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package javax.print.attribute.standard;

import java.io.Serial;
import java.util.AbstractSet;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.NoSuchElementException;
import java.util.Set;

import javax.print.attribute.Attribute;
import javax.print.attribute.PrintServiceAttribute;

Class PrinterStateReasons is a printing attribute class, a set of enumeration values, that provides additional information about the printer's current state, i.e., information that augments the value of the printer's PrinterState attribute.

Instances of PrinterStateReason do not appear in a Print Service's attribute set directly. Rather, a PrinterStateReasons attribute appears in the Print Service's attribute set. The PrinterStateReasons attribute contains zero, one, or more than one PrinterStateReason objects which pertain to the Print Service's status, and each PrinterStateReason object is associated with a Severity level of REPORT (least severe), WARNING, or ERROR (most severe). The printer adds a PrinterStateReason object to the Print Service's PrinterStateReasons attribute when the corresponding condition becomes true of the printer, and the printer removes the PrinterStateReason object again when the corresponding condition becomes false, regardless of whether the Print Service's overall PrinterState also changed.

Class PrinterStateReasons inherits its implementation from class java.util.HashMap. Each entry in the map consists of a PrinterStateReason object (key) mapping to a Severity object (value):

Unlike most printing attributes which are immutable once constructed, class PrinterStateReasons is designed to be mutable; you can add PrinterStateReason objects to an existing PrinterStateReasons object and remove them again. However, like class java.util.HashMap, class PrinterStateReasons is not multiple thread safe. If a PrinterStateReasons object will be used by multiple threads, be sure to synchronize its operations (e.g., using a synchronized map view obtained from class java.util.Collections).

IPP Compatibility: The string values returned by each individual PrinterStateReason object's and the associated Severity object's toString() methods, concatenated together with a hyphen ("-") in between, gives the IPP keyword value. The category name returned by getName() gives the IPP attribute name.

Author:Alan Kaminsky
/** * Class {@code PrinterStateReasons} is a printing attribute class, a set of * enumeration values, that provides additional information about the printer's * current state, i.e., information that augments the value of the printer's * {@link PrinterState PrinterState} attribute. * <p> * Instances of {@link PrinterStateReason PrinterStateReason} do not appear in a * Print Service's attribute set directly. Rather, a {@code PrinterStateReasons} * attribute appears in the Print Service's attribute set. The * {@code PrinterStateReasons} attribute contains zero, one, or more than one * {@link PrinterStateReason PrinterStateReason} objects which pertain to the * Print Service's status, and each * {@link PrinterStateReason PrinterStateReason} object is associated with a * {@link Severity Severity} level of {@code REPORT} (least severe), * {@code WARNING}, or {@code ERROR} (most severe). The printer adds a * {@link PrinterStateReason PrinterStateReason} object to the Print Service's * {@code PrinterStateReasons} attribute when the corresponding condition * becomes true of the printer, and the printer removes the * {@link PrinterStateReason PrinterStateReason} object again when the * corresponding condition becomes false, regardless of whether the Print * Service's overall {@link PrinterState PrinterState} also changed. * <p> * Class PrinterStateReasons inherits its implementation from class * {@link HashMap java.util.HashMap}. Each entry in the map consists of a * {@link PrinterStateReason PrinterStateReason} object (key) mapping to a * {@link Severity Severity} object (value): * <p> * Unlike most printing attributes which are immutable once constructed, class * {@code PrinterStateReasons} is designed to be mutable; you can add * {@link PrinterStateReason PrinterStateReason} objects to an existing * {@code PrinterStateReasons} object and remove them again. However, like class * {@link HashMap java.util.HashMap}, class {@code PrinterStateReasons} is not * multiple thread safe. If a {@code PrinterStateReasons} object will be used by * multiple threads, be sure to synchronize its operations (e.g., using a * synchronized map view obtained from class {@link java.util.Collections * java.util.Collections}). * <p> * <b>IPP Compatibility:</b> The string values returned by each individual * {@link PrinterStateReason PrinterStateReason} object's and the associated * {@link Severity Severity} object's {@code toString()} methods, concatenated * together with a hyphen ({@code "-"}) in between, gives the IPP keyword value. * The category name returned by {@code getName()} gives the IPP attribute name. * * @author Alan Kaminsky */
public final class PrinterStateReasons extends HashMap<PrinterStateReason,Severity> implements PrintServiceAttribute {
Use serialVersionUID from JDK 1.4 for interoperability.
/** * Use serialVersionUID from JDK 1.4 for interoperability. */
@Serial private static final long serialVersionUID = -3731791085163619457L;
Construct a new, empty printer state reasons attribute; the underlying hash map has the default initial capacity and load factor.
/** * Construct a new, empty printer state reasons attribute; the underlying * hash map has the default initial capacity and load factor. */
public PrinterStateReasons() { super(); }
Construct a new, empty printer state reasons attribute; the underlying hash map has the given initial capacity and the default load factor.
  • initialCapacity – initial capacity
/** * Construct a new, empty printer state reasons attribute; the underlying * hash map has the given initial capacity and the default load factor. * * @param initialCapacity initial capacity * @throws IllegalArgumentException if the initial capacity is negative */
public PrinterStateReasons(int initialCapacity) { super (initialCapacity); }
Construct a new, empty printer state reasons attribute; the underlying hash map has the given initial capacity and load factor.
  • initialCapacity – initial capacity
  • loadFactor – load factor
/** * Construct a new, empty printer state reasons attribute; the underlying * hash map has the given initial capacity and load factor. * * @param initialCapacity initial capacity * @param loadFactor load factor * @throws IllegalArgumentException if the initial capacity is negative */
public PrinterStateReasons(int initialCapacity, float loadFactor) { super (initialCapacity, loadFactor); }
Construct a new printer state reasons attribute that contains the same PrinterStateReason-to- Severity mappings as the given map. The underlying hash map's initial capacity and load factor are as specified in the superclass constructor HashMap(Map).
  • map – map to copy
/** * Construct a new printer state reasons attribute that contains the same * {@link PrinterStateReason PrinterStateReason}-to-{@link Severity * Severity} mappings as the given map. The underlying hash map's initial * capacity and load factor are as specified in the superclass constructor * {@link HashMap#HashMap(Map) HashMap(Map)}. * * @param map map to copy * @throws NullPointerException if {@code map} is {@code null} or if any key * or value in {@code map} is {@code null} * @throws ClassCastException if any key in {@code map} is not an instance * of class {@link PrinterStateReason PrinterStateReason} or if any * value in {@code map} is not an instance of class * {@link Severity Severity} */
public PrinterStateReasons(Map<PrinterStateReason,Severity> map) { this(); for (Map.Entry<PrinterStateReason,Severity> e : map.entrySet()) put(e.getKey(), e.getValue()); }
Adds the given printer state reason to this printer state reasons attribute, associating it with the given severity level. If this printer state reasons attribute previously contained a mapping for the given printer state reason, the old value is replaced.
  • reason – printer state reason. This must be an instance of class PrinterStateReason
  • severity – severity of the printer state reason. This must be an instance of class Severity
Returns:previous severity associated with the given printer state reason, or null if the given printer state reason was not present
/** * Adds the given printer state reason to this printer state reasons * attribute, associating it with the given severity level. If this printer * state reasons attribute previously contained a mapping for the given * printer state reason, the old value is replaced. * * @param reason printer state reason. This must be an instance of class * {@link PrinterStateReason PrinterStateReason} * @param severity severity of the printer state reason. This must be an * instance of class {@link Severity Severity} * @return previous severity associated with the given printer state reason, * or {@code null} if the given printer state reason was not * present * @throws NullPointerException if {@code reason} is {@code null} or * {@code severity} is {@code null} * @throws ClassCastException if {@code reason} is not an instance of class * {@link PrinterStateReason PrinterStateReason} or if * {@code severity} is not an instance of class * {@link Severity Severity} * @since 1.5 */
public Severity put(PrinterStateReason reason, Severity severity) { if (reason == null) { throw new NullPointerException("reason is null"); } if (severity == null) { throw new NullPointerException("severity is null"); } return super.put(reason, severity); }
Get the printing attribute class which is to be used as the "category" for this printing attribute value.

For class PrinterStateReasons, the category is class PrinterStateReasons itself.

Returns:printing attribute class (category), an instance of class java.lang.Class
/** * Get the printing attribute class which is to be used as the "category" * for this printing attribute value. * <p> * For class {@code PrinterStateReasons}, the category is class * {@code PrinterStateReasons} itself. * * @return printing attribute class (category), an instance of class * {@link Class java.lang.Class} */
public final Class<? extends Attribute> getCategory() { return PrinterStateReasons.class; }
Get the name of the category of which this attribute value is an instance.

For class PrinterStateReasons, the category name is "printer-state-reasons".

Returns:attribute category name
/** * Get the name of the category of which this attribute value is an * instance. * <p> * For class {@code PrinterStateReasons}, the category name is * {@code "printer-state-reasons"}. * * @return attribute category name */
public final String getName() { return "printer-state-reasons"; }
Obtain an unmodifiable set view of the individual printer state reason attributes at the given severity level in this PrinterStateReasons attribute. Each element in the set view is a PrinterStateReason object. The only elements in the set view are the PrinterStateReason objects that map to the given severity value. The set view is backed by this PrinterStateReasons attribute, so changes to this PrinterStateReasons attribute are reflected in the set view. The set view does not support element insertion or removal. The set view's iterator does not support element removal.
  • severity – severity level
Returns:set view of the individual PrinterStateReason attributes at the given Severity level
/** * Obtain an unmodifiable set view of the individual printer state reason * attributes at the given severity level in this * {@code PrinterStateReasons} attribute. Each element in the set view is a * {@link PrinterStateReason PrinterStateReason} object. The only elements * in the set view are the {@link PrinterStateReason PrinterStateReason} * objects that map to the given severity value. The set view is backed by * this {@code PrinterStateReasons} attribute, so changes to this * {@code PrinterStateReasons} attribute are reflected in the set view. The * set view does not support element insertion or removal. The set view's * iterator does not support element removal. * * @param severity severity level * @return set view of the individual * {@link PrinterStateReason PrinterStateReason} attributes at the * given {@link Severity Severity} level * @throws NullPointerException if {@code severity} is {@code null} */
public Set<PrinterStateReason> printerStateReasonSet(Severity severity) { if (severity == null) { throw new NullPointerException("severity is null"); } return new PrinterStateReasonSet (severity, entrySet()); } private class PrinterStateReasonSet extends AbstractSet<PrinterStateReason> { private Severity mySeverity; private Set<Map.Entry<PrinterStateReason, Severity>> myEntrySet; public PrinterStateReasonSet(Severity severity, Set<Map.Entry<PrinterStateReason, Severity>> entrySet) { mySeverity = severity; myEntrySet = entrySet; } public int size() { int result = 0; Iterator<PrinterStateReason> iter = iterator(); while (iter.hasNext()) { iter.next(); ++ result; } return result; } public Iterator<PrinterStateReason> iterator() { return new PrinterStateReasonSetIterator(mySeverity, myEntrySet.iterator()); } } private class PrinterStateReasonSetIterator implements Iterator<PrinterStateReason> { private Severity mySeverity; private Iterator<Map.Entry<PrinterStateReason, Severity>> myIterator; private Map.Entry<PrinterStateReason, Severity> myEntry; public PrinterStateReasonSetIterator(Severity severity, Iterator<Map.Entry<PrinterStateReason, Severity>> iterator) { mySeverity = severity; myIterator = iterator; goToNext(); } private void goToNext() { myEntry = null; while (myEntry == null && myIterator.hasNext()) { myEntry = myIterator.next(); if (myEntry.getValue() != mySeverity) { myEntry = null; } } } public boolean hasNext() { return myEntry != null; } public PrinterStateReason next() { if (myEntry == null) { throw new NoSuchElementException(); } PrinterStateReason result = myEntry.getKey(); goToNext(); return result; } public void remove() { throw new UnsupportedOperationException(); } } }