 * Copyright (c) 2007, 2021, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
 * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
 * contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file distributed with
 * this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
 * The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
 * (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
 * the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
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package com.sun.org.apache.xml.internal.serializer;

import java.io.IOException;
import java.io.OutputStream;
import java.io.Writer;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Properties;
import javax.xml.transform.ErrorListener;
import javax.xml.transform.SourceLocator;
import javax.xml.transform.Transformer;
import org.w3c.dom.Node;
import org.xml.sax.Attributes;
import org.xml.sax.ContentHandler;
import org.xml.sax.Locator;
import org.xml.sax.SAXException;

This class wraps another SerializationHandler. The wrapped object will either handler XML or HTML, which is not known until a little later when the first XML tag is seen. If the first tag is then the wrapped object is an HTML handler, otherwise it is an XML handler. This class effectively caches the first few calls to it then passes them on to the wrapped handler (once it exists). After that subsequent calls a simply passed directly to the wrapped handler. The user of this class doesn't know if the output is ultimatley XML or HTML. This class is not a public API, it is public because it is used within Xalan.
@LastModified: Feb 2021
/** *This class wraps another SerializationHandler. The wrapped object will either * handler XML or HTML, which is not known until a little later when the first XML * tag is seen. If the first tag is <html> then the wrapped object is an HTML * handler, otherwise it is an XML handler. * * This class effectively caches the first few calls to it then passes them * on to the wrapped handler (once it exists). After that subsequent calls a * simply passed directly to the wrapped handler. * * The user of this class doesn't know if the output is ultimatley XML or HTML. * * This class is not a public API, it is public because it is used within Xalan. * @xsl.usage internal * @LastModified: Feb 2021 */
public final class ToUnknownStream extends SerializerBase {
The wrapped handler, initially XML but possibly switched to HTML
/** * The wrapped handler, initially XML but possibly switched to HTML */
private SerializationHandler m_handler;
A String with no characters
/** * A String with no characters */
private static final String EMPTYSTRING = "";
true if the underlying handler (XML or HTML) is fully initialized
/** * true if the underlying handler (XML or HTML) is fully initialized */
private boolean m_wrapped_handler_not_initialized = false;
the prefix of the very first tag in the document
/** * the prefix of the very first tag in the document */
private String m_firstElementPrefix;
the element name (including any prefix) of the very first tag in the document
/** * the element name (including any prefix) of the very first tag in the document */
private String m_firstElementName;
the namespace URI associated with the first element
/** * the namespace URI associated with the first element */
private String m_firstElementURI;
the local name (no prefix) associated with the first element
/** * the local name (no prefix) associated with the first element */
private String m_firstElementLocalName = null;
true if the first tag has been emitted to the wrapped handler
/** * true if the first tag has been emitted to the wrapped handler */
private boolean m_firstTagNotEmitted = true;
A collection of namespace URI's (only for first element). _namespacePrefix has the matching prefix for these URI's
/** * A collection of namespace URI's (only for first element). * _namespacePrefix has the matching prefix for these URI's */
private List<String> m_namespaceURI = null;
A collection of namespace Prefix (only for first element) _namespaceURI has the matching URIs for these prefix'
/** * A collection of namespace Prefix (only for first element) * _namespaceURI has the matching URIs for these prefix' */
private List<String> m_namespacePrefix = null;
true if startDocument() was called before the underlying handler was initialized
/** * true if startDocument() was called before the underlying handler * was initialized */
private boolean m_needToCallStartDocument = false;
Default constructor. Initially this object wraps an XML Stream object, so _handler is never null. That may change later to an HTML Stream object.
/** * Default constructor. * Initially this object wraps an XML Stream object, so _handler is never null. * That may change later to an HTML Stream object. */
public ToUnknownStream() { this(null); } public ToUnknownStream(ErrorListener l) { m_handler = new ToXMLStream(l); }
See Also:
  • asContentHandler.asContentHandler()
Returns:the wrapped XML or HTML handler
/** * @see Serializer#asContentHandler() * @return the wrapped XML or HTML handler */
public ContentHandler asContentHandler() throws IOException { /* don't return the real handler ( m_handler ) because * that would expose the real handler to the outside. * Keep m_handler private so it can be internally swapped * to an HTML handler. */ return this; }
See Also:
  • close.close()
/** * @see SerializationHandler#close() */
public void close() { m_handler.close(); }
See Also:
  • getOutputFormat.getOutputFormat()
Returns:the properties of the underlying handler
/** * @see Serializer#getOutputFormat() * @return the properties of the underlying handler */
public Properties getOutputFormat() { return m_handler.getOutputFormat(); }
See Also:
  • getOutputStream.getOutputStream()
Returns:the OutputStream of the underlying XML or HTML handler
/** * @see Serializer#getOutputStream() * @return the OutputStream of the underlying XML or HTML handler */
public OutputStream getOutputStream() { return m_handler.getOutputStream(); }
See Also:
  • getWriter.getWriter()
Returns:the Writer of the underlying XML or HTML handler
/** * @see Serializer#getWriter() * @return the Writer of the underlying XML or HTML handler */
public Writer getWriter() { return m_handler.getWriter(); }
passes the call on to the underlying HTML or XML handler
See Also:
  • reset.reset()
/** * passes the call on to the underlying HTML or XML handler * @see Serializer#reset() * @return ??? */
public boolean reset() { return m_handler.reset(); }
Converts the DOM node to output
  • node – the DOM node to transform to output
See Also:
/** * Converts the DOM node to output * @param node the DOM node to transform to output * @see DOMSerializer#serialize(Node) * */
public void serialize(Node node) throws IOException { if (m_firstTagNotEmitted) { flush(); } m_handler.serialize(node); }
See Also:
  • setEscaping.setEscaping(boolean)
/** * @see SerializationHandler#setEscaping(boolean) */
public boolean setEscaping(boolean escape) throws SAXException { return m_handler.setEscaping(escape); }
Set the properties of the handler
  • format – the output properties to set
See Also:
/** * Set the properties of the handler * @param format the output properties to set * @see Serializer#setOutputFormat(Properties) */
public void setOutputFormat(Properties format) { m_handler.setOutputFormat(format); }
Sets the output stream to write to
  • output – the OutputStream to write to
See Also:
/** * Sets the output stream to write to * @param output the OutputStream to write to * @see Serializer#setOutputStream(OutputStream) */
public void setOutputStream(OutputStream output) { m_handler.setOutputStream(output); }
Sets the writer to write to
  • writer – the writer to write to
See Also:
/** * Sets the writer to write to * @param writer the writer to write to * @see Serializer#setWriter(Writer) */
public void setWriter(Writer writer) { m_handler.setWriter(writer); }
Adds an attribute to the currenly open tag
  • uri – the URI of a namespace
  • localName – the attribute name, without prefix
  • rawName – the attribute name, with prefix (if any)
  • type – the type of the attribute, typically "CDATA"
  • value – the value of the parameter
  • XSLAttribute – true if this attribute is coming from an xsl:attribute element
See Also:
/** * Adds an attribute to the currenly open tag * @param uri the URI of a namespace * @param localName the attribute name, without prefix * @param rawName the attribute name, with prefix (if any) * @param type the type of the attribute, typically "CDATA" * @param value the value of the parameter * @param XSLAttribute true if this attribute is coming from an xsl:attribute element * @see ExtendedContentHandler#addAttribute(String, String, String, String, String) */
public void addAttribute(String uri, String localName, String rawName, String type, String value) throws SAXException { addAttribute(uri, localName, rawName, type, value, false); }
Adds an attribute to the currenly open tag
  • uri – the URI of a namespace
  • localName – the attribute name, without prefix
  • rawName – the attribute name, with prefix (if any)
  • type – the type of the attribute, typically "CDATA"
  • value – the value of the parameter
  • XSLAttribute – true if this attribute is coming from an xsl:attribute element
See Also:
/** * Adds an attribute to the currenly open tag * @param uri the URI of a namespace * @param localName the attribute name, without prefix * @param rawName the attribute name, with prefix (if any) * @param type the type of the attribute, typically "CDATA" * @param value the value of the parameter * @param XSLAttribute true if this attribute is coming from an xsl:attribute element * @see ExtendedContentHandler#addAttribute(String, String, String, String, String) */
public void addAttribute(String uri, String localName, String rawName, String type, String value, boolean XSLAttribute) throws SAXException { if (m_firstTagNotEmitted) { flush(); } m_handler.addAttribute(uri, localName, rawName, type, value, XSLAttribute); }
Adds an attribute to the currenly open tag
  • rawName – the attribute name, with prefix (if any)
  • value – the value of the parameter
See Also:
/** * Adds an attribute to the currenly open tag * @param rawName the attribute name, with prefix (if any) * @param value the value of the parameter * @see ExtendedContentHandler#addAttribute(String, String) */
public void addAttribute(String rawName, String value) { if (m_firstTagNotEmitted) { flush(); } m_handler.addAttribute(rawName, value); }
Adds a unique attribute to the currenly open tag
/** * Adds a unique attribute to the currenly open tag */
public void addUniqueAttribute(String rawName, String value, int flags) throws SAXException { if (m_firstTagNotEmitted) { flush(); } m_handler.addUniqueAttribute(rawName, value, flags); }
Converts the String to a character array and calls the SAX method characters(char[],int,int);
  • chars – The string of characters to process.
See Also:
/** * Converts the String to a character array and calls the SAX method * characters(char[],int,int); * * @param chars The string of characters to process. * * @throws org.xml.sax.SAXException * * @see ExtendedContentHandler#characters(String) */
public void characters(String chars) throws SAXException { final int len = (chars == null) ? 0 : chars.length(); if (len > m_charsBuff.length) { m_charsBuff = new char[len * 2 + 1]; } if (len > 0) { chars.getChars(0, len, m_charsBuff, 0); } this.characters(m_charsBuff, 0, len); }
Pass the call on to the underlying handler
See Also:
  • endElement.endElement(String)
/** * Pass the call on to the underlying handler * @see ExtendedContentHandler#endElement(String) */
public void endElement(String elementName) throws SAXException { if (m_firstTagNotEmitted) { flush(); } m_handler.endElement(elementName); }
  • prefix – The prefix that maps to the URI
  • uri – The URI for the namespace
See Also:
  • startPrefixMapping.startPrefixMapping(String, String)
/** * @see org.xml.sax.ContentHandler#startPrefixMapping(String, String) * @param prefix The prefix that maps to the URI * @param uri The URI for the namespace */
public void startPrefixMapping(String prefix, String uri) throws SAXException { this.startPrefixMapping(prefix,uri, true); }
This method is used when a prefix/uri namespace mapping is indicated after the element was started with a startElement() and before and endElement(). startPrefixMapping(prefix,uri) would be used before the startElement() call.
  • uri – the URI of the namespace
  • prefix – the prefix associated with the given URI.
See Also:
/** * This method is used when a prefix/uri namespace mapping * is indicated after the element was started with a * startElement() and before and endElement(). * startPrefixMapping(prefix,uri) would be used before the * startElement() call. * @param uri the URI of the namespace * @param prefix the prefix associated with the given URI. * * @see ExtendedContentHandler#namespaceAfterStartElement(String, String) */
public void namespaceAfterStartElement(String prefix, String uri) throws SAXException { // hack for XSLTC with finding URI for default namespace if (m_firstTagNotEmitted && m_firstElementURI == null && m_firstElementName != null) { String prefix1 = getPrefixPart(m_firstElementName); if (prefix1 == null && EMPTYSTRING.equals(prefix)) { // the elements URI is not known yet, and it // doesn't have a prefix, and we are currently // setting the uri for prefix "", so we have // the uri for the element... lets remember it m_firstElementURI = uri; } } startPrefixMapping(prefix, uri, false); } public boolean startPrefixMapping(String prefix, String uri, boolean shouldFlush) throws SAXException { boolean pushed = false; if (m_firstTagNotEmitted) { if (m_firstElementName != null && shouldFlush) { /* we've already seen a startElement, and this is a prefix mapping * for the up coming element, so flush the old element * then send this event on its way. */ flush(); pushed = m_handler.startPrefixMapping(prefix, uri, shouldFlush); } else { if (m_namespacePrefix == null) { m_namespacePrefix = new ArrayList<>(); m_namespaceURI = new ArrayList<>(); } m_namespacePrefix.add(prefix); m_namespaceURI.add(uri); if (m_firstElementURI == null) { if (prefix.equals(m_firstElementPrefix)) m_firstElementURI = uri; } } } else { pushed = m_handler.startPrefixMapping(prefix, uri, shouldFlush); } return pushed; }
This method cannot be cached because default is different in HTML and XML (we need more than a boolean).
/** * This method cannot be cached because default is different in * HTML and XML (we need more than a boolean). */
public void setVersion(String version) { m_handler.setVersion(version); }
See Also:
  • startDocument.startDocument()
/** * @see org.xml.sax.ContentHandler#startDocument() */
public void startDocument() throws SAXException { m_needToCallStartDocument = true; } public void startElement(String qName) throws SAXException { this.startElement(null, null, qName, null); } public void startElement(String namespaceURI, String localName, String qName) throws SAXException { this.startElement(namespaceURI, localName, qName, null); } public void startElement(String namespaceURI, String localName, String elementName, Attributes atts) throws SAXException { if (m_needToCallSetDocumentInfo) { super.setDocumentInfo(); m_needToCallSetDocumentInfo = false; } /* we are notified of the start of an element */ if (m_firstTagNotEmitted) { /* we have not yet sent the first element on its way */ if (m_firstElementName != null) { /* this is not the first element, but a later one. * But we have the old element pending, so flush it out, * then send this one on its way. */ flush(); m_handler.startElement(namespaceURI, localName, elementName, atts); } else { /* this is the very first element that we have seen, * so save it for flushing later. We may yet get to know its * URI due to added attributes. */ m_wrapped_handler_not_initialized = true; m_firstElementName = elementName; // null if not known m_firstElementPrefix = getPrefixPartUnknown(elementName); // null if not known m_firstElementURI = namespaceURI; // null if not known m_firstElementLocalName = localName; if (m_tracer != null) firePseudoElement(elementName); /* we don't want to call our own addAttributes, which * merely delegates to the wrapped handler, but we want to * add these attributes to m_attributes. So me must call super. * addAttributes() In this case m_attributes is only used for the * first element, after that this class totally delegates to the * wrapped handler which is either XML or HTML. */ if (atts != null) super.addAttributes(atts); // if there are attributes, then lets make the flush() // call the startElement on the handler and send the // attributes on their way. if (atts != null) flush(); } } else { // this is not the first element, but a later one, so just // send it on its way. m_handler.startElement(namespaceURI, localName, elementName, atts); } }
Pass the call on to the underlying handler
See Also:
  • comment.comment(String)
/** * Pass the call on to the underlying handler * @see ExtendedLexicalHandler#comment(String) */
public void comment(String comment) throws SAXException { if (m_firstTagNotEmitted && m_firstElementName != null) { emitFirstTag(); } else if (m_needToCallStartDocument) { m_handler.startDocument(); m_needToCallStartDocument = false; } m_handler.comment(comment); }
Pass the call on to the underlying handler
See Also:
  • getDoctypePublic.getDoctypePublic()
/** * Pass the call on to the underlying handler * @see XSLOutputAttributes#getDoctypePublic() */
public String getDoctypePublic() { return m_handler.getDoctypePublic(); }
Pass the call on to the underlying handler
See Also:
  • getDoctypeSystem.getDoctypeSystem()
/** * Pass the call on to the underlying handler * @see XSLOutputAttributes#getDoctypeSystem() */
public String getDoctypeSystem() { return m_handler.getDoctypeSystem(); }
Pass the call on to the underlying handler
See Also:
  • getEncoding.getEncoding()
/** * Pass the call on to the underlying handler * @see XSLOutputAttributes#getEncoding() */
public String getEncoding() { return m_handler.getEncoding(); }
Pass the call on to the underlying handler
See Also:
  • getIndent.getIndent()
/** * Pass the call on to the underlying handler * @see XSLOutputAttributes#getIndent() */
public boolean getIndent() { return m_handler.getIndent(); }
Pass the call on to the underlying handler
See Also:
  • getIndentAmount.getIndentAmount()
/** * Pass the call on to the underlying handler * @see XSLOutputAttributes#getIndentAmount() */
public int getIndentAmount() { return m_handler.getIndentAmount(); }
Pass the call on to the underlying handler
See Also:
  • getMediaType.getMediaType()
/** * Pass the call on to the underlying handler * @see XSLOutputAttributes#getMediaType() */
public String getMediaType() { return m_handler.getMediaType(); }
Pass the call on to the underlying handler
See Also:
  • getOmitXMLDeclaration.getOmitXMLDeclaration()
/** * Pass the call on to the underlying handler * @see XSLOutputAttributes#getOmitXMLDeclaration() */
public boolean getOmitXMLDeclaration() { return m_handler.getOmitXMLDeclaration(); }
Pass the call on to the underlying handler
See Also:
  • getStandalone.getStandalone()
/** * Pass the call on to the underlying handler * @see XSLOutputAttributes#getStandalone() */
public String getStandalone() { return m_handler.getStandalone(); }
Pass the call on to the underlying handler
See Also:
  • getVersion.getVersion()
/** * Pass the call on to the underlying handler * @see XSLOutputAttributes#getVersion() */
public String getVersion() { return m_handler.getVersion(); }
See Also:
  • setDoctype.setDoctype(String, String)
/** * @see XSLOutputAttributes#setDoctype(String, String) */
public void setDoctype(String system, String pub) { m_handler.setDoctypePublic(pub); m_handler.setDoctypeSystem(system); }
Set the doctype in the underlying XML handler. Remember that this method was called, just in case we need to transfer this doctype to an HTML handler
  • doctype – the public doctype to set
See Also:
/** * Set the doctype in the underlying XML handler. Remember that this method * was called, just in case we need to transfer this doctype to an HTML handler * @param doctype the public doctype to set * @see XSLOutputAttributes#setDoctypePublic(String) */
public void setDoctypePublic(String doctype) { m_handler.setDoctypePublic(doctype); }
Set the doctype in the underlying XML handler. Remember that this method was called, just in case we need to transfer this doctype to an HTML handler
  • doctype – the system doctype to set
See Also:
/** * Set the doctype in the underlying XML handler. Remember that this method * was called, just in case we need to transfer this doctype to an HTML handler * @param doctype the system doctype to set * @see XSLOutputAttributes#setDoctypeSystem(String) */
public void setDoctypeSystem(String doctype) { m_handler.setDoctypeSystem(doctype); }
Pass the call on to the underlying handler
See Also:
  • setEncoding.setEncoding(String)
/** * Pass the call on to the underlying handler * @see XSLOutputAttributes#setEncoding(String) */
public void setEncoding(String encoding) { m_handler.setEncoding(encoding); }
Pass the call on to the underlying handler
See Also:
  • setIndent.setIndent(boolean)
/** * Pass the call on to the underlying handler * @see XSLOutputAttributes#setIndent(boolean) */
public void setIndent(boolean indent) { m_handler.setIndent(indent); }
Pass the call on to the underlying handler
/** * Pass the call on to the underlying handler */
public void setIndentAmount(int value) { m_handler.setIndentAmount(value); }
See Also:
  • setMediaType.setMediaType(String)
/** * @see XSLOutputAttributes#setMediaType(String) */
public void setMediaType(String mediaType) { m_handler.setMediaType(mediaType); }
Pass the call on to the underlying handler
See Also:
  • setOmitXMLDeclaration.setOmitXMLDeclaration(boolean)
/** * Pass the call on to the underlying handler * @see XSLOutputAttributes#setOmitXMLDeclaration(boolean) */
public void setOmitXMLDeclaration(boolean b) { m_handler.setOmitXMLDeclaration(b); }
Pass the call on to the underlying handler
See Also:
  • setStandalone.setStandalone(String)
/** * Pass the call on to the underlying handler * @see XSLOutputAttributes#setStandalone(String) */
public void setStandalone(String standalone) { m_handler.setStandalone(standalone); } @Override public void setIsStandalone(boolean isStandalone) { super.setIsStandalone(isStandalone); m_handler.setIsStandalone(isStandalone); }
Pass the call on to the underlying handler
See Also:
  • attributeDecl.attributeDecl(String, String, String, String, String)
/** * Pass the call on to the underlying handler * @see org.xml.sax.ext.DeclHandler#attributeDecl(String, String, String, String, String) */
public void attributeDecl(String arg0, String arg1, String arg2, String arg3, String arg4) throws SAXException { m_handler.attributeDecl(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4); }
Pass the call on to the underlying handler
See Also:
  • elementDecl.elementDecl(String, String)
/** * Pass the call on to the underlying handler * @see org.xml.sax.ext.DeclHandler#elementDecl(String, String) */
public void elementDecl(String arg0, String arg1) throws SAXException { if (m_firstTagNotEmitted) { emitFirstTag(); } m_handler.elementDecl(arg0, arg1); }
Pass the call on to the underlying handler
See Also:
  • externalEntityDecl.externalEntityDecl(String, String, String)
/** * Pass the call on to the underlying handler * @see org.xml.sax.ext.DeclHandler#externalEntityDecl(String, String, String) */
public void externalEntityDecl( String name, String publicId, String systemId) throws SAXException { if (m_firstTagNotEmitted) { flush(); } m_handler.externalEntityDecl(name, publicId, systemId); }
Pass the call on to the underlying handler
See Also:
  • internalEntityDecl.internalEntityDecl(String, String)
/** * Pass the call on to the underlying handler * @see org.xml.sax.ext.DeclHandler#internalEntityDecl(String, String) */
public void internalEntityDecl(String arg0, String arg1) throws SAXException { if (m_firstTagNotEmitted) { flush(); } m_handler.internalEntityDecl(arg0, arg1); }
Pass the call on to the underlying handler
See Also:
  • characters.characters(char[], int, int)
/** * Pass the call on to the underlying handler * @see org.xml.sax.ContentHandler#characters(char[], int, int) */
public void characters(char[] characters, int offset, int length) throws SAXException { if (m_firstTagNotEmitted) { flush(); } m_handler.characters(characters, offset, length); }
Pass the call on to the underlying handler
See Also:
  • endDocument.endDocument()
/** * Pass the call on to the underlying handler * @see org.xml.sax.ContentHandler#endDocument() */
public void endDocument() throws SAXException { if (m_firstTagNotEmitted) { flush(); } m_handler.endDocument(); }
Pass the call on to the underlying handler
See Also:
  • endElement.endElement(String, String, String)
/** * Pass the call on to the underlying handler * @see org.xml.sax.ContentHandler#endElement(String, String, String) */
public void endElement(String namespaceURI, String localName, String qName) throws SAXException { if (m_firstTagNotEmitted) { flush(); if (namespaceURI == null && m_firstElementURI != null) namespaceURI = m_firstElementURI; if (localName == null && m_firstElementLocalName != null) localName = m_firstElementLocalName; } m_handler.endElement(namespaceURI, localName, qName); }
Pass the call on to the underlying handler
See Also:
  • endPrefixMapping.endPrefixMapping(String)
/** * Pass the call on to the underlying handler * @see org.xml.sax.ContentHandler#endPrefixMapping(String) */
public void endPrefixMapping(String prefix) throws SAXException { m_handler.endPrefixMapping(prefix); }
Pass the call on to the underlying handler
See Also:
  • ignorableWhitespace.ignorableWhitespace(char[], int, int)
/** * Pass the call on to the underlying handler * @see org.xml.sax.ContentHandler#ignorableWhitespace(char[], int, int) */
public void ignorableWhitespace(char[] ch, int start, int length) throws SAXException { if (m_firstTagNotEmitted) { flush(); } m_handler.ignorableWhitespace(ch, start, length); }
Pass the call on to the underlying handler
See Also:
  • processingInstruction.processingInstruction(String, String)
/** * Pass the call on to the underlying handler * @see org.xml.sax.ContentHandler#processingInstruction(String, String) */
public void processingInstruction(String target, String data) throws SAXException { if (m_firstTagNotEmitted) { flush(); } m_handler.processingInstruction(target, data); }
Pass the call on to the underlying handler
See Also:
  • setDocumentLocator.setDocumentLocator(Locator)
/** * Pass the call on to the underlying handler * @see org.xml.sax.ContentHandler#setDocumentLocator(Locator) */
public void setDocumentLocator(Locator locator) { super.setDocumentLocator(locator); m_handler.setDocumentLocator(locator); }
Pass the call on to the underlying handler
See Also:
  • skippedEntity.skippedEntity(String)
/** * Pass the call on to the underlying handler * @see org.xml.sax.ContentHandler#skippedEntity(String) */
public void skippedEntity(String name) throws SAXException { m_handler.skippedEntity(name); }
Pass the call on to the underlying handler
See Also:
  • comment.comment(char[], int, int)
/** * Pass the call on to the underlying handler * @see org.xml.sax.ext.LexicalHandler#comment(char[], int, int) */
public void comment(char[] ch, int start, int length) throws SAXException { if (m_firstTagNotEmitted) { flush(); } m_handler.comment(ch, start, length); }
Pass the call on to the underlying handler
See Also:
  • endCDATA.endCDATA()
/** * Pass the call on to the underlying handler * @see org.xml.sax.ext.LexicalHandler#endCDATA() */
public void endCDATA() throws SAXException { m_handler.endCDATA(); }
Pass the call on to the underlying handler
See Also:
  • endDTD.endDTD()
/** * Pass the call on to the underlying handler * @see org.xml.sax.ext.LexicalHandler#endDTD() */
public void endDTD() throws SAXException { m_handler.endDTD(); }
Pass the call on to the underlying handler
See Also:
  • endEntity.endEntity(String)
/** * Pass the call on to the underlying handler * @see org.xml.sax.ext.LexicalHandler#endEntity(String) */
public void endEntity(String name) throws SAXException { if (m_firstTagNotEmitted) { emitFirstTag(); } m_handler.endEntity(name); }
Pass the call on to the underlying handler
See Also:
  • startCDATA.startCDATA()
/** * Pass the call on to the underlying handler * @see org.xml.sax.ext.LexicalHandler#startCDATA() */
public void startCDATA() throws SAXException { m_handler.startCDATA(); }
Pass the call on to the underlying handler
See Also:
  • startDTD.startDTD(String, String, String)
/** * Pass the call on to the underlying handler * @see org.xml.sax.ext.LexicalHandler#startDTD(String, String, String) */
public void startDTD(String name, String publicId, String systemId) throws SAXException { m_handler.startDTD(name, publicId, systemId); }
Pass the call on to the underlying handler
See Also:
  • startEntity.startEntity(String)
/** * Pass the call on to the underlying handler * @see org.xml.sax.ext.LexicalHandler#startEntity(String) */
public void startEntity(String name) throws SAXException { m_handler.startEntity(name); }
Initialize the wrapped output stream (XML or HTML). If the stream handler should be HTML, then replace the XML handler with an HTML handler. After than send the starting method calls that were cached to the wrapped handler.
/** * Initialize the wrapped output stream (XML or HTML). * If the stream handler should be HTML, then replace the XML handler with * an HTML handler. After than send the starting method calls that were cached * to the wrapped handler. * */
private void initStreamOutput() throws SAXException { // Try to rule out if this is an not to be an HTML document based on prefix boolean firstElementIsHTML = isFirstElemHTML(); if (firstElementIsHTML) { // create an HTML output handler, and initialize it // keep a reference to the old handler, ... it will soon be gone SerializationHandler oldHandler = m_handler; /* We have to make sure we get an output properties with the proper * defaults for the HTML method. The easiest way to do this is to * have the OutputProperties class do it. */ Properties htmlProperties = OutputPropertiesFactory.getDefaultMethodProperties(Method.HTML); Serializer serializer = SerializerFactory.getSerializer(htmlProperties); // The factory should be returning a ToStream // Don't know what to do if it doesn't // i.e. the user has over-ridden the content-handler property // for html m_handler = (SerializationHandler) serializer; //m_handler = new ToHTMLStream(); Writer writer = oldHandler.getWriter(); if (null != writer) m_handler.setWriter(writer); else { OutputStream os = oldHandler.getOutputStream(); if (null != os) m_handler.setOutputStream(os); } // need to copy things from the old handler to the new one here // if (_setVersion_called) // { m_handler.setVersion(oldHandler.getVersion()); // } // if (_setDoctypeSystem_called) // { m_handler.setDoctypeSystem(oldHandler.getDoctypeSystem()); // } // if (_setDoctypePublic_called) // { m_handler.setDoctypePublic(oldHandler.getDoctypePublic()); // } // if (_setMediaType_called) // { m_handler.setMediaType(oldHandler.getMediaType()); // } m_handler.setTransformer(oldHandler.getTransformer()); } /* Now that we have a real wrapped handler (XML or HTML) lets * pass any cached calls to it */ // Call startDocument() if necessary if (m_needToCallStartDocument) { m_handler.startDocument(); m_needToCallStartDocument = false; } // the wrapped handler is now fully initialized m_wrapped_handler_not_initialized = false; } private void emitFirstTag() throws SAXException { if (m_firstElementName != null) { if (m_wrapped_handler_not_initialized) { initStreamOutput(); m_wrapped_handler_not_initialized = false; } // Output first tag m_handler.startElement(m_firstElementURI, null, m_firstElementName, m_attributes); // don't need the collected attributes of the first element anymore. m_attributes = null; // Output namespaces of first tag if (m_namespacePrefix != null) { final int n = m_namespacePrefix.size(); for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) { final String prefix = m_namespacePrefix.get(i); final String uri = m_namespaceURI.get(i); m_handler.startPrefixMapping(prefix, uri, false); } m_namespacePrefix = null; m_namespaceURI = null; } m_firstTagNotEmitted = false; } }
Utility function for calls to local-name(). Don't want to override static function on SerializerBase So added Unknown suffix to method name.
/** * Utility function for calls to local-name(). * * Don't want to override static function on SerializerBase * So added Unknown suffix to method name. */
private String getLocalNameUnknown(String value) { int idx = value.lastIndexOf(':'); if (idx >= 0) value = value.substring(idx + 1); idx = value.lastIndexOf('@'); if (idx >= 0) value = value.substring(idx + 1); return (value); }
Utility function to return prefix Don't want to override static function on SerializerBase So added Unknown suffix to method name.
/** * Utility function to return prefix * * Don't want to override static function on SerializerBase * So added Unknown suffix to method name. */
private String getPrefixPartUnknown(String qname) { final int index = qname.indexOf(':'); return (index > 0) ? qname.substring(0, index) : EMPTYSTRING; }
Determine if the firts element in the document is or This uses the cached first element name, first element prefix and the cached namespaces from previous method calls
Returns:true if the first element is an opening tag
/** * Determine if the firts element in the document is <html> or <HTML> * This uses the cached first element name, first element prefix and the * cached namespaces from previous method calls * * @return true if the first element is an opening <html> tag */
private boolean isFirstElemHTML() { boolean isHTML; // is the first tag html, not considering the prefix ? isHTML = getLocalNameUnknown(m_firstElementName).equalsIgnoreCase("html"); // Try to rule out if this is not to be an HTML document based on URI if (isHTML && m_firstElementURI != null && !EMPTYSTRING.equals(m_firstElementURI)) { // the <html> element has a non-trivial namespace isHTML = false; } // Try to rule out if this is an not to be an HTML document based on prefix if (isHTML && m_namespacePrefix != null) { /* the first element has a name of "html", but lets check the prefix. * If the prefix points to a namespace with a URL that is not "" * then the doecument doesn't start with an <html> tag, and isn't html */ final int max = m_namespacePrefix.size(); for (int i = 0; i < max; i++) { final String prefix = m_namespacePrefix.get(i); final String uri = m_namespaceURI.get(i); if (m_firstElementPrefix != null && m_firstElementPrefix.equals(prefix) && !EMPTYSTRING.equals(uri)) { // The first element has a prefix, so it can't be <html> isHTML = false; break; } } } return isHTML; }
See Also:
  • asDOMSerializer.asDOMSerializer()
/** * @see Serializer#asDOMSerializer() */
public DOMSerializer asDOMSerializer() throws IOException { return m_handler.asDOMSerializer(); }
  • URI_and_localNames – a list of pairs of URI/localName specified in the cdata-section-elements attribute.
See Also:
/** * @param URI_and_localNames a list of pairs of URI/localName * specified in the cdata-section-elements attribute. * @see SerializationHandler#setCdataSectionElements(List) */
public void setCdataSectionElements(List<String> URI_and_localNames) { m_handler.setCdataSectionElements(URI_and_localNames); }
See Also:
  • addAttributes.addAttributes(Attributes)
/** * @see ExtendedContentHandler#addAttributes(org.xml.sax.Attributes) */
public void addAttributes(Attributes atts) throws SAXException { m_handler.addAttributes(atts); }
Get the current namespace mappings. Simply returns the mappings of the wrapped handler.
See Also:
  • getNamespaceMappings.getNamespaceMappings()
/** * Get the current namespace mappings. * Simply returns the mappings of the wrapped handler. * @see ExtendedContentHandler#getNamespaceMappings() */
public NamespaceMappings getNamespaceMappings() { NamespaceMappings mappings = null; if (m_handler != null) { mappings = m_handler.getNamespaceMappings(); } return mappings; }
See Also:
  • flushPending.flushPending()
/** * @see SerializationHandler#flushPending() */
public void flushPending() throws SAXException { flush(); m_handler.flushPending(); } private void flush() { try { if (m_firstTagNotEmitted) { emitFirstTag(); } if (m_needToCallStartDocument) { m_handler.startDocument(); m_needToCallStartDocument = false; } } catch(SAXException e) { throw new RuntimeException(e.toString()); } }
See Also:
  • getPrefix.getPrefix
/** * @see ExtendedContentHandler#getPrefix */
public String getPrefix(String namespaceURI) { return m_handler.getPrefix(namespaceURI); }
See Also:
  • entityReference.entityReference(String)
/** * @see ExtendedContentHandler#entityReference(java.lang.String) */
public void entityReference(String entityName) throws SAXException { m_handler.entityReference(entityName); }
See Also:
  • getNamespaceURI.getNamespaceURI(String, boolean)
/** * @see ExtendedContentHandler#getNamespaceURI(java.lang.String, boolean) */
public String getNamespaceURI(String qname, boolean isElement) { return m_handler.getNamespaceURI(qname, isElement); } public String getNamespaceURIFromPrefix(String prefix) { return m_handler.getNamespaceURIFromPrefix(prefix); } public void setTransformer(Transformer t) { m_handler.setTransformer(t); if ((t instanceof SerializerTrace) && (((SerializerTrace) t).hasTraceListeners())) { m_tracer = (SerializerTrace) t; } else { m_tracer = null; } } public Transformer getTransformer() { return m_handler.getTransformer(); }
See Also:
  • setContentHandler.setContentHandler(ContentHandler)
/** * @see SerializationHandler#setContentHandler(org.xml.sax.ContentHandler) */
public void setContentHandler(ContentHandler ch) { m_handler.setContentHandler(ch); }
This method is used to set the source locator, which might be used to generated an error message.
  • locator – the source locator
See Also:
/** * This method is used to set the source locator, which might be used to * generated an error message. * @param locator the source locator * * @see ExtendedContentHandler#setSourceLocator(javax.xml.transform.SourceLocator) */
public void setSourceLocator(SourceLocator locator) { m_handler.setSourceLocator(locator); } protected void firePseudoElement(String elementName) { if (m_tracer != null) { StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer(); sb.append('<'); sb.append(elementName); // convert the StringBuffer to a char array and // emit the trace event that these characters "might" // be written char ch[] = sb.toString().toCharArray(); m_tracer.fireGenerateEvent( SerializerTrace.EVENTTYPE_OUTPUT_PSEUDO_CHARACTERS, ch, 0, ch.length); } }
See Also:
  • asDOM3Serializer.asDOM3Serializer()
/** * @see org.apache.xml.serializer.Serializer#asDOM3Serializer() */
public Object asDOM3Serializer() throws IOException { return m_handler.asDOM3Serializer(); } }