 * Copyright (c) 2011, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
 * This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
 * under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as
 * published by the Free Software Foundation.  Oracle designates this
 * particular file as subject to the "Classpath" exception as provided
 * by Oracle in the LICENSE file that accompanied this code.
 * This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
 * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
 * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License
 * version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that
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 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version
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package com.sun.source.util;

import java.util.List;

import javax.lang.model.element.Name;
import javax.tools.Diagnostic;
import javax.tools.JavaFileObject;

import com.sun.source.doctree.AttributeTree;
import com.sun.source.doctree.AttributeTree.ValueKind;
import com.sun.source.doctree.AuthorTree;
import com.sun.source.doctree.CommentTree;
import com.sun.source.doctree.DeprecatedTree;
import com.sun.source.doctree.DocCommentTree;
import com.sun.source.doctree.DocRootTree;
import com.sun.source.doctree.DocTree;
import com.sun.source.doctree.DocTypeTree;
import com.sun.source.doctree.EndElementTree;
import com.sun.source.doctree.EntityTree;
import com.sun.source.doctree.ErroneousTree;
import com.sun.source.doctree.HiddenTree;
import com.sun.source.doctree.IdentifierTree;
import com.sun.source.doctree.IndexTree;
import com.sun.source.doctree.InheritDocTree;
import com.sun.source.doctree.LinkTree;
import com.sun.source.doctree.LiteralTree;
import com.sun.source.doctree.ParamTree;
import com.sun.source.doctree.ProvidesTree;
import com.sun.source.doctree.ReferenceTree;
import com.sun.source.doctree.ReturnTree;
import com.sun.source.doctree.SeeTree;
import com.sun.source.doctree.SerialDataTree;
import com.sun.source.doctree.SerialFieldTree;
import com.sun.source.doctree.SerialTree;
import com.sun.source.doctree.SinceTree;
import com.sun.source.doctree.StartElementTree;
import com.sun.source.doctree.SummaryTree;
import com.sun.source.doctree.SystemPropertyTree;
import com.sun.source.doctree.TextTree;
import com.sun.source.doctree.ThrowsTree;
import com.sun.source.doctree.UnknownBlockTagTree;
import com.sun.source.doctree.UnknownInlineTagTree;
import com.sun.source.doctree.UsesTree;
import com.sun.source.doctree.ValueTree;
import com.sun.source.doctree.VersionTree;

Factory for creating DocTree nodes.
Implementation Note:The methods in an implementation of this interface may only accept DocTree nodes that have been created by the same implementation.
/** * Factory for creating {@code DocTree} nodes. * * @implNote The methods in an implementation of this interface may only accept {@code DocTree} * nodes that have been created by the same implementation. * * @since 9 */
public interface DocTreeFactory {
Creates a new AttributeTree object, to represent an HTML attribute in an HTML tag.
  • name – the name of the attribute
  • vkind – the kind of the attribute value
  • value – the value, if any, of the attribute
Returns:an AttributeTree object
/** * Creates a new {@code AttributeTree} object, to represent an HTML attribute in an HTML tag. * @param name the name of the attribute * @param vkind the kind of the attribute value * @param value the value, if any, of the attribute * @return an {@code AttributeTree} object */
AttributeTree newAttributeTree(Name name, ValueKind vkind, List<? extends DocTree> value);
Creates a new AuthorTree object, to represent an @author tag.
  • name – the name of the author
Returns:an AuthorTree object
/** * Creates a new {@code AuthorTree} object, to represent an {@code @author} tag. * @param name the name of the author * @return an {@code AuthorTree} object */
AuthorTree newAuthorTree(List<? extends DocTree> name);
Creates a new LiteralTree object, to represent a {@code } tag.
  • text – the content of the tag
Returns:a LiteralTree object
/** * Creates a new {@code LiteralTree} object, to represent a {@code {@code }} tag. * @param text the content of the tag * @return a {@code LiteralTree} object */
LiteralTree newCodeTree(TextTree text);
Creates a new CommentTree, to represent an HTML comment.
  • text – the content of the comment
Returns:a CommentTree object
/** * Creates a new {@code CommentTree}, to represent an HTML comment. * @param text the content of the comment * @return a {@code CommentTree} object */
CommentTree newCommentTree(String text);
Creates a new DeprecatedTree object, to represent an @deprecated tag.
  • text – the content of the tag
Returns:a DeprecatedTree object
/** * Creates a new {@code DeprecatedTree} object, to represent an {@code @deprecated} tag. * @param text the content of the tag * @return a {@code DeprecatedTree} object */
DeprecatedTree newDeprecatedTree(List<? extends DocTree> text);
Creates a new DocCommentTree object, to represent a complete doc comment.
  • fullBody – the entire body of the doc comment
  • tags – the block tags in the doc comment
Returns:a DocCommentTree object
/** * Creates a new {@code DocCommentTree} object, to represent a complete doc comment. * @param fullBody the entire body of the doc comment * @param tags the block tags in the doc comment * @return a {@code DocCommentTree} object */
DocCommentTree newDocCommentTree(List<? extends DocTree> fullBody, List<? extends DocTree> tags);
Creates a new DocCommentTree object, to represent the entire doc comment.
  • fullBody – the entire body of the doc comment
  • tags – the block tags in the doc comment
  • preamble – the meta content of an html file including the body tag
  • postamble – the meta content of an html including the closing body tag
Returns:a DocCommentTree object
/** * Creates a new {@code DocCommentTree} object, to represent the entire doc comment. * @param fullBody the entire body of the doc comment * @param tags the block tags in the doc comment * @param preamble the meta content of an html file including the body tag * @param postamble the meta content of an html including the closing body tag * @return a {@code DocCommentTree} object * @since 10 */
DocCommentTree newDocCommentTree(List<? extends DocTree> fullBody, List<? extends DocTree> tags, List<? extends DocTree> preamble, List<? extends DocTree> postamble);
Creates a new DocRootTree object, to represent an {@docRoot} tag.
Returns:a DocRootTree object
/** * Creates a new {@code DocRootTree} object, to represent an {@code {@docRoot}} tag. * @return a {@code DocRootTree} object */
DocRootTree newDocRootTree();
Creates a new DocTypeTree, to represent a DOCTYPE HTML declaration.
  • text – the content of the declaration
Returns:a DocTypeTree object
/** * Creates a new {@code DocTypeTree}, to represent a {@code DOCTYPE} HTML declaration. * @param text the content of the declaration * @return a {@code DocTypeTree} object * @since 10 */
DocTypeTree newDocTypeTree(String text);
Creates a new EndElement object, to represent the end of an HTML element.
  • name – the name of the HTML element
Returns:an EndElementTree object
/** * Creates a new {@code EndElement} object, to represent the end of an HTML element. * @param name the name of the HTML element * @return an {@code EndElementTree} object */
EndElementTree newEndElementTree(Name name);
Creates a new EntityTree object, to represent an HTML entity.
  • name – the name of the entity, representing the characters between '&' and ';' in the representation of the entity in an HTML document
Returns:an EntityTree object
/** * Creates a new {@code EntityTree} object, to represent an HTML entity. * @param name the name of the entity, representing the characters between '&amp;' and ';' * in the representation of the entity in an HTML document * @return an {@code EntityTree} object */
EntityTree newEntityTree(Name name);
Creates a new ErroneousTree object, to represent some unparseable input.
  • text – the unparseable text
  • diag – a diagnostic associated with the unparseable text, or null
Returns:an ErroneousTree object
/** * Creates a new {@code ErroneousTree} object, to represent some unparseable input. * @param text the unparseable text * @param diag a diagnostic associated with the unparseable text, or {@code null} * @return an {@code ErroneousTree} object */
ErroneousTree newErroneousTree(String text, Diagnostic<JavaFileObject> diag);
Creates a new ThrowsTree object, to represent an @exception tag.
  • name – the name of the exception
  • description – a description of why the exception might be thrown
Returns:an ThrowsTree object
/** * Creates a new {@code ThrowsTree} object, to represent an {@code @exception} tag. * @param name the name of the exception * @param description a description of why the exception might be thrown * @return an {@code ThrowsTree} object */
ThrowsTree newExceptionTree(ReferenceTree name, List<? extends DocTree> description);
Creates a new HiddenTree object, to represent an @hidden tag.
  • text – the content of the tag
Returns:a HiddenTree object
/** * Creates a new {@code HiddenTree} object, to represent an {@code @hidden} tag. * @param text the content of the tag * @return a {@code HiddenTree} object */
HiddenTree newHiddenTree(List<? extends DocTree> text);
Creates a new IdentifierTree object, to represent an identifier, such as in a @param tag.
  • name – the name of the identifier
Returns:an IdentifierTree object
/** * Creates a new {@code IdentifierTree} object, to represent an identifier, such as in a * {@code @param} tag. * @param name the name of the identifier * @return an {@code IdentifierTree} object */
IdentifierTree newIdentifierTree(Name name);
Creates a new IndexTree object, to represent an {@index } tag.
  • term – the search term
  • description – an optional description of the search term
Returns:an IndexTree object
/** * Creates a new {@code IndexTree} object, to represent an {@code {@index }} tag. * @param term the search term * @param description an optional description of the search term * @return an {@code IndexTree} object */
IndexTree newIndexTree(DocTree term, List<? extends DocTree> description);
Creates a new InheritDocTree object, to represent an {@inheritDoc} tag.
Returns:an InheritDocTree object
/** * Creates a new {@code InheritDocTree} object, to represent an {@code {@inheritDoc}} tag. * @return an {@code InheritDocTree} object */
InheritDocTree newInheritDocTree();
Creates a new LinkTree object, to represent a {@link } tag.
  • ref – the API element being referenced
  • label – an optional label for the link
Returns:a LinkTree object
/** * Creates a new {@code LinkTree} object, to represent a {@code {@link }} tag. * @param ref the API element being referenced * @param label an optional label for the link * @return a {@code LinkTree} object */
LinkTree newLinkTree(ReferenceTree ref, List<? extends DocTree> label);
Creates a new LinkTree object, to represent a {@linkplain } tag.
  • ref – the API element being referenced
  • label – an optional label for the link
Returns:a LinkTree object
/** * Creates a new {@code LinkTree} object, to represent a {@code {@linkplain }} tag. * @param ref the API element being referenced * @param label an optional label for the link * @return a {@code LinkTree} object */
LinkTree newLinkPlainTree(ReferenceTree ref, List<? extends DocTree> label);
Creates a new LiteralTree object, to represent a {@literal } tag.
  • text – the content of the tag
Returns:a LiteralTree object
/** * Creates a new {@code LiteralTree} object, to represent a {@code {@literal }} tag. * @param text the content of the tag * @return a {@code LiteralTree} object */
LiteralTree newLiteralTree(TextTree text);
Creates a new ParamTree object, to represent a @param tag.
  • isTypeParameter – true if this is a type parameter, and false otherwise
  • name – the parameter being described
  • description – the description of the parameter
Returns:a ParamTree object
/** * Creates a new {@code ParamTree} object, to represent a {@code @param} tag. * @param isTypeParameter {@code true} if this is a type parameter, and {@code false} otherwise * @param name the parameter being described * @param description the description of the parameter * @return a {@code ParamTree} object */
ParamTree newParamTree(boolean isTypeParameter, IdentifierTree name, List<? extends DocTree> description);
Creates a new ProvidesTree object, to represent a @provides tag.
  • name – the name of the service type
  • description – a description of the service being provided
Returns:a ProvidesTree object
/** * Creates a new {@code ProvidesTree} object, to represent a {@code @provides} tag. * @param name the name of the service type * @param description a description of the service being provided * @return a {@code ProvidesTree} object */
ProvidesTree newProvidesTree(ReferenceTree name, List<? extends DocTree> description);
Creates a new ReferenceTree object, to represent a reference to an API element.
  • signature – the doc comment signature of the reference
Returns:a ReferenceTree object
/** * Creates a new {@code ReferenceTree} object, to represent a reference to an API element. * * @param signature the doc comment signature of the reference * @return a {@code ReferenceTree} object */
ReferenceTree newReferenceTree(String signature);
Creates a new ReturnTree object, to represent a @return tag.
  • description – the description of the return value of a method
Returns:a ReturnTree object
/** * Creates a new {@code ReturnTree} object, to represent a {@code @return} tag. * @param description the description of the return value of a method * @return a {@code ReturnTree} object */
ReturnTree newReturnTree(List<? extends DocTree> description);
Creates a new ReturnTree object, to represent a @return tag or {@return} tag.
  • isInline – true if this instance is as an inline tag, and false otherwise
  • description – the description of the return value of a method
Returns:a ReturnTree object
Implementation Requirements:This implementation throws UnsupportedOperationException if isInline is true, and calls newReturnTree(List<? extends DocTree>) otherwise.
/** * Creates a new {@code ReturnTree} object, to represent a {@code @return} tag * or {@code {@return}} tag. * * @param isInline {@code true} if this instance is as an inline tag, * and {@code false} otherwise * @param description the description of the return value of a method * * @return a {@code ReturnTree} object * @throws UnsupportedOperationException if inline {@code {@return}} tags are * not supported * * @implSpec This implementation throws {@code UnsupportedOperationException} if * {@code isInline} is {@code true}, and calls {@link #newReturnTree(List)} otherwise. * * @since 16 */
default ReturnTree newReturnTree(boolean isInline, List<? extends DocTree> description) { if (isInline) { throw new UnsupportedOperationException(); } return newReturnTree(description); }
Creates a new SeeTree object, to represent a @see tag.
  • reference – the reference
Returns:a SeeTree object
/** * Creates a new {@code SeeTree} object, to represent a {@code @see} tag. * @param reference the reference * @return a {@code SeeTree} object */
SeeTree newSeeTree(List<? extends DocTree> reference);
Creates a new SerialTree object, to represent a @serial tag.
  • description – the description for the tag
Returns:a SerialTree object
/** * Creates a new {@code SerialTree} object, to represent a {@code @serial} tag. * @param description the description for the tag * @return a {@code SerialTree} object */
SerialTree newSerialTree(List<? extends DocTree> description);
Creates a new SerialDataTree object, to represent a @serialData tag.
  • description – the description for the tag
Returns:a SerialDataTree object
/** * Creates a new {@code SerialDataTree} object, to represent a {@code @serialData} tag. * @param description the description for the tag * @return a {@code SerialDataTree} object */
SerialDataTree newSerialDataTree(List<? extends DocTree> description);
Creates a new SerialFieldTree object, to represent a @serialField tag.
  • name – the name of the field
  • type – the type of the field
  • description – the description of the field
Returns:a SerialFieldTree object
/** * Creates a new {@code SerialFieldTree} object, to represent a {@code @serialField} tag. * @param name the name of the field * @param type the type of the field * @param description the description of the field * @return a {@code SerialFieldTree} object */
SerialFieldTree newSerialFieldTree(IdentifierTree name, ReferenceTree type, List<? extends DocTree> description);
Creates a new SinceTree object, to represent a @since tag.
  • text – the content of the tag
Returns:a SinceTree object
/** * Creates a new {@code SinceTree} object, to represent a {@code @since} tag. * @param text the content of the tag * @return a {@code SinceTree} object */
SinceTree newSinceTree(List<? extends DocTree> text);
Creates a new StartElementTree object, to represent the start of an HTML element.
  • name – the name of the HTML element
  • attrs – the attributes
  • selfClosing – true if the start element is marked as self-closing; otherwise false
Returns:a StartElementTree object
/** * Creates a new {@code StartElementTree} object, to represent the start of an HTML element. * @param name the name of the HTML element * @param attrs the attributes * @param selfClosing {@code true} if the start element is marked as self-closing; otherwise {@code false} * @return a {@code StartElementTree} object */
StartElementTree newStartElementTree(Name name, List<? extends DocTree> attrs, boolean selfClosing);
Creates a new SummaryTree object, to represent a {@summary } tag.
  • summary – the content of the tag
Implementation Requirements:This implementation throws UnsupportedOperationException.
Returns:a SummaryTree object
/** * Creates a new {@code SummaryTree} object, to represent a {@code {@summary }} tag. * * @implSpec This implementation throws {@code UnsupportedOperationException}. * * @param summary the content of the tag * @return a {@code SummaryTree} object * @since 10 */
default SummaryTree newSummaryTree(List<? extends DocTree> summary) { throw new UnsupportedOperationException("not implemented"); }
Creates a new SystemPropertyTree object, to represent a {@systemProperty } tag.
  • propertyName – the system property name
Returns:a SystemPropertyTree object
/** * Creates a new {@code SystemPropertyTree} object, to represent a {@code {@systemProperty }} tag. * * @param propertyName the system property name * @return a {@code SystemPropertyTree} object * @since 12 */
SystemPropertyTree newSystemPropertyTree(Name propertyName);
Creates a new TextTree object, to represent some plain text.
  • text – the text
Returns:a TextTree object
/** * Creates a new {@code TextTree} object, to represent some plain text. * @param text the text * @return a {@code TextTree} object */
TextTree newTextTree(String text);
Creates a new ThrowsTree object, to represent a @throws tag.
  • name – the name of the exception
  • description – a description of why the exception might be thrown
Returns:a ThrowsTree object
/** * Creates a new {@code ThrowsTree} object, to represent a {@code @throws} tag. * @param name the name of the exception * @param description a description of why the exception might be thrown * @return a {@code ThrowsTree} object */
ThrowsTree newThrowsTree(ReferenceTree name, List<? extends DocTree> description);
Creates a new UnknownBlockTagTree object, to represent an unrecognized block tag.
  • name – the name of the block tag
  • content – the content
Returns:an UnknownBlockTagTree object
/** * Creates a new {@code UnknownBlockTagTree} object, to represent an unrecognized block tag. * @param name the name of the block tag * @param content the content * @return an {@code UnknownBlockTagTree} object */
UnknownBlockTagTree newUnknownBlockTagTree(Name name, List<? extends DocTree> content);
Creates a new UnknownInlineTagTree object, to represent an unrecognized inline tag.
  • name – the name of the inline tag
  • content – the content
Returns:an UnknownInlineTagTree object
/** * Creates a new {@code UnknownInlineTagTree} object, to represent an unrecognized inline tag. * @param name the name of the inline tag * @param content the content * @return an {@code UnknownInlineTagTree} object */
UnknownInlineTagTree newUnknownInlineTagTree(Name name, List<? extends DocTree> content);
Creates a new UsesTree object, to represent a @uses tag.
  • name – the name of the service type
  • description – a description of how the service will be used
Returns:a UsesTree object
/** * Creates a new {@code UsesTree} object, to represent a {@code @uses} tag. * @param name the name of the service type * @param description a description of how the service will be used * @return a {@code UsesTree} object */
UsesTree newUsesTree(ReferenceTree name, List<? extends DocTree> description);
Creates a new ValueTree object, to represent a {@value } tag.
  • ref – a reference to the value
Returns:a ValueTree object
/** * Creates a new {@code ValueTree} object, to represent a {@code {@value }} tag. * @param ref a reference to the value * @return a {@code ValueTree} object */
ValueTree newValueTree(ReferenceTree ref);
Creates a new VersionTree object, to represent a {@version } tag.
  • text – the content of the tag
Returns:a VersionTree object
/** * Creates a new {@code VersionTree} object, to represent a {@code {@version }} tag. * @param text the content of the tag * @return a {@code VersionTree} object */
VersionTree newVersionTree(List<? extends DocTree> text);
Sets the position to be recorded in subsequent tree nodes created by this factory. The position should be a character offset relative to the beginning of the source file or NOPOS.
  • pos – the position
Returns:this object, to facilitate method chaining
/** * Sets the position to be recorded in subsequent tree nodes created by this factory. * The position should be a character offset relative to the beginning of the source file * or {@link javax.tools.Diagnostic#NOPOS NOPOS}. * @param pos the position * @return this object, to facilitate method chaining */
DocTreeFactory at(int pos);
Gets the first sentence contained in a list of content. The determination of the first sentence is implementation specific, and may involve the use of a locale-specific BreakIterator and other heuristics. The resulting list may share a common set of initial items with the input list.
  • list – the list
Returns:a list containing the first sentence of the list
/** * Gets the first sentence contained in a list of content. * The determination of the first sentence is implementation specific, and may * involve the use of a locale-specific {@link java.text.BreakIterator BreakIterator} * and other heuristics. * The resulting list may share a common set of initial items with the input list. * @param list the list * @return a list containing the first sentence of the list */
List<DocTree> getFirstSentence(List<? extends DocTree> list); }