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package com.sun.tools.javac.parser;

import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Locale;
import java.util.Map;

import com.sun.tools.javac.api.Formattable;
import com.sun.tools.javac.api.Messages;
import com.sun.tools.javac.parser.Tokens.Token.Tag;
import com.sun.tools.javac.util.*;

A class that defines codes/utilities for Java source tokens returned from lexical analysis.

This is NOT part of any supported API. If you write code that depends on this, you do so at your own risk. This code and its internal interfaces are subject to change or deletion without notice.

/** A class that defines codes/utilities for Java source tokens * returned from lexical analysis. * * <p><b>This is NOT part of any supported API. * If you write code that depends on this, you do so at your own risk. * This code and its internal interfaces are subject to change or * deletion without notice.</b> */
public class Tokens { private final Names names;
Keyword array. Maps name indices to Token.
/** * Keyword array. Maps name indices to Token. */
private Map<String, TokenKind> keywords = new HashMap<>(); public static final Context.Key<Tokens> tokensKey = new Context.Key<>(); public static Tokens instance(Context context) { Tokens instance = context.get(tokensKey); if (instance == null) instance = new Tokens(context); return instance; } protected Tokens(Context context) { context.put(tokensKey, this); names = Names.instance(context); for (TokenKind t : TokenKind.values()) { if (t.name != null) { names.fromString(t.name); keywords.put(t.name, t); } } }
Create a new token given a name; if the name corresponds to a token name, a new token of the corresponding kind is returned; otherwise, an identifier token is returned.
/** * Create a new token given a name; if the name corresponds to a token name, * a new token of the corresponding kind is returned; otherwise, an * identifier token is returned. */
TokenKind lookupKind(Name name) { TokenKind t = keywords.get(name.toString()); return (t != null) ? t : TokenKind.IDENTIFIER; } TokenKind lookupKind(String name) { TokenKind t = keywords.get(name); return (t != null) ? t : TokenKind.IDENTIFIER; }
This enum defines all tokens used by the javac scanner. A token is optionally associated with a name.
/** * This enum defines all tokens used by the javac scanner. A token is * optionally associated with a name. */
public enum TokenKind implements Formattable, Filter<TokenKind> { EOF(), ERROR(), IDENTIFIER(Tag.NAMED), ABSTRACT("abstract"), ASSERT("assert", Tag.NAMED), BOOLEAN("boolean", Tag.NAMED), BREAK("break"), BYTE("byte", Tag.NAMED), CASE("case"), CATCH("catch"), CHAR("char", Tag.NAMED), CLASS("class"), CONST("const"), CONTINUE("continue"), DEFAULT("default"), DO("do"), DOUBLE("double", Tag.NAMED), ELSE("else"), ENUM("enum", Tag.NAMED), EXTENDS("extends"), FINAL("final"), FINALLY("finally"), FLOAT("float", Tag.NAMED), FOR("for"), GOTO("goto"), IF("if"), IMPLEMENTS("implements"), IMPORT("import"), INSTANCEOF("instanceof"), INT("int", Tag.NAMED), INTERFACE("interface"), LONG("long", Tag.NAMED), NATIVE("native"), NEW("new"), PACKAGE("package"), PRIVATE("private"), PROTECTED("protected"), PUBLIC("public"), RETURN("return"), SHORT("short", Tag.NAMED), STATIC("static"), STRICTFP("strictfp"), SUPER("super", Tag.NAMED), SWITCH("switch"), SYNCHRONIZED("synchronized"), THIS("this", Tag.NAMED), THROW("throw"), THROWS("throws"), TRANSIENT("transient"), TRY("try"), VOID("void", Tag.NAMED), VOLATILE("volatile"), WHILE("while"), INTLITERAL(Tag.NUMERIC), LONGLITERAL(Tag.NUMERIC), FLOATLITERAL(Tag.NUMERIC), DOUBLELITERAL(Tag.NUMERIC), CHARLITERAL(Tag.NUMERIC), STRINGLITERAL(Tag.STRING), TRUE("true", Tag.NAMED), FALSE("false", Tag.NAMED), NULL("null", Tag.NAMED), UNDERSCORE("_", Tag.NAMED), ARROW("->"), COLCOL("::"), LPAREN("("), RPAREN(")"), LBRACE("{"), RBRACE("}"), LBRACKET("["), RBRACKET("]"), SEMI(";"), COMMA(","), DOT("."), ELLIPSIS("..."), EQ("="), GT(">"), LT("<"), BANG("!"), TILDE("~"), QUES("?"), COLON(":"), EQEQ("=="), LTEQ("<="), GTEQ(">="), BANGEQ("!="), AMPAMP("&&"), BARBAR("||"), PLUSPLUS("++"), SUBSUB("--"), PLUS("+"), SUB("-"), STAR("*"), SLASH("/"), AMP("&"), BAR("|"), CARET("^"), PERCENT("%"), LTLT("<<"), GTGT(">>"), GTGTGT(">>>"), PLUSEQ("+="), SUBEQ("-="), STAREQ("*="), SLASHEQ("/="), AMPEQ("&="), BAREQ("|="), CARETEQ("^="), PERCENTEQ("%="), LTLTEQ("<<="), GTGTEQ(">>="), GTGTGTEQ(">>>="), MONKEYS_AT("@"), CUSTOM; public final String name; public final Tag tag; TokenKind() { this(null, Tag.DEFAULT); } TokenKind(String name) { this(name, Tag.DEFAULT); } TokenKind(Tag tag) { this(null, tag); } TokenKind(String name, Tag tag) { this.name = name; this.tag = tag; } public String toString() { switch (this) { case IDENTIFIER: return "token.identifier"; case CHARLITERAL: return "token.character"; case STRINGLITERAL: return "token.string"; case INTLITERAL: return "token.integer"; case LONGLITERAL: return "token.long-integer"; case FLOATLITERAL: return "token.float"; case DOUBLELITERAL: return "token.double"; case ERROR: return "token.bad-symbol"; case EOF: return "token.end-of-input"; case DOT: case COMMA: case SEMI: case LPAREN: case RPAREN: case LBRACKET: case RBRACKET: case LBRACE: case RBRACE: return "'" + name + "'"; default: return name; } } public String getKind() { return "Token"; } public String toString(Locale locale, Messages messages) { return name != null ? toString() : messages.getLocalizedString(locale, "compiler.misc." + toString()); } @Override public boolean accepts(TokenKind that) { return this == that; } } public interface Comment { enum CommentStyle { LINE, BLOCK, JAVADOC, } String getText(); int getSourcePos(int index); CommentStyle getStyle(); boolean isDeprecated(); }
This is the class representing a javac token. Each token has several fields that are set by the javac lexer (i.e. start/end position, string value, etc).
/** * This is the class representing a javac token. Each token has several fields * that are set by the javac lexer (i.e. start/end position, string value, etc). */
public static class Token {
tags constants
/** tags constants **/
The token kind
/** The token kind */
public final TokenKind kind;
The start position of this token
/** The start position of this token */
public final int pos;
The end position of this token
/** The end position of this token */
public final int endPos;
Comment reader associated with this token
/** Comment reader associated with this token */
public final List<Comment> comments; Token(TokenKind kind, int pos, int endPos, List<Comment> comments) { this.kind = kind; this.pos = pos; this.endPos = endPos; this.comments = comments; checkKind(); } Token[] split(Tokens tokens) { if (kind.name.length() < 2 || kind.tag != Tag.DEFAULT) { throw new AssertionError("Cant split" + kind); } TokenKind t1 = tokens.lookupKind(kind.name.substring(0, 1)); TokenKind t2 = tokens.lookupKind(kind.name.substring(1)); if (t1 == null || t2 == null) { throw new AssertionError("Cant split - bad subtokens"); } return new Token[] { new Token(t1, pos, pos + t1.name.length(), comments), new Token(t2, pos + t1.name.length(), endPos, null) }; } protected void checkKind() { if (kind.tag != Tag.DEFAULT) { throw new AssertionError("Bad token kind - expected " + Tag.DEFAULT); } } public Name name() { throw new UnsupportedOperationException(); } public String stringVal() { throw new UnsupportedOperationException(); } public int radix() { throw new UnsupportedOperationException(); }
Preserve classic semantics - if multiple javadocs are found on the token the last one is returned
/** * Preserve classic semantics - if multiple javadocs are found on the token * the last one is returned */
public Comment comment(Comment.CommentStyle style) { List<Comment> comments = getComments(Comment.CommentStyle.JAVADOC); return comments.isEmpty() ? null : comments.head; }
Preserve classic semantics - deprecated should be set if at least one javadoc comment attached to this token contains the '@deprecated' string
/** * Preserve classic semantics - deprecated should be set if at least one * javadoc comment attached to this token contains the '@deprecated' string */
public boolean deprecatedFlag() { for (Comment c : getComments(Comment.CommentStyle.JAVADOC)) { if (c.isDeprecated()) { return true; } } return false; } private List<Comment> getComments(Comment.CommentStyle style) { if (comments == null) { return List.nil(); } else { ListBuffer<Comment> buf = new ListBuffer<>(); for (Comment c : comments) { if (c.getStyle() == style) { buf.add(c); } } return buf.toList(); } } } final static class NamedToken extends Token {
The name of this token
/** The name of this token */
public final Name name; public NamedToken(TokenKind kind, int pos, int endPos, Name name, List<Comment> comments) { super(kind, pos, endPos, comments); this.name = name; } protected void checkKind() { if (kind.tag != Tag.NAMED) { throw new AssertionError("Bad token kind - expected " + Tag.NAMED); } } @Override public Name name() { return name; } } static class StringToken extends Token {
The string value of this token
/** The string value of this token */
public final String stringVal; public StringToken(TokenKind kind, int pos, int endPos, String stringVal, List<Comment> comments) { super(kind, pos, endPos, comments); this.stringVal = stringVal; } protected void checkKind() { if (kind.tag != Tag.STRING) { throw new AssertionError("Bad token kind - expected " + Tag.STRING); } } @Override public String stringVal() { return stringVal; } } final static class NumericToken extends StringToken {
The 'radix' value of this token
/** The 'radix' value of this token */
public final int radix; public NumericToken(TokenKind kind, int pos, int endPos, String stringVal, int radix, List<Comment> comments) { super(kind, pos, endPos, stringVal, comments); this.radix = radix; } protected void checkKind() { if (kind.tag != Tag.NUMERIC) { throw new AssertionError("Bad token kind - expected " + Tag.NUMERIC); } } @Override public int radix() { return radix; } } public static final Token DUMMY = new Token(TokenKind.ERROR, 0, 0, null); }