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package sun.security.ssl;

import java.io.IOException;
import java.nio.ByteBuffer;
import java.nio.charset.Charset;
import java.security.AccessController;
import java.security.PrivilegedAction;
import java.security.Security;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.LinkedList;
import java.util.List;
import javax.net.ssl.SSLEngine;
import javax.net.ssl.SSLProtocolException;
import javax.net.ssl.SSLSocket;
import sun.security.ssl.SSLExtension.ExtensionConsumer;
import sun.security.ssl.SSLExtension.SSLExtensionSpec;
import sun.security.ssl.SSLHandshake.HandshakeMessage;

Pack of the "application_layer_protocol_negotiation" extensions [RFC 7301].
/** * Pack of the "application_layer_protocol_negotiation" extensions [RFC 7301]. */
final class AlpnExtension { static final HandshakeProducer chNetworkProducer = new CHAlpnProducer(); static final ExtensionConsumer chOnLoadConsumer = new CHAlpnConsumer(); static final HandshakeAbsence chOnLoadAbsence = new CHAlpnAbsence(); static final HandshakeProducer shNetworkProducer = new SHAlpnProducer(); static final ExtensionConsumer shOnLoadConsumer = new SHAlpnConsumer(); static final HandshakeAbsence shOnLoadAbsence = new SHAlpnAbsence(); // Note: we reuse ServerHello operations for EncryptedExtensions for now. // Please be careful about any code or specification changes in the future. static final HandshakeProducer eeNetworkProducer = new SHAlpnProducer(); static final ExtensionConsumer eeOnLoadConsumer = new SHAlpnConsumer(); static final HandshakeAbsence eeOnLoadAbsence = new SHAlpnAbsence(); static final SSLStringizer alpnStringizer = new AlpnStringizer(); // Encoding Charset to convert between String and byte[] static final Charset alpnCharset; static { String alpnCharsetString = AccessController.doPrivileged( (PrivilegedAction<String>) () -> Security.getProperty("jdk.tls.alpnCharset")); if ((alpnCharsetString == null) || (alpnCharsetString.length() == 0)) { alpnCharsetString = "ISO_8859_1"; } alpnCharset = Charset.forName(alpnCharsetString); }
The "application_layer_protocol_negotiation" extension. See RFC 7301 for the specification of this extension.
/** * The "application_layer_protocol_negotiation" extension. * * See RFC 7301 for the specification of this extension. */
static final class AlpnSpec implements SSLExtensionSpec { final List<String> applicationProtocols; private AlpnSpec(String[] applicationProtocols) { this.applicationProtocols = List.of(applicationProtocols); } private AlpnSpec(HandshakeContext hc, ByteBuffer buffer) throws IOException { // ProtocolName protocol_name_list<2..2^16-1>, RFC 7301. if (buffer.remaining() < 2) { throw hc.conContext.fatal(Alert.DECODE_ERROR, new SSLProtocolException( "Invalid application_layer_protocol_negotiation: " + "insufficient data (length=" + buffer.remaining() + ")")); } int listLen = Record.getInt16(buffer); if (listLen < 2 || listLen != buffer.remaining()) { throw hc.conContext.fatal(Alert.DECODE_ERROR, new SSLProtocolException( "Invalid application_layer_protocol_negotiation: " + "incorrect list length (length=" + listLen + ")")); } List<String> protocolNames = new LinkedList<>(); while (buffer.hasRemaining()) { // opaque ProtocolName<1..2^8-1>, RFC 7301. byte[] bytes = Record.getBytes8(buffer); if (bytes.length == 0) { throw hc.conContext.fatal(Alert.DECODE_ERROR, new SSLProtocolException( "Invalid application_layer_protocol_negotiation " + "extension: empty application protocol name")); } String appProtocol = new String(bytes, alpnCharset); protocolNames.add(appProtocol); } this.applicationProtocols = Collections.unmodifiableList(protocolNames); } @Override public String toString() { return applicationProtocols.toString(); } } private static final class AlpnStringizer implements SSLStringizer { @Override public String toString(HandshakeContext hc, ByteBuffer buffer) { try { return (new AlpnSpec(hc, buffer)).toString(); } catch (IOException ioe) { // For debug logging only, so please swallow exceptions. return ioe.getMessage(); } } }
Network data producer of the extension in a ClientHello handshake message.
/** * Network data producer of the extension in a ClientHello * handshake message. */
private static final class CHAlpnProducer implements HandshakeProducer { static final int MAX_AP_LENGTH = 255; static final int MAX_AP_LIST_LENGTH = 65535; // Prevent instantiation of this class. private CHAlpnProducer() { // blank } @Override public byte[] produce(ConnectionContext context, HandshakeMessage message) throws IOException { // The producing happens in client side only. ClientHandshakeContext chc = (ClientHandshakeContext)context; // Is it a supported and enabled extension? if (!chc.sslConfig.isAvailable(SSLExtension.CH_ALPN)) { if (SSLLogger.isOn && SSLLogger.isOn("ssl,handshake")) { SSLLogger.info( "Ignore client unavailable extension: " + SSLExtension.CH_ALPN.name); } chc.applicationProtocol = ""; chc.conContext.applicationProtocol = ""; return null; } String[] laps = chc.sslConfig.applicationProtocols; if ((laps == null) || (laps.length == 0)) { if (SSLLogger.isOn && SSLLogger.isOn("ssl,handshake")) { SSLLogger.info( "No available application protocols"); } return null; } // Produce the extension: first find the overall length int listLength = 0; // ProtocolNameList length for (String ap : laps) { int length = ap.getBytes(alpnCharset).length; if (length == 0) { // log the configuration problem if (SSLLogger.isOn && SSLLogger.isOn("ssl,handshake")) { SSLLogger.severe( "Application protocol name cannot be empty"); } throw chc.conContext.fatal(Alert.ILLEGAL_PARAMETER, "Application protocol name cannot be empty"); } if (length <= MAX_AP_LENGTH) { // opaque ProtocolName<1..2^8-1>, RFC 7301. listLength += (length + 1); } else { // log the configuration problem if (SSLLogger.isOn && SSLLogger.isOn("ssl,handshake")) { SSLLogger.severe( "Application protocol name (" + ap + ") exceeds the size limit (" + MAX_AP_LENGTH + " bytes)"); } throw chc.conContext.fatal(Alert.ILLEGAL_PARAMETER, "Application protocol name (" + ap + ") exceeds the size limit (" + MAX_AP_LENGTH + " bytes)"); } if (listLength > MAX_AP_LIST_LENGTH) { // log the configuration problem if (SSLLogger.isOn && SSLLogger.isOn("ssl,handshake")) { SSLLogger.severe( "The configured application protocols (" + Arrays.toString(laps) + ") exceed the size limit (" + MAX_AP_LIST_LENGTH + " bytes)"); } throw chc.conContext.fatal(Alert.ILLEGAL_PARAMETER, "The configured application protocols (" + Arrays.toString(laps) + ") exceed the size limit (" + MAX_AP_LIST_LENGTH + " bytes)"); } } // ProtocolName protocol_name_list<2..2^16-1>, RFC 7301. byte[] extData = new byte[listLength + 2]; ByteBuffer m = ByteBuffer.wrap(extData); Record.putInt16(m, listLength); // opaque ProtocolName<1..2^8-1>; for (String ap : laps) { Record.putBytes8(m, ap.getBytes(alpnCharset)); } // Update the context. chc.handshakeExtensions.put(SSLExtension.CH_ALPN, new AlpnSpec(chc.sslConfig.applicationProtocols)); return extData; } }
Network data consumer of the extension in a ClientHello handshake message.
/** * Network data consumer of the extension in a ClientHello * handshake message. */
private static final class CHAlpnConsumer implements ExtensionConsumer { // Prevent instantiation of this class. private CHAlpnConsumer() { // blank } @Override public void consume(ConnectionContext context, HandshakeMessage message, ByteBuffer buffer) throws IOException { // The consuming happens in server side only. ServerHandshakeContext shc = (ServerHandshakeContext)context; // Is it a supported and enabled extension? if (!shc.sslConfig.isAvailable(SSLExtension.CH_ALPN)) { shc.applicationProtocol = ""; shc.conContext.applicationProtocol = ""; if (SSLLogger.isOn && SSLLogger.isOn("ssl,handshake")) { SSLLogger.info( "Ignore server unavailable extension: " + SSLExtension.CH_ALPN.name); } return; // ignore the extension } // Is the extension enabled? boolean noAPSelector; if (shc.conContext.transport instanceof SSLEngine) { noAPSelector = (shc.sslConfig.engineAPSelector == null); } else { noAPSelector = (shc.sslConfig.socketAPSelector == null); } boolean noAlpnProtocols = shc.sslConfig.applicationProtocols == null || shc.sslConfig.applicationProtocols.length == 0; if (noAPSelector && noAlpnProtocols) { shc.applicationProtocol = ""; shc.conContext.applicationProtocol = ""; if (SSLLogger.isOn && SSLLogger.isOn("ssl,handshake")) { SSLLogger.fine( "Ignore server unenabled extension: " + SSLExtension.CH_ALPN.name); } return; // ignore the extension } // Parse the extension. AlpnSpec spec = new AlpnSpec(shc, buffer); // Update the context. if (noAPSelector) { // noAlpnProtocols is false List<String> protocolNames = spec.applicationProtocols; boolean matched = false; // Use server application protocol preference order. for (String ap : shc.sslConfig.applicationProtocols) { if (protocolNames.contains(ap)) { shc.applicationProtocol = ap; shc.conContext.applicationProtocol = ap; matched = true; break; } } if (!matched) { throw shc.conContext.fatal(Alert.NO_APPLICATION_PROTOCOL, "No matching application layer protocol values"); } } // Otherwise, applicationProtocol will be set by the // application selector callback later. shc.handshakeExtensions.put(SSLExtension.CH_ALPN, spec); // No impact on session resumption. // // [RFC 7301] Unlike many other TLS extensions, this extension // does not establish properties of the session, only of the // connection. When session resumption or session tickets are // used, the previous contents of this extension are irrelevant, // and only the values in the new handshake messages are // considered. } }
The absence processing if the extension is not present in a ClientHello handshake message.
/** * The absence processing if the extension is not present in * a ClientHello handshake message. */
private static final class CHAlpnAbsence implements HandshakeAbsence { @Override public void absent(ConnectionContext context, HandshakeMessage message) throws IOException { // The producing happens in server side only. ServerHandshakeContext shc = (ServerHandshakeContext)context; // Please don't use the previous negotiated application protocol. shc.applicationProtocol = ""; shc.conContext.applicationProtocol = ""; } }
Network data producer of the extension in the ServerHello handshake message.
/** * Network data producer of the extension in the ServerHello * handshake message. */
private static final class SHAlpnProducer implements HandshakeProducer { // Prevent instantiation of this class. private SHAlpnProducer() { // blank } @Override public byte[] produce(ConnectionContext context, HandshakeMessage message) throws IOException { // The producing happens in client side only. ServerHandshakeContext shc = (ServerHandshakeContext)context; // In response to ALPN request only AlpnSpec requestedAlps = (AlpnSpec)shc.handshakeExtensions.get(SSLExtension.CH_ALPN); if (requestedAlps == null) { // Ignore, this extension was not requested and accepted. if (SSLLogger.isOn && SSLLogger.isOn("ssl,handshake")) { SSLLogger.fine( "Ignore unavailable extension: " + SSLExtension.SH_ALPN.name); } shc.applicationProtocol = ""; shc.conContext.applicationProtocol = ""; return null; } List<String> alps = requestedAlps.applicationProtocols; if (shc.conContext.transport instanceof SSLEngine) { if (shc.sslConfig.engineAPSelector != null) { SSLEngine engine = (SSLEngine)shc.conContext.transport; shc.applicationProtocol = shc.sslConfig.engineAPSelector.apply(engine, alps); if ((shc.applicationProtocol == null) || (!shc.applicationProtocol.isEmpty() && !alps.contains(shc.applicationProtocol))) { throw shc.conContext.fatal( Alert.NO_APPLICATION_PROTOCOL, "No matching application layer protocol values"); } } } else { if (shc.sslConfig.socketAPSelector != null) { SSLSocket socket = (SSLSocket)shc.conContext.transport; shc.applicationProtocol = shc.sslConfig.socketAPSelector.apply(socket, alps); if ((shc.applicationProtocol == null) || (!shc.applicationProtocol.isEmpty() && !alps.contains(shc.applicationProtocol))) { throw shc.conContext.fatal( Alert.NO_APPLICATION_PROTOCOL, "No matching application layer protocol values"); } } } if ((shc.applicationProtocol == null) || (shc.applicationProtocol.isEmpty())) { // Ignore, no negotiated application layer protocol. shc.applicationProtocol = ""; shc.conContext.applicationProtocol = ""; if (SSLLogger.isOn && SSLLogger.isOn("ssl,handshake")) { SSLLogger.warning( "Ignore, no negotiated application layer protocol"); } return null; } // opaque ProtocolName<1..2^8-1>, RFC 7301. byte[] bytes = shc.applicationProtocol.getBytes(alpnCharset); int listLen = bytes.length + 1; // 1: length byte // ProtocolName protocol_name_list<2..2^16-1>, RFC 7301. byte[] extData = new byte[listLen + 2]; // 2: list length ByteBuffer m = ByteBuffer.wrap(extData); Record.putInt16(m, listLen); Record.putBytes8(m, bytes); // Update the context. shc.conContext.applicationProtocol = shc.applicationProtocol; // Clean or register the extension // // No further use of the request and respond extension any more. shc.handshakeExtensions.remove(SSLExtension.CH_ALPN); return extData; } }
Network data consumer of the extension in the ServerHello handshake message.
/** * Network data consumer of the extension in the ServerHello * handshake message. */
private static final class SHAlpnConsumer implements ExtensionConsumer { // Prevent instantiation of this class. private SHAlpnConsumer() { // blank } @Override public void consume(ConnectionContext context, HandshakeMessage message, ByteBuffer buffer) throws IOException { // The producing happens in client side only. ClientHandshakeContext chc = (ClientHandshakeContext)context; // In response to ALPN request only AlpnSpec requestedAlps = (AlpnSpec)chc.handshakeExtensions.get(SSLExtension.CH_ALPN); if (requestedAlps == null || requestedAlps.applicationProtocols == null || requestedAlps.applicationProtocols.isEmpty()) { throw chc.conContext.fatal(Alert.UNEXPECTED_MESSAGE, "Unexpected " + SSLExtension.CH_ALPN.name + " extension"); } // Parse the extension. AlpnSpec spec = new AlpnSpec(chc, buffer); // Only one application protocol is allowed. if (spec.applicationProtocols.size() != 1) { throw chc.conContext.fatal(Alert.UNEXPECTED_MESSAGE, "Invalid " + SSLExtension.CH_ALPN.name + " extension: " + "Only one application protocol name " + "is allowed in ServerHello message"); } // The respond application protocol must be one of the requested. if (!requestedAlps.applicationProtocols.containsAll( spec.applicationProtocols)) { throw chc.conContext.fatal(Alert.UNEXPECTED_MESSAGE, "Invalid " + SSLExtension.CH_ALPN.name + " extension: " + "Only client specified application protocol " + "is allowed in ServerHello message"); } // Update the context. chc.applicationProtocol = spec.applicationProtocols.get(0); chc.conContext.applicationProtocol = chc.applicationProtocol; // Clean or register the extension // // No further use of the request and respond extension any more. chc.handshakeExtensions.remove(SSLExtension.CH_ALPN); } }
The absence processing if the extension is not present in the ServerHello handshake message.
/** * The absence processing if the extension is not present in * the ServerHello handshake message. */
private static final class SHAlpnAbsence implements HandshakeAbsence { @Override public void absent(ConnectionContext context, HandshakeMessage message) throws IOException { // The producing happens in client side only. ClientHandshakeContext chc = (ClientHandshakeContext)context; // Please don't use the previous negotiated application protocol. chc.applicationProtocol = ""; chc.conContext.applicationProtocol = ""; } } }