils.alignUp(bytesSize, bytesAlignment);
return slice;
public static class BoundedNativeScope extends AbstractNativeScope {
private final MemorySegment segment;
private long sp = 0L;
public OptionalLong byteSize() {
return OptionalLong.of(segment.byteSize());
public long allocatedBytes() {
return sp;
public BoundedNativeScope(long size) {
this.segment = newSegment(size, 1);
public MemorySegment allocate(long bytesSize, long bytesAlignment) {
long min = segment.address().toRawLongValue();
long start = Utils.alignUp(min + sp, bytesAlignment) - min;
try {
MemorySegment slice = segment.asSlice(start, bytesSize)
sp = start + bytesSize;
return slice;
} catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException ex) {
throw new OutOfMemoryError("Not enough space left to allocate");