 * Copyright (c) 2018, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
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 * under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as
 * published by the Free Software Foundation.  Oracle designates this
 * particular file as subject to the "Classpath" exception as provided
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 * version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that
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package sun.security.ssl;

import java.security.PrivateKey;
import java.security.PublicKey;
import java.security.cert.X509Certificate;
import java.security.interfaces.ECKey;
import java.security.interfaces.ECPublicKey;
import java.security.interfaces.XECKey;
import java.security.spec.AlgorithmParameterSpec;
import java.security.spec.ECParameterSpec;
import java.security.spec.NamedParameterSpec;
import java.util.AbstractMap.SimpleImmutableEntry;
import java.util.Map;
import javax.net.ssl.SSLEngine;
import javax.net.ssl.SSLSocket;
import javax.net.ssl.X509ExtendedKeyManager;
import sun.security.ssl.SupportedGroupsExtension.SupportedGroups;

enum X509Authentication implements SSLAuthentication {
    // Require rsaEncryption public key
    RSA         ("RSA",         new X509PossessionGenerator(
                                    new String[]{"RSA"})),

    // Require RSASSA-PSS public key
    RSASSA_PSS  ("RSASSA-PSS",  new X509PossessionGenerator(
                                    new String[] {"RSASSA-PSS"})),

    // Require rsaEncryption or RSASSA-PSS public key
    // Note that this is a specifical scheme for TLS 1.2. (EC)DHE_RSA cipher
    // suites of TLS 1.2 can use either rsaEncryption or RSASSA-PSS public
    // key for authentication and handshake.
    RSA_OR_PSS  ("RSA_OR_PSS",  new X509PossessionGenerator(
                                    new String[] {"RSA", "RSASSA-PSS"})),

    // Require DSA public key
    DSA         ("DSA",         new X509PossessionGenerator(
                                    new String[] {"DSA"})),

    // Require EC public key
    EC          ("EC",          new X509PossessionGenerator(
                                    new String[] {"EC"})),
    // Edwards-Curve key
    EDDSA       ("EdDSA",       new X509PossessionGenerator(
                                    new String[] {"EdDSA"}));

    final String keyType;
    final SSLPossessionGenerator possessionGenerator;

    private X509Authentication(String keyType,
            SSLPossessionGenerator possessionGenerator) {
        this.keyType = keyType;
        this.possessionGenerator = possessionGenerator;

    static X509Authentication valueOf(SignatureScheme signatureScheme) {
        for (X509Authentication au : X509Authentication.values()) {
            if (au.keyType.equals(signatureScheme.keyAlgorithm)) {
                return au;

        return null;

    public SSLPossession createPossession(HandshakeContext handshakeContext) {
        return possessionGenerator.createPossession(handshakeContext);

    public SSLHandshake[] getRelatedHandshakers(
            HandshakeContext handshakeContext) {
        if (!handshakeContext.negotiatedProtocol.useTLS13PlusSpec()) {
            return new SSLHandshake[] {
        }   // Otherwise, TLS 1.3 does not use this method.

        return new SSLHandshake[0];

    @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "rawtypes"})
    public Map.Entry<Byte, HandshakeProducer>[] getHandshakeProducers(
            HandshakeContext handshakeContext) {
        if (!handshakeContext.negotiatedProtocol.useTLS13PlusSpec()) {
            return (Map.Entry<Byte, HandshakeProducer>[])(new Map.Entry[] {
                    new SimpleImmutableEntry<Byte, HandshakeProducer>(
        }   // Otherwise, TLS 1.3 does not use this method.

        return (Map.Entry<Byte, HandshakeProducer>[])(new Map.Entry[0]);

    static final class X509Possession implements SSLPossession {
        // Proof of possession of the private key corresponding to the public
        // key for which a certificate is being provided for authentication.
        final X509Certificate[]   popCerts;
        final PrivateKey          popPrivateKey;

        X509Possession(PrivateKey popPrivateKey,
                X509Certificate[] popCerts) {
            this.popCerts = popCerts;
            this.popPrivateKey = popPrivateKey;

        ECParameterSpec getECParameterSpec() {
            if (popPrivateKey == null ||
                    !"EC".equals(popPrivateKey.getAlgorithm())) {
                return null;

            if (popPrivateKey instanceof ECKey) {
                return ((ECKey)popPrivateKey).getParams();
            } else if (popCerts != null && popCerts.length != 0) {
                // The private key not extractable, get the parameters from
                // the X.509 certificate.
                PublicKey publicKey = popCerts[0].getPublicKey();
                if (publicKey instanceof ECKey) {
                    return ((ECKey)publicKey).getParams();

            return null;

        // Similar to above, but for XEC.
        NamedParameterSpec getXECParameterSpec() {
            if (popPrivateKey == null ||
                    !"XEC".equals(popPrivateKey.getAlgorithm())) {
                return null;

            if (popPrivateKey instanceof XECKey) {
                AlgorithmParameterSpec params =
                if (params instanceof NamedParameterSpec){
                    return (NamedParameterSpec)params;
            } else if (popCerts != null && popCerts.length != 0) {
                // The private key not extractable, get the parameters from
                // the X.509 certificate.
                PublicKey publicKey = popCerts[0].getPublicKey();
                if (publicKey instanceof XECKey) {
                    AlgorithmParameterSpec params =
                    if (params instanceof NamedParameterSpec){
                        return (NamedParameterSpec)params;

            return null;

    static final class X509Credentials implements SSLCredentials {
        final X509Certificate[]   popCerts;
        final PublicKey           popPublicKey;

        X509Credentials(PublicKey popPublicKey, X509Certificate[] popCerts) {
            this.popCerts = popCerts;
            this.popPublicKey = popPublicKey;

    private static final
            class X509PossessionGenerator implements SSLPossessionGenerator {
        private final String[] keyTypes;

        private X509PossessionGenerator(String[] keyTypes) {
            this.keyTypes = keyTypes;

        public SSLPossession createPossession(HandshakeContext context) {
            if (context.sslConfig.isClientMode) {
                for (String keyType : keyTypes) {
                    SSLPossession poss = createClientPossession(
                            (ClientHandshakeContext)context, keyType);
                    if (poss != null) {
                        return poss;
            } else {
                for (String keyType : keyTypes) {
                    SSLPossession poss = createServerPossession(
                            (ServerHandshakeContext)context, keyType);
                    if (poss != null) {
                        return poss;

            return null;

        // Used by TLS 1.2 and TLS 1.3.
        private SSLPossession createClientPossession(
                ClientHandshakeContext chc, String keyType) {
            X509ExtendedKeyManager km = chc.sslContext.getX509KeyManager();
            String clientAlias = null;
            if (chc.conContext.transport instanceof SSLSocketImpl) {
                clientAlias = km.chooseClientAlias(
                        new String[] { keyType },
                        chc.peerSupportedAuthorities == null ? null :
            } else if (chc.conContext.transport instanceof SSLEngineImpl) {
                clientAlias = km.chooseEngineClientAlias(
                        new String[] { keyType },
                        chc.peerSupportedAuthorities == null ? null :

            if (clientAlias == null) {
                if (SSLLogger.isOn && SSLLogger.isOn("ssl")) {
                    SSLLogger.finest("No X.509 cert selected for " + keyType);
                return null;

            PrivateKey clientPrivateKey = km.getPrivateKey(clientAlias);
            if (clientPrivateKey == null) {
                if (SSLLogger.isOn && SSLLogger.isOn("ssl")) {
                            clientAlias + " is not a private key entry");
                return null;

            X509Certificate[] clientCerts = km.getCertificateChain(clientAlias);
            if ((clientCerts == null) || (clientCerts.length == 0)) {
                if (SSLLogger.isOn && SSLLogger.isOn("ssl")) {
                    SSLLogger.finest(clientAlias +
                        " is a private key entry with no cert chain stored");
                return null;

            PublicKey clientPublicKey = clientCerts[0].getPublicKey();
            if ((!clientPrivateKey.getAlgorithm().equals(keyType))
                    || (!clientPublicKey.getAlgorithm().equals(keyType))) {
                if (SSLLogger.isOn && SSLLogger.isOn("ssl")) {
                            clientAlias + " private or public key is not of " +
                            keyType + " algorithm");
                return null;

            return new X509Possession(clientPrivateKey, clientCerts);

        private SSLPossession createServerPossession(
                ServerHandshakeContext shc, String keyType) {
            X509ExtendedKeyManager km = shc.sslContext.getX509KeyManager();
            String serverAlias = null;
            if (shc.conContext.transport instanceof SSLSocketImpl) {
                serverAlias = km.chooseServerAlias(keyType,
                        shc.peerSupportedAuthorities == null ? null :
            } else if (shc.conContext.transport instanceof SSLEngineImpl) {
                serverAlias = km.chooseEngineServerAlias(keyType,
                        shc.peerSupportedAuthorities == null ? null :

            if (serverAlias == null) {
                if (SSLLogger.isOn && SSLLogger.isOn("ssl")) {
                    SSLLogger.finest("No X.509 cert selected for " + keyType);
                return null;

            PrivateKey serverPrivateKey = km.getPrivateKey(serverAlias);
            if (serverPrivateKey == null) {
                if (SSLLogger.isOn && SSLLogger.isOn("ssl")) {
                            serverAlias + " is not a private key entry");
                return null;

            X509Certificate[] serverCerts = km.getCertificateChain(serverAlias);
            if ((serverCerts == null) || (serverCerts.length == 0)) {
                if (SSLLogger.isOn && SSLLogger.isOn("ssl")) {
                            serverAlias + " is not a certificate entry");
                return null;

            PublicKey serverPublicKey = serverCerts[0].getPublicKey();
            if ((!serverPrivateKey.getAlgorithm().equals(keyType))
                    || (!serverPublicKey.getAlgorithm().equals(keyType))) {
                if (SSLLogger.isOn && SSLLogger.isOn("ssl")) {
                            serverAlias + " private or public key is not of " +
                            keyType + " algorithm");
                return null;

            // For TLS 1.2 and prior versions, the public key of a EC cert
            // MUST use a curve and point format supported by the client.
            // But for TLS 1.3, signature algorithms are negotiated
            // independently via the "signature_algorithms" extension.
            if (!shc.negotiatedProtocol.useTLS13PlusSpec() &&
                    keyType.equals("EC")) {
                if (!(serverPublicKey instanceof ECPublicKey)) {
                    if (SSLLogger.isOn && SSLLogger.isOn("ssl")) {
                        SSLLogger.warning(serverAlias +
                            " public key is not an instance of ECPublicKey");
                    return null;

                // For ECC certs, check whether we support the EC domain
                // parameters.  If the client sent a supported_groups
                // ClientHello extension, check against that too for
                // TLS 1.2 and prior versions.
                ECParameterSpec params =
                NamedGroup namedGroup = NamedGroup.valueOf(params);
                if ((namedGroup == null) ||
                        (!SupportedGroups.isSupported(namedGroup)) ||
                        ((shc.clientRequestedNamedGroups != null) &&
                        !shc.clientRequestedNamedGroups.contains(namedGroup))) {

                    if (SSLLogger.isOn && SSLLogger.isOn("ssl")) {
                            "Unsupported named group (" + namedGroup +
                            ") used in the " + serverAlias + " certificate");

                    return null;

            return new X509Possession(serverPrivateKey, serverCerts);