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package sun.security.ssl;

import java.io.EOFException;
import java.io.InterruptedIOException;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.io.InputStream;
import java.io.OutputStream;
import java.nio.ByteBuffer;
import java.security.GeneralSecurityException;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import javax.crypto.BadPaddingException;
import javax.net.ssl.SSLException;
import javax.net.ssl.SSLHandshakeException;
import javax.net.ssl.SSLProtocolException;

import sun.security.ssl.SSLCipher.SSLReadCipher;

InputRecord implementation for SSLSocket.
Author:David Brownell
/** * {@code InputRecord} implementation for {@code SSLSocket}. * * @author David Brownell */
final class SSLSocketInputRecord extends InputRecord implements SSLRecord { private InputStream is = null; private OutputStream os = null; private final byte[] header = new byte[headerSize]; private int headerOff = 0; // Cache for incomplete record body. private ByteBuffer recordBody = ByteBuffer.allocate(1024); private boolean formatVerified = false; // SSLv2 ruled out? // Cache for incomplete handshake messages. private ByteBuffer handshakeBuffer = null; SSLSocketInputRecord(HandshakeHash handshakeHash) { super(handshakeHash, SSLReadCipher.nullTlsReadCipher()); } @Override int bytesInCompletePacket() throws IOException { // read header try { readHeader(); } catch (EOFException eofe) { // The caller will handle EOF. return -1; } byte byteZero = header[0]; int len; /* * If we have already verified previous packets, we can * ignore the verifications steps, and jump right to the * determination. Otherwise, try one last heuristic to * see if it's SSL/TLS. */ if (formatVerified || (byteZero == ContentType.HANDSHAKE.id) || (byteZero == ContentType.ALERT.id)) { /* * Last sanity check that it's not a wild record */ if (!ProtocolVersion.isNegotiable( header[1], header[2], false, false)) { throw new SSLException("Unrecognized record version " + ProtocolVersion.nameOf(header[1], header[2]) + " , plaintext connection?"); } /* * Reasonably sure this is a V3, disable further checks. * We can't do the same in the v2 check below, because * read still needs to parse/handle the v2 clientHello. */ formatVerified = true; /* * One of the SSLv3/TLS message types. */ len = ((header[3] & 0xFF) << 8) + (header[4] & 0xFF) + headerSize; } else { /* * Must be SSLv2 or something unknown. * Check if it's short (2 bytes) or * long (3) header. * * Internals can warn about unsupported SSLv2 */ boolean isShort = ((byteZero & 0x80) != 0); if (isShort && ((header[2] == 1) || (header[2] == 4))) { if (!ProtocolVersion.isNegotiable( header[3], header[4], false, false)) { throw new SSLException("Unrecognized record version " + ProtocolVersion.nameOf(header[3], header[4]) + " , plaintext connection?"); } /* * Client or Server Hello */ // // Short header is using here. We reverse the code here // in case it is used in the future. // // int mask = (isShort ? 0x7F : 0x3F); // len = ((byteZero & mask) << 8) + // (header[1] & 0xFF) + (isShort ? 2 : 3); // len = ((byteZero & 0x7F) << 8) + (header[1] & 0xFF) + 2; } else { // Gobblygook! throw new SSLException( "Unrecognized SSL message, plaintext connection?"); } } return len; } // Note that the input arguments are not used actually. @Override Plaintext[] decode(ByteBuffer[] srcs, int srcsOffset, int srcsLength) throws IOException, BadPaddingException { if (isClosed) { return null; } // read header readHeader(); Plaintext[] plaintext = null; boolean cleanInBuffer = true; try { if (!formatVerified) { formatVerified = true; /* * The first record must either be a handshake record or an * alert message. If it's not, it is either invalid or an * SSLv2 message. */ if ((header[0] != ContentType.HANDSHAKE.id) && (header[0] != ContentType.ALERT.id)) { plaintext = handleUnknownRecord(); } } // The record header should has consumed. if (plaintext == null) { plaintext = decodeInputRecord(); } } catch(InterruptedIOException e) { // do not clean header and recordBody in case of Socket Timeout cleanInBuffer = false; throw e; } finally { if (cleanInBuffer) { headerOff = 0; recordBody.clear(); } } return plaintext; } @Override void setReceiverStream(InputStream inputStream) { this.is = inputStream; } @Override void setDeliverStream(OutputStream outputStream) { this.os = outputStream; } private Plaintext[] decodeInputRecord() throws IOException, BadPaddingException { byte contentType = header[0]; // pos: 0 byte majorVersion = header[1]; // pos: 1 byte minorVersion = header[2]; // pos: 2 int contentLen = ((header[3] & 0xFF) << 8) + (header[4] & 0xFF); // pos: 3, 4 if (SSLLogger.isOn && SSLLogger.isOn("record")) { SSLLogger.fine( "READ: " + ProtocolVersion.nameOf(majorVersion, minorVersion) + " " + ContentType.nameOf(contentType) + ", length = " + contentLen); } // // Check for upper bound. // // Note: May check packetSize limit in the future. if (contentLen < 0 || contentLen > maxLargeRecordSize - headerSize) { throw new SSLProtocolException( "Bad input record size, TLSCiphertext.length = " + contentLen); } // // Read a complete record and store in the recordBody // recordBody is used to cache incoming record and restore in case of // read operation timedout // if (recordBody.position() == 0) { if (recordBody.capacity() < contentLen) { recordBody = ByteBuffer.allocate(contentLen); } recordBody.limit(contentLen); } else { contentLen = recordBody.remaining(); } readFully(contentLen); recordBody.flip(); if (SSLLogger.isOn && SSLLogger.isOn("record")) { SSLLogger.fine( "READ: " + ProtocolVersion.nameOf(majorVersion, minorVersion) + " " + ContentType.nameOf(contentType) + ", length = " + recordBody.remaining()); } // // Decrypt the fragment // ByteBuffer fragment; try { Plaintext plaintext = readCipher.decrypt(contentType, recordBody, null); fragment = plaintext.fragment; contentType = plaintext.contentType; } catch (BadPaddingException bpe) { throw bpe; } catch (GeneralSecurityException gse) { throw (SSLProtocolException)(new SSLProtocolException( "Unexpected exception")).initCause(gse); } if (contentType != ContentType.HANDSHAKE.id && handshakeBuffer != null && handshakeBuffer.hasRemaining()) { throw new SSLProtocolException( "Expecting a handshake fragment, but received " + ContentType.nameOf(contentType)); } // // parse handshake messages // if (contentType == ContentType.HANDSHAKE.id) { ByteBuffer handshakeFrag = fragment; if ((handshakeBuffer != null) && (handshakeBuffer.remaining() != 0)) { ByteBuffer bb = ByteBuffer.wrap(new byte[ handshakeBuffer.remaining() + fragment.remaining()]); bb.put(handshakeBuffer); bb.put(fragment); handshakeFrag = bb.rewind(); handshakeBuffer = null; } ArrayList<Plaintext> plaintexts = new ArrayList<>(5); while (handshakeFrag.hasRemaining()) { int remaining = handshakeFrag.remaining(); if (remaining < handshakeHeaderSize) { handshakeBuffer = ByteBuffer.wrap(new byte[remaining]); handshakeBuffer.put(handshakeFrag); handshakeBuffer.rewind(); break; } handshakeFrag.mark(); // Fail fast for unknown handshake message. byte handshakeType = handshakeFrag.get(); if (!SSLHandshake.isKnown(handshakeType)) { throw new SSLProtocolException( "Unknown handshake type size, Handshake.msg_type = " + (handshakeType & 0xFF)); } int handshakeBodyLen = Record.getInt24(handshakeFrag); if (handshakeBodyLen > SSLConfiguration.maxHandshakeMessageSize) { throw new SSLProtocolException( "The size of the handshake message (" + handshakeBodyLen + ") exceeds the maximum allowed size (" + SSLConfiguration.maxHandshakeMessageSize + ")"); } handshakeFrag.reset(); int handshakeMessageLen = handshakeHeaderSize + handshakeBodyLen; if (remaining < handshakeMessageLen) { handshakeBuffer = ByteBuffer.wrap(new byte[remaining]); handshakeBuffer.put(handshakeFrag); handshakeBuffer.rewind(); break; } if (remaining == handshakeMessageLen) { if (handshakeHash.isHashable(handshakeType)) { handshakeHash.receive(handshakeFrag); } plaintexts.add( new Plaintext(contentType, majorVersion, minorVersion, -1, -1L, handshakeFrag) ); break; } else { int fragPos = handshakeFrag.position(); int fragLim = handshakeFrag.limit(); int nextPos = fragPos + handshakeMessageLen; handshakeFrag.limit(nextPos); if (handshakeHash.isHashable(handshakeType)) { handshakeHash.receive(handshakeFrag); } plaintexts.add( new Plaintext(contentType, majorVersion, minorVersion, -1, -1L, handshakeFrag.slice()) ); handshakeFrag.position(nextPos); handshakeFrag.limit(fragLim); } } return plaintexts.toArray(new Plaintext[0]); } return new Plaintext[] { new Plaintext(contentType, majorVersion, minorVersion, -1, -1L, fragment) }; } private Plaintext[] handleUnknownRecord() throws IOException, BadPaddingException { byte firstByte = header[0]; byte thirdByte = header[2]; // Does it look like a Version 2 client hello (V2ClientHello)? if (((firstByte & 0x80) != 0) && (thirdByte == 1)) { /* * If SSLv2Hello is not enabled, throw an exception. */ if (helloVersion != ProtocolVersion.SSL20Hello) { throw new SSLHandshakeException("SSLv2Hello is not enabled"); } byte majorVersion = header[3]; byte minorVersion = header[4]; if ((majorVersion == ProtocolVersion.SSL20Hello.major) && (minorVersion == ProtocolVersion.SSL20Hello.minor)) { /* * Looks like a V2 client hello, but not one saying * "let's talk SSLv3". So we need to send an SSLv2 * error message, one that's treated as fatal by * clients (Otherwise we'll hang.) */ os.write(SSLRecord.v2NoCipher); // SSLv2Hello if (SSLLogger.isOn) { if (SSLLogger.isOn("record")) { SSLLogger.fine( "Requested to negotiate unsupported SSLv2!"); } if (SSLLogger.isOn("packet")) { SSLLogger.fine("Raw write", SSLRecord.v2NoCipher); } } throw new SSLException("Unsupported SSL v2.0 ClientHello"); } int msgLen = ((header[0] & 0x7F) << 8) | (header[1] & 0xFF); if (recordBody.position() == 0) { if (recordBody.capacity() < (headerSize + msgLen)) { recordBody = ByteBuffer.allocate(headerSize + msgLen); } recordBody.limit(headerSize + msgLen); recordBody.put(header, 0, headerSize); } else { msgLen = recordBody.remaining(); } msgLen -= 3; // had read 3 bytes of content as header readFully(msgLen); recordBody.flip(); /* * If we can map this into a V3 ClientHello, read and * hash the rest of the V2 handshake, turn it into a * V3 ClientHello message, and pass it up. */ recordBody.position(2); // exclude the header handshakeHash.receive(recordBody); recordBody.position(0); ByteBuffer converted = convertToClientHello(recordBody); if (SSLLogger.isOn && SSLLogger.isOn("packet")) { SSLLogger.fine( "[Converted] ClientHello", converted); } return new Plaintext[] { new Plaintext(ContentType.HANDSHAKE.id, majorVersion, minorVersion, -1, -1L, converted) }; } else { if (((firstByte & 0x80) != 0) && (thirdByte == 4)) { throw new SSLException("SSL V2.0 servers are not supported."); } throw new SSLException("Unsupported or unrecognized SSL message"); } } // Read the exact bytes of data, otherwise, throw IOException. private int readFully(int len) throws IOException { int end = len + recordBody.position(); int off = recordBody.position(); try { while (off < end) { off += read(is, recordBody.array(), off, end - off); } } finally { recordBody.position(off); } return len; } // Read SSE record header, otherwise, throw IOException. private int readHeader() throws IOException { while (headerOff < headerSize) { headerOff += read(is, header, headerOff, headerSize - headerOff); } return headerSize; } private static int read(InputStream is, byte[] buf, int off, int len) throws IOException { int readLen = is.read(buf, off, len); if (readLen < 0) { if (SSLLogger.isOn && SSLLogger.isOn("packet")) { SSLLogger.fine("Raw read: EOF"); } throw new EOFException("SSL peer shut down incorrectly"); } if (SSLLogger.isOn && SSLLogger.isOn("packet")) { ByteBuffer bb = ByteBuffer.wrap(buf, off, readLen); SSLLogger.fine("Raw read", bb); } return readLen; } // Try to use up the input stream without impact the performance too much. void deplete(boolean tryToRead) throws IOException { int remaining = is.available(); if (tryToRead && (remaining == 0)) { // try to wait and read one byte if no buffered input is.read(); } while ((remaining = is.available()) != 0) { is.skip(remaining); } } }